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File: 124 KB, 768x1024, karrimor 40 pounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13108224 No.13108224 [Reply] [Original]

>Been working for 20 years

>Had redwings,Viberg,Loake,Sweeney top of the line boots for free from employer

>These boots usually are less durable, less comfortable and less value for money than cheap "poor quality" boots and shoes made with synthetic products

>Most of these guys buying Redwings or Viberg and creaming over the welting and leather are atomised lonely autists trying to find authentic meaning by buying shitty boots working class men used to buy at 300% markups and ruining it for all involved

>BRB my 40 pound karrimor boots lasted 2 years longer than my 500 pound custom vibergs I got for free from distributing house work sponsor

>BRB 60 pound chinese dr martens comfier than made in America red wing work boots

>> No.13108239

doc martens GOAT
boots lasted me a decade so far
lace-ups i can wear all day every day and never get sore

>> No.13108250

The hipsters ruined them, also they now hate chinese made docs and deem them unwearable and tout the made in england line as amazing for 200 pound a pair.

My chinese docs have lasted 9 years sole is only just about to die.

I bought them for 60 pounds at my local doc store. Went to get replacements a month ago, 120 pound in the store for chinese docs.

Hipsters should be raped then executed.

>> No.13108255

did they wear our your shoes when you weren't looking? that sucks, man!

>> No.13108268

That's like your opinion, man. This is no different to the sneaker shills in shoe-fedora threads and vice versa. Also there's aesthetic, and ethic questions related to products, values you probaböy don't understand or agree with, but whatever.

>> No.13108296

It is pure hipsterdom. They essentially are these upper middle class unauthentic Euromutt Americans with no roots, no maning and no real life struggles to give them meaning.

So rather than actualy develop themselves they do one of these:

1. Become beer snobs and go on about IPAs and triple bocks and how they find any macrobeer undrinkable, it is artificial nonsense.

2.Become boot snobs, learn about welts and lasts and leathers and essentially appropriate working class attire for themselves to give themselves the chic and logos of a blue collar style without ever having to wear the boots doing the actual job.

This results in the boot prices skyrocketing, the over rating of brands by faggots who don't get to review them in the field so to speak and a destruction of the original culture of the fashion.

Same can be said of the middle class sneaker cutlre that emerged from the casual scene.

3. They become beard and undercut faggots, they fethisize old fashion style, they also end up getting into vynl or vaping, this is the hallmark of the hipster decadent American faggot.

>> No.13108327

Yeah that's probably right, considering I have a short on the sides long on top haircut, red wings, and a vinyl collection. I like to think that I'm better than most since I've been in the military for the last 6 years and worked as a mechanic for the first 3, but I worry sometimes that I only wear the clothes I do and do the work I did so my dead grandpa would respect me and to get back at my effeminate father.
Makes you think....

>> No.13108328

Ok. This is some deeper psychological shit you are going through. You can make it, anon.

>> No.13108354
File: 43 KB, 458x610, hipster faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It actually probably is, I am always working away and when I come home my fucking town has been completely gentrified by these fucking upper middle class hipster faggots wearing overpriced boots, opening these faggoty beer shill shops and vaping with stretched out ears like fucking retards.

Two got stabbed last month which made me smile, one died and his mom came to lay a bunch of flowers down and got an egg to her face from angry locals.

In short I hope you all get seriously wounded or killed for buying shitty overpriced boots and thinking it is somehow authentic and you are this rugged mysterious throwback, when in actuality you are a white middle class faggot in inappropriate attire for your station and a disappointment to your parents.

Typically unique automatons

>> No.13108364

I can't tell if srious or nort.

>> No.13108372
File: 97 KB, 736x1056, hipster 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you look like this or want to you are a hipster and need castrating

>> No.13108381

I moved to a place with snow six months out of the year
Know how cumbersome it is to put on boots every day?
Bought pic related for 1/4 the price of my OSBs, they slip on, they are the best, I no longer give a shit about trying to create an aesthetic

>> No.13108384
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>> No.13108385

Me either bro.

>> No.13108394
File: 26 KB, 885x497, Jackson-Jackie-Brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite how fucking annoying they are, hipsters help save the (then dying) boot market, but at the cost of outrageous mark up and bizarre "period" footwear that never existed in the first place

Outsourcing was assured to happen regardless

>> No.13108400

I don't understand the 600 dollar oxblood mocs, or owning 10 different pairs of equally bizarre boots

>> No.13108416

There’s a lot more going on with you than a simple resentment for hipsters. You should talk to someone.

>> No.13108438

This has been going on since before you started paying attention
The leader of a dotcom startup talked about kombucha in an episode of Daria
I would honestly love to see a timeline of it lol

>> No.13108442

>a mom got egged by angry locals for putting down flowers for her deceased son

What. I need more context. Seems unnecessarily harsh for no reason

>> No.13108448

>Been working for 20 years
Why even care to post? you should have money saved if you're in your upper 30's, hope you have a plan for retirement. stress about that instead.

>> No.13108457

Put 6% of my income into roth 401k, employer contributes 3%
Put another 10% of my income into a brokerage account

I'm 28, still worried I'm doing it wrong tbqh

>> No.13108463

>I was into boots before it was cool.
They would just call you a hipster. The consuming masses (actual hipsters) destroy everything they touch. What was once focused on a small group expands its focus to profit off everyone else. That changes everything.

>> No.13108473

Like how The Hundreds and Mishka no longer care about staying true the streetwear scene because Zumiez and Pac Sun offered to buy their souls

>> No.13108496

Honestly, I am waiting till my kids finish school then I will likely kill myself anyway. Beats going another 40 years wanting to kill everyone around me.

>> No.13108505

Some middle class faggots got stabbed during a drug purchase. They were the hipsters part of the gentrification. Their rich parents rolled into town, who had bought property and turned it into a winebar after their son was killed and named it after him.

they layed a wreath down for their faggot son and made a spectacle and got egged and driven out of town.

Their shitty wine bar has since been wrecked a bunch of times.

>> No.13108507

How will they be able to live with themselves
My parents divorced suddenly after we all finished school and it ruined all of our lives

>> No.13108511
File: 42 KB, 600x472, 79B023C9-83D6-44E9-BF6D-9DC04696C0DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls spare me OP i just really like old stuff

>> No.13108525

Fuck them too, I worked my ass off so they could become middle class hipster faggots.

>> No.13108558

>grow up in some shithole town
>raise family there
>purchase property there
>kid stays there
>move and retire to somewhere the fuck else
>kid gets murdered
>come back for funeral
>some assholes egg you at your own sons funeral/memorial
>open up some stupid shop, naming it after your murdered son
>some assholes break into it constantly

Either this is some made up, or at least extremely exaggerated bullshit, or maybe these dead fucking hipsters aren't the assholes in this story.

>> No.13108582
File: 214 KB, 516x307, 1513553593330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking to a mentally unstable basement dweller who frequently wishes violence upon other people
>expecting a non-exaggerated story

>> No.13108594
File: 17 KB, 509x411, 4DuGJRe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the most autistic thread of the week?

>> No.13108747


>> No.13108765

get the fuck out of a fashion board if you don't like what people wear then you old ass cunt

>> No.13108777

Nah the one about girls wearing vans the other day was worse than this.

>> No.13108932

>i'm real and other people are fake


>> No.13109005


>> No.13109560

I wear my discontinued red wing 899s to my comfy office job. I have had them for a month and they don't have a scratch. They only cost me $150 they go on eBay for like $400 now so I should really flip them but they're too comfy.

OP everyone hates hipsters but saying nobody should wear quality boots because hipsters wear them is like saying people should stop wearing suits because politicians are assholes.

Just wear whatever you want and chill bro.

>> No.13110003

Now you know how baby boomers felt when "designer jeans" came out in the 70s.

>> No.13110273

I would say you are somewhat correct. All the "workwear/heritage" boots you named are ultra gay, and actually not as tough as a steelToe work boot you can buy at Walmart for $40. But I disagree with you on the cheap walmart boot being comortable, the pair I had were bult like rocks, but extremely uncomfortable and with basically zero attention to walking ergonomics. ie. why they are so cheap, you can make really strong sturdy "boots" for cheap, just make them out of steel.

But this is all irrelevant, from my experience, the high end, "Designer" boutique labels, make extremely comfortable boots, such as guidi, Moma, Fiorentini, these smaller Italian labels, make the best boots, out there. They might actually fuck your feet up for a week or so though, as the leather forms around your foot, but then they are the most comfortable amazing boots. Leather inner, leather outer, with wire framing etc, and reall well-designed foot ergonomics.

>> No.13110977

No it went like this:

>Rich yuppie hipster moves in with other rich hipsters

>Destroys the blue collar community that has been there for hundreds of years by raising prices all of a sudden, buying and changing the area and making it impossible for locals to live and survive there

>Faggot kid gets killed buying drugs, his rich yuppie family come and make a song and dance and buy an iconic establishment and turn it into a wine bar

> more yuppies arrive, more faggoty establishments go up

>mother comes to lay wreath for dead faggot kid, locals throw eggs at her tell her to fuck off and all the rich faggots like her son to fuck off

> 4 break ins and vandalism jobs later wine bar shuts down for good.

Only pro capitalism individualist shills think this shit is ok. Fuck them, we like our history and our heritage and our areas. Fuck off to multicultural metropolis if you want that, don't try and turn a mining town into your new spot you hippie kikes.

>> No.13111009

I was about to mock you for being the very atomised lonely autist you claim to despise, but there's really no point in kicking a man lying on the floor. So how about you have some empathy for those guys. It's not their fault they have been robbed of all purpose beyond spending money.

>> No.13111095

This just in: fashion community consists largely of posers!

>> No.13111129

>thinks buying chinkshit is some kind of revolutionary new discovery
Well done, post again when you've developed some principles

>> No.13111636

Here's what I get from your story.
>Rich people move in to """"rustic""""" areas and throw money there to make establishments
>Some rich kid dies
>Parents want to throw more money at town
>Disrespect the dead, disrespect the grief of the dead's family
They should raise a wall around your shitty no-name town and nuke it from orbit, that ought to do it.

>> No.13111727

Goddamn spot on description of me, except I work in a factory and really need the boots.

>> No.13111780
File: 4 KB, 250x250, saw lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13111853

>mining town
Where at in PA m8?

>> No.13111883

I wear wolverine boots because they look nice

>> No.13111891

And synthetic boots look like shit

I've never seen an actual construction worker with leather boots, but when you don't work construction they last pretty long desu

>> No.13112671

Most likely a northern bong Tbh

>> No.13112779

>live in seattle
>am a mild mannered accountant
>wear cuffed raw denim, red wings, pomade in my hair, and have a giant beard
>get starbucks every morning, drink craft brew every night
>have a leather shoulder bag
>pay people to work on my car and motorcycle because im too good to dirty my hands with it
>have never done physical labor or worked an honest day in my life

god its great to be alive. and i do it all because i know it pisses people like you off, op.