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/fa/ - Fashion

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13080532 No.13080532 [Reply] [Original]

I think they are rather aesthetic

>> No.13080541
File: 71 KB, 500x341, 1505992026740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need confidence to pull it off

>> No.13080559

They are supposed to make you look cute and innocent but only bitches and whores have them.

>> No.13080584

I think bangs look cute on chicks, but only with dark hair.

>> No.13080598


>> No.13080609

some pull it off, others do not
just like every hairstyle

>> No.13080610
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they're essential if you have a 5head like me.

Just watch out for girls who have bangs like pic related, they're no good

>> No.13080622


>> No.13080657

idk but I love them

>> No.13080663

I've always had a thing for girls with them.

>> No.13080722
File: 31 KB, 502x503, nkklnkjn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they are top tier

>> No.13080786
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Any style that frames the face is going to be flattering. Bangs are like cutting a literal frame around your face, so of course they work. Even if they go out of style they will still look good.

>> No.13080796

Bangs are my favorite single styling choice a girl can make.

>> No.13080811
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no yellow fever tho

>> No.13080855

I cut mine the Japanese way with the upside down V shape just slightly inward at the end of my eyebrows which are far superior to the north american style which is more a band across the forehead and usually way too thick, plenty of actresses have had disasters for this reason. Korean wispy bangs are cute too but seem like they'd get greasy real fast.

It's better to do it yourself too unless you can find an Asian salon as hairdressers think they know best when they don't know shit.

You pretty much never see it done in high western fashion as they tend to prefer an effortless look, but done right they look fantastic.

>> No.13080866

>but only with dark hair.
Damn you're right. How come I never realized this before? Case in point, this >>13080610 looks like shit

>> No.13080875

I don't think it's because of the bangs m8

>> No.13080887
File: 116 KB, 996x942, dazta 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are Japanese women so good with fashion?

>> No.13080892


This is 100% the truth.

>> No.13080921

I love bangs. My dream girl is a girl with bangs, and instead of sex, we just lay awake at night and play with each other's bangs while listening to my favorite Paramore songs.

>> No.13081399

Who is she? She's pretty cute.

>> No.13081424
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No bangs are literally timeless

>> No.13081466
File: 504 KB, 500x603, 17800490_401900323541700_3504333252770011021_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, girls with bangs are the best. Especially Japanese girls, or white girls with dark hair and deep blue eyes.

>> No.13081473


they are also sexy

>> No.13081484
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1200, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit too close to home anon, had this and was too beta to keep it, working on being alpha and moving on but I cant give other girls what I gave to her

>> No.13081537

It’s the opposite. trend is low confidence easy art hoes with bangs, or crazy horse women. Yet to meet anyone who had them without at least a low self esteem though.

>> No.13081551

whats her insta

>> No.13081552

depends on proportions
yolandi visser would look bad with dark hair too

>> No.13081607

thats what i like about em

>> No.13081612

I think >>13080610 has bangs that are too short and blunt for her face. She would look better with Japanese style rather than radfem bangs.

>> No.13081621
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>> No.13081632

They have to stand out somehow.

>> No.13081643

They are pure and traditional unlike Western whores.

>> No.13081749

The best

>> No.13081939

i haven't seen one woman that looks better with bangs than without. it literally detracts 2-3 points from their looks.

>> No.13081955


>> No.13081979
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>> No.13081991
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>> No.13082079
File: 22 KB, 300x410, 1ee49e4cb35238de1e0bcae406029395--yolandi-visser-die-antwoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a lot more qt like this.

>> No.13082317

you need to avoid looking like a scrawny bug-eyed freak to pull it off

stay away from /thinspo/, visit /fit/ instead

>> No.13082477

What about sideswept bangs?

>> No.13082505

Survivor bias combined with Confirmation bias and a healthy dose of cherrypicking.

>Terrible pictures won't get shared, all data you can gather has already been filtered mutiple times
> You also only share and and actively search for pictures that confirm your believes


>> No.13082506

might make you look like an emo twee cunt if you can't pull it off

>> No.13082513

art hoes are my weakness

>> No.13082521

it's almost sad how much they draw on their eye bags to get that puffy look

>> No.13083042

they draw on their eyebags? not that u mention it, it does look weird, all though i dont see how that adds to their look, is it a positive thing in japan to have puffy eyes?

>> No.13083075
File: 104 KB, 1149x540, data 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true. when you see a jap, chances are they will have a much better fashion sense than the average person, this is mostly due to cultural reasons, and its a lot more evident in the women. Their clothes are generally always ironed and close fitting, many of them look like they are wearing designer cloths, and their faces and hair is looked after much more too, Japanese women even go as far as to use umbrellas in the sun. Which is a relatively rare thing here in the west where you normally only see those kind of umbrellas at beaches.

>> No.13083079

I've been to Japan several times and the women really are vastly more effay, though. My experience is that when I walk down a random street in Tokyo, somewhere around 50-60% of women are what I would consider well-dressed and styled. At home in LA, even in a good part of town, I'd say that figure is closer to 10%.

Part of that is just taste, of course, but there are also far more women here who clearly just don't care or try, and of course a much much higher obesity rate that accounts for much of the difference.

>> No.13083096

effay but arr rook same
like no actual racism intended but while they may be dressed nice, trends go way too hard.
i can't describe how many camel half coats or fastfash sukajans i see

>> No.13083288

>women here who clearly just don't care or try
This so much. Bangs make me rock hard but I rarely see girls who have them because most girls can't be assed to maintain their hair, or anything else. So instead you get this bland sea of girls with short hair, colored top from hollister, jeans (so they dont have to shave their legs), converse or sketchers. Literally 90% of women in the US.

>> No.13083362

who is that? looks very familiar

>> No.13083379

To boil it down. If you're this woman's level, you can pull off nearly anything. The average woman, nah.

>> No.13084089

im with you but hazel eyes go really well this look imo

>> No.13084347


>> No.13084481

Blunt bangs suck. Side swept is best. This is how you can tell a good girl from trash tier.

>> No.13084543

Grey eyes for true kino

>> No.13084641
File: 204 KB, 512x640, 1486660479ANJELA 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it only ever ugly girls with jowls who ever try this look, if some cleopatra looking girl went for this look she would be beautiful. but instead its always mouthbreathing hoes

>> No.13085899

Resist the urge and you will find better quality living.

>> No.13086194

asian people in general just have a better fashion sense

>> No.13086265

Clearly you’ve never stepped foot on a North American college campus

>> No.13086285

thats why we like them

>> No.13086420

Ninja looked pretty good with a beard

>> No.13087363
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, 1516413655689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff

>> No.13088020

Straight bangs and messy bun is my all time favorite.

>> No.13088023

Also she is a goddess and I'd die for her

>> No.13088046
File: 65 KB, 600x600, Screenshot 2018-01-20 19-54-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls with big eyes are my fetish. I really miss my ex.


>> No.13088056

shes trying to be alison harvard so bad but doesn't have the face or body for it

>> No.13088064

>girls with big eyes are my fetish.

*and black hair

>> No.13088148

I used to see this girl plastered all over /b Like not a day went by where there werent 5 threads with her pic on them

>> No.13088298

I want to sniff her armpits

>> No.13088306

my mans