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File: 36 KB, 540x535, surgical mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13084515 No.13084515 [Reply] [Original]

how long until surgical masks become socially acceptable to wear in the west?

>> No.13084526

Seeing as eating laundry pods is popular, it should be just any day now.

>> No.13084528

at least 5 years for full on mainstream normalisation at the least

>> No.13084533

when the pollution blows our way

>> No.13084535

Quite some time. The west has neither the levels of pollution, nor a viral infection. There's no need for it.

>> No.13084546

I see them worn everyday here at my school. Used to be only asians but now white girls wear them too
I live in New England btw

>> No.13085631

i see lots of them in my city (only white masks though) but people still look to them as if the person has stage 4 cancer

>> No.13085634

did this start as a cope for chinlets ?

>> No.13085637

soon hopefully
top 1/3 of my face is nicer than the rest i feel

>> No.13085644

asians have better chins than white people though

>> No.13085646

They are banned in my country because people are afraid of muslims.

Can't make this shit up

>> No.13085648

don't confuse facemasks with beards anon.

>> No.13085653

Why care about social acceptability? I wear surgical masks all the time and I've gotten complements and the worst thing I've heard is people questioning why I'm wearing it then I'll either say "because I want to" or "for the fashion" and then thats the end of that.

>> No.13085670


cope for bad teeth then I guess. Asians have fucked up grills (in Asia at least).

>> No.13085678

it isn't even about the chin, my chin is pretty good but i hate that my jew nose (it isnt that big but the tip is kinda like a hook) so it looks bad combined with the chad chin

>> No.13085995

I about to cop a face "surgical" mask & I have round glasses. am i korean yet ?

>> No.13086075

They’re already socially acceptable?? I wear one whenever I wear a cold because I’m not a mongrel.

>> No.13086316

I've seen Asians wearing them on the metro sometimes in DC

>> No.13086619
File: 50 KB, 719x880, xjz762bfhtgz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When white genoside happens

>> No.13086627

See you at race war anon

>> No.13086630

We would need an airborne disease outbreak and widespread use for it to be acceptable
Covering your face has a certain stigma in the West

>> No.13086702

Where do I get a decent one?

>> No.13086771

Walk into any community hospital and take one. They have masks for anybody who wants one

>> No.13086822

They would become mainstream a lot sooner if it weren't for the fact that literally NO OTHER RACE other than asian can properly pull of the look. I get second hand embarrassment seeing other races in surgical masks

>> No.13086834
File: 1.03 MB, 2000x2400, balaclava-pine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wear a balaclava if your face is that cold anon

>> No.13086839

You can get away with wearing one easily
If someone asks just tell them you're sick, preferably with one of those diseases transmitted through coughing and sneezing

>> No.13086855

I just say the air is dirty or everyone is sick and i dont want to get sick.

If you go to any casinos, it's a must. Especially if you dont smoke yourself

>> No.13086873

>S-sorry I've got t-tuberculosis
>Entire city gets quarantined for your weeb ass shenanigans

>> No.13086880
File: 26 KB, 600x750, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
>the fucking state of this board
>"because I want to"

>> No.13086926
File: 2.93 MB, 480x342, 1272f5100632fff001a717253b576875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

due to the current kpop uprising probably not long

but my face is stunning so i wont be covering it up

>> No.13086929

Seeing as there's no Western country that isn't chinked - it has been acceptable for years.

>> No.13086949

it's not fashionable, it's practical.

I lived in China for 11 months, and got very sick 3 times. I haven't gotten sick in the US for almost 5 years now.

>> No.13087004

I wear it sometimes. The thing is though you can't like drink at a bar or eat with one on.

>> No.13087022

beards dont mask bad chins lol

>> No.13087074

it has nothing to do with pollution

>> No.13087088

You sound like a fag that tries real hard to keep his self esteem high enough to prevent himself from committing suicide. Just kill yourself fag, deep down you know you're not really that fabulous at all.

>> No.13087092

not until you have asian hair / kpop hair

>> No.13087093

aspergers-tier as a fashion accessory

>> No.13088339


if your not asian you cant pull it off

>> No.13088344

you can lmao

>> No.13088388

you forgot that the west doesn't follow logic

>> No.13088770
File: 14 KB, 522x350, mask_amazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as far as i can make them up there are four reasons for as facemask
>yellow dust season in south korea
>having a cold to prevent infection of others
>stars hiding their face from paparazzy (maybe because of lack of makeup or to just dont give them good pictures to sell)

When I'm with friends and having a cold i wear a medical one. Yes, other people may look but who cares. Healthy friends are more important.

The ones made of cotton may look quite cool but i dont see much use for them.
Keeping of cold: Scarf is better
Dust: not so much, no filters
Infection reduction: same, well at least you dont spit into others faces anymore.

I have korean ones as well as a chinese 1$ knockoff. Korean ones are larger, the fabric feels better and its much more breathable.

>> No.13088824

sounds like your projecting

>> No.13088939

>(maybe because of lack of makeup or to just dont give them good pictures to sell)
They also don't have to shave if they wear them.

>> No.13088942

>implying asians grow facial hair

>> No.13088949
File: 47 KB, 749x749, 9f7141b1311708bde30132f11a6b24417c423808_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was being sarcastic i'm hideous

>> No.13088988

When disease and air pollution get bad enough.

>> No.13088993

Only acceptable if your sick