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/fa/ - Fashion

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13094431 No.13094431 [Reply] [Original]

Ask questions, give advice, post inspo.

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>> No.13094618
File: 1.22 MB, 1448x3264, ycndcnfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love my hair, but i am now into full beard and bald head.

Fucking annoying when white people want to touch your hair.

>> No.13094642


This is a great picture, she looks edible.

>> No.13094666
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Drake aesthetic. Still can't get over how far apart this nigga's eyes are though. My little sis said he looks like a catfish. Lost my shit.

>> No.13094672
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>> No.13094817

How to get gf tho

>> No.13094826 [DELETED] 

Loc your hair and dye it a bright color. Get a face tat and have at least one song on soundcloud, ez.

>> No.13094995

Server is trash, go here.


>> No.13095001

Curly hair are fucking shit. Afro is 10 times worse.

also you are ugly as fuck on top of that

>> No.13095031

ur qt and im normally not into black girls

>> No.13095044
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>> No.13095053

You have an awful taste

Funny meymey

>> No.13095073

lol lets not pretend black girls are the least desirable race. look at the okc race stats. and the only reason >>13094672 is so qt is because she has aryan facial features like her narrow nose

>> No.13095084

>okcupid race stats
Wew laddy.

>> No.13095101

Black girls are literally the least desirable thing out of every race and every gender

>> No.13095186

This, and I’m black myself.

>> No.13095243

op here, this is lame bait but heres you (You)

>> No.13095257 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 640x480, WIN_20171106_17_59_09_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uncool i just want some hair advice dude :|

Ignore the smile, its fake

>> No.13095262

Nappy hair can't be effay

>> No.13095278 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 640x480, WIN_20171106_17_59_11_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncool man, just need some advice on my hair :|

>> No.13095284
File: 71 KB, 640x480, WIN_20171106_17_59_11_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uncool man, just need some advice on my hair :|

>> No.13095314

Shave completely off, unless you like to have pubes on your forehead. Sorry for mistaking you for a girl though, turned out that you are a dude

>> No.13095358

heres your (you)

>> No.13095396 [DELETED] 

Thank you :) I'm glad that some niggers still remember their place

>> No.13095467

you tried

>> No.13095504

And this is why you are a virgin

>> No.13095506

Stop spamming your selfies on every board.

>> No.13095516

My boyfriend took my virginity year ago lol

I didn't have to, nigger did everything for me, and that's how it should be

>> No.13095517

a racist faggot jajaja

>> No.13095519

I have no idea how to take care of my hair. I want bouncy, curly hair but my hair is immobile and looks like shit. Where do I start?

>> No.13095520

So you’re gay and racist?

>> No.13095531


I'm a girl kek

>> No.13095534

Lmao you're trying way too hard lol, it's just the internet relax

>> No.13095538

>laughing in spanish

>> No.13095539

I don't have to try when you do everything instead of me :) it's a win win situation, you get the attention you crave (you are a nigger so probably your dad left and now you are desperate) and I get you to do exactly what I want you to

>> No.13095540

probs not anywhere on 4chan, hun.
I'd say go on google and look it up, i can't really help you-and i don't think any of these fags can either.

>> No.13095605

My dad didn't leave and Im sure you're going through a bad time that you have that much anger but it will get better. I p much guessed you were a girl correctly from the beginning judging by how you type, Im surprised u didnt use the words hun, or sweetie yet lol

>> No.13095623

I have a great time but w/e floats your boat. It's weird then, I wonder what made you crave attention so hard then

>> No.13095634

Youre projecting quite a lot, I guess making unrealistic theories online comes from being on 4chan too long. Im just seeing if youre doing okay desu oh and I find it odd that you care this much about a post maybe you should take a break for a while

>> No.13095643

>posts selfies on few boards on every single occasion
>gets called out for trying to find attention
>"you are projecting"

>> No.13095666

Thats like me saying youre looking for attention for saying youre a girl on the internet, everyone here posts their selfies esp on this board so its not v rational to target me for it. Oh and you seem p hurt and care too much about smth so common lol

>> No.13095668

I'm yet to see any other user to spam selfies everywhere without any reason, but nice try. Also keep projecting that I'm mad or something, but don't expect me to react to it any way

>> No.13095701

Im p sure theres plenty of people who post their selfies here often, even more than me. If you think I do it that much I think youre mistakened. Oh and Its hard to believe youre not mad when you respond in a aggressive way for no reason, I thought someone hurt u for a sec. Idk why youre saying nice try lol but I guess you like to have your last word so you can reply to this one last time. Maybe u will feel a lot better then :)

>> No.13095709

I'm yet to see any other anon attention whoring as much as you do.

Also have a (You) because you are so desperate for it, it's the last one so you better find yourself another thread, spam with your selfies and hope someone else will give you few minutes of attention

>> No.13095712

Not them but isn't it ironic to give the person you say is seeking attention attention?

>> No.13095716

Well in that case ill just continue you post selfies here if it bothers you that much lol

>> No.13095719

Not really ironic but yeah I should have known better than to do that

>> No.13096136

You have a cute tummy. Post pics plz

>> No.13097209

>tfw thread was derailed by two retarded whores
Take it somewhere else. Both of you are dumb bitches.

You are not OP.

>> No.13097242

Maybe I'm dumb but at least I'm not a nigger kek (well neither I am stupid judging by my performance in life but that's a different topic)

>> No.13097244

Stop with the frikkin weaves and grow out your natural and beautiful black hair without thinking about white beauty ideals for the love of god

>> No.13097247

Any recommendations for a mousse or volumising product for fine curly hair? preferably available in the UK

>> No.13097250
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>> No.13097434
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maintenance can be a bitch. once your hair gets long enough you can easily spend 2-3 hours fixing your hair up and you essentially have to braid it up every night for it to not get fucked.

Being a black guy with long hair I can 100% see why girls would want to wear weaves.

>> No.13097437

Not a natural but trimmed fro and a stocking cap? Not a beautiful head of dreadlocks, bound and slipped under a thin wool hat at night?

I'm whiter than the whitest white that ever whited

So I dun rilly know

>> No.13097624

he looks like that king ramses thing that says "return the slab" in courage the cowardly dog, only relatable thing i can see is the skin color except its sloghtly lighter. u get an e for effort

>> No.13097630

Reading this, I can see why many people can never take women seriously and hate women.

>> No.13097639

>>tfw thread was derailed by two retarded whores
>Take it somewhere else. Both of you are dumb bitches.

Im p sure by comparing my responses to the antifa hick its apparent that Im smarter than that supposed girl that took me posting a selfie on a tongue clicking uganda board personally.

>> No.13097674

I can't possibly believe you're older than the age 15, and if you're an adult it makes it even worse

>> No.13097694

Ironically that you said that on website full of men a lot worse but whatever floats your boat, I'm okay with some Mickey in Texas hating on women

It's not that bad, I'm liked and wanted by people who know me so I don't really give much shit about some anon guys

inb4 u-ur lying

>> No.13097824
File: 6 KB, 294x209, 22196388_1471561142926118_4381752286475092293_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point of typing this at all? No one will ever take you seriously

>> No.13097835

I don't really care about being taken seriously by people here, jealous will always try to cope and not believe me :)

>> No.13097871

Lazy eyes, sausage lips.

>> No.13097971

I only say that because you're trying to justify yourself here when everyone else could care less

>> No.13097980
File: 48 KB, 612x380, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my lips have a heart shape so it isn't sausage-like plus im relaxing my eyes and making a face lol, they arent lazy since theyre both looking in a perpendicular direction.

pic related is an example of lazy eyes

>> No.13098046


>> No.13098050

drake is really ugly, he looks like he has a birth defect

>> No.13098089

>I'm liked and wanted by people who know me
why would you even bring that up? no one remarked on anything like that.
you are damaged goods.

>> No.13098122

>you are damaged goods
Then I guess I'm some great goods if people like me a lot when I'm "damaged" lol

>> No.13098166
File: 23 KB, 400x322, 1516448239113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this, it was fun

>> No.13098182

you laugh at such a simple things, must be hard going through day, ay?

>> No.13098200

not sure if autistic or lacking self awareness

>> No.13098226

I guess that you are both but you should contact the psychologist just to be sure

>> No.13098241

After reading this thread, Im not sure if you're the same person that was complaining about that girl seeking attention earlier but if you are and continue things like this that supposedly relates to you, and then check back on this thread every so often to respond the people here non-stopdont you think thats a little bit weird??

>> No.13098286

I have never said that I don't want attention. Everyone who posts on internet does that to receive a form of attention. The point is, that I don't spam with my face on anonymous website to get attention from horny and desperate boys

>> No.13098371

You care an awful lot about someone who is probably just trolling, you should be used to this website enough to know that this person who spams their selfies on every board is probably just baiting

>> No.13098395


>> No.13099339

>antifa hick
You have no clue what you're saying. And for the love of god, please stop using "v" and "p".
What is it about women saying "kek" that's so repulsive to me?

>> No.13099459

Because you feel like only some kind of deep web men use kek

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.13099678

Theres nothing wrong w saying ''w'' or ''v''
>Kill yourself nigger
Im not even the guy thats replying to you bud

>> No.13099691

That's a girl you fucking idiot, or is niggers' gender is so hard to recognise because they all look like monkey?

>> No.13099762
File: 82 KB, 991x902, 4235234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said that of all people?

>> No.13099763

>Everyone who posts on internet does that to receive a form of attention.
Not really. Not everyone is some damaged girl with low self esteem, lol.

>> No.13099768

guy is a gender neutral term dude

>> No.13099771
File: 3.21 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20170225_202103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ban shampoo

>> No.13099795


You post on internet so other people see what you write, therefore you post for attention. If you didn't want any you wouldn't post. It's simple and there is no reason to live in denial

Never heard but okay

>> No.13099817

>You post on internet so other people see what you write
Aha, it's clear that you keep projecting your personal feelings on others and additionally lack the self awareness to realize that not everyone is a damaged self centered cunt with nothing better to do in her spare time like you are. No, healthy people are actually looking to exchange information and feelings. But it will be interesting to see how long you will single handedly keep this thread alive with your sad cry for attention.

>> No.13099825

Keep living in denial, it's cute how you struggle to make yourself believe that you don't don't search on attention. If you didn't, you would just think that you don't like me and move on, but nooo, you have to show everyone what you think so they would pay attention to you. Here's (You) btw

>> No.13099845

What's it like having straight hair white/asian bros?

curly hair is absolute trash and don't let any of these retarded boons and nigs tell you otherwise
t. Le 56% saffermutt

>> No.13099852

Yea I'm positive that girl stop replying a while ago

>> No.13099930

>goes to a thread specifically for ethnic hair/fashion
>cries over black people
You're pathetic senpai, its not hard to psychoanalyze you.

>> No.13099947

So yall tryna ignore racebaiters or what? Cause most of this thread is people arguing about shit thsts not curly & afro hair

>> No.13099951

>being disgusted with something means the same as crying over something
Good that you are not a psychiatrist, because you would have been shit at your job

>> No.13100174

If you were simply disgusted by this person, why did you have to make multiple replies about your opinion of them instead of saying it then leave. You seem eager to let everyone on this thread how you strongly feel about yourself and what you think

>> No.13100212


>> No.13101131
File: 94 KB, 1152x2048, nastibiotch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ver nice potraitesque eyes and eyebrows; heart shaped face; seemingly good skin texture; okay hairline; okay mouth; nice shoulders

7.5/10 - would

rate me. shit hairline i know

>> No.13101894
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180126-000439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do

>> No.13102054


>> No.13103089

Get a haircut
Dye it
Use Products for Dyed Curly hair

>> No.13103599

I'd recommend dreadlocks. I think it would suit you.

>> No.13103601

I knew this thread would be bad, but in other threads about black people I've seen on /fa/ it's been at least somewhat tolerable. This is unreadable garbage. Also >>13094672 is cute, don't listen to the people trolling. You are cute and they know it.

>> No.13103880

Why would anyone want to have bad hair? I have a fucking hard time making my hair as straight as possible.

>> No.13103881


>> No.13103884

Not every afro/curly texture is bad, most people with afro type hair can also have straight hair by simply using a flat iron

>> No.13103898

The thing is, unless you have 10/10 face aesthetics It looks like shit.
See my point?

>> No.13103964

>The thing is, unless you have 10/10 face aesthetics It looks like shit.

stop browsing 4chan, you my friend have unrealistic ideas about the world

>> No.13104172
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Here's a tasty beverage for you.

>> No.13104583
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>> No.13104762

I don't think I'm the one with unrealistic expectations here.