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/fa/ - Fashion

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13100581 No.13100581 [Reply] [Original]

>kid dressed in hypebeast garbage
>"Shoes are $400, jacket $1200, supreme tee $250"
>"Oh the jeans? Theyre H&M, like $40"

>> No.13100669
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broke boi alert

>> No.13100677
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unless the pants are interesting cut/fabric/design. no point in spending a ton of money on them especially if they are jeans.

>> No.13100681

>what are statement pieces?

>> No.13100685


>> No.13100690

You really don't need to spend more than 150 on Jeans and even 150 is pushing it. A good pair of Levis can last you years with proper care and I can assure you people won't care about your jeans. No one cares about you, especially not in the way you care about you.

>> No.13100695

>A good pair of Levis can last you years with proper care and I can assure you people won't care about your jeans.

>dressing for other people
>they're last for years

I don't give a fuck how long they last if they look like shit. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13100701

LEVI'S CHINKSHIT OUTSOURCING GLOBALIZATION CORPORATIONS need i say more *BRAAAPPPP* god fucking damn it how can you pepople just sit here and vote against your itneresters the cock uhsegfuhsdk

>> No.13100706

They won't look like shit if you take care of them. Are you autistic or can you not into reading comprehension and thinking for yourself?

>> No.13100707

I don't know, even 'premium' price jeans often have garbage fabric which look sloppy as fuck worn and they wear out fast as fuck, adding to that sloppiness and eventually tearing.
And even besides that, I don't mind paying for a pair that fits me exactly how I want.
Wouldn't mind dropping 200 any day if I find a pair that fits perfectly and has decent fabric.

>> No.13100712

>They won't look like shit if you take care of them.
>Ever not looking like shit

>> No.13100714
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>having more than $300 of clothes on you at any time

>> No.13100723

Levis don't look like shit most of the time and there are different types and wears and washes. Jeans in general all look the same in similar washes, if you think otherwise you're blind or biased. I sometimes forget this is 4chan and people can't think for themselves and just blurt out meme arguments.

>> No.13100727

>he's on a fashion forum and thinks levis are the height of fashion

>> No.13100732

I never said they were the height of fashion. They're just Jeans that are reliable, affordable, and look nice when taken care of. You're a shit Anon.

>> No.13100739

Cool they're just jeans. Some of us are actually into fashion, so you know we care about the details.

I get it you're strapped for cash but don't try to shame people who can afford nice things.

>> No.13100742

saying something doesn't look like shit most of the time doesnt mean they are the height of fashion you fucking idiot

>> No.13100744

I get it man, you're really defensive about your levis. Congrats on having them.

>> No.13100783

So for you wearing cheap pants is less cringe worthy than being a hypebeast ?

The very same reasoning applies to any other piece of clothing, save shoes.

>A good pair of Levis can last you years with proper care
So does a pair of H&M.

>I can assure you people won't care about your jeans
Do you dress for others ?

>> No.13100818

>Some of us are actually into fashion so you know we care about the details
Except you can't see the difference in details in most jean brands except for the logos they put on their jeans unless they're really special jeans or have some design pattern. You're just using strawmans and meme arguments to try and seem superior but you are coming off as pretentious and ignorant because you can also just thrift or grail high end designer jeans for cheap so saying strapped for cash doesn't really apply here, try something else.
>Do you dress for others?
Yes and No, I wear what I want but if other people compliment me or say something nice about what I'm wearing then it is a nice feeling but ultimately I wear what makes me feel good and that's why my post included that part about not caring what others think because in the end only you care that much about certain properties of your jeans but if people are complimenting you then you can take that as an added bonus.

>> No.13100826

>this guy


>Except you can't see the difference in details in most jean brands except for the logos they put on their jeans unless they're really special jeans or have some design pattern

Maybe you can't. lol.

>You're just using strawmans and meme arguments to try and seem superior but you are coming off as pretentious and ignorant because you can also just thrift or grail high end designer jeans for cheap so saying strapped for cash doesn't really apply here, try something else.

So...levis are just as good as any other jean, because you said so. Good thing you can only afford levis and stay in your fantasy land...

>> No.13100836

Certain models of Levis are just as good as most other jeans, they are a good option, not the ultimate in jeans. Why are you so stupid as to assume I meant to imply that Levis are the ultimate jeans ever made? When was that posted anywhere in this thread? You're brain dead because all you can do is LOL and spew bullshit.

>> No.13100843

I just disagree that levis are anywhere near the same quality as high end jeans.

>> No.13100860

Yeah and I can agree with that but visually they can look similar. I never said they were made to last forever. Its just that they can last a while and look visually good with proper care, treating, and good washing technique. They just don't last as long as high end jeans and don't look as good for as long. Investing in a good pair of high end jeans is a good idea but if you HAVE to buy cheap jeans under 150 I am recommending Levis.

>> No.13100873

>but visually they can look similar.

similar like a toyota camry and a range rover are both cars lol. I love how you have to use the vaguest terms cause you're just trying to argue over nothing.

>and don't look as good for as long.

they don't look as good as high end jeans..ever..

>> No.13100875

Levi's can last you several years and have a variety of cuts depending on the style you're looking for.

No they don't quite hold up to high end jeans but they aren't wrangler tier either. They're a nice balance because while higher end jeans are better quality, the price is corresponding to the brand name not the durability.

>> No.13100886

All my clothes costed below $40 and every from my friends consider my style as good lmao. I can afford a lot more expensive clothes but cba, I find it funny how fa is fixated on expensive stuff

>> No.13100893

>fashion forum
>if it costs a lot it looks bad lol u just have a fixation xD im not jealous
>levis only

>> No.13100896

Wrangler is unironically better than LEvi's

>> No.13100897

>and don't look as good as high end jeans ever
Now you know this isn't true. Price and association with a high end designer doesn't automatically make something look good. You can have a good looking clothing item that isn't high end or expensive. Visuals are different from quality. You can have something look visually the same and look good but not necessarily be built to last. Jeans are one of those things. On average high end jeans do look better but you can have that same look at a lower price with a brand that sacrifices quality for cost in which case it won't last as long and probably won't look as good for as long. Price doesn't automatically equate to good looking.

>> No.13100898

I don't remember saying that if it costs a lot it looks bad, but nice projection. Why would I be jealous? I can afford a lot more expensive stuff but I don't see a point in it

>> No.13100899

Imagine being deluded enough to make this strawman of a post.

>> No.13100905

Anon, you absolute gorilla, you're now arguing and memeing with three different posters over one topic that you can't even accurately argue.

>> No.13100912

>Visuals are different from quality

True fit is important also, as we all know levis has the best fits...oh wait.

>ou can have something look visually the same and look good but not necessarily be built to last. Jeans are one of those things.

Built to last. Are you autistic?

>On average high end jeans do look better but you can have that same look at a lower price with a brand that sacrifices quality for cost in which case it won't last as long and probably won't look as good for as long.

Completely unsubstantiated untrue statement.

>Price doesn't automatically equate to good looking.

Agreed. Still doesn't mean levis is quality.

> I can afford a lot more expensive stuff but I don't see a point in it

Yeah I'm not into fashion either.

Imagine being so upset you can't admit you're wrong.

I already won.

>> No.13100917

>Imagine being so upset you can't admit you're wrong.

I'm not upset at all. I'm trying to have a discussion on pants and you either have the reading comprehension of a 7 year old or are deliberately misinterpreting my post to troll.

>> No.13100919

Yeah I don't care much about fashion. I wear what I find pretty and people around me love my style and find me good dressing. I'm happy with my clothes and they are comfortable, so I find it funny that this board thinks that you need to spend $200 on every piece to look good

>> No.13100920

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

Levis looking as good as high end jeans? Sure levis can look good. But generally they don't.

>I'm happy with my clothes and they are comfortable, so I find it funny that this board thinks that you need to spend $200 on every piece to look good

I'm glad you're happy. Some people are into fashion as a hobby and have money to spend. No need to be jealous over it.

>> No.13100922

u are sounding like someone who bought 1 pair of acne jeans

>> No.13100924

>still wearing jeans
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.13100925

no i only buy levis...i dont see the need to spend more. im completely happy and i dont need your approval or your $200 jeans tyvm

>> No.13100926

>as we all know levis has the best fits
They have more fits and sizes than just their straight leg and boot leg, also you can have them fitted and tailored if you really wanted to.
>Built to last. Are you autistic?
This is just a direct attack on me with no real argument. I don't even know the point you're making.
>Completely unsubstantiated untrue statement
They can look the same, you can't even argue this. You can fake and mimic the looks of high end brands. Its been done for years, its why counterfeiting is so profitable.
>Agreed. Still doesn't mean levis is quality
Except, my entire statement is that levis arent quality but can look good.
Anon you lost the minute you posted. Your posts are like shitposts but with tiny berries of truth mixed in that make your posts shit berry posts.

>> No.13100928

>no need to be jealous
How am I jealous?

>> No.13100929

Let's try again then

Levi's can look fine. They WON'T look as good as high end jeans, I never said this, but they can look decent and last a respectable amount of time at a more affordable price. They aren't high end quality, or Walmart tier cheap but they are a nice middleground between the two.

>> No.13100930

also I have to point out I'm not even arguing about Levis anymore, I diverged off of that a long time ago.

>> No.13100932

>They can look the same, you can't even argue this. You can fake and mimic the looks of high end brands. Its been done for years, its why counterfeiting is so profitable.

Yeah dude for sure. Levis can look just like Dior MIJ, you just have to style them right lol xD

yeah man levis look great

>> No.13100933

I'm not arguing about Levis looking the same as high end anymore, but a black pair of jeans from Levis is going to look roughly the same as a black pair of high end jeans. I'm arguing that you can get a pair of jeans that look high end for a cheap price. You aren't even considering color or materials, you're just spewing brand names and talking about "high end" being vague with that shit, you're a loser Anon, you have to stop.

>> No.13100934

>roughly the same as a black pair of high end jeans.

>not vague

>> No.13100936

I'm done Anon, you're too autistic or something for me. I can't put thoughts, perceptions, experiences, and ideas into your head and I certainly can't make you think for yourself so I'm gonna leave it at this.

>> No.13100937

Glad you agree.

>> No.13100939

Everything you say is weasel words. Nothing concrete.

Suck me off

>> No.13100942

Not him, but stop acting autistic, you are visibly losing so just stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.13100943

Yeah I do agree, levis look identical from SLP 16cm you can't even tell them apart if they're black. Good call friend I just saved $900

>> No.13100944

He never implied that, nor did I. You are just talking to yourself at this point.

>> No.13100946

You're right. He never said levis can look roughly the same as designer.

>> No.13100947
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I'm new here so I'd appreciate if some /fa/ggot decided to explain this to me. Since all of us have a limit on our income what's the point in buying jeans that look exactly the same as the "cheaper" jeans but are extremely overpriced and use the same material. Jeans are jeans, why should I pay $500 for them?

>> No.13100951

>can't even tell them apart
I think you confused the word "roughly" with "identical". I am going to sleep now, you should stop sperging out and accept that you lost, it would save you even more embarrassment. For future reference; stop putting words in someone's mouth and arguing with them as if they really said it

>> No.13100956

/Fa/ggots think that spending $200 more because of guy's name printed on them makes jeans automatically 3 times better. There is no point in arguing with them, because they fell too hard for brand meme. The peak form of capitalism

>> No.13100959

But they don't look roughly as good unless you have no brain.

>There is no point in arguing with them, because they fell too hard for brand meme. The peak form of capitalism

Like I said some people have money to blow and can afford $200 jeans, which are much nicer than levis.

>> No.13100962

Okay, that makes sense. Thanks

>> No.13100963

Once you reach ~$150 quality becomes negligible and you're paying solely for the brand

>> No.13100965

but that 300$ supreme tee

>> No.13100966

That's not true though.

Dior SLP IE etc are not attainable under 150 for a reason

>> No.13100967

>buys low quality chinkshit

>> No.13100969
File: 137 KB, 1200x628, E0CE9481-D598-4473-A428-E0FF56340740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good clothing is an investment. The materials in these jeans alone cost $150

>> No.13100971

Yes, the cost of materials and labour required to make a pair of jeans that retail for say $400 are not in line with the selling price. At that point the jeans are priced accordingly so you can brand drop like you just did.

>> No.13100974

>brand drop

Yeah obviously the materials don't cost 900$ to produce, they're high-end for a reason, not everyone can afford them. but they do look better.

>> No.13100979

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13100993


>> No.13101181

>Except you can't see the difference in details in most jean brands except for the logos they put on their jeans unless they're really special jeans or have some design pattern
That is blatantly false and you could not have thought that if you knew the slightest bit about denim. Like the other Anon said, some of us are actually into fashion so you know we care about the details. There's no strawman in that, it is exremely obvious that you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.13101455

They're made of cheap, bad materials/fabric that both looks and feels bad, the cut of the jeans is unflattering, the stitching and branding is bad, and they're uncomfortable when you compare them to higher end jeans from designers who make actually quality jeans that cost just a little bit more but will look, feel, and last exponentially better and longer. If you buy them used you can get them for about the same price levis are sold some places. Also you're supporting non-slave labor with better quality control and just an overall better product.

>> No.13101462

looks like shit