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/fa/ - Fashion

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13067411 No.13067411[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a gf like this?

>> No.13067415

like what?
that's a rich white girl with dyed hair?
that wears boots?

there's only one sarah snyder

and her history seems to be of dating rich black boys who provide her with drugs

>> No.13067418

by getting off of 4chan

>> No.13067427

cut off your penis, take medication designed to hurt you and call yourself transgender

>> No.13067430
File: 51 KB, 768x960, 1515593510816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand outside your local high school with some weed.

>> No.13067614
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>> No.13067725

stop posting the generic entry level streetwear waifu

>> No.13067912 [DELETED] 

Be a nigger rapper.

>> No.13067926

this thread again?
be black, anon.

>> No.13067934

show her your BBC

>> No.13067940

Just be black

There is hope though. She looks like an Asian girl with white skin. Maybe you can look for an Asian, they still date white people I heard.

>> No.13067983

she makes me feel so dirty looking at her, shes just gross and a known whore, why would u want this?

>> No.13067996

whores are the alphas of the woman world you lil ass boi

>> No.13068018

If you like stink loose infected pussies and girls that will cheat and cuck you so be it

>> No.13068025

Doesn't sound that dissimilar to alpha males.

>> No.13068769


w2c boots?

>> No.13068785

explain this to me
>girl has sex with multiple guys, only once at a time
>pussy is supposed to be loose nad used up

>girl has sex many times with one guy
>somehow she's good as new?

>> No.13068866

Stop arguing will incels. If you ignore them they will go back to r9k.

>> No.13068868

>black hair
>black eyes
>midget tier
shit waifu kys

>> No.13068874
File: 64 KB, 528x640, 424CE01B-8852-4B8C-8F09-29CBF55CF6EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By looking like this

>> No.13069007

The 'loose pussy' thing is not a literal thing. Most people other than incels know the elasticity in women under like 40 is enough to not really be impacted unless they have a baby or start using bad dragon dildos or something lol.
A lot of people just dont trust the idea of committing to a monogamous relationship with promiscuous girls, and honestly you can't blame them.

>> No.13069022

>and honestly you can't blame them.
imo that's only the case if the girl is known to have cheated on her previous partner/s. but most guys just think it's icky that a girl has had a penis other than theirs inside her so they steer clear of non-virgins

>> No.13069037

As you say, a history of cheating is definitely a red flag, but sometimes a very strong party/hookup personality can bring red flags too. It's a bit naive to think the only red flag is a history of cheating.
It really does depend on the particular girl and the degree of it though. IMO a strong sexual history is not a deal-breaker, but a red flag to be conscious of when assessing the whole situation.

Yes there are absolute spergs that will not touch a girl that isn't a virgin, but this is often out of insecurities in their own meagre sexual history, or prowess.

>> No.13069041

>most guys steer clear of non-virgins
Except that being nearly impossible once you're over the age of twenty.

>> No.13069048

New Yorker here she's one of the most hateful annoying wigger brats I've ever met

She sucked Ian Connor dick on hotel roofs for lulz

>> No.13069050

She's an aussie

>> No.13069054

>dyed hair

thats called balayage and it's achieved through lightening not pigmenting u dumb fuckin suburbanite

s m h why are retards like this allowed to post on a fashion imageboard LOL

>> No.13069057

Leave my wife alone.

>> No.13069061

I meant 'most virgins fags' sorry

>> No.13069225
File: 50 KB, 480x480, 17308987_1115626828582927_8317893382115431341_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes just nasty lol sleeping with a bunch of guys is gross and saying her pussy is a bit of a hyperbole which is obvious but its still disgusting to me and im not even a dude so you cant really call me an incel (which is a very predictable thing for you to call an anonymous person on the internet ofcourse -.-)

>> No.13069229

be ur self an let her fuck u with a strapon

>> No.13069489

beceause every guy different guy she fucks is also sharing his sexual history with her. if shes fucked a 100 guys shes got a 100 stds. secondly its just a gross habit for a girl to have

>> No.13069541

Win the lottery and they will come in droves.

>> No.13069546

uh no wrong generation pops

its more like cop serious heat and flex on the gram

>> No.13069558

why is this gross for a girl and not for a guy? I can kinda get shaming promiscuity of it's indiscriminate but directed it at women only is just being an asshole

>> No.13069560

Nobody said it wasnt gross for a fucking guy you moron I also feel the same for dudes ffs

>> No.13069567

you might want to check your blood pressure love

>> No.13069577

its gross to me, idont fuck guys so i wouldnt know.

>> No.13069579

Found a girl poster

no self-respecting man uses "love" unless they're referring to a woman.

>> No.13069586

Slut shaming is fun. Girl get's to enjoy her freedom and power at the dating/sex market and all the people who don't get around so much can freely ridicule her for that. We all had to get our fun somewhere.

>> No.13069589

Ok feminist sorry for oppressing you

>> No.13069594

Move to Philly. I know like 50 different girls like this I can introduce you to. Just introduce me to a nice grill who doesn't dress like a fuggin boring ass hipster thanks.

>> No.13069597

i fucked up a fuckboy with lame ass tattoos last week lmao. I mean, if that type of girls like that their boyfriend is beat up every month then i guess go ahead

>> No.13069606

Men are just naturally disgusted by the thought of a girl getting chopped up. Some will deny it to fit in with the politics of the time but deep down they know its true.Theres nothing that disgusts a man more than a slutty woman and that will never change. One of my exs was a slut who kept it hush hush but i found out from other people of her history and i tried to get over it but once you find out its like they become tainted. Just hearing this bitch eat food made me feel gross and looking at her pussy was never the same experience again. I dumped her like 2 weeks after i found out

>> No.13069611

>waits around with her stinky dick-mouth and dick-pussy for 2 whole weeks

you're the cuck here...just so you know

>> No.13069617

>something something human nature
is this how brainlets try to back up their 'arguments'?

>> No.13069621

lol i only saw her 2 times

>> No.13069627

its not really an argument. its a statement, im not trying to convince people to be like this. if you're not bothered by a womans sexual history, all power to you. but for most men thats simply not the case

>> No.13069628

damn bro you are too cool

>> No.13069632

i know i know, just dont get stupid ass tattoos if you cant protect yourself

>> No.13069786

fuck sarah snyder

>> No.13069808
File: 61 KB, 476x583, 1511166878887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false equivalency and oversimplification
Many random men wear a shoe for a day that they will not keep / A man wears a shoe that will be his to wear on an ongoing basis. Also, consider the type of "shoe" that either chooses to be or is chosen to be passed around again and again amongst those those who care not wherein they place their "foot".

BONUS: She ain't wearing socks between the foot and the shoe!!!

>> No.13069958

be a black dude with rap connections

>> No.13070157

legit badass right hear

>> No.13070339

>le false equivalency
>proceeds to equate a woman with a shoe
I'll give you props for coming up something different than the 'key that opens many doors' schtick

>> No.13071759
File: 37 KB, 640x559, doyouknowdearthoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White dude works too, its the rap connections

>> No.13071814
File: 29 KB, 419x451, 1433139146122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /fa/ fetishize masculine girls?

>> No.13071826

low key homoeroticism. Really low key, like they want to sublimate it through vaguely masculine women.
>implying my own track record is any better

>> No.13072001

what the fuck are you talking about. go take a nap.

>> No.13072015

What do to make the girls know I have a weed?

>> No.13072034

>hey girls you want some weed

>> No.13072113

>looking in the mirror while crying

Is this some girl thing?

>> No.13072211

i sure need one fr fr

>> No.13072219


nigger detected. When the cops are stepping on your nigger skull I bet your attitude will change

>> No.13072251

Calm down lil autist, you're the only nigger that even gives the slightest fuck about "balayage". Stay on the fucking topic dumb cunt.

>> No.13072256

this but they have to have rich parents so the bf n actually afford a sarah snyder esque selfish hoe

>> No.13072264
File: 60 KB, 960x944, 1510265943387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false equivalency
Well yeah, I meant to make it ridiculous but suddenly it totally made more sense. In general, it is not in the best interest of a woman to hang her bare ass up in the air and yell out "Open for business y'all!" In the modern world it doesn't make sense for men to run around spraying their seed like a lawn sprinkler either. The whole notion that men are applauded for sleeping around is a feminist delusion.

This is a fashion board though so practical implications and "reality" are a bonus. Debbie Harry looked like a super hot slut and looking like a rakish Alain Delon is the best you can do in life.

Bottom line: That scruffy indie chick needs to be able to wear a dress to be worth your time.

>> No.13072304

funny how you ironically use "le" when you're actually a redditor

>> No.13072334

mods pls delete this trainwreck of a thread

>> No.13072419

uh oh suburbanite on life support

wasnt ur topic how to get vagina? shouldnt u return to /r9k/ or r/incel u fucking nerd lol

>> No.13072445

>The whole notion that men are applauded for sleeping around is a feminist delusion
if u fuck many hot chicks ur top lad the fuck u on about m8

>> No.13072534

info on boots

>> No.13072593


>> No.13072651

Dr Martens

>> No.13072694

Look like the kind of guy who might have weed. They won't hesitate to ask.

>> No.13072702

I'm wearing the same boots, except I don't tie them like that bitch tie she's doing.

If OP wants to meet a chick that looks like that go to any major city and walk into a coffee shop. It will be all these girls sitting there with a laptop updating their instawhoregram or reading emails because they have fake jobs.

>> No.13073054

she doesn't look white to me

>> No.13073195


>> No.13073203

you dont get the emergence reference?