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/fa/ - Fashion

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13082939 No.13082939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on wacky dad issues leftist fashion like pic related?

>> No.13082965
File: 90 KB, 1024x768, 1516033017837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at OP's pic and this pic and I am fully convinced, knowing nothing other than the fact that these pictures are of the same individual, that whoever this girl is she is a huge bitch with an absolutely inflammatory "personality" (the quotes meaning that she does not actually have a personality outside of being a bitch).

It has nothing to do with the way she's dressed though. It's her facial expressions. Nobody makes these facial expressions naturally unless they get off on telling people "That wasn't funny. You're not funny" when they say something even remotely "offensive".

>> No.13082979

And before you call me "Misogynist kekistani butthurt poltard" you should know that I am also a female, and it is just as much a mistake to attempt to be friends with these kinds of women as it is to be their "boyfriend" (you are not her only boyfriend).

>> No.13082982

sounds like a conclusion born from experience

>> No.13082985
File: 3.11 MB, 1667x8342, 1485327716744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


quick rundown

>Antifa QT filmed at a Trump protest, infatuates /pol/
>Antifa QT visibly triggered in video after it pans to the interviewers pepe pin
>Antifa QT's twitter handle contains the word "frog", she has various references to frogs throughout the years in facebook and twitter posts/pics
>Antifa QT talks about Nietzsche, who wrote about something called "frog perspectives" (too much to get into detail now)
>Antifa QT previously tweeted lamenting having to be /politically correct/ all the time, previously wore beanie with a frog on it, has history of unusual tweets, etc.
>Antifa QT tweets about a chrysocolla stone pendant she appears to wear around her neck always, at least since 2014, which is purported to be a "stone of communication, which emphasizes the power our words and actions have on those around us"

>Same chrysocolla stone found in a vintage native-american ring signed "K.E.K."
>There are only two known instances of chrysocolla artwork found in ancient egypt - a pendant and a statue
>The pendant was found on a mummified child, and is proposed to have been used to ensure its safety in the afterlife
>The statue of a "seated child" looks quite similar to the "person using computer" symbol on the ancient statue of Kek

>The Japanese IUIRC used the KEK "High Energy Accelerator" completed structural analyses of chrysocolla in 1999
>The IUIRC began construction of the "SuperKEKB" in 2011 - the same year /pol/ was formed
>The organization completed construction and began "Phase 1" in 2016 - the same year KEK was revealed to us on /pol/
>IUIRC's stated goal with the SuperKEKB is the "quest for the origin of the universe"


>> No.13082995

I think you need to go outiside

>> No.13083001

it is.
tim 4 U to DIE

>> No.13083002

You're not a funny person. You shouldn't try to impress women with your humor. They are built to see through inferior men.

>> No.13083009

I like how /fa/ is a redpilled board now. We also hate faggots right?

>> No.13083038

sounds like too many dudes out there thinking they are funny

>> No.13083045

why are there so many bitter losers like this on muh effay lately?

>> No.13083049

There's still plenty of liberal faggots here but more and more anons are wizening up to ((((their)))) brainwashing tactics.

>> No.13083051
File: 149 KB, 1019x910, 1024px-sigmund_freud_1926-edited(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dad issues
It's retarded when people say something parapsychological like this as if literally every person doesn't have psychosexual conflict rooted in childhood experiences. Read Freud, faggot

>> No.13083053

freud has been debunked by pretty much the entire scientific community for the last 50 years

>> No.13083058

100% true, knew a girl like this in high school and she grew up to be a crazy leftist crying on fb all day

>> No.13083067

50 years of peer reviewed research by the whole (((scientific community))) eh?

sounds like a conspiracy to me

>> No.13083068
File: 23 KB, 617x617, 1516048604100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop it right now

>> No.13083077
File: 166 KB, 590x764, IMG_7437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud is just a projection of the Jewish psyche onto westerners
>hurr durr men want to fuck their mom and get tied up and whipped because Jewish moms are hyper masculine matriarchal bitches and Jewish men are pathetic weak feminised goblins, therefore everyone else in the world is like us, especially you goy
Absolutely retarded

>> No.13083080

Next you'll try to tell me phrenology isn't a legitimate science, and that the Earth is a sphere. We're onto (((your))) tricks!

>> No.13083085

>he thinks behaviorism/acceptance based treatments made psychoanalysis obsolete
I live in New York, and here there are more therapists practising psychodynamic therapy than cognitive-behavioral or anything else

>> No.13083090

>hurr durr I read a wikipedia article and have misinformation fed to me from pop culture
Information literacy reaching critically low levels

>> No.13083161


>> No.13083211

>he actually believes this

>> No.13083309

you /pol/niggers are fucking retarded

>> No.13083310

shit's weak and you can keep that

>> No.13083318

Jesus christ go back to pol you fucking schizo

>> No.13083320

jews BTFO