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File: 12 KB, 300x231, foot-odor-300x231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13117913 No.13117913 [Reply] [Original]

How do I prevent my feet from smelling like vinegar and stale urine the moment I take off my shoes?

Is it my shoes? The freezer trick doesn't work. What's causing my shoes to make my feet smell like this? A buildup of bacteria? Is it safe to spray Lysol into my shoes and put them in a bag for a while?

>> No.13117941

Wash your feet for once.
Try an antiseptic if the smell lingers, even something cheap like apple cider vinegar then wash them again.

If its your shoes, clean and disinfect them too. Get rid of any moisture.

>> No.13117943

Start wearing socks

>> No.13117951

Change your socks out everyday with a clean pair. Bin socks with holes.

>> No.13118012

You ever step in anything with your shoes? I wore a pair of D Rose 6's in a rainstorm once, got some shit ass water stuck in them, smell terrible ever since. They were pretty much falling off my feet anyway from overwear so I trashed 'em, but still.

>> No.13118120

i like to leave dryer sheets in my shoes overnight, leaves them smelling nice and fresh

>> No.13118191

Great fucking idea

>> No.13118197
File: 1.72 MB, 399x216, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wondering about this too. I wash my feet daily. Always wear a new pair of socks. I even bought anti sweat spray that I put on my feet. No matter what I do. Even if I buy brand new shoes. The minite I take them off my feet smell like death. It's so bad My wife makes me put my shoes in a different room. I've had athlete's when I was around 10 but have long gotten rid of that... I have no idea how to fix this. I'm a very clean person too btw.

>> No.13118310

Wash your feet, always wear clean socks and put some tea-bags in your shoes over night. Thread

>> No.13118319

>D Rose 6's
I have no idea what those are, but if you are unironically wearing basketball shoes (and derek rose's at that) you need to seriously reconsider what business you have on this board.

>> No.13118321

>shit ass water
You have to be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.13118461

Leather shoes you hype beast fag enabler

>> No.13118497
File: 218 KB, 1600x1140, air-jordan-1-retro-high-og-shattered-backboard-black-starfish-sail-012258_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you need to seriously reconsider what business you have on this board
suck my motherfucking dick

>> No.13118502

I have honestly never in my life experienced foot odor before, maybe its genetic?

>> No.13118516

Wool socks. No cheap synthetics. Wool socks take much longer before it starts to smell. I can safely wear the same pair of wool socks for two three days (dry them outside overnight, don't stuff them in the shoes) and they still don't smell like feet. On top of that wool maintains loft much better, they don't get flattened when wet, so comfy.

Also go to the pharmacy get some antifungal spray or powder. Ask the pharmacist.

>> No.13118519

Are you 12? If not, why would you be wearing those, lmao

>> No.13118521

There is definitely a chance it’s your shoes. A few years ago during finals week in college I didn’t change socks or shoes for about 8 days and I think I showered once in that time. I gave myself athletes foot and made the pair of shoes I was wearing absolutely disgusting. I just used some cream to get rid of the athletes foot. Luckily the shoes were just some polyester running shoes so I let them sit in very hot soapy water for a about a day and they were fixed and whatever fungus was living in them was gone. Try wearing wool socks for a day, and see if your feet smell less afterward. I know it’s ironic because wool keeps you warmer, but it has magical properties because it’s an animal fiber.

TLDR if you’ve truly been absolutely disgusting, it may actually be your shoes, but most likely it’s not

>> No.13118534

not even that anon, but please remove the stick from your ass and kill yourself with ur yuppie scum.

>> No.13118543 [DELETED] 

Are there people who don't change socks daily?

>> No.13118544

Are there people who don't change socks daily? Wtf

>> No.13118650


Honestly man you sound a little jellin', these kicks are pretty dope tbqh senpai


I usually wear my socks about 4-5 days in a row and I like to leave them crumpled up around my apartment. I only own five pairs of socks and do laundry maybe once every 3 months, so each pair gets 3-4 cycles of 4-5 days before being washed. Hope this helps!

>> No.13118669

What the fuck, I use a different pair everyday. If you reuse your sucks it gets gross and smelly.

>> No.13118671

Is this normal behavior? Is this really the standard of hygiene?

>> No.13118721

what the fuck anon thats gross as hell

>> No.13118731

Kek made me chuckle

>> No.13118736

Le troll

>> No.13118745


Kek truly top bait


>> No.13118810

Don't wear the same shoes for a prolonged period of time. If you work in an office, have some indoor office shoes you can switch to.

If that's not an option, alternate pairs every day so they get time to dry out completely between use. For shoes to become dry, they must be put in a well ventilated place. It doesn't matter if it's cold, but dry air has to circulate. A balcony is usually great but it depends on your climate.

>> No.13118824

Applying crystal deodorant after showering works for me

>> No.13118900

>my feet from smelling like vinegar and stale urine
actually vinegar can help
put it in your shoes, the smell will go away