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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 665x800, 2E3CE978-834A-4325-ABEF-5E7CDAF6B67C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13110181 No.13110181 [Reply] [Original]

Alpha Industries
Common Projects
Doc Martens
Reigning Champ
Norse Projects
Wings + Horns

>> No.13110184

an mfa wet dream

>> No.13110185

apc in the trash it goes!

>> No.13110257

Wtf how is Alpha Industries soy? It's the closest thing to an true "alpha" brand I can think of that's posted here. Are military guys, veterans, etc "soy"?

>> No.13110286


Fuck off back to your own board neckbeard. Project your insecurities to people who give a fuck.

>> No.13110291

Add Redwings and N&F to the list

>> No.13110293

Go back to your containment board and take your shitty reddit memes with you, fucking /pol/fag

>> No.13110294

Is soyboy the meme of the day or is it always this spammy around here?

>> No.13110304
File: 237 KB, 700x700, 2C589072-8105-4541-AAD1-8617F3C6FFAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>puts alpha in the name in an attempt to fool little boys into purchasing trash
Reminds me of the scrawny fags that wear pic related

>> No.13110309
File: 111 KB, 720x960, 42343534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who unironically says "soyboy" or "soy"

>> No.13110664

found the high E soyboy

>> No.13110828

All fashion is Soy

>> No.13110850

Robert Geller

>> No.13110853

and EG

>> No.13111104


Did that guy wearing an M65, Norse beanie, wings flannel, petit new standards, and Achilles low smooch your oneitis right in front of you?

Either that or your poor is showing.

>> No.13111110

Any brand that is bought for the sake of being a brand product.
Chad just enters the store and buys the best looking stuff out of a sudden reaction of his über-fashion sense.
He never read a label in his entire lifetime.

>> No.13111137

Here we go, another one of those “I can’t afford it, so it must be shit” threads.
Hope you enjoy your shit tier Levis OP.

>> No.13111163

wrong meme buddy

>> No.13111175

>Are military guys, veterans, etc "soy"?
Are you retarded?
Who do you think this shit is marketed to but the fags without an ounce of testosterone in their bodies. Certainly not ex-mil types; why the fuck would they want pretend military uniforms?

Look at OP's image, it's a simple avatar but it illustrates a simple point:
>facial hair = traditionally rugged masculine imagery
>soyboys grow neckbeards in an attempt to evoke some kind of essence of masculinity because they lack it

>> No.13111177

there are already 3+ soy threads and 3+ nazi garbage threads

fuck off. this isn't /fa/ related.

>> No.13111680

Alpha industries has been around a long time, long before the "soyboy/numale/cuck" meme. They just make basic milsurp items that everyone wears: bombers, m65, etc it's really normie. I've know middle age hetero men and biker types who own their items, not little twinks (although I'm sure they do now)

>> No.13111824


How can this many people fall for bait so obvious it's not even summer

>> No.13111827

maison soygiela

>> No.13111871

I use the word soy when referring to the bean or products made from it, is that ok?

>> No.13111875

>saying "soy" unironically
Neck yourself

>> No.13111901

>every post contains soy or "t."

kill you'reyourself already nerd

>> No.13111908

dude, kys yourself you digital dummy

>> No.13111920

>kys yourself
>Kill yourself yourself

>> No.13112441

rick owens
raf simons

>> No.13112451
File: 53 KB, 403x448, b91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13112461

The soy shit it out of control. I actually asked my girlfriend to stop putting it on my food as I had a panic attack after my nipples looked a bit puffy.

>> No.13113138

>falling for the "summer" meme