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/fa/ - Fashion

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13101826 No.13101826 [Reply] [Original]

Are your friends /fa/?
My friends dress autistically, have never given a thought about fashion, and think I'm "dressing up" when wearing a button up or wool pants. Is this normal, or are most of you on the same fashion level as your friends?

Pic related

>> No.13101839
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>> No.13101853

Nope. I'm a car enthusiast and so are my friends, and most of them don't give a second thought to what they wear. The ones who do don't really have an individual style, though, and don't style themselves well.

>> No.13102437

5'9 is not even a small height tho..

>> No.13102454

In real life yes, on 4chan it's midget tier

>> No.13102555

different social circles, different levels of /fa/

most of my old school friends don't give a single fuck, classic normiecore with badly fitting jeans and a tee. the circles i'm getting closer with now care a bit more in general with a few outliers that care more or less than the rest.

in the end, fashion is a hobby, wearing clothes is not.

you enjoy dressing yourself well, they enjoy gaming, mountainbiking or being 5"9. whatever.

it's not realistic to expect any group of friends that formed organically to ALL be into fashion, but that's aight because this way you'll stand out like a fashiongod amongst the plebs when you're out with them.

>> No.13102562

Most of my friends aren't fashionable at all and could care less about fashion and consistently ask me why I'm dressed up if I wear something really nice, some of them ask me for tips on what to wear sometimes but thats about it. People who aren't into fashion don't understand it or care for it is what I've learned.

>> No.13102593

It's below average in real life as well.

>> No.13102601

>could care less

>> No.13102606

Fashion =/= dressing well

>> No.13102618

It really depends where you live

>> No.13102649

They wear usually black and blue, I wear brown and grey, we match together kind of

>> No.13102692

you sound like a faggot

>> No.13103483


Fellow /o/tist here. It's funny how so many car guys obsess with their paint work yet they themselves look like shit.

>> No.13103495

only whites count buddy

>> No.13103577
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>> No.13103642
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i only have a few friends and each of them are very different

one of them is a nerd who gives little to no thought about fashion, he doesnt look terrible but he doesnt really try or experiment.

one of my other friends is a bit more fashionable, he regularly wears vintage hand made leather shoes that are very loud when he walks on a stone floor, button up shirts and chords, he looks pretty nice, idk if /fa/ but he has taste and he knows what he likes, his clothes suit his car too, a volvo amazon.
3rd freind is a flamboyant gay but not how you expect, he experiments alot in very interesting ways, he has an obsession with the 80s, hes an artist and hes a skater so all that influences him.
had a new years party at my house, it was pretty big and my sister was having alot f her cool friends over so i told the lads to dress up nice.
friend 1 came in his normal hoodie, videogames themed shirt loose jeans and British knights shoes.
gay friend came wearing desert camo dpm trousers, a snap back with pink spikes on it, his hair was dyed black and he was wearing black eye shadow and black nails.
old leather military boots, and a black jacket with a hood with lots of safety pins stabbed through one of the flaps, they symbolize something i dont rember what.

were an interesting bunch
pic unrel8

>> No.13103646

>not making their car and clothes all be part of a style

>> No.13103662
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o no that feel

>> No.13103774

>that allergic to peanuts tier jaw line

>> No.13104181

i very much enjoyed this post

>> No.13105703

what a qt
does she have insta?

>> No.13105855

Look like a bycicle seat

>> No.13106206


>> No.13106249

Then it's above average.

>> No.13106727

Nope. I remember trying out a bunch of stuff like cropped, wide pants, comfy-core stuff and always got flak for it.

Most delusional guy I ever met was some dude who wore oversized suits from Jc penny and thought he looked amazing. He would also wear square toed shoes and would criticize ppl on how they looked and said they should look more like him.

>> No.13106755


All you had to say was that you were a

>car enthusiast

The rest is redundant

>> No.13106793


My friends wear whatever the local H&M store puts on sale.
tl;dr - No they're not /fa/.

>> No.13106909

/fa/'s average height is 9'

>> No.13106980

All of my friends are sneaker heads. The only problem is is that they only care about the shoes and not the fit. They usually dress terrible but their shoes are nice.

>> No.13106999

can I still be cute at 5'6"?

>> No.13107006

that's the best you can hope for at 5'6" heheheheh

>> No.13107016

You look like young Dean Ween

>> No.13107030

Internet friends are mild /fa/. Irl friends dress normie.

>> No.13107859

>/fa/ on the right

>> No.13108426

One of my friends wears techwear stuff all the time, and one's a bit more experimental. No one else in the group really cares, but it's cool, we have other stuff to talk about.

It's been said but ty for this it's mad comfy

>> No.13108464

>Girls like rich guys born with good facial aesthetics

Why do we even pretend this is board relevant

>> No.13108488
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>went through all the acronym/c.e./nike/dumb techwear outfits i ever wanted

>not living in a city
>friends always buy clothes on sale
>job doesnt warrant goretex and panel tank tops
>spend most of the weekend inside

>ultimately sell everything on grailed (at one point had TWO of the same C.E. grailed pieces when there wasnt hype around it)
>wearing mostly uniqlo polos and muji jeans

i gave up. better to be a normie instead of the guy that everyone has to comment on what youre wearing

>> No.13108519

my friends are pretty /fa/ and I feel like some of them outdress me on multiple occasions despite us having the same style but I'm happy I'm hanging out with people on the same fashion lever (in general) as me.

>> No.13108684
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My buddies are a weird mixed bag of different styles, but they each pull them off surprisingly well

>One guy is a real car enthusiast, and usually dresses in 90s Japanese streetwear (white)
>Another dresses with a lot of older rockabilly and James Dean-tier stuff, and avoids looking like a costume
>Hipster guy of the group dresses like he just got back from a Death Cab concert, has a slight drinking problem
>Hispanic stoner guy wears short sleeve dress shirts with skinny ties, plus the occasional hawaiian shirt
>Larger guy of the group goes for the early 2000s baggy gangster look, and acts like a roided up Eminem

Whenever we all meet up, it's like a sitcom or something

>> No.13109103

those square toe dress shoes are like a cursed item for assholes or something

>> No.13109146

How do you meet people who dress /fa/? The most fashionable people I see on my campus just wear streetwear, and that's not my bag.

>> No.13109952

only one of them really, the others just look like normal people I guess
don't really care too much because we're friends based on personality not what rags you drape yourself in

>> No.13109975

they care about how they dress but they dress like straight out of h&m

>> No.13110792

Depends on the country, in the United States I guess most guys are 6'2 or above, in my country, 5'9+ is tall.

>> No.13111008

>the United States I guess most guys are 6'2 or above
kek no

>> No.13111027

it there a chance at redemption then? is 5'6" tall yet?!

>> No.13111029

What's the average height around the us?

>> No.13111033

i like the sound of ur friends

>> No.13111274

They sound awesome

>> No.13111290

None of my friends are very fashionable but they’re all very attractive so it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.13111381

Most of my friends dress shit and they always compliment me on my style, but me simply wearing a sweater and black jeans is dressing up to them.

>> No.13111401

not that anon but it's only around 5'9" i'd say. i'm a 5'6" girl and i very rarely notice people that are significantly taller than me. In a crowd of 100, probably only 20 are 6 feet or taller.

>> No.13111740

5'9.5 supposedly, so most definitely not 6'2

>> No.13111766

I have a friend from Austin (no fucking surprise) that dresses exactly like Ethan and is short and overweight too. how the fuck do these people all manage to look and think the same

>> No.13111791

My roommate who is also my best friend has zero sense of fashion. She only ever wears holey jeans, hoodies, and the same pair of paint stains sneakers. My other friends are a bit better but still think I'm "dressing up" if I wear a skirt or dress of any kind.

>> No.13111814

Find the best looking people and converse with them
"Hey, sorry to bother you but you have a nice sense of style. Wanna talk/drink/hang some time?"

>> No.13111817

5'9" here
This is correct

>> No.13111880

i got really anxious just by reading this

>> No.13111893

A lot of them just don't care how they dress, some of them think they dress well when they don't know what it means to dress well, and some of them pull off their own little style. I'd say my average friend dresses like a mid tier normie though.

>> No.13112549

my strongest potions would kill you traveler

>> No.13112733




>> No.13112792

My only 3 friends
1) Work company shirts/Uni shirts
w/ straight pants w/ casual boots
2) Band merch & sports jerseys
w/ baggy pants w/ meh skate tier nikes
3) Tank tops & baggy sweaters
w/ baggy shorts w/ flip-flops

Extremely uneffay group of friends.

>> No.13112813

thats the best fucking way to put it

>> No.13112951

So fashion means dress like you are at a job interview 24/7?

Not being able to adapt to social scenarios and having different fits is virgin tier

>> No.13113259
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>> No.13113309
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Like harry styles got stung by a load of bees

>> No.13113311

Being 35 most my friends have families and homes etc and now fall in the “comfy dad” fashion area, I’m a bachelor who rocks skaterboi chic, plaid shirts, skinny jeans etc anything that adorns two seasons and such I rock, I snowboard and skate (not so much now) so I find it acceptable to wear such gear, also tatted up to fuck too.

>> No.13113320

Exactly, that's how I am. It's weird seeing people pull up in cool cars, and then they get out and they're dressed like a plebeian. Either that or they're hypebeast trash.
I can be into cars and fashion. I'm someone who meticulously crafts his aesthetic, and my car is part of that.
>dressed in raf simons, ann d, etc.
>drives a 2007 Volvo S40
This u?

>> No.13113879

This desu
t. 5'4"

>> No.13113907

I only have 4 real friends
One dresses basically prep core but instead of boat shoes he wears stan smiths, he's 6'4 and a millionaire so it's okay
Two of them dress like average alt-fags with low top nikes/adidas, skinny jeans and denim jackets
The last one wears basic polo, tommy and lacoste in red, blue and grey with a ton of nike, but we're Eastern European so he looks like a God compared to most poorfags here

>> No.13113913

>being 35
>rocking skater"boi" chic


>> No.13114070

all of my friends basically just wear epic deathcore merch n shit like that l m a o :-)

>> No.13114181

is this a reference to something

>> No.13114192
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>> No.13114246

hahaha wtf

>> No.13114291

I landed a couple job interviews for my friends. One came in cargo shorts and a wal-mart polo. The other one came in black jeans, a purple dress shirt, and a black vest.
No, my friends aren't /fa/

>> No.13114482
