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/fa/ - Fashion

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13087161 No.13087161 [Reply] [Original]

Confess, /fa/.

>> No.13087175
File: 70 KB, 1125x1500, 64I-VQQ001-YELLOW-447378a8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start.

I unironically love the Yeezy brand and think its cuts and color palette are fantastic and that it makes great boots and footwear, the Adidas 350s aside.

>> No.13087182

i do not care about fashion in the slightest and it's upsetting to see so many people now-a-days being slaves to fashion

>a lightweight throwaway track. as important as fashion

>> No.13087203

cuffed jeans look cool

>> No.13087209
File: 238 KB, 960x576, feature-pfw-balenciaga-00-october.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig wide leg pants as well as chunky shoes

>> No.13087212

I think I'm subconsciously sabotaging myself from getting too skinny because I'm afraid

>> No.13087213

Don't become a twink. Go to the gym, get lean and muscular.

>> No.13087222

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion on /fa/. /fa/ likes wide pants that's the trend now, and dad shoes are fine too though I'm sure the Balenciaga ones get hate.

>> No.13087239

I dont like puffer jackets and parkas, they dont look good and only knackers wear them here

>> No.13087243

I don't get why people hate cargo shorts. They're the only pair of shorts that I like wearing, aside from basketball shorts.

>> No.13087260

they comfy and practical but they're 100% neckbeard attire

>> No.13087288

>get notice from town borough that water in pipeline is contaminated and "recommended to drink bottled water"
>gfs family goes grocery shopping
>they buy 5 bottles of soda, nothing else

i drank two cups of soda, been trying to diet and lose the last bit of these love handles

>> No.13087295

I dress out of insecurity.

Everything I like, I "like" because it covers the body I don't like (It's a matter of proportions, rather than being too skinny/fat)

>> No.13087314


I thrive for acceptance, lol.


>> No.13087341

When you put stuff in the pockets it makes you asymmetric and this makes people think you are ugly

>> No.13087354

I still take it personally when girls reject me

>> No.13087358

I often get second thoughts hesitant when I buy an expensive item that I love and have removed the tags and stuff so I can’t return it.
But I’m always fine few months later

>> No.13087373

I never had the balls to wear sandals.

Ive bought like 5 pairs of sandals over the years, never wore them.

>> No.13087378
File: 494 KB, 1096x1000, D4DBAEB3-6453-4C43-8CFE-AF1B5316ED54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use fashion, music and photography to compensate for my small penis. I thought i could somehow excel at things that make chads and stacies feel like i’m better than them.

>> No.13087399

fat people can look good

>> No.13087432

t. disgusting fat pig

>> No.13087451

Your most likely "small" penis is less of a problem than you think, man. Stop watching porn.

>> No.13087484

I agree homie

>> No.13087487

Is this show any good?

>> No.13087494

Sure if you like babby's first edge

>> No.13087496
File: 53 KB, 500x568, 6mvklBmxYgZUXs49iBc5XqInWPwK5VFaKywRl5fIAm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My depression has me rotating the same two button ups and a pair of jeans.

Im also to fucked to do my laundry or any self care like washing my face or hair.

>> No.13087511

I like wearing woman's sunglasses, I have a full beard and I think it looks hilarious but really good at the same time

>> No.13088115

The yeezy 750 grey/gum colorway is the reason im into fashion at all

of course from that, I do like the yeezy footwear

I only wear skinny black joggers and an oversized grey sweatshirt

>> No.13088162
File: 17 KB, 480x318, c22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear black long sleeve button shirts with a black t-shirt in college to hide my skinny arms.

Wear a hoodie at home to hide them more, nothing to be proud of

>> No.13088175

I can only afford fashion from grailed that costs under 200 dollars, I never spend more than 150 on sneakers.

>> No.13088179

This is the right way to dress, you're just approaching it from the wrong angle conceptually: your clothes should craft proportions you like, your body is merely a starting point and doesn't need to be perfect for your outfit to look good.

>> No.13088182

You are aware that black is a slimming color and conceptually you're probably making it worse right? Don't worry about your skinny arms.

>> No.13088528

i am fat and this is wrong

>> No.13088530

This is me right now, every day I wear the same pants and rotate the same four college sweatshirts. I haven't done proper laundry in two months and have three overfilled baskets in my room and I have been showering once a week

>> No.13088704

It's pretty well crafted, but the story and themes are very unoriginal

>> No.13088979

I have bought a few things from taobao. I have no shame wearing things from goodwill or salvation army. I am cheap as fuck. I love dressing nice but living in a small country town for college makes me stand out and its regrettable.

>> No.13089085

Not him, but I used to do the exact same thing. Still wear a lot of long sleeve shirts, because I don't like looking like a spider.

Black is a slimming color, yeah, but the fabric draping over the arms really does hide them well.

I hope you can fix your insect arms, friendo. Do push-ups until you want to puke. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.13089117

I don't dress well at all, usually just wear t-shirt and jeans.

>> No.13089137

I'm suicidal and ugly as sin. I honestly wish I hadn't been born some days when I look in the mirror.

>> No.13089197

cancer and cancer drugs are one thing that really shrink a dick, but if you survive the cancer you go back to what you were. dehydration might be an issue for you, i guess. i know when i drink large quantities of fluids my cock is rather large, and it just deflates when you take a piss or something. More fluids in your body equals more blood in your body; it's not complicated, but rather simple. And of course your size fluctuates, I'm assuming.

>> No.13089208


LOL - I meant to type it "DOESN'T" deflate when you piss. It's not a goddamn balloon, after all. When your body has a large surplus of blood, you might be surpised at what happens. It needs to be a daily habit, and your health and appearance will improve in any number of ways.

>> No.13089217

it's a little cringe and tries too hard to be edgy

>> No.13089219


Burberry UK took their sales page off just a few days before I could order two boots I really liked and I've wished for their flagship store in London to burn down ever since.

Please cure me of the temptations that are boots and heels, my lord.

>> No.13089232

I stopped caring about designer brands and just wear cheap workwear + abercrombie

>> No.13089248

Heh I bet you get xxl to hide your man tits

>> No.13089249


lol thats fair

>> No.13089318

>t overdramatic fag with a 5in peen who still believes 6in is average.

It doesn't even matter. When is the last time a girl asked your penis size before you asked her out/back to your room?

>> No.13089701
File: 258 KB, 402x410, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started to get into fashion and looking better to attract girls but now i just want more clothes especially shoes and i dont even give a fuck about being attractive anymore i just want stuff to fill a void in my life

also palladiums look cool and are super comfortable and i wear them frequently even tho /fa/ hates them

>> No.13089860
File: 48 KB, 130x166, John_Calvin_by_Holbein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not a thing you need to be forgiven for or something you should have confessed in the first place.


>> No.13089866

I'd pick a basic bitch over an arthoe any day.

>> No.13089872

There is nothing wrong with H&M

>> No.13090820

face tattoos look good

>> No.13090853

you shouldnt care about fashion if you arent attractive

fat people disgusts me

geobaskets are fucking gross

all stars are fucking gross

milinspo and lunarcore is for dicklets

Raf has gone to trash in the last 2 years

i want to fuck that boy

>> No.13090869

I spend so much on clothing yet I go outside perhaps once or twice a month.
Also, I still just wear Uniqlo to job because there's no benefits or need putting one interesting fits (shitty coworkers, dirty af, too warm).

>> No.13091580


>> No.13092419

How else can you take it?

>> No.13092453

Blacks should not be in runway shows, it cheapens the image of the collection.

Streetwear is not fashion

The only reason streetwear got morphed into high end fashion is because Obama was president and niggers with welfare increased. Streetwear appeals to niggers and euro trash and the segment is driven by their demand for it

Paying 500 euros for a hoody does not make it high end fashion

>> No.13092577
File: 1022 KB, 277x193, 1487309739976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since senior year in high school ive been a habitual weed smoker. I went to college after graduation, and then abroad after my first year, only to subsequently drop out.
When i think about how much money, time, and opportunity ive wasted, i start sweating.

I only come to this board to see people who are more spiritually lost than me. people who obsess about things ONLY they, and other mentally ill people notice.
it makes me feel like im on the right path again when i visit this board as i let go of the things that just dont matter.
i really hope some of you tryhards stop caring about what people think and just live your lives.
please wake up to how you're being fucked by yourself.

>> No.13092603

Never wore a skinny in my life,haven’t washed my motorcycle selvedgein two years with little to no fade still fuck gustin

>> No.13092606

Does sexing on the late night mean that much to ya
My love don't mean that much to ya
Fucking these hoes mean too damn much to you
I just hope up when you fuck a nigga when you finished, he can say that he love ya
Now do you feel better bout yourself? do you feel better bout yourself?
Do you feel better when I love ya, mark my words I'm a ball with without you
I came home last night to a ménage
Got my dick sucked I was thinking about you
I was fucking on a slut and I was thinking about you
When you're fucking another nigga hope you're thinking about me
When you laying with that nigga are you thinking about me
Cause I'm thinking about you
Gone fuck that nigga get it over with
Gone fuck that nigga get it over with

>> No.13092607

Yeah I like the rugged style with the boots and such
The hypebeast culture attached to the adidas stuff and the yeezys sneakers is absolute cancer that I attribute mostly to his relationship with the kardashians

>> No.13092613

I sell drugs so I can afford drkshdw ramones when they go on sale. They are my absolute grail and I dont even know what I'd wear with them. I'd just be incredibly happy to finally get a pair

>> No.13092943

palladiums are nice, i get that the toe is devisive, but whatever

>> No.13094124



seriously man, it's a godsend

>> No.13094143

it cool playa thats what many ppl have to do before theyre confident w their own style n shit

dw bout it my n word :-)

>> No.13094152

I love to dress over the top for my age bracket to flex my wealth desu

I only get away with it when I'm at boarding school/in the right part of my city, but whenever I'm in some city/country where people are a bit more fast-fashion oriented I get snarky comments from plebs like how I dress too preppy or """grown up"""

baka desu senpai, I also swear UKfags are literally the worst when it comes to this, you can barely wear a coat and a shirt/sweater combo in London without all the hipsters thinkng you're a LARPing faggot

>> No.13094153


>> No.13094171

Socks and sandals are just too damn comfortable

>> No.13094217

prove it porker

>> No.13094225


>> No.13094235

I used to have amazing pieces I collected over the years, but most of my possessions were lost due to drug addiction. Now that I've been clean for awhile, my interest in fashion and personal appearance has returned, but my clothes are shameful. Sometimes I don't even want to go outside. Until I save up more money, I'm basically just talking shit from the sidelines while wearing the most basic of basics.

>> No.13094238

I used to have amazing pieces I collected over the years, but most of my possessions were lost due to drug addiction. Now that I've been clean for awhile, my interest in fashion and personal appearance has returned, but my clothes are shameful. Sometimes I don't even want to go outside. Until I save up more money, I'm basically just talking shit from the sidelines while wearing the most basic of basics.

>> No.13094239

I wear jackets with all my outfits to cover my skinny fat body.

>> No.13094267

Maybe women don’t make a big deal out of this, but they won’t lie that bigger cocks feel better and make them moan louder. I’ve watched tons of amateur porn, and i always see the guy’s size and the girl’s reaction. Bigger guys are just better than me. They’re just the better men than me. I just feel weak and small compared to them. But smallness and weakness can be patrician too, that’s what i try to achieve in order to make me feel like i can make them feel like idiots when compared to me. I’ve given up on fitness or strength or masculinity. I’ll just go full thinspo and stop making myself look masculine. I’m getting back to skinny pants again, and regular fit oxfords/flanels, and into pretentious hobbies again, to make them feel like they’re more of an idiot compared to me.

I hate their perfection and if law could blink for one hour i would physically ruin their perfection. Or i maybe i would hire a hitman to ruin their pretty face or leaving one of them alive with only half a dick.

>> No.13094273

I'm a follower when it comes to fashion. I like multiple styles and such but I usually go with the current trend bc I'm too insecure about what others might say to me if I dress differently. I feel like I don't have my own fashion sense

>> No.13094276

Me too, kinda. I’m not comfortable with dressing up too weirdly or too experimental. I’m afraid that people will expect more from me, while i’m actually a pleb that listens to Westlife and Justin Timberlake.

>> No.13094279

I feel you anon. I wore wide trousers, Balenciaga Triple S, and a blue knit sweater today and felt autistic.

>> No.13094291

I used to wear fun clothes, edgy chic and fun. now I never use jeans, sneakers etc, A lot of scarves, trousers and turtle neck sweaters. I cut my hair and use glasses and I feel like I am making a mistake.

This started since I moved to Paris and started school.

Also I steal many design ideas from the natives from my country and dont feel bad about it.

>> No.13094315

I despise H&M, Zara and other cheapshit brands.
I regularly wear dress shirts, suits, waistcoats and braces/suspenders and generally dress in menswear and like it

>> No.13094326

You're doing this wrong. Hating Zara isn't a confession because almost everyone on /fa/ professes to hate cheapshit brands except for Uniqlo.

>> No.13094471

lol you're normal then

>> No.13094475

kill youself

>> No.13094502


Hard to tell judging by the horrible waywt threads.

>> No.13094508

I've seen a lot of time here that even though most of their stuff is shit their premium stuff is actually really good.
I was wondering if that was true

>> No.13094520

Londoner here, got no idea what you mean
Outside of the subcultures like roadman, middle class hipster etc most people wear whatever they want and no one cares

Infact if you don't adhere to the uniform of your subculture OR try to look cool, people look down on you, it's basically an unofficial rule that you need to dress up, at least slightly

That said if all your friends are chavs and you walk around dressed in J.Crew with them of course they're gonna tell you stop being a nonce because you're being a nonce anon

>> No.13094909

I still wear Stan Smiths even though normies caught on in 2016. I'm terrible; I know.

>> No.13094946

Kind of this but overall it's pretty decent and comfy. I'd rate it a 7.5/10 i think

>> No.13095092

Puff jackets are hideous

>> No.13096439

You seem like a lost cause, but this is for anyone else who is thinking of becoming a faggy twink.

Anyways, the porn you watch is probably just the result of camera angles and the moaning etc is from girls faking noises.

Sex is more about physical actions, nuance in motor skills, and emotional/psychological connection than you think.

Exercise well, study/work hard, and you will feel better about yourself. Take some pride in what you're good at and seek to improve in what you're bad at. Newsflash, even if you pretend to be fashionable, take up frilly hobbies, and act intellectual, you're not necessarily any smarter than the buff chads you might compare yourself to. (Some of them can be pretty smart).

>> No.13096442

I think my hair is starting to thing out, may be balding.

Trying to convince myself it's because of poor diet/lack of exercise.

>> No.13096458

Uniqlo is dick slobbered so vehemently here because the quality for the price is compartively good and the wal-lets have to convince themselves the only thing they can afford is legit. There are also Uniqlo interns or “social media managers” posting regularly on here pushing the Uniqlo is great quality meme. The brand is suffering greatly outside asia so theyre pushing it.

>> No.13096463

i like /fa/

>> No.13096569
File: 2.37 MB, 1670x1250, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 9.51.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think timberlands are a genuinely beautiful boot and well made. Theyve just been tainted by ghetto culture and rappers who wear them wrong

>> No.13096611

>tfw 6'4", big dick, attractive, but already have a bald spot. Sometimes it feels like any day women are gonna stop finding me attractive.

It's always something, anon. Just try to be a decent comfy person. It will pay off.

You only get one life. I'm never gonna have a full head if hair, and your dick is never gonna grow. Don't waste your only life dwelling on shit you can't change.

>> No.13098292

wow, bold

>> No.13098311

Skinnies look nice on some guys

>> No.13098328

No you don't, the rest of us agree that you hate /fa/.

>> No.13098332

How would you wear them?

>> No.13098337

>wearing something wrong
if a large mass of people are wearing it "wrong"and you're the only one wearing it "right"

>> No.13098339

I want to do evil shit and generally fuck people over but 2 sped to know how 2

>> No.13098345
File: 60 KB, 421x600, jay-z-camo-shorts-timberland-boots-timbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im talking about when people wear them like this with the laces loose and the tongue out. They should be laced up and tied properly

>> No.13098346

my ideal style is an amalgamation of how I see people dressing in skate videos

>> No.13098360
File: 211 KB, 660x369, shiekh-shoes-get-the-look-mens-timberland-boot-wheat-1-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the timberland

>> No.13098496

Hear hear, It's always something. There will always BE something, if you let here be something.

I'm blessed 15 ways to sunday and I could VERY easily just bitch out, get tired and surrender to the comfort of that safe, predictable and strangely relaxing old friend.... Self Pity. Depression. Bitchmodes number 3 thru 47a with optional regret and self loathing plug-in mods installed to load during the address & register checksum tallies, before main BIOS even comes online. Seamless integration via minimal use of open ports, smaller cache rates and less reliance upon recursive integer based function calls - a key feature of why not being a fucking faggot and living your life often demands comparatively heavy outlays of RAM and virtual memory.
With the completion of our open beta, we're certain you'll find that learned helplessness is a bit of a misnomer: You don't have to learn shit, because you already have so much stock in the notion that you're a ineffectual, socially impotent
vagina that bringing the reality to bear is second nature the moment you first boot from an external device.

TLDR - sadness is safety, look at all these fags

>> No.13098572

1- I still like skinny jeans, the baggy too-short hobo pants thing looks stupid as fuck.
They don't even have to be super constricting, just decently fitted. Look fine with almost any casual outfit.
2- >95% of tattoos look like garbage, especially trendy doodles in visible places
3- Young people in a non-professional setting wearing "menswear" is autistic, and arguably worse than dressing like a bum. Unless you're charismatic enough to pull off bizarre styles, fashion is about expressing yourself within the appropriate range of what's expected for what you're doing. Going to a class in a 3-piece suit and cologne with an expensive leather messenger bag and fixed-up hair, even though it might objectively look good, comes off more negatively than wearing jeans and an old t-shirt.

>> No.13098578

Agree with this, they're great quality boots for the price and go well with cuffed jeans. I've had a pair (minus the black thing in the back) for 4 years and they still look great.

>> No.13098590

SBE DGB as a collective have the most inspiring fashion aesthetic in the modern era

>> No.13098807
File: 80 KB, 770x1026, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Rick Owens and most "avant -garde" fashion. Where the fuck are you gonna wear that shit without looking like a dork?

The short pants literally makes your legs look shorter than they are. Makes you look like a fag if you're male.

Those fucked up proportions are in the uncanny valley, makes your torso look long af and your legs look stubby.

>> No.13098884

Y’all about shit opinions. Would like to see a fit.

>> No.13098891

I like low-rise jeans and I wear them every day

>> No.13098900

this one hit way too close to home, anon

>> No.13098904

if someone doesn't recognize rick Owens at this pint there probably not worth your time, most normies at this point know about rick Owens

>> No.13098907

im 195/98 kg athletic build and i wear jeans so tight they resemble leggings

anything looser fucks with my brain altho i do look like a retard