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13090383 No.13090383 [Reply] [Original]

>post your routine
>do you use bio products?

>> No.13090401

My skin is perfect.
I only use biological products, such as cum.





>> No.13090445

post pics, fag

>> No.13091029

cerave foaming cleanser
then micellar water
then cerave PM moisturizing lotion

>> No.13091091
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I know. It’s all wrong. By rights we shouldn’t have skin this bad. But we do. It's like in the great skincare routines, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of inflammation and comedones they were. And sometimes you didn't want to know the end. Because how could the end be clear? How could the skin go back to the way it was when so much acne had happened? But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this blemish. Even redness must pass. A new skin turnover will come. And when the skin sheens it will sheen out the clearer. Those were the routines that stayed with you. That meant something, even if you were too dumb to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those routines had lots of chances of ceasing their exfoliator use, only they didn’t. They kept going, because they were holding on to something.

>What are we holding on to Sam?

That there's some good skin in this world, Mr Frodo. And it's worth purging for.

>> No.13091097

what do I do about big pores (if thats what they are), I have pretty flawless skin other than an abundance of them which look a bit like blackheads up close

>> No.13091216
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What can I do to get rid of dark circles under eyes and my red rosy cheeks?

>> No.13091233
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My routine is:

>D E R C U T A N E

Just that. Go to the fucking Dermatologist and please ask him for a recipe. Since I take it ny skin have never been so soft and acne free. The first weeks are fucked up, but after that the skin smooths itself. I have never had a skin in so good condition.

>> No.13091297

>inb4 le bateman morning routine copypasta

>> No.13091329


if the dark circles are caused by genetics, i.e u've had them since child / not caused by lack of sleep, the only thing u can do is makeup.

>> No.13091344

who the fuck is that.

>> No.13091474
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Sharing my routine bc my skin is looking better than ever with my newest routine. I get pretty dry skin in the winter but otherwise it's normal.

>Wash face with Just The Goods face wash
>Scrub with Konjac Sponge every few days to get rid of dead skin, Clarisonic once a week if needed
>Tone with Thayer's Witch Hazel Rosewater toner
>Apply Paula's Choice 2% BHA
>Apply Paula's Choice 10% AHA every other night at most
>Apply TruSkin Vitamin C serum
>Moisturize with The Body Shop Oils of Life
>At night, finish with gently patting Paula's Choice 25% Vitamin C Spot Treatment on acne scars and blemishes if I have them

On my ~spa days~, aka once a week, I do a super deep clean.

>Wash face with HOT water, splashing self for a few minutes. Or steam face
>quickly apply Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay
>Wait for it to completely dry, do not talk or drink or anything during this time
>PEEL it off in pieces. Very time-consuming but I feel like it pulls more shit out of my pores if I do it this way instead of rinsing off. Also it's not good to wash down the sink so use a wet towel to get the last bits off
>Tone, BHA, Vitamin C serum
>TonyMoly face mask until it dries out

I've always had acne issues, hence mentioning the scars I got from cystic acne some years ago, but since doing this my skin is glowing. I would like to switch to some other kind of face mask besides Tony Moly though because Asian products are never cruelty free so I feel pretty bad using them.

>> No.13091486

hows my routine?
cerave foaming cleanser
clinique exfoliating scrub
dior toning lotion
dior one essential super serum
dior eye serum
dior capture totale dreamskin advanced

>> No.13091687

>Dermalogica essential cleansing solution
>Dermalogica multi active toner
>Pure + Simple hydration serum (not sure how much I like this, but I've been using it for about 6 months now, suggested by the woman who does my facials)
>The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid + B5 2%
>Dermalogica intensive eye repair
>The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors + HA or Dermalogica barrier repair if it's windy outside
>La Roche Posay Anthelios dry touch gel cream sunscreen

>Dermalogica precleanse (considering changing to a micellar water to remove makeup)
>Avène mattifying foam cleanser
>Dermalogica multi active toner
>The Ordinary HA + B5 2%
>The Ordinary Buffet
>Dermalogica intensive eye repair
>The Ordinary Plant-derived squalane
>Dermalogica intensive moisture balance moisturizer
>Clarins lip oil

Exfoliate 2x a week with dermalogica gentle cream exfoliant

If I ever need to spot treat, I use The Ordinary SA 2%

>> No.13091698

your skin looks fine. I'd be more concerned about that haircut

>> No.13092687

How do I remove dark spots on my cheeks, they're from acne it's since cleared but thw dark spots are fucking killing me, i'll buy any product you shill me, help /fa/

>> No.13092874

>Some lotion

>Bronners tea tree oil
>Lactic acid (every other day)
>Curology cream shit
>Lotion (when using lactic)

>> No.13092879

Katya Lischina

>> No.13092945

How do you find the squalane? I've got reasonably oily skin so I don't moisturize in the morning but I'm considering using squalane at night.

>> No.13092968
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>blocks ur path

>> No.13093033

Is Cerave any good ? Dont want to order shit

>> No.13093342

I have a soft comedone on my cheek near my nose that's been there well over a year. I can squeeze out a string of pus and empty it, but it keeps refilling. What do? AHA and BP don't seem to do anything

>> No.13093456

I have really dry skin, and I find the squalane does a good job overnight and my skin is really glowy in the morning. I just started using it a few weeks ago though so not sure what the long term effects are

There is pretty much no risk in ordering a tub of Cerave. You probably won't have a bad reaction to it. Your skin will stay moisturised and it'll last a long time.

Get a facial or see a derm. Squeezing it will just risk leaving a scar

You don't need to exfoliate every day

Doesn't peeling the clay off hurt like crazy?

>> No.13093492

I spent literally over 10 minutes saturday brushing away dandruff with a boar bristle brush and it just kept coming. How the fuck is this possible? Do I have dandruff all the way down into my skull?

>> No.13093588

Use a lime 'mask' instead of scrubbing. Just keep the lime juice on for however long (I did it usually 40 minutes to an hour.) And wash it out. This helped me. But also making sure to add some extra fat when you eat tofu or other low fats proteins, so your body has enough oils to moisturize everything.

>> No.13093595

teach me how to get rid of or at least alleviate my rosacea.
my doxycycline treatment is nearly up, and it's done very little.

>> No.13093673


y'all know any good sunscreen for darkskin without non-fatty alcohols and any extracts?

>> No.13093677

How do I build a good skincare routine? I just started looking into Aesop products and I enjoy the cleanser but I don't know where to go from there.

What's a simple routine to build off of, for AM and PM and what is the order and frequency to use for products like toner, under eye creams, etc. Any tips are most welcome.

>> No.13093730

Aesop is really expensive. You don't need anything that expensive.

What you need is:
[Anti-aging serum]
[spot treatment]
[eye cream]
Exfoliant (chemical is better than physical)

everything in square brackets is optional

have you tried the glossier sunscreen

>> No.13093752

Thanks for your response.

Yeah I don't think I will buy that much more from them, but their products feel great on my skin and I've been enjoying what little I have.

I also have some Baxter stuff, but again it can be pricey.

My big question is regarding exfoliant. What stuff should I look out for? I take it that exfoliant is a 2-3 times a week procedure? Any recommendations?

>> No.13094430

Does wearing sunscreen mess with your vitamin D intake from sunlight?

>> No.13094501

How do I get rid of escabiosis?
Help me, I'm desperate.

>> No.13094511

If you wear it regularly and reapply it often, it will block out all the UVB rays and mess with your vitamin D levels. I do take vitamin D supplements in the winter since the rest of my body is covered up.

>> No.13094522

Daily reminder that good skin is healthy skin - and to get healthy skin you only need to CLEANSE and MOISTURIZE - nothing more.

Two conditions plague skincare routine
the first is using too many products
the second is messing with your skin too often

If you're using a large intricate routine but staying off it for 2 days means your skin is going back to shit - then no, you don't have good skin nor a good routine.

Cut all your shit out, get a clean nice cleanser, get a neutral, quick soaking moisturizer - learn your skin by figuring out how often you need to cleanse - and most importantly remember that your skin needs to heal and grow, abusing it constantly means it doesn't get a chance to.

>> No.13094832

Guys I have mild rosacea. Are there lotions that will reduce the red around my cheeks? 24/M/oily skin.

>> No.13095395

this is exactly the content i look for when browsing /fa/

>> No.13095402

get a good haircut and youll look fine. your face is not the problem

>> No.13095416

If a product says it "hidrates" is it the same as moisturizing?

>> No.13095423

Why is chemical exfoliant better though?

>> No.13095430
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Been using pic related for a couple months now and I'm lovin it. Would it be a good idea to move up to the 10% from the 5? Or is not how this works?

>> No.13095431

You have a really masculine facial structure but the hair throws it off a little. Try getting it done or just shaving it. I think you'd look good bald desu

>> No.13095439

Chemical exfoliants can do a wider variety of things and they're more consistent. Don't have to worry about scrubbing too hard once you find your right concentration % on a chem.

>> No.13095446

Cut the sides shorter and style your hair up. Your haircut right now does not suit your face shape.

>> No.13095453

Chemical exfoliants remove the outermost layer of already dead skin. Physical exfoliants work by literally tearing off your skin, usually well into fresh, living tissue and potentially causing infections with the tiny scratches they make.

>> No.13095806

go to reddit for skincare 4chan is like years behind when it comes to skin care stuff

>> No.13096096


Well it seems like the consensus I need a new haircut, could you guys provide some pictures that I can show my hairdresser.

Also I was thinking about tanning in one of those UV stand up tan and I heard you should apply “tanning lotion”. What is a good tanning lotion?

Thanks for all the help anons and suggestions so far.

>> No.13096124

Doesn't hurt at all unless you get it on any baby hairs. If you accidentally get it into hair just use water or gently break it up so you don't pull hair out.
It does leave your face pretty red for about 15 minutes, but it doesn't hurt.

>> No.13096137

I tried a black peel off one and it basically depilated peach full of my whole face, never again

>> No.13096169

It's not a peel mask - I've never tried those actually. The Aztec Secret stuff comes in a powder and you mix it with water or apple cider vinegar. I mix it with water and only a bit of ACV just to make it easier to spread. Then you knead it for a little so it becomes a mush and you spread it on your face. I really recommend it, it has great reviews on amazon as well. If you don't wear a face mask like Tony Moly after, just use a generous amount of moisturizer since it is drying.

>> No.13096179

Benyzol Peroxide 10% for oily skin and Aztec clay mask occasionally

>> No.13096218

Sebaceous filaments? BHA exfoliants are supposed to help

>> No.13096262


>ren cleansing gel
>whatever toner i have lying around
>the ordinary 2% salicylic acid a few times a week
>ren anti-redness serum
>mecca sunscreen if i'm going out

>ren cleansing gel or a cleansing oil if i've been wearing sunscreen
>diy ascorbic acid serum
>ren anti-redness serum
>the ordinary 100% squalane

i might also use micellar water and a rosewater face mist throughout the day. i use sheet masks now and then. anything missing?

>> No.13097116

I got kind of sunburnt like two years ago and the redness hasn't faded from my face since then

anything I can do about this?

>> No.13097146
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I have dry and sensitive skin...
My morning routine step by step :
>facial wash : the body shop vit. E (pic related)
>hydrating toner : tbs vit. E (pic related)
>serum : vitamin c from local organic product
>eye cream : tbs vit. C
>moisturizer : tbs vit. E (pic related)
>sunscreen : biore watery essence spf 50+ pa++++

Night routine :
>1st cleanser : garnier micellar water
>2nd cleanser : same as facial wash + clarisonic brush
>hydrating toner : same as morning
>serum : same as morning
>eye cream : same as morning
>moisturizer : same as morning except, it night cream version

Weekly routine
>exfoliate : tbs drops of youth peeling gel (2x/week)
>mask : any korean brand sheet mask (2-3x/week)
>sleeping pack : laneige water sleeping pack (2-3x/week)

>> No.13097588

does wanking ruin anyone elses skin? every time I abstain for a while I find my skin looks way better

>> No.13097678


What does a serum do exactly?

>> No.13097920
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not many differences between my day and night routine, besides using different moisturizers and serums
>cleanse with Formula 10.0.6 Foaming Cleanser
>tone with The Body Shop Vitamin E toner
>The Ordinary Buffet (day)/Buffet + Azelaic Acid Suspension (night)
>Anatomicals SPF 15 moisturizer (day)/Yves Rocher Pure Calendula moisturizing cream (night)
just purchased 50ml of Louis Widmer SPF 30 hydrating emulsion, pretty excited to use it

>> No.13098660
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The one i use is extra hydrating, even out skin tone, rejuvenate skin, nourishment, also it helps heal my acne scar. Actually serum's benefit is depend what kind serum you use it and whats your problem on your skin

>> No.13098690

For a long time, my skin has been zit-free but very bumpy. I had a lot of very tiny bumps that never came to a head. I tried all sorts of comedone removal stuff to no avail. finally I read about folliculitis, which is an overgrowth of yeast on your face. Yeast usually lives on your scalp and too much of it causes dandruff. So I started washing my face with azole based anti dandruff shampoo and it's been great. No more bumps and no more acne aside from the occasional red blotch, but never any zits.

>> No.13098695

serums are typically concentrates you apply after cleansing that contain deeply-penetrating ingredients. they're formulated to target specific issues, e.g. ageing, dehydration, sun damage, sensitivity, redness, uneven skintone

>> No.13098709

is there a cleansing type cream or something you can just put on without foaming on and washing off?

t. lazy

>> No.13098751

I take 2 oxytetracycline pills a day and rub a cream which contains benzoyl Peroxide once daily on my face. I also got a better diet.

Face still looks like shit. Fuck genetics bruh

>> No.13098791
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Basic shit, start off with a lukewarm shower then immediately moisturize and use Benzyl 5%. Don't see a reason to exfoliate when my skin is so sensitive.

>> No.13098796

What do you guys think of corsx whitehead power liquid? Is it good for normal exfoliator

>> No.13098848

It's called washing your face with cold water

>> No.13098864

I Lost 180 pounds in 10 Months and I have no loose skin thankfully but I have a lot of stretch marks. How do I get rid of them?

>> No.13098867

They don't really go away unless you get a skin graft. They fade to white though

>> No.13098868

How much would a skin graft cost?

>> No.13098871

Dude are you serious? Get ripped and rock them or some shit man. I don't really know how much that would cost anyway.

>> No.13098878

need help

get in shower
scrub my face and body till im sore
soap all over whole body

my face and back achne isnt getting any better

can someone tell me what a normal routine that actually works sounds like?

>> No.13098888

But I want to become a male model

>> No.13098892

I see. Do whatever you want man, but give it time to fade. It's possible they'll go away.

>> No.13098902

By scrubbing until sore you're fucking up your skin. Dodge all greasy shit and dairy (try oat milk or almond milk instead) and change pillows often. Don't touch your face, ever. Whenever you feel greasy just wash your face with water, pref cold.

Also take lukewarm/warm showers rather than hot ones.

>> No.13098906

>The Face Shop's cheapest cleanser. (365 Herb Day, to be specific.)
>A few drops of combo almond/olive/hemp/peppermint oil.
>Secret Key snail repairing sun cream.

>Same cleanser.
>Shave whole face twice a week.
>A mask once a week; Currently the Face Shop Jeju volcanic mud pack.
>12-15% Lactic acid dilute.
>Same oils.

My skin is super baby soft with no wrinkles at 24, but I do get some minor hormonal acne while I'm on the pill (pimples are better than babies.)

Sun cream is ESSENTIAL every single day, especially with the AHA.
The AHA combined with shaving is my exfoliation - and it draws in moisture, then the oils seal it in. The mask is just for shits and giggles.
I'm considering getting another Secret Key snail repairing cream for in the dry winter months, because their sun cream is great.

>> No.13098923

lukewarm water
benton snail bee moisturiser
biore UV watery essence 50+

lukewarm water
perfect whip cleanser
benton aloe toner
corsx BHA toner
benton snail bee moisturiser

>> No.13098925

micellar water is what you're after, but it's literally the consistency of water. you put some on a cotton pad and then run that all over your face. the surfactants in the water form micelles that trap grease and dirt, which then form polar interactions with the cellulose of the cotton to very effectively clean your face.

>> No.13099026


>> No.13099468

i can't really infer the cause or severity of your redness, so all i can recommend is looking up skincare routines that target redness and sensitivity. there's a chance you have issues that can't be addressed through otc products, in which case you should see a derm and possibly receive laser treatment

>> No.13099578

You need to wash your face again with water based cleanser after using micellar water because some micellar water contains oil, unless you have dry skin maybe its okay...

>> No.13100263

Interesting. If I have some post-acne spots of mild redness what should I be on the look out for? Not scars per se but just splotchy areas.

>> No.13100496

I have a patch of dry skin that keeps appearing on the bottom right of my face. I’ve been exfoliating it and moisturising is but nothing seems to sort it. Any advice?

>> No.13100504

You ever get eczema?

>> No.13100513

Not that I know of but reading the symptoms, it sounds similar.

>> No.13100520

I get a patch of it on my face when it gets cold out. Cetaphil's eczema lotion is the best I've found. Doesn't break me out if I need it for my face.

Make sure not to scratch it! It might leave marks if you irritate it too much.

>> No.13101278
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>> No.13101479

Vitamin C serum

>> No.13101515
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>20 years old and still have acne
I don't really know anything about skin care, I just ask my female friends for advice but nothing they suggest really works. The only dermatologist I can get a referral to is way too far as I don't have a car of my own. Please help me out here, I don't want to have awful skin for the rest of my life.

>> No.13101518

can anyone post before/after pics of their skin

>> No.13101555
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sure here

>> No.13101559


>> No.13102237

underrated desu. you deserved more (you)'s

>> No.13102684

what is the best supplement to take for acne? also, dumb question, but can you take both supplements and acne cream/wash at the same time? thanks

>> No.13103100

What kind of routine do you have?

If you have acne, I'd recommend some kind of BHA or AHA depending on what kind of acne you have. But if you use them, you have to make sure you're keeping your skin moisturized and hydrated. Also use sunscreen.

>> No.13103341
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Been visiting a dermatologist for 2 years, year ago I said fuck it and when it started to get bad I picked up some face wash and moisturizer and after using them twice a day for 5 months my skin looks better than ever before.

Skin is looking better every day, but still bothered about the blackheads and like darker spots on my face from popping zits I guess?

Currently my routine is basically Bulldog Moisturizer and Face wash twice a day with a bit of some chemical my mom gave me I spot treat with. Any advice to improve my routine to get even better results?

>> No.13103604

The only routine I have is cleaning my bedsheets when I'm not being lazy, putting toothpaste on my problem areas overnight, and moisturizing my face before leaving the house. Also drinking water.

>> No.13103687

BHAs are good for cleaning out pores - so they're good for blackheads. If you have scarring I'd recommend some kind of vitamin C.

>> No.13103807

I follow the routine my derm recommended.

>Cleanse 2 times/day
>Spot treat in the night and wash it off in the morning
>Moisturize after shower


>Drink 2L water/day
>Take short, cold showers

I used to do an extra step of exfoliating but my exfoliant was damaging my sensitive skin. I don't use sunscreen though I probably should start.

>> No.13103851

what's your routine?

>> No.13104200
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>> No.13104678

My routine is >>13092874

Lactic acid 5% because I have sensitive skin and it's the most gentle.

Curology is expensive at $40 a month, but the pics I posted were less than 6 months apart. Shit's pretty bomb.

>> No.13104715

just water and soap
you fucking fucking faggots

>> No.13104765

Call it genetics, but I never use any facial products and my skin is perfectly fine.

Here is my theory: people who has natural acne problems tend to use too much products during their teenage years, meaning your body hasn't even finished developing yet and you're already using treatment for seriously minor natural occurrences. Soon after you hit 20+ years old, the problem stays because you sort of built up this dependency for foreign aid and care. Not only that, shit gets more expensive too. I realized my mom and sis would spend tons on skin care, and they still look like tar road when the makeup comes off.
I don't trust the products too. It's always written in obscurity like 'gently massage' or 'dab over affected area'. We're talking about treatment here, and people tend to overuse them when the problem worsens. I've had acne in my teenage years but didn't give 2 shits about it. Now I'm 23 and I get one pimple in every 6 months maybe? Again, it could be genetics, but people need to be wary on what they're putting on their skin rather than what other people think of them.

>> No.13104833

What do for super oily skin? Its p bad like if i dont shower in the morning my entire forehead shines by noon.

>> No.13104881
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You know nothing

>severe, painful, scarring cystic acne is "minor natural occurences"

>> No.13105114

My chin got darkened due to reasons, Wat do?

>> No.13105817

who here /wearfancyclothestocompensateforabominableskin/? does it work for you?

>> No.13105898

I have hereditary and hormonal acne- so it basically an't be fixed (besides BC or accutane, which I can't take for health reasons).

However, this is true for the majority of people. We continue using products that mess with our pH balance, strip our skin of its natural oils, etc. This causes the skin to overproduce oil. Many oily people actually have dry skin. The best thing to do is leave your face alone for a week and see what happens.
Many face washes are also detrimental because they strip your skin of natural oils and healthy bacteria.

>> No.13106374

What do you mean by darkened? Is it scarring or something?

>> No.13107089

People tell me how to achieve this makeup look in details
Asap pls

>> No.13107170

I have the worst acne itt lmao

>> No.13107172
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Left cheek

>> No.13107176
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Right cheek

>> No.13107181
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>> No.13107184
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>> No.13107315

How to get rid of mouth wrinkles? I have quite an overbite too, even after braces.

>> No.13107366

How do I prevent and get rid of blocked or clogged pores?

Some of them turn into acne if disturbed

>> No.13107463
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how to obtain such skin? is it just filter?

>> No.13107632

being a faggot

>> No.13107814
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Will acne ever be /fa//

>> No.13107822

Make Up, Possible Filter, and Lighting. I have acne scars and my skin looks pure and smooth when I apply make up correctly. Learn how to do make up if you want. Some make up is designed to work with lighting to make your skin appear smoother than it is.

>> No.13107833

>what is Acne Studios

>> No.13107968

Looking at Acne Studios' catalogue makes me realize why some people find the term derogatory

>> No.13108060
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>> No.13108742
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I heard that doctors actually recommend only applying soap/shampoo to the red areas on this meme image (+ hands and feet).

Always had some problems with eczema on shoulders, chest and back area.
I tried this for a couple of weeks and my skin looks much better, but not applying soap there at all feels kinda weird.

Have I showered wrong my entire life?
Does useage of soap and other products actually cause skin problems?

I started to question reality lately.

>> No.13109450
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nice input. i myself really reeled back with soap usage of my skin since approx. 2 years now. The skin has a flora on its own and regluates itself. I still have mild acne with 26 and i know its comming from my heavy dairy consumption - but i won't stop, because cow juice is life. I also started to shower less (from every day to every other day) plus washing my hair with shampoo only 2 times a week - and im using that urea stuff (ph neutral, no harsh chemicals, no added scent, etc.) for my hair and my body. Hair is quite thinning recently but i think that my routine really helps keeping a healthy head hair situation.

>> No.13110217

Ursa Major Fantastic Face Wash. This stuff is bomb. Doesn't dry your shit out, feels great after. I use about a dime size every other/2 days and thats enough for me, so it lasts a while if you dont have too bad of a problem with your skin in the first place. Also tanning then vitamin E lotion I would post a pic but im too damn beautiful.

>> No.13110220

also start shower very warm on face, cleanse, end with coldest setting til brainfreeze

>> No.13110233

I went for about 3 months with literally no soap and only coldest setting water. Live on a well so it was ice cold. I found that hot/warm water would wash off my natural oils/flora. Started noticing very slight BO problems but probably wouldnt happen with a proper diet, since I ate like shit at the time. Otherwise skin felt great, looked as good as I've ever gotten it.

>> No.13110539

>Vanicream foaming cleanser
>Zapzyt 2% SA face wash
>Neutrogena hydro-boost gel cream
>Very thin layer of Cerave moisturizing cream to seal in moisture
>1tbsp generic SPF 50 suncreen

>Vanicream cleanser
>Panoxyl 10% BP face wash on acne-prone areas
>Thick layer of Cerve moisturizing cream

>> No.13110798

How do I get rid of an oily nose that shines when you wash it?
Btw Pinoy/Indian type of skin.

>> No.13111276

my point exactly
to put it simply, it is how your skins is and the more you try to fix it, the worse it will become in the long run. it may look fine, but you're running on a constant need for it now. hope you are doing well anon.

im talking about people that has a few pimples and use too many facial care products (insecurities, peer pressure, etc etc)
my post stresses on the kind of people that buy into the idea of perfect crystal clear skin when they kind of already have something like that, but worsen the condition by building dependencies
are you retarded? can you not read?

>> No.13111343

what can i put on my face to get that korean teen glow (im white)

>> No.13111406
















>> No.13111676

You can try diluting your soap 1:1 down to 1:3 depending on your skin.

>> No.13111972

I think keeping your skin hydrated and healthy is really the best way to go. I use a lot of Korean/Japanese products and focus on using hydrating layers to give me that glow.

I use the kikumasamune high moist lotion and the pyunkang yul essence toner, which are both pretty watery in texture. I find the kiku is best for more brightening and giving me a glowy/dewy look. Missha's Intensive FTE is also great at giving me a glowy face.

I probably use a lot more products than I need but at least my skin is pretty.

>> No.13111980

i have very little facial hair, only on upper/lower lip and chin
i only shave my facial hair
should i be shaving my entire face like cheeks and forehead and whatnot

>> No.13111982


diluting a soap makes bacteria grow on it, dont do that

>> No.13111984

should i be moisturizing my face after washing it at night

>> No.13111985

do you mind posting your regime, i mean what you do and which order you normally use when?

>> No.13112079

this is my routine minus the micellar water

my skin is beautiful now

>> No.13112407

I use a lot of products, probably more than necessary. But to me this is also a fun hobby so I don't mind spending a bit extra $$.

I don't use this full routine every day, it's usually
only a toner + moisturizer and sunscreen in the morning. What I use at night depends on how much time I wanna spend patting stuff on my face. I also mix in some of my products together, like the cosrx essence w/ niacinamide

1st cleanser: Kose softymo speedy cleansing oil
2nd cleanser: Cerave foaming cleanser
actives: Ordinary salicylic acid, Stratia AHA, Ordinary azelaic acid (I use these in a rotation usually)
FTE: Missha intensive FTE
Toner: Kikumasamune high moist lotion/ Pyunkang yul essence toner
Essence: cosrx snail 96 essence
Serum: Ordinary niacinamide with zinc/Stratia liquid gold/Melano CC
Moisturizer: Belif aqua bomb w/ rosehip oil
Sleeping Pack: Sulwhasoo overnight mask
Sunscreen: Biore Perfect Milk (in the pink bottle)

>> No.13113643

This stuff works really well for me. Not perfect yet but the clearest i've ever been after 2 weeks use.