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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 81 KB, 470x560, PS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13111373 No.13111373 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential Anti-Trump /fa/?

>> No.13111376

Thought I’d never see the day when Haitians and such are proud of being from “shitholes”


>> No.13111423
File: 12 KB, 333x500, 319LCEqZ2pL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13111518
File: 95 KB, 500x676, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13111567
File: 65 KB, 1330x1607, nintendo soyboy wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nintendo switch

>> No.13111585
File: 1.31 MB, 480x270, 1505908646289.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder it is always ok to punch a nazi

>> No.13111678

I have a Пyтин Хyйлo shirt that gets me compliments whenever I where it.

>> No.13111770
File: 235 KB, 2000x1333, ivana-trump-1-2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A graphic tee
With ivana
With the words
"Im with her"

>> No.13111992

this definitely doesnt further perpetuate the stereotype that niggers are violent apes

>> No.13112014

>go out in public promoting a political ideology that would end in the wholesale slaughter of their entire race and many others
>hurr how dare you respond to me with a fraction of the violence I'm promoting

And before your uneducated, confirmation biased, /pol/ browsing ass pulls out the numale berniecuck pics, I think the kids with hammer and sickle stuff need a good knocking too.

>> No.13112018

Political clothing is never /fa/

>> No.13112047

>tfw no one from a shithole country would ever where that

Why are liberals so fucking retarded. That’s a white person shirt only

>> No.13112068

So by wearing this, they admit they're from a shithole?
/pol/'s hypocrisy. A white dude claims jews are ruining his life and he's saving himself from genocide by fighting off their advances. A black dude is being threatened by radical whites who wish to hang him and he's uppity for fighting back.

>> No.13112080
File: 189 KB, 1000x1333, 83C6AE32-76AE-45A3-9AF0-58771AABC681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112106
File: 514 KB, 750x549, 623BFA59-E78C-4F73-BCFA-846699537FEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112129
File: 13 KB, 300x300, B0F5821A-5EF2-42A0-A04A-197499701D0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112131

You do realise this (((guy))) was false flagging?
>band on wrong arm
>hesitate before getting ko'd

>> No.13112137
File: 100 KB, 900x1200, 877BEE35-7AB0-46BE-9A42-E475F737F5A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112143
File: 15 KB, 210x230, C1998A50-BAE2-4741-93D1-175B2CAC5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13112160

Telling nuggers, sandpeople and kikes to fuck off and stop molesting white girls flooding my country with shitholers and low IQ rapists = genocide? Cool, I’m a proud #genocider

>> No.13112172

then wear the armband and take your licks, coward

>> No.13112369

Since this is a blue board I can't post pic of the cuck with his dick in a chastity that says "good night alt right" with caption "cucks unite" LOL this thread is pretty fuckint cringey OP. Go to tumblr or wear a pussy hat like a little bitch

>> No.13112440

Haha yeah good one, why don't you start massacuring them then

>> No.13112516

Wh*Te "people" are just funny these days

>> No.13112521

The white race will die in 50 years or less. Your race is weak and unable to move foward. its time we take over. Have a fun time knowing your granddaughter is gonna have chicano dicks and black dicks destroying her pink pussy.

>> No.13113133

so then you have no problem with people knockout gaming you in the street right

>> No.13113143

No one false flags getting their teeth knocked out.

>> No.13113146

nazi was riding the subway moving from train to train harrassing people who tweeted his location as he moved
subway rider saw tweets, caught him and delivered justice

>> No.13113149

this definitely doesn't further perpetuate the stereotype that nazis are weak beta cucks

>> No.13113153

can we keep this shit off fa please

>> No.13113194

Was that a tooth that bounced off the ground?

Shit warms my heart.

>> No.13113195

Step up faggot, come out wearing that arm band and you'll see right quick who gets genocided.

>> No.13113322
File: 171 KB, 750x785, 7ADC0DB9-102C-47A5-80C4-E8BAF39F1335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberals worst nightmare

>> No.13113339

Aww. They're just cuddling :-)

>> No.13113366


It is held to be common knowledge in many psychiatric circles that Narcissists have subconsciously deemed themselves unacceptable to others and that their conscious, self-perceived grandiosity is an intense and desperate overcompensation.
How this happens varies and is up for debate. Was the incel born with a sensitive temperament? Was he used by his parents, a measurement for their own self-worth?
It's anything but shocking that Narcissism develops as a way to cope wit self-hatred, but a Narcissist incel always makes his bed within a house built on stilts. No matter how many pillars are holding up that structure, no matter what he's made, the house itself can come crashing down in a moment's notice.
No matter that so many extensions and sources of Narcissistic feed such an individual has at the ready, there is always a chance of the personality collapsing. When this happens, there are three main outcomes.
The Narcissist either gets a strong reality check and attempts to develop new coping skills, the Narcissist re-builds his safety net of feed and continues his behavior, or the Narcissist stays collapsed and poisons everything he touches from the ground up.
Every Narcissist is damaging to associate with, but the third outcome is the one we have the most experience in dealing with here at /fa/.

>> No.13113424


>> No.13114019
File: 78 KB, 785x757, Pepe Trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so pleased that you are still butt-blasted over the election of President Donald J. Trump.

>> No.13114128

take this piece of shit pol thread out of this board you fucking spoiled commie cuckold.

>> No.13114163

It's not okay to violently attack someone just because they say or think things, or use words or symbols that you do not think are acceptable, no matter their race, religion, gender, sexual preference or opinions. Niggers will have to get used to democracy at some point.

>> No.13114172

Was he promoting violence?

>> No.13114314
File: 37 KB, 940x300, 72F42D0A-A114-4FB0-A262-435CF84D82D4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this dude hahaha
He’s written huge effort posts in at least 3 threads, pretty funny
Keep it up little guy! Maybe a girl will read your huge pretentious paragraphs and get down on her knees for you

>> No.13114326

>Maybe a girl will read your huge pretentious paragraphs and get down on her knees for you
Always comes back to that, huh? You're consistently backing up my claims, and I thank you for that.
The rage that drives you is about being excluded, confused, powerless. You make no actual points and an aura of social / sexual repression & despair surrounds your posts.

You look pretty bad. You should go.

>> No.13114329


It's that a gay pride shirt or something?

>> No.13114347

Um, yes. Wearing a swastika is promoting violence, you dumbass shitlord.

But promoting Marxism and Communism is perfectly fine.

>> No.13114356



>> No.13114374

>hurr durr punch a nat zee

why is /fa/ like this, politically? is it like a containment board for FB-level normies?

>> No.13114536

/fa/ has deteriorated over the years, and thus has let nigger enablers onto their board, which were, of course, followed by actual niggers. Do not be surprised that land you let turn into a swamp will eventually attract flies.

>> No.13114561

Because being a 'normie' is not akin to having your own political ideology and being able to think for yourself.

This board is a dedication to uniqueness, as the inherent goal of fashion. An ideology that says "think like me or you're a pansy" doesn't appeal to those that use this board this for reason.

Alt-right, racism and homophobia are for faggots with a complex anyway. And the last point i'll make is that most fashion icons are gays and minorities. Basically you're not welcome here, fuck off back to /pol/. This board has always been like this.