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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 60 KB, 789x469, jordan_peterson_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13124654 No.13124654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Jordan Peterson /fa/?

>> No.13124671


>> No.13124673


>> No.13124692

no lmao go back to /pol/

>> No.13124697

Yeah imo

>> No.13124704


>> No.13124706

yes very

>> No.13124709

not in any way

>> No.13124712

yes and so is the feller on the left

>> No.13124736

calling everything you don't like "postmodernism" is not effay.

>> No.13124739

very, also alpha

>> No.13124747

100% yes. He pulls off the "I've been wearing the same shit for 25 years" look very well. Only thing that would make him even better is if he was fit. Then he'd be a truly unstoppable alpha force.

>> No.13124998

>Subhuman mutt Cancuck
fuck off

>> No.13125011

trash-tier Kermit voice makes him a perma-beta male.
Also Jungian 'Psychoanalysis' is pseudoscience at best

>> No.13125019
File: 20 KB, 800x400, Canadian-professor-Jordan-Peterson-ignites-controversy-by-not-using-gender-neutral-pronouns-indialivetoday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to be a balding bearded blob. The hair transplant was a great idea, honestly.

>> No.13125038

looks like someone who's been in academia since the 1980s. He's taken plenty of good and plenty of bad from that era along with him.

On a related note what the fuck is the cult of personality surrounding him? I agree with the man on most issues and it's fuckin ridiculous. Ironic that such a proponent of liberal individualism has only managed to grow yet another crowd of herd mentality gimboids.

>> No.13125061
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20180123_111851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13125086

Jordan Peterson isn't necessarily interesting because he says something new or groundbreaking at all; he doesn't. He's gotten a following because he's been willing to speak out against the "opinion issues" on North American campuses, and from there he's recieved a platform he's used to speak directly to disenfranchised young men; a group of people who don't really get much attention or help at all. He was one of the first "real" people to pay attention outside of calling these groups bigots or failures or whatever it is JK Rowling calls them on twitter.

>> No.13125098

Jesus how horrifying

>> No.13125289

he should stick to psychology

>> No.13125305

the only people who follow guys like these are people who never got enough attention from their parents and never had a role model growing up.

>> No.13125459

What sort of role model did you have to turn out a libcuck?

>> No.13125470

Yes. He would do better to get his clothes fitted by a tailor but maybe the more relaxed fit suits his dadcore/professor style better.

>> No.13125476

sick of this politics shit on /fa/

>> No.13125477

>saying libcuck unironically

>> No.13125483



>> No.13125485

I wish politics would stop shitting up every board.

>> No.13125506
File: 210 KB, 1456x1016, 654365436537686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty /fa if you ask me

>> No.13125508

that's not fashionable at all

>> No.13125517
File: 275 KB, 1155x1508, 0bf81beecf87d106140880cf4e8ced30c9ba3b917e591851405541acdb2382ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Jordan Peterson say about incessant fixations on cuckoldry?

>> No.13125588

I don't know why you guys keep pointing that out. Is the claim that Jordan Peterson does not offer a valuable product because that's all he does?

Because I would put it to you that he has a gigantic following precisely because there are millions of young men like you're describing that value and benefit from that product.

>> No.13125614

Yeah but can't they just be better adjusted like the poster who is spending his Saturday alone on the fashion section of an anime messageboard?

>> No.13125752
File: 177 KB, 1325x1776, DkZQnBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13125767

No, but he doesn't dress poorly. To be /fa/ people need to be jealous of how good you look. Jordan has the potential to be /fa/.

>> No.13125811

dear god

>> No.13125831
File: 41 KB, 960x720, 1502341402613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that genetic abomination the right

>> No.13125845

He rose to prominence by refusing to call transgendered students by whatever pronouns, so you can imagine what kind of crowd he attracts.

He now speaks out against political correctness, cultural Marxism, and his bizarre definition of post-modernism.

>> No.13125911


thats all diet

>> No.13125915

>He rose to prominence by refusing to call transgendered students by whatever pronouns


>> No.13126088


>> No.13126092

Actually it's pretty /fa/ if you think about it. So yea Jordan Peterson is effay.

>> No.13126109

Jesus fuck. Whoever typed that up and posted that needs to kill himself.

>> No.13126209

He rose to prominence by being a top bloke m8

>> No.13126236

It is. Post your fit, hehe.

>> No.13126612

unironically yes

>> No.13126640

Thats not true at all. He always called his transgender students by their preferred pronouns, he just opposed it becoming law.

>> No.13126998

What a fucking broken person. Probably has a daughter he wants to fuck.

>> No.13127455
File: 8 KB, 300x180, 4909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course he is.

>> No.13127498

Everyone who hates daddy JP is a filthy post modernist with a dirty room!!!!

t. maga kekistani

>> No.13127507

The hair is definitely not diet. You can lose hair from malnutrition but it looks completely different from that. He had a classic case of male pattern baldness. It's probably on finasteride and definitely had a transplant.

>> No.13127804

he unJUSTed himself pretty well

>> No.13127821

he claims to have an auto immune disease, which caused psoriasis amongst other things. his hair grew back when he went full keto / paleo.

is this plausible or did he go full elon-musk?

>> No.13127823

he looks so much better now, just shows you how much 20lbs of extra blubber ruins your appearance

>> No.13127870
File: 1.53 MB, 1220x636, 1512342254194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Omg, like, Jordan Peterson is so based! Did you see him wreck those SJWs epicstyle? What do you mean, who invented marxism?"


Hair falls out in clumps usually starting at the crown and back of the head, that's just male pattern balding. Nothing wrong with it, it's natural, it's just clearly an excuse

>> No.13127943

What dragons have you slayed today /fa/, for me:
>Did laundry
>Did dishes
>Made bed (room already clean)
>Studied for law exam

>> No.13128022

a man who wears a fedora and complains about nice guys not getting girls is the opposite of /fa/

>> No.13128067

t. feller on the left

>> No.13128255

Not only that, look at any high res picture of him. The way the follicles are distributed along his hairline is clearly indicative of an FUE transplant.

>> No.13129965

>subhuman Anglo
nice try subhuman cuck

>> No.13130315
File: 264 KB, 672x465, 1489445313782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13130447

I can't start disliking Jordan Peterson because the people that shit on him are either mentally ill, clinically retarded or obnoxious in the case of /lit/, but I get why they would be sick of him.

OP pic is pretty /fa/ desu

>> No.13130456
File: 90 KB, 480x360, 1497902250883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about his huge hypocrisy and gatekeeping? The man literally went full *shut it down* mode when asked a very simple and reasonable question about the one book by his favourite author that he deliberately omits to mention in his great spiel about Solzhenitsyn >>>>13127870

>> No.13130471

worse fanbase than rick and morty

obvious hair plugs

>> No.13130529

Since when is being a retard effay

>> No.13130541

yes it is

>> No.13131992

[citation needed]

>> No.13132003

>feller on the left
el goblino

>> No.13132008

Well people hype up fucking mosley

>> No.13132009

He's a sophist so no

>> No.13132010
File: 665 KB, 1480x3999, www.pinterest.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ the most superficial and conformist board makes fun of a a proponent for individualism

why am i not surprised

>> No.13132033

An individualist whose narcissism mirrors that of a cult leader and has hardly read anything he "critiques"

>> No.13132097

He’s not wrong whatsoever.

>> No.13132102

>/pol/cucks worship a man so retarded he thinks that the message of Disney's Frozen is feminist propaganda.

>> No.13132106

What the fuck are you talking about? you just posted out of your ass. I've watched dozens of his videos and hes usually humble but confident. He isn't narcissistic.

>> No.13132107

So is this the famous /proudboys/ look?

>> No.13132144

Look up more of his shit. He's so self-assured/full of himself, and it's evident how he writes.

He thinks the sun shines out his own ass, and therefore everything he writes is true.

>> No.13132177

*sniff sniff*

smells like fuckin soy in here

>> No.13132178

That's because only listless betas glom onto Jordan.

>> No.13132183

He didn’t go full “shut it down” mode. Clearly he hadn’t read the book. To him, there’s just a man standing there making claims about what Solzhenitsyn wrote and how true it was, and Peterson is clearly very nervous about eventually slipping up and saying something very stupid. Answering questions about Jews on unverified grounds provided by a stranger in a public forum is a pretty great way to ensure you’ll say something stupid. That’s a hornet’s nest that he was smart to steer away from without properly thinking it all out