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File: 134 KB, 1100x700, 1501875846340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13088000 No.13088000 [Reply] [Original]

What's your worst facial feature?

>> No.13088003


>> No.13088009

lips. about the width of my nose, slightly more. makes me look kinda retarded

>> No.13088015
File: 193 KB, 500x333, male-rhinoplasty-14c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose. Everything else looks ok or good but the nose turns from a 7/10 to a 4/10. It's a bit hooked but also really big compared to the rest of my face.
Could get a free surgery but idk about the risks

>> No.13088018

What? So your lips are extremly small?

>> No.13088030

yes, they are pretty full but they are length wise small as fuck.

>> No.13088099

>Be me have a long as nose

>> No.13088107

Same as OPs picture except not as terrible and it was even less noticeable when I wasn't as fat as I'm now.

>> No.13088120

Thee are none. Do it.

>> No.13088127

My shoulders are too broad (I'm female) and I have a big forehead.

>> No.13088129
File: 41 KB, 640x360, WIN_20170430_09_37_05_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nose too small. bug eyes.

>> No.13088134

Did you get a nose job?

>> No.13088158

Huge ass head. I look like an irl Moonman.

>> No.13088195

uneven skin on jaw area

>> No.13088202

My nose. I hate my Roman nose

>> No.13088218

Upper lip is long as fuck, like a simpson character

>> No.13088221
File: 293 KB, 1280x1440, 1460158256723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long neck
I hate it so much

>> No.13088226

got a wide ass chink nose

>> No.13088275

great eyes but not a very prominent chin... i look pretty good from the front but my profile is kinda ass

>> No.13088292

Pronounced brow ridge. I look all right straight on, but full cave man from the side.

>> No.13088315

It's probably a tie between my weak chin, non-extistent jawline, long neck, large and badly shaped nose, caveman brownie, bad skin, eyebags, receding hairline (at 19!), disproportionally small ears, full and puffy lips, bad skin, and grotesque Adam's apple. And of course my head is grossly large and misshapen and my mid face is very long so even if I were to ever have the money for plastic surgery it wouldn't help

>> No.13088321

LMAO a bunch of “men” bitching about there flaws. You all should be round up and shot

>> No.13088336

Chin hair (woman)
Can't afford electrolysis and I always pluck but then ingrown :(

>> No.13088393

shoulders arent a problem and for your forehead just use bangs/fringle

>> No.13088402

Patchy red skin and freckles...

why live

>> No.13088419

>Long neck large
>Large jew nose that is broken

>> No.13088428

how'd the guy in your photo fix his chin, OP?

>> No.13088454
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 1516484039351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many to count.

>> No.13088541

Is this you? You look quite handsome

>> No.13088577


>> No.13088595

My crooked eyes
>thank you inbred great grandma

16cm long neck
and I don't know if you would call it a recessed chin (not a mouthbreather) But my nose lines up with my lips and chin in a straight line.
So close to having a good chin.

tl,dr: My profile

>> No.13088598
File: 2.94 MB, 360x360, butthurt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me daddy

>> No.13088599
File: 36 KB, 650x528, 5474864573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUBAR teeth
feels real bad

>> No.13088684

Is this for like intense rugburn from the turf?

>> No.13088689

The freckles across the ridge of my nose. They're attractive on women but weird on men.

>> No.13088716

I've got a big widow's peak and both sides of my family's men are bald so that's where I'm headed.
I've accepted it but a little part of my does wish I could grow nice looking long hair.

>> No.13088794

he looks better on the left though

>> No.13088816

My nostrils are kinda wider than I'd like and my nose is a little crooked. I also have poo eyes and a good jawline but a small baby jaw.

>> No.13088848

just do some trap and shoulder exercises anon

>> No.13088857

I am pretty handsome truth be told, but I guess if I had to pick, my eye color. Hazel isn’t very aesthetic. I have brown hair so it’s a little flat.

>> No.13088904

small head
big nose

>> No.13088924
File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, 15164943919761874091694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some People say my noose is too big. I have no problems with it. What do you guys Think?

>> No.13088936

hair fucks up and looks like that cosmo tranny from v and my teeth occasionaly

>> No.13088946
File: 50 KB, 640x480, snapshot (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when will they learn?

>> No.13088953

My chin is over defined to the point there's a shadow cast there.
>>13088689 pics?

>> No.13089041
File: 265 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 1-20-18 at 8.02 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my nose and jaw/chin.
Hair's kinda shitty and my teeth are crooked as fuck too.
And my eyes are really small without glasses.
I'm a wreck.

>> No.13089045

I'm black

>> No.13089063

it looks fine, anon. You're handsome imo

>> No.13089283

try being a girl with a long neck. tru suffering

>> No.13089289

You just have to wear the nose as a character trait and not fight against it. maybe a more forward hairstyle and good facial hair.

>> No.13089322

You don't look to bad imo, save up to fix your teeth, get a proper haircut that goes with your face shape and maybe a different style of eyeglasses? You have potential don't waste it, maybe work out also. I'll promise you'll turn into a good looking motherfucker

>> No.13089325

That's extremely attractive tho

>> No.13089327

my eyes are slightly too close together and I'd like my nose to be a little smaller and thinner, but otherwise I'm pretty good

>> No.13089336

my bad skin, if not my nose

>> No.13089352

honestly my face is average. nose a bit roman, but i dont mind it. i guess my mild acne is bad from time to time. its mostly those colorless bumps that appear in clusters, they never go away, only keep appearing :(

>> No.13089468

My cheeks are chubby, my facial hair is patchy, I have acne and acne scars, I have a widow's peak, I have huge, dark circles under my eyes, my forehead is huge, and my jawline is less defined than I'd like it to be.

>> No.13089563

Teeth. My teeth are fucking retarded and unfixable. I have white patches on my teeth that stand out to much. I've been told its due to minerals in water and that it is unfixable. Is it really?

>> No.13089567

sunken eyes

>> No.13089600

Crooked nose, "unsettling" smile, jaw not as defined as I'd like, slightly yellowed teeth from years of smoking and coffee, cheeks just a tad too full to really show off my decent cheekbones. I've been told I have an "ugly handsome" thing going on but I dunno.

>> No.13089609

nose is a little big, but you have nice eyes homie.

>> No.13089691

super attractive. your aesthetic could work with a lot of different fashion styles. don't need to worry about being "conventionally" handsome.

>> No.13089770
File: 131 KB, 480x320, latest[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose, I sometimes feel like my nose is cubert farnsworth

>> No.13089773

Acne. Thankfully its slowly clearing up.

Besides that, my lack of chin coupled with being overweight and all the fat going to my neck.

>> No.13089776

Ah, the russian lumberjack brow ridge, a classic.
I'm the same.

>> No.13089778

Hashinshin what the fuck are you doing in /fa/?

>> No.13089799

My teeth. My teeth somehow got fucked during development, so there isn't much that can be done since I'm not rich.

>> No.13090008
File: 132 KB, 310x266, 1516414071780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a round face. It's better than being a guy with a round face but geez, having a structured small face would be so much better.

>> No.13090011

You are a jawlet lol

>> No.13090040

This. Although i got used to having a big nose and i don’t wand a surgery

>> No.13090052

ITT: handsome people

>> No.13090070

You're handsome you gigantic faggot

>> No.13090101

Stop mouth breathing

>> No.13090114

eyes cause they give away my tism

>> No.13090116

wear glasses because too lazy and cheap to put in contacts

tfw face looks good between 15 to 20% body fat, so no motivation to workout

>> No.13090122

My nose

>> No.13090125

I’m southeast asian, so my whole face and penis.

>> No.13090246

This. Weak chin

>> No.13090275

nah it's numbing spray they use it on most small knocks

>> No.13090335

Negative canthal tilt
Big hooked nose
Weak Chin
No Jawline

>> No.13090363

Have you ever been a girl with a short neck? I wouldn't recommend it.
ugh yes please

>> No.13090369

I have a calcified hematoma on my forehead & two very small disc lipomas on my face.

Needless to say my skin wants me to hate life.

>> No.13090457
File: 183 KB, 719x1280, DE13F496-5307-4DC0-A55F-AB96A6A0265E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m too boyish.

>> No.13090460

Also my foreheads pretty large lol

>> No.13090483

cant tell if you look 14 or 45

>> No.13090495

My eyefolds arent defined enough and my nasal bridge is weak.

>> No.13090558


>> No.13090594

My hairline is flaky as fuck. Flaky as in dry and dandruffy
I wouldnt mind if my front teeth were a little smaller

>> No.13090600

Shoulders are a big problem because I look very manly and not feminine like I want to look. I can't wear a lot of clothes that aren't v-necks or scoops since it makes my shoulders look even bigger.

>> No.13090601

I have a big head with a skinny body and my eyes are kind of uneven, but I think everyone except supermodels have some form of asymmetry

>> No.13090727

I'm pretty insecure about my high cheekbones. They make me look very feminine.

>> No.13090738

Personally don't like my nose. It is kinda wide/round.

>> No.13091011

My acne, I could also lose about 15 pounds.

>> No.13091111
File: 174 KB, 858x1255, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have amblyopia so my eyes look uneven and wonky://
pic related

>> No.13091136

Dark skin generally, I have hapa genetics and look pretty okay but I inherited my mom's southeastern shitskin bumkin skin.

>> No.13091170

Your face is ideal anon.

>> No.13091175

just buzz your hair, you'll look less sloppy

those glasses make you look female

>> No.13091180

i think you look nice. dont worry its not that bad, and hardly takes away from your appearance

>> No.13091236
File: 269 KB, 1280x960, 1388A587-F87B-45BE-9A80-BAB23BDE7ECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My red cheeks

>> No.13091239

My skin is brown

>> No.13091247
File: 335 KB, 720x404, Chris_R_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13091249
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenny ?

>> No.13091505

thanks anon:)

>> No.13091573
File: 46 KB, 410x322, 20180121_172229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose. Everytime I see my profile it's devastating. Turns me from a 7/10 to a 3/10, if that.

Will plastic surgery be able to fix this? Some noses work well with surgery, others don't. I feel like my nostrils would be too big for the change that I want.

>> No.13091631

huh? your nose is fine, I actually quite like it. Plastic surgery is for insecure plebs

>> No.13091635

>hapa genetics
Looking white with weird eyes is not a good thing anon.

>> No.13091650
File: 43 KB, 348x300, 20180121_174413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's huge though, and i'm a girl so it's less acceptable. It's awful because I have a cute face, not a hot one, that would be better suited with a cute nose. I've had some people say it gives me "character", but more have told me i'm ugly. It's greatly detrimental to my self-esteem.

>> No.13091652

>Looking white with weird eyes
did you mean Finns anon?

>> No.13091666

I wouldn't worry about it so much. A bump in the nose is patrician as fuck.

>> No.13091674

People have to be specifically into big or fucked up noses to like my face though :(

I've had boyfriends before that looked past it, but I still want to help better my wellbeing. I've been grossly insecure for ages and I feel like if I finally fixed my problem I will be happy with myself. Only problem is that there's a chance I'll make it worse.

>> No.13091704

Maybe don't dress in primary colors like a third grader?
Get a different hair cut.

>> No.13091712

oh hi mark

>> No.13091717

Who cares if random people like your face? Think of it as a pleb filter, if someone doesn't like you because of your nose, then they really aren't worth being around.

>> No.13091718
File: 43 KB, 1200x1600, portr-nerva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have the same nose, want to make patrician kids together?

>> No.13091739
File: 191 KB, 994x392, 20180121_150600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asymmetrical bugeyes

>> No.13091746

Lookin like a fusion between Kiefer Sutherland and Chris-chan

>> No.13091756

Underrated post

>> No.13091760

You're right, I have thought of it like that and it has granted me some great friends that look past my looks. I should stop caring about the general public. But I still dislike the way my nose looks, personally. Though frontwards its length suits my face and the rest of my features are symmetrical. I should be happy with what I do have I guess! I'm still weary but i'll try the "better yourself/your mind" route first

How is it as a dude having that nose? Also I already have a boyfriend with a strong nose. We will have strong nose and strong jawed babies.

>> No.13091776

I think it's certainly easier for a guy to get used to having a large nose, since large dominant features are more masculine. It kinda clashes with some of my other features because they are more cutesy than rigidly defined. That will hopefully change as I age.

Make lots of strong babies!

>> No.13091779

Look kinda like Eugene from The Pacific

Anyway my flaw is my nose, thinking of getting surgery one day

>> No.13091843

jew nose, thin hair, crooked teeth. basically I look super british

>> No.13092065
File: 31 KB, 320x320, 1516582949265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd understand the comments if I posted a photo from the front, since I usually get told I have an okay nondescript look, but my side view is undeniably the worst part of my face.

>nose as a character trait
Yeah, I've realized this and it helped. I get it from my dad but I didn't see it until recently since he "wears" it so well you don't even notice it.

I'm usually clean shaven with shorter hair which I think helps with the sloppy part, but I'll have to buzz eventually.

Yeah I can see it, a bit.

>> No.13092364

>pretty okay

meaning not great

>> No.13092392
File: 92 KB, 242x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nose. I've the ugliest nose on this board (literally looks like pic related). Women seem to love big noses (or simply not care about them) tho so that's why I got over it.

>> No.13092406
File: 197 KB, 1080x720, Foto el 21-01-18 a la(s) 21.29 #4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bigg mouth.

>> No.13092620

nice dsl's brah

>> No.13092636

Please get a better haircut. You look downright criminal (if you're going sleazecore nvm).
Get hopper's haircut from stranger things or Jim's from the office

>> No.13092644

Post face pls

>> No.13092705

top kek

>> No.13092727

im chubby

just love me some food

>> No.13092758
File: 204 KB, 938x1152, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing, for I am perfect

>> No.13092790

r u gril
be my gf

>> No.13092797

Nah, if you're cute it probably does give you character. I think big nose can definitely be cute on girls. It makes you unique.

>> No.13092826

my cheeks and my jawline. i have high cheekbones, but a really soft jawline with a babyface.
it's a little easier being a girl because some people find the big cheeks endearing, but i have been insecure about it for a very long time.

>> No.13092836

There are plenty of girls who make a big nose work really well. Florence Welch pulls it off really well. As does Elena Tonra from Daughter. Something about that look drives me crazy. Bangs with a nose on the larger side. It's a very motherly look. One of my biggest crushes looks a lot like Florence.

>> No.13092871

my gigantic italian nose is like a beak

>> No.13092896

gap in between my two front teeth

>> No.13092910
File: 41 KB, 640x630, 4A01498E-3D9E-4286-A9ED-82487EF968BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Receded chin

Someone just end my shit please

>> No.13092930

Your faces reflection in my eyes

>> No.13093191

It’s funny you say down right criminal. That haircut a couple of weeks ago cost me 5 dollars and I got it done in he foyer of a drug house while people literally shooting up in the next room over.

But for 5 dollars who doesn’t want a nice fade.

>> No.13093265

I'm fat so it makes my face round looking.
But I've been slimming down recently; started 2018 at 230 and now I'm at 220. I know that it's gonna kinda plateau after a while but maybe swimming at the university pool will prevent that from happening.
Other than that, my nose doesn't look awful, my jawline is better than average, and I've got good, thin lips and teeth from constant care so all should be well once I'm at around 180 pounds or so.

>> No.13093267

comically small head
if that doesnt count as face then eyebrows

>> No.13093277

You're fine Michael, keep up the good work on your channel.

>> No.13093286

you look good mate

>> No.13093306
File: 1.43 MB, 3088x2320, C1F7BBCB-7EE3-43D3-B134-4CC7B4DF295C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad skin, big nose, shite hair. No saving grace.

>> No.13093309

buzz it

>> No.13093318

Same as this anon but it doesn't really bother me bother me.

>> No.13093324

I’ve been thinking about it. The thing is, I know I look better with shorter hair. Long hair makes me look older (I’m only 20) and a bit goofy but I feel right with long hair if that makes any sense. I feel like cutting my hair would be like cutting an arm off which sounds dramatic and cringy as hell but it’s true. I haven’t really tried to do any hairstyles with it. Might cut it to shoulder length and start wearing headbands. I used to do that when I was younger but it made me look like a hippie. Atleast it will keep it away of my face

>> No.13093333

bug eyes with baggy dark circles that make my face look droopy

>> No.13093373

i like your mustache, anon <3

>> No.13093392

nose not great, not awful either or anything, but a fairly solid profile holds everything together well. not ugly imo

>> No.13093556

Had a lower jaw surgery because i had overbite, sleep apneia etc..basically my jaw did not developed while i was growing up.

Best decision of my life. Self esteem went sky high and finally chicks started to look at me and find me attractive. Ever since never had problems with girls.

>> No.13093616

Bad skin. I'm fine with even my wide nose bridge, but that skin just fucks me up

>> No.13093854

a more autistic gosling

>> No.13093856

loved u in trainspotting kek

>> No.13093870

>long neck
>Child skin
>Big nose
>Beady eyes

>> No.13093888

MPB, otherwise have a decent face.

Nice full house.

>> No.13093890

"chubby" cheeks
dark circles under eyes

>> No.13093954

competition between severe overbite/jawletism, shit skin with dark circles that go beneath my nose, or my lumpy skinnyfat retard cheeks that make me look like I'm a middle- aged female librarian, plus my general inability to form coherent facial expressions

my dad is like 50 and hardly an adonis and he looked healthier and more handsome than me on the photos

>> No.13093956

I wouldn't say that. Your nose can be big as long as it's proportional to your chin. Your nose will look "big" and ugly when your lower face is too weak.

>> No.13093960

Big noses aren't exactly attractive in itself, but let's remember that as straight men (and even gay men who are attracted to feminine "boyish" traits), big noses are uglier to us because we project our feminine tastes onto the male gender, while at the same time memeing traits we (as men) deem attractive and masculine such as turbochad jaws and zyzz bodytypes.

If you look at studies done on what females consider attractive and what men think females find attractive you'll find men often think women like hyper-exaggerated male arnold-tier faces while women seem to like a more balanced male face without falling into the justin bieber category

>> No.13093969

>tfw massive chinlet
actually end me

>> No.13094055


>> No.13094068

Tom Holland?

>> No.13094075

I'm pretty sure full dsl lips are considered an attractive trait

>> No.13094079

Minimal freckles are cute

>> No.13094120


Your nose isn't too big, your face is too small

>> No.13094135

Ethnic Rust Cohle up in here

>> No.13094160

longish philtrum, nose kinda bulbous, eyebrows might be a bit too high set

it honestly pains me that even fixing those flaws wouldnt get me to be an stunning guy, the kind of person that most people would see and think "what a beautiful man" it might be a retarded thing to worry about and as shallow as it gets but the thing i want the most its being aesthetic and pleasing to look at

>> No.13094164

I'm too skinny and may be balding.

>> No.13094213

I'm skinny as hell with a chubby face, I also have chubby feet and chubby hands.

>> No.13094307

right side of face is slightly bigger than my left. also i shaved my eyebrows in 3rd grade and my right eyebrow has never grown back

>> No.13094312
File: 154 KB, 960x1280, 87318EEF-C06C-40D0-8F2B-3E49636B6B78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m on the same boat. My fucking huuuuge nose has fucking crippled me socially. I think I look fine from the front but my profile is fucked. Not only is it drooped a bit but it’s also kinda wide. I’ve been wanting surgery since I was like 13

>> No.13094322

Also I’ve got horrible acne, dark skin, a very small forehead, and add to that an ever-growing case of hidradenitis suppurativa and my inability to maintain a good weight. I can’t even look in the mirror sometimes.

>> No.13094351

>wooow there's a 1 cubic millimeter convex bump on my nose
it looks fine you autist

>> No.13094353
File: 1.20 MB, 2607x3438, JUST_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>young face
>Crooked nose
>Horrible hair
>Bags under the eyes
Im just pure ugly

>> No.13094356

Can’t judge hair because you’re wearing a hat but everything else looks fine. You actually look handsome you dickhead. Fuck off

>> No.13094587

you forgot long ass philtrum

>> No.13094613
File: 3.81 MB, 1242x2208, AA913C13-98DD-4077-A5EE-EDD9FFED7F91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose is bulbous and my hairline is receding. It could be a lot worse

>> No.13094738

there are people with big noses that are absolutely beautiful
check kelsey van mook for example
she has very similiar nose shape to yours
she is literally gracing this earth
altough her nose isnt classical pretty

honestly everyone should just step away from judging individual parts of faces
its all about how it sits together also in relation to body/clothing

>> No.13094741

damn nigga let me suck yo dick
your beauty is a saviour in these politically trying times

>> No.13094781
File: 175 KB, 3500x3500, grr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have single symmetrical element on my face. I wish this was a hyperbole

>> No.13094820

your nose is literally fine lmao you butthurt autisto

>> No.13094841

ITT: a bunch of average/above average people whine about how ugly they are

>> No.13094855

Idris elba?

>> No.13094857

>tfw one hollow cheek
how does this even happen

>> No.13094859

Mine is not really pronounced, but yeah, it's on the list

>> No.13094872

That’s actually pretty normal

>> No.13094879

>crooked nose


>> No.13094953
File: 977 KB, 1000x607, helpme)-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my terrible acne and teeth):

>> No.13095070

mexican cavemandcj?

>> No.13095119
File: 171 KB, 1200x800, 80220B80-481C-4181-BD52-A32B8893355D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I look like him? I guess I can kinda see it. I’m not Mexican btw

>> No.13095190


My actual face

>> No.13095195


>> No.13095228
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1516738775563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13095241

On a man? Overall I don't mind them, but they don't suit the rest of my face (though what would, with it being so ugly?)

>> No.13095247


>> No.13095443

Just ugly t b h

>> No.13095488

My chubby ass cheeks

>> No.13095497

fat cheeks ruin my square face.

>> No.13095564

Perfect Indian ninja.

>> No.13095619

my wide ears what do lads

Maybe growing out longer hair to cover them up or something?

also wide earedfags report in

>> No.13095624 [DELETED] 

Checked Pajeet.

>> No.13095659

nose. it's a little too rounded on the end so when i'm smiling it looks a little retarded

>> No.13095671

lmaoo pics pls

>> No.13095681

I noticed when I grew out my beard they didn't seem to stick out as much.
I now have a shaved head and no beard and they're extremely noticeable.
feels bad man

>> No.13095683

well you can "stitch" them, but I've heard that stuff's a major pain to go through

>> No.13095729
File: 89 KB, 640x480, WIN_20171030_16_56_22_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id say my whole lip but mostly my upper lip is by far my worst feature

>> No.13095736


>> No.13095748

Oh its you again, keep being a child and ill continue posting :)

>> No.13095820


>> No.13095836

Haha, look, it's a nigger
Are you very aesthetic by the standards of your country and countrymen?

>> No.13095920
File: 708 KB, 1944x2592, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissless virgin dropping in

Have a internship in the summer, will use that to fund nose job

>> No.13095938

You must be the age of 18 and up to post here

>> No.13096072
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Chinese made Ryan Gosling

>> No.13096095
File: 62 KB, 420x630, beauty-2014-05-selena-gomez-beauty-evolution-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've naturally got a fat fucking face. It looks cute when I'm 15 pounds underweight but rn my BMI is at 21 and I look obese from the neck up. I got a haircut last week and looking in the mirror as I was talking to a stylist, I realized that when I speak I have the worst double chin.

Just fucking kill me, or put me in coma and wake me up after I've lost 30 pounds.

>> No.13096271

nice schnozz anon. heres my advice
let your hair grow out, and GROW FACIAL HAIR i think youd definitely look better with some beard on you
you dont look that bad man

>> No.13096284

you're really handsome actually

>> No.13096294

common girl problem, has to do with your hormones. just lose the weight, that's what the /thinspo/ thread is for.

>> No.13097188

this thread is actually interesting cus it really shows just how distorted insecurities make you view yourself

ya'll are hot honestly

>> No.13097199

are u me. except for the facial hair part cos i get none

>> No.13097240

i had a abrasion scar on my chin from a motorcycle accident because i was not wearing a helmet

>> No.13097264
File: 86 KB, 807x960, EveryTime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have a stronger chin,
I break out overnight when I've been having a lotta panic attacks.
I look shittier than normal unless I eat right. Exercise (or lack of) affects my complexion as well.
My face betrays my state of mind & body almost all the time, Ppl can learn to read me like a fucking book in under a week.
I've never had a problem, but 2 good friends told me I get this expression on my face like a thousand yard stare sometimes, and that freaks out folks who don't know me. I'm actually just zoning out, kinda like blinking your eyes but for reality in general.
I kinda have a late 90's Brooklyn 'screwface' glued on a lot of times when i'm in the street, I have to unlearn that shit.

>> No.13097293

desu this guy would have been better off doing work on the jaw than on the nose

>> No.13097442
File: 428 KB, 1365x2872, IMG_2991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who never smiles on pictures, ever?
Legit my biggest insecurity ever

>> No.13097491

Can we take a moment to talk about how hot this negro is

Did your parents not get you braces or what?

>> No.13097514
File: 133 KB, 876x1100, 1470076944959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nose desu
It's like that because of football

>> No.13097521

Your nose isn’t very bad!

Nice eyebrows

>> No.13097536

goddamn why did my mom's underbite gene have to be so strong. I went from having a jawline that girls loved now Im slowly turning into troll face because my lower jaw is pushing out

>> No.13097556

I dont see the issue, it's proportional to your face and doesnt stick out.

It's not the first thing I notice about your face. You have nice eyebrows and a solid hairline. Rest of the face is good to.

>> No.13097560

Don't. You look fine.
The problem here is your low self steem

>> No.13097573

that's a beautiful man

>> No.13097590

The features that bother me the most are my thin lips and deep groves/rings under my eyes. Seriously considering getting some under-eye filler to better the rings and look more awake. Would do the same for lips too, but that would be more noticeable and I don't want to seem vain, even tho I am....

>> No.13097627

You look like a character out of gta lmao

>> No.13097792
File: 136 KB, 750x1334, 3883133A-7A5D-498D-AD23-404135669E21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defiinitely my nose and my eyebrows.
Minor complaint is that my mouth kinda juts out from my face? Idk how to explain it...

>> No.13097863

hey cousin, let's go bowling

>> No.13097867

My lips are bigger than they should be. It makes me look like a bleached nig

>> No.13098081
File: 143 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20160330_102038_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say my skin. I have terrible bags and lots of moles. I also don't like how big my nose is. Only good thing is long hair look great on me

>> No.13098159
File: 76 KB, 766x888, YHeEx3O[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attached ear lobes

>> No.13098162


>> No.13098206

you were never destined to be emperor, kylo

>> No.13098244

You look fine, man. Save your money for something fun.

>> No.13098293

My eye sockets are really dark. People say I look so menacing and unapproachable

>> No.13098304

Your nose is alright senpai

>> No.13098509
File: 278 KB, 1256x1229, 20170830_233734.jpg_-_JPEGView_2018-01-15_00-34-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1.Negative canthal tilt
2. Nose
3. Under chin fat

>> No.13098524

holy shit ur profile is so beautiful, you even have the superior roman nose... INSTA??

>> No.13098534


>> No.13098557

sunken eyes

>> No.13098560

Did you need like 5 frieza minutes for that hairstyle?

>> No.13098574

There's nothing inherently Russian to it. Valuev is rather an exception.

>> No.13098595
File: 112 KB, 640x360, c40b6c0dd6f096bf799db14bcf5b5c1c1499107487_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my round nose. doesn't help that i have puffy cheeks on top of that. i look like fucking anpanman.

>> No.13098603

Nose is big, but well sculpted. And I do not see any under chin fat, but seeing as you mentioned canthal tilt I assuming you're some looksmaxing autismo. You look good though dude.

>> No.13098606

everyone on this thread is so attractive. like i don't even notice your "worst" features desu,you already have so much to make up for them.

>> No.13098623

i don't use social media but thanks.
don't know what looksmaxing is. I found out about canthal tilts on /fa/

>> No.13098625
File: 278 KB, 1280x960, 096678883658297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if I got a haircut I would look okay

>> No.13098647

I can't really pick one, I have this feeling that none of my features work with each other, like it's some completely randomly generated face with no balance

>> No.13098684

My cheekbones, jaw, hair, and eyes I think are all very feminine. Girls are always calling me cute and saying they wish they had my hair/eyes/etc, or that want to take me home or something. Its really fucking demasculating and embarassing and it doesn't help that I'm extremely shy and submissive around certain people (like high energy party goer types).

anyway people say I look like benedict cumberbatch so theres another reason for me to kms

>> No.13098931


dentists can fix anything

>> No.13098932

Loved The Metamorphosis, well done.

>> No.13099043
File: 2.71 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20170731_195402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me profiled, I never really like my nose

>> No.13099056

nice profile but really shitty pic
you should get a bit more fit get an undercut and drop the glasses or get a better ones and maybe you could be a /fa/ /fit chad

>> No.13099082

idk im not from murica or a place where there's many black ppl but you are really pretty lol like you have good features

>> No.13099084

my nose
its just big
the rest of my face is fine and i look pretty good from face on but as soon as i turn my head to the side my huge nose ruins me :(

tfw 2 poor for a nose job

>> No.13099114

better but not ok you got a long way to go start with the haircut then start shaving you got a lurking neckbeard, also your face looks a bit chubby a bit of general weightloss will take that right off, also maybe do something with the eyebrows they look sad

>> No.13099133
File: 3.19 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20170731_192234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah at the time I was trying to get a picture of the haircut itself.its really hard to find a haircut I like. What type of glasses would you recommend? I have a hard time finding the right ones

>> No.13099146

dude if you stop being fat, you'll be the ultimate pussy slayer. You have awesome genetics, just work out and stop eating more than you need. Good luck and be happy, qt chub anon

>> No.13100079

My cheeks. My jawline is strong AF but I have squirrel cheeks and it's not from being overweight. It takes me from a 9 to a 7. Girls always call me "cute" instead of "handsome", fucking hate that shit.

>> No.13100117

No jawline.

>> No.13100155

One of my family members is going to do my nose surgery. If anyone is interested, I can post updates and before-after pictures/my journey. Gonna do it in summer.

>> No.13100370

I have big lips. People jokingly call them "black people lips" even though I'm white than snow. I have a big nose but my dad is from England so I'm actually proud of my big English nose.

>> No.13100383

It looks like shit, goddam kek

>> No.13100405

Hairline alone, lowers me from a 9 to a 7-8 depending on who you ask

>> No.13100469
File: 473 KB, 1944x2592, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all too kind anons. It's my profile that really shows my nose issues. There's a reason I was called Pigeon for years in school.

>> No.13100594

Oblong face shape on male is literally losing the genetic lottery unless you're rich

>> No.13100808

You are going to trigger a lot of retards.

>> No.13100995

I have a beauty mark in between my eyebrows. I've come to love it, kind of like a third eye.

>> No.13101029

i look like timmy turner

>> No.13101037

>>13099114 of course my eyebrows look sad. im from Lancashire

>> No.13101054

Slight asymmetry. It becomes more noticeable when I'm incredibly tired.

>> No.13101060
File: 89 KB, 960x720, 20632384_143229276262186_1781864783_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13101175

You should fix your posture, man! looks painful

>> No.13101204

that was just my inability of taking a profile selfie so I stooped

>> No.13101222

Its ugliness.

(Nice void trips BTW)

>> No.13101331

where you goin man
come back

>> No.13101430
File: 871 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_4176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to block out the background because it had some personal info on the walls.
I hate that I'll never look cute or feminine because of my giant fucking chin. I have a big forehead too. It's sad because everything else is cute but my face shape ruins it. My hair is also fucked from highschool but it's thankfully a lot better and should be healthy in two months.

>> No.13101456


Your nose suits your face well, and youre rocking that hairline

>> No.13101801

can you take a side shot? your chin looks fine to me
and you should cover your forehead with bangs, even though its pretty much average sized

>> No.13102153

What do you mean fucked from highschool

>> No.13102179

holy shit what a waste of chad potential. fucking lose weight you idiot you could be the best looking dude around. if you're 6'1 or taller you are fucking up in a major way

>> No.13102189

>posts jawlet
I don't get it anon

>> No.13102192

You're handsome, just get aligners (not braces though) through one of those direct-to-mail services. The only problem is dealing with customer service. And chew tough food for the 2-3 hours you have free, it's good for your teeth actually.

>> No.13102208

you had either a malnutritious or soft diet, and your jaw didn't widen to it's proper potential. That's why some foreign countries have "hotter" people when reality their faces are just more developed since they're reliant on more traditional food sources. Teeth are meant to grow in straight, no other animal has crooked teeth without some accident causing it. Do not trust the dental jew.

Yeah, putting concentrations of fluoride, chlorine, and other metals in water isn't really natural. How long has this been? Typically it starts effecting kids during their youth.

>> No.13102270

this has to be bait lol

>> No.13102277



>> No.13102295

Son of a bitch, you're cute. I've honestly never felt such genuine attraction towards another man in my life. That charming smile seriously made me blush. You're like a cuter version of Francis from Malcolm in the Middle, it's insane.

I don't even know why I'm posting this, I don't even frequent this board. I go on /fa/ one goddamn time and I'm legitimately questioning my sexuality.

>> No.13102347
File: 662 KB, 892x917, fhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat cheeks, fat nose, no jaw
could be cast as a dwarf in lotr i hope

>> No.13102393

>p-please shower me in compliments

>> No.13102404
File: 211 KB, 705x926, 25113E89-42C4-4CE3-A605-D7959F9479E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easily my acne, but I’m trying to get it under control

>> No.13102409

Yeah you should save up for that nose job

>> No.13102468

Hmmm I want to post a picture, but I can't really put my finger on why I think I'm ugly and I feel like I'll get roasted hard as fuck for things I dont realise

>> No.13102567

Bangs look terrible on me, I'm trying to grow out ones I got a few years ago. I actually don't care about my forehead that much since most people have 'big' foreheads, but I wouldn't mind it being smaller.
I bleached it a lot.
The reason I posted was because I'm not sure if it's big for a female or not. All of my friends and women I find attractive have extremely small chins, some even have overbites. Mine is probably twice the size of everyone I'm friends with.

>> No.13102568

bags/ dark circles

>> No.13102575
File: 39 KB, 634x471, 1515542722150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acne and a big, bulbous roman nose

>> No.13102680


Imagine being this whitewashed as an adult. Have fun with the self hate

>> No.13102769

Receding hair, crooked big nose, underchin fat, weak jaw, bag under eyes.
I still look ok but I'm going to hit a brick wall soon.

>> No.13102814

I have Southeast Asian nose. It fucking sucks.

>> No.13103134

Unfortunately I'm a 5'7'' turbo manlet. My 12 year old brother is bigger than me cause his dad is like 6'5. And yeah I gotta start losing weight since I've been gaining and I want to get fit

>> No.13103960

you pull off dwarf core well, you look great with this aesthetic

>> No.13104098

sadly my smile

I don't know what the fuck is it about, but when I smile/laugh I look like a fucking rodent demon grinning or something, shit is like the joker exhibiting a painful, uncertain grin. Basically I've learnt to smile with my mouth closed and never lose control laughing like a spaz

>> No.13104121
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>> No.13104357

holy hell i feel uncomfortable

>> No.13104393
File: 67 KB, 506x908, IMG_20180127_023551817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful skin, awful hairline + fivehead

>> No.13104625
File: 12 KB, 320x240, Snapshot_20180127_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know

>> No.13104750


>> No.13104793

still you are good looking

>> No.13104794

nah you good

>> No.13105485
File: 944 KB, 1082x608, PIC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well

-bog nose
-small chin
-no beard
-early signs of balding

Going to cut my hair next week, long hair doesn't really suit my face anyway but I also have no idea what haircut to get.

>> No.13105489


big nose*

>> No.13105662

all black have a bulbous nose tho, the ones that don't have the flared nostrils going on are mostly the ones from further north like Somalia, but even then some still have it. just like me being a Jew just means I have a nose designed to smell money

>> No.13105771
File: 96 KB, 719x1280, captainhook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I've the ugliest nose on this board"