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>> No.13062848
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>> No.13062858

not him but yes
not in the male version though

>> No.13062921

Which of the Dior Homme line should I try?

>> No.13063059

I've tried like 30 colognes in the last two weeks, from the meme 5 to the niche, and I must say that I didn't find a single one that fully convinced me. What do?

>> No.13063084

sounds like you're just not interested in the hobby, or maybe just trying shitty fragrances.

>> No.13063124
File: 60 KB, 600x450, t0819cit-amyris_feat3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the niche sector so fucking pretentious? pic related. he makes nice fragrances on par w/ great designer, but sells them at a 3x markup. basically, the indie/artisanal sector is the last bastion for artistry and integrity when it comes to perfume.

it goes like this

designer: gibe the pusi b0ss, male/female genderizing,

niche: literally the same thing except with the jewness amped up and llusions of exclusivity

Artisan: small batches, fair pricing, good product, creativity

>> No.13063138

I am interested, I like to try them and understand them and the notes underneath and the sensations, and what they remind me (smell is the feeling most stimulating to memory). It's just that they all feel... kind of wrong, or uninspired, as if there could be, but I never met it. Which I find strange, given the enormous choice.

>> No.13063145

List the frags you tested and which ones came closest to the mark
so we can gauge your taste.

But indie doesn't mean good. For every Smell Bent you have a Gallagher.

>> No.13063180

You just need to spend 2000.00+ on samples, never buy a full bottle because nothing is good enough, and constantly post here about how all designer scents are pleb shit.

>> No.13063224

Has anyone here tried Dior Homme Sauvage?

>> No.13063229

Never heard of it. Any good?

>> No.13063230

Sprayed it 2 days ago on my arm, and still smells, really close to skin

le male

>> No.13063292
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>le Gallagher meme

More people are mad about these frags than probably even wear them

>> No.13063295

woke up in unknown qt's bed this morning and she was wearing tom ford very d'encens and now the smell is over me and it's like a duvet of qt

>> No.13063304

get your nose on something like Lampblack; sounds like you need a good mindfuck and that fragrances will definitely jar your brain and conjure scent associations.

>> No.13063315

Don’t know it. Is it like that old frag Eau Sauvage?

>> No.13063325

there is a plethora of good independent brands: Bruno Fazzolari, Bogue Profumo, Papillon, Abdessalaam Attar, it's just all the shit you see meme'd here is streamlined for creed/sauvage bros. People here are generally concerned with fragrance as a weapon of attraction and not as an art. I know I sound pretentious or foreveralone or what have you, but it's fucking depressing to me. It's like they're unironically fulfilling the prophecy of the inane, lust-addled marketing by fashion houses, or maybe it's just shills here flogging this shit.

>> No.13063331

Should I give 1 Million Prive a try?

>> No.13063336

Sup, /frag?

Just waiting on the results of my bloodwork to find out if I have cancer or not. Good times.

Also, got a sample of Zoologist Camel. Nice stuff. A lot lighter than I thought it’d be. Thought it’d be a syrupy-spicy bomb like Serge Lutens Arabie, but it’s not. Almost like an exotic tea scent with a little dried fruit sweetness.

>> No.13063340

What we need are independents who flout the IFRA and produce scents using the banned real oakmoss etc. I'd be on board with supporting such a renegade perfume house.

>> No.13063349

I’m gonna say this again: there are no shills here. We’re like 50 people, if that. It wouldn’t be worth paying someone to shill here. There are much better places like Fragrantica or Basenotes that might actually generate some sales.

>> No.13063355

I think 4160 Tuesdays uses oakmoss. It lists it as an ingredient (not note, in the ingredients list) on the box for my bottle of Eau My Soul.

>> No.13063356

Previously I had only sampled Jean Paul Galtier Ultra Male, Paco Robanne 1 Million and Yves Saint Laurent La Nuit de l`Homme. These fragrances were bland, dull, childish and almost critically uninspired. Every note felt like an afterthought, the harshness of these fragrances resurfaced forgotten memories of Physical Education lessons at school, finding myself asphyxiated by Lynx spray in the changing rooms after two hours of kicking balls around. They most certainly did not impress me, and my expectations of female adoration and envious compliments from fellow work colleagues had not been fulfilled. I could never live out my fantasies of reigning over the entire workplace as the supreme alpha male, fucking every female secretary I laid eyes on. The epitome of masculinity.

That was until I discovered Dior Homme Sauvage. I remember experiencing my first sample with vivid detail. With just one spray I delved deep into it's aroma and surrounded myself in it's musk. Each note reminded me of an intense LSD trip, upon reaching the peak of my journey I felt intense pleasure all over my entire surface area. Women surrounded me and began sucking my cock, my vision became completely shrouded by intense fractals and impossibly huge beams of light. I had no grasp of time nor any sense of touch, I could only experience pleasure. My trip led me into days of extended hedonistic mass orgies with hordes of fertile teenage girls. I had reached Nirvana.

When my senses were no longer being blown the fuck out, I regained consciousness in a blisteringly hot desert. The only other person present with me in this infinite stretch of sand was the famous actor Johnny Depp, standing over my naked body like a guardian angel. He told me he crafted Sauvage himself and offered me a place as his disciple. This scent was a nectar from God himself. Ever since this epiphany, I have followed the gospel of Depp. I will follow him into the fountains of Sauvage.

>> No.13063358

Huh, interesting. Sounds like a pretty special scent, wonder why I’ve never heard of it? You’d think something like that would be very popular.

Thanks for the rec! Do you know if luckyscent carries it?

>> No.13063369

is this an original pasta? good job.

>> No.13063371
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You can buy it from their website or maybe purchase it from thefragranceshop for the cheapest price (60ml)

Glad I could help!

>> No.13063382

Is it expensive? Obscure niche scents like that are usually pretty pricey. Might have to wait a while to cop.

>> No.13063452

my gf told me i smell like old man while wearing sauvage

>> No.13063461

It is around $70 for 60ml, extremely high end pricing. You have to pay to play.

>> No.13063470
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How did I do

>> No.13063505

I can't tell who is getting memed anymore

>> No.13063523

That’s not too bad, actually. I wonder why such a great scent isn’t more popular if it’s that reasonable.

I promise you I do not meme, friend.

>> No.13063542

Sounds like a keeper. Now, while I despise s*uv*ge and everything it stands for I’ll say it: sauvage sluts really do exist. Might have to do something with the excessive Ambroxan.

>> No.13063557

Fuck man good luck

Could you compare it to any other mainstream frag?

>> No.13063596

>pineapple vintage and batch X won't be here until at least Saturday if that email is to be believed
>other frags won't be here until tomorrow and I won't get to smell it until I get off work


>> No.13063622

Maybe a little like Chergui, but lighter.

>> No.13063624
File: 686 KB, 496x747, suave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got me some suave, lads. What do you think?

>> No.13063728

If Sauvage gets you pussy, does knockoff Sauvage get you tranny pussy?

>> No.13063731

jeremy teased sauvage edp in his latest vid

>> No.13063747
File: 48 KB, 500x500, l-homme-prada-intense_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this one today

>> No.13063767
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I've spent the past 12 hours wearing Pineapple
Vintage X Batch and can share some early thoughts.

The pineapple opening is very natural, just like in the other Pineapple Vintages, mixed with a cedary ambroxan. This stage lasts for about an hour, after which the pineapple disappears and the scent becomes ambroxan and vetiver forward, with mixed fruit on the periphery. At this point, my mind has placed XB somewhere in between Sau*age and Bond Scent of Peace fH, but much closer to the Dior in structure with that ambrox overdose.

I brought a 3ml atomizer and refreshed with one spray to each arm at midday, though I didn't really need to. I just wanted to smell the pineapple again. A solid eight to ten hours on three sprays should be its normal longevity.

I didn't get any comments on this wear of XB, though I smelled it on myself throughout the day. A work friend who enjoys fragrance took the atomizer and so I'll get see how XB smells on someone else tomorrow.

Though I usually need at least five or six wears to form a sound opinion on a scent, after one wear I'm positive about this X Batch. It performs. It's pleasant. It's an original work, for the most part. And at the very least it has calmed my urge to purchase a backup bottle of Sau*age, as I think it's better (how did I never notice that black pepper?)

>> No.13063800
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The original and DHI. The rest are trash.

>> No.13063816

Thoughts on Original Santal? I like my sample a lot, but I also get the vibe from smelling it that it might be one of those niche fragrances that gets acclaim within the community for being sophisticated but in real life young hot women just say it smells like old man cologne.

>> No.13063872

Love prada lhomme and the intense, both are great

>> No.13063889

What is wrong with Parfum? it is just stronger

>> No.13063904

Give me convincing criticisms of Cologne and Eau.

>> No.13064046

I tried it a couple days ago. It's.. average? I'd pay 25$ tops for a 50ml.

>> No.13064048
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>Obscure niche scents
I like you

>> No.13064056


>> No.13064095

If you're asking for thoughts on an individual fragrance that isn't the usual line up of incredibly popular colognes, you're better off looking at reviews on fragrantica.
What are the chances that someone browsing this sparsely populated basket weaving forum actually owns that same frag and bothers to write a review about it for you? Very low indeed

>> No.13064112

I sold 3 bottles of the 200ml for $90 each because I just wanted to get some cash back for a refund from where I worked.

>> No.13064236

Nice, I'm excited for my bottle. Do you think owning it and PVI is redundant? Or are they different enough?

>> No.13064243

What's a non offensive scent I can wear to class? I'm thinking Versace Pour Homme but I'm looking for additional suggestions.

>> No.13064262

Honestly as long as you are light, just about anything.

Mont blanc individuel is my go to non offensive scent though

>> No.13064264
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should i cop? $200 is kinda steep desu

>> No.13064266 [DELETED] 

Anyone can show me how to build RT Doomfletch Slayer? An anon mentioned this build last week and got me intrigue.

I have no problem making my own melee builds but I know nothing about bows.

>> No.13064318

Prada L'Homme definitely. Luxurious but inoffensive and clean

>> No.13064320

I was not a fan of Jimmy Choo at all but if you like it then you've done well

>> No.13064331

My Wonderwood just arrived with five free samples aw yee.

Can't wait to try it out once I'm done with laundry.

>> No.13064352
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Whats a good scent for the bus/uni during the winter? I love Armani Code Profumo but I feel like this wouldn't be appropriate for those situations

>> No.13064420

Ew no that's sugary sweet and nothing else. APLS is the only truly fantastic thing in MFK's lineup.
Have no idea why that particular frag in your pic is so popular. Must be the packaging and hype.

>> No.13064427

i just browse this board waiting for someone to mention WW.
Whats samples did you get?

>> No.13064431

I've heard Prada l'homme is useless in the cold weather, anything like it but good for the freezing cold?

>> No.13064435

Aventus, Tobacco Vanille, Oud Minerale and two others I never heard of; Mazzolari Nero and Nishane Hacivat.

>> No.13064447

advices to newbies: no such thing as too many samples, if you buy a bottles make sure it's something you'll wear frequently, if you just like the smell but unsure you'll wear, just get a decant

>> No.13064517
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I think a Creed price for a non-popular fragrance isn't safe. At least BdP, Royal Mayfair, Royal Oud etc has the snob recognition but I never saw recommendations for Original Santal.

Cold weather fragrances = strong one spray 6ft smell, lasts 8h.

Prada l'homme = clean supermarket soap bubble smell

I have a bottle of Van cleef & Arpels pour homme for cold winter soapy smoky green leather smell.

It is clearly for winter, has soap smell...but is it inoffensive...? I don't know. Does marshmellow-man size giant soap-man inoffensive? If you want to try, spray VC&A pour homme before sleep, at your leg, only one spray.

>> No.13064562

The original JC man was pretty disgusting on my skin. Hope they revamped it big time for the intense version.

>> No.13064564


ISIS teased a Jeremy halal ritual in their latest vid.

>> No.13064600

I think it is but another good one would be Spice bomb

>> No.13064617

why do you think ACP is appropriate? from what I've heard it's extremely strong, could be off putting to some people

>> No.13064632
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Not a fragrance but I find the scent of this body wash completely intoxicating. Anybody know fragrances similar to it?

>> No.13064636

Insane pasta

>> No.13064672
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breddy good

>> No.13064731

Maybe it's a different formulation from the one I smelt but it didn't have great projection and wasn't that strong either. But again, id recommend spice bomb otherwise as it's a fairly true to its formulation as an EDT.

>> No.13064761

i like it desu, i've been enjoyin the hell out of my sample. I was about to order it but I just noticed that I lost my credit card so I had to cancel it. Maybe that's a sign lol

>> No.13064772


Samefag pls.

>> No.13064810

Fuck that! 32 sprays of Kouros. Go with the Chad miasma.

>> No.13064816

Oh, ok, thanks!

Don't like at all (just some of them, the most noticeable):
>Bvlgari Man
>Moschino Uomo?
>Guerlain Vetiver
>JPG Le Male & Ultra Male (love the smell, but it's too sweet and feminine for what I'd wear)
>Givenchy (some variations of Pi, see Le Male why I don't like)
>Rodriguez Bleu Noir
>Montblanc (various but not Individuel, which looks interesting by looking at the notes)
>Bottega Verde (a couple)
>Boss (various)
>Versace Eros (love the style, hate the smell)

Some that I like a bit but are "not enough":
>Chanel Allure Homme Sport
>1 Million

The only ones I really liked but I still think there could be something better:
>Bvlgari Man in Black
>Valentino Uomo Intense
>Versace Dylan Blue for man

>> No.13064824

Well, I don’t have the cancerino! I have anemia due to an iron deficiency. Apparently, my body doesn’t absorb iron efficiently, so I need to take iron supplements from now on and need to include more iron-rich foods in my diet. So, gotta go buy me some doctor-prescribed steaks and cheeseburgers. Everything went better than expected.

Also, tried my sample of Roja Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Not a fan. Very oud-y, has that typical Roja animalic thing going that I don’t like. I thought with all the fruit notes, it might be lighter and sweeter, but nope. More of the same. Guess I’m sticking to Enigma.

>> No.13064828

That's good news anon. I hope everything will be better for you.

>> No.13064941


Yeah I feel that most of the gulf collection are just low-effort like most of the 2017 churn-outs. Now that his line has gained quite a bit of notoriety with reviewers, I feel that he has capitalised on this by most of the 2017 releases being more simple/similar (that candy floss accord kills me), his target market has probably shifted to a younger crowd that has less experience so the wool can be pulled over them.

Not really into his brand anymore desu. I think there's a bit of an echo chamber too, with some people going along with marketing and not really knowing decrying its the best thing ever and ever opposing opinion is just bounced back with hollow no-knowledge elitism. Go for his older fragrances, or elysium I guess if you appreciate designer scents more. I'm not sure but i've also heard that quite a few in the line were reformed late 2016/early 2017, the information on the bottom of the bottle names "Roja Dove Limited" or "Manufactured by Roja Dove Limited", which either is just design change, signs of a sale or reform.

>> No.13065087

I did sample Elysium, it’s nice enough, but it really does smell a lot like BdC to me. Maybe a little more citrus-focused, but undeniably similar. Just don’t think I can justify the price for that one. Haven’t tried the extrait, though, just the cologne, so the extrait might be entirely different.

>> No.13065268

good news

>> No.13065279

CdG Blackpepper has strong peeper and patchouli notes. Haven't smelled the soap or fragrance though

>> No.13065345


Apparently he has just released "Majestic Oud" which is an exclusive. It has purple font so most likely will be on the pricier side of things. Apparently there is a higher concentration of oud and "woods" that reinforce it, and ambergris. I frankly think that it's another churner that would appeal to the wallets of the shoppers there, but that same store sells a fragrance that retails for either hundreds or a thousand plus that advertises "Amber extreme" as a note, so not even real ambergris or whatever, but they are brazen about it and its most likely going to be bought based on the bottle. I think the brand is called "Elegantes".

>> No.13065394


>Inb4 the "I need to remind people with link to the topic of pricing in luxury fragrances" guy spams his link.

Elegantes seems to go beyond that, usually with overpriced luxury fragrances there is an element of being well blended or showcasing rare ingredients not used very often. Look up their "Cashmere" fragrance, goes for £2350, an eau de parfum too. Its similar to a YT vid where this reviewer slammed Phuon Dang, which took crap and priced themselves into luxury, had the right connections to set up shop in a department store straight away. Seems to me that this is the case with Elegantes too but to the extreme. It isn't luxury, it's bullshit. I mean unless you buy their bottles and fill them with better perfume.

>> No.13065434

What are some examples of good artisan brands/scents?

>> No.13065473


Ensar oud.
Sultan Pasha.

Many more but i've discovered these three recently and they are hard to beat compared to a lot of stuff I have smelled.

>> No.13065543

Anyone know if there is any issue or concern buying frags from the UK and having them shipped? Looking to get some from End clothing but unsure if they might break or freeze during FedEx transit.

>> No.13065556

So, the question is are there any good luxury brands that aren’t attars or super Arab-tier scents? Like, if I want a high-end fragrance that isn’t oud, rose, and animal notes?

>> No.13065594

I need an elegant year round evening scent that would suit a dressier approach, considering Valentino Uomo and The One EDP

>> No.13065604


Not all of them are even "arab-tier". What retardation is this? If you actually look into all the scents you might find one you like, they aren't all rose oud. Papillon definitely isn't "arab-tier" either.
Rose isn't exclusive to arab scents either....?

Are you a guy coming from a world where its all freshies and fougeres or something?

>> No.13065647

Definitely at least a try if you like sweeter, warmer scents.

>> No.13065682

No, it is not just a more potent version of DH; the strength of the notes is in totally different proportions.

It is a dry, musty, leather bomb, while leather in the original was so minimal as to be almost undetectable. The iris, instead of a soft, velvety aura that lightly envelops the other notes, is thick and waxy like a candlestick. Then there is that annoying, pungent rose note that almost made me gag the first time I smelled it.

If it simply were a more intense/stronger version of the original DH then I would probably like it a lot because the original is my favourite fragrance of all time.

I do like the oud/sandalwood combo in it though, but overall I think people are just eager to jump on Dior's dick over what they perceive as a more masculine successor to DHI.

>> No.13065709

I hate using this word and typically try to avoid it, but Eau straight up smells generic to me and in a bad way. It smells cheap, like the frag I smell off of every late 20s swarthy immigrant working a business casual job. They partnered with Macy's for the release and that's exactly what it reminds me of – the most basic bitch tier of department store colognes.

Cologne I haven't tested it very much, only a couple times in store. But it smells like straight up lemons to me and nothing else.

These are not objective criticisms and merely reflect how I personally feel about these.

>> No.13065720

YSL L'Homme, Mugler Cologne, Molecule 01. Sauvage would be good for school too if applied lightly.

>> No.13065723


>> No.13065724

So, an in-store sniffing and your biases regarding one retail outlet. Please use a tripcode in the future so that I can filter your opinions.

>> No.13065741

Nothing wrong with Macy's, Eau just has that same smell you get when you walk through the fragrance section in a department store. It smells like the most generic of freshies but with a dry, synthetic iris note added to tie it in with that DH lineage.

Yes, an in-store sniffing you pretentious twit.

>> No.13065750

I'm the twit but you're the one pronouncing scents "total shit" based on sniffing a card or nozzle while surrounded by heavy fragrance. Sure pal. Dial back your self importance, family.

>> No.13065867


>> No.13065875
File: 99 KB, 720x720, 21326_ferohj_eros_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this shit is great. Tried lots of other colognes but this one is the best for a night out.

>> No.13065971

I got my bottle yesterday. I enjoy it as well. I've got a 2017 batch and it feels pretty strong. 4 hours in and I was still getting whiffs of it through my clothes. Kinda wish I'd gotten bigger than a 50ml.

>> No.13066020

Usually for everyday I use Versace Pour Homme. I think if I just do a lighter spray of this it shouldn't be too OP.

>> No.13066023

Did you get compliments or do you just like the smell?

>> No.13066046

Hung of out my friends and they all asked what I was wearing. Even the waiter asked.

I initially didn't even give it a second thought but I think it was because I sampled a bunch of colognes that gave me a headache one day. Decided to try it out again and found a sample strip from the day before. Couldn't stop smelling it.

>> No.13066123
File: 16 KB, 620x620, 3614271436061.jpg?sw=620&sh=620&sm=fit&sfrm=png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a big (300ml) pic related for Christmas. I feel like I'm being nuked by the spray everytime I use it. Do the bigger bottles have a denser spray + bigger radius?

>> No.13066219

I am thinking of getting Creed Viking.

anyone tried it out ? how do you like it?

have no experience with creed

>> No.13066250

Are you buying it blind? I smelled it in store. It's very heavy. I own Aventus and Green Irish Tweed from Creed and like both of them more than Viking. IMO it's spicy, dense, and is very aggressive. I see an obnoxious executive, or wanna be executive, wearing it. I'd highly recommend not buying it blind.

>> No.13066268

Never blind buy anything that expensive. Get a sample first.

>> No.13066354


Well that's like insane hard for me to get since I am moving non stop because of my work, for now and its a present and the price is ok.

That person was using Aventus and found it ok thats why I was thinking of geting Viking.

>> No.13066366

Aventus and Viking aren’t really similar, though. Just drop by a higher-end department store somewhere and ask for a sample. You should be near somewhere that sells it at some point.

>> No.13066394

>ent store somewhere and ask for a sample. You should be near somewhere that sells it at some point.

I am in Stuttgart in 3 weeks but I am there for 3h only, I found a store there, so I check it out .


>> No.13066510

You sound like a real fucking cunt. You should get a trip code so I can filter yours too.

>> No.13066549

Lush does Lord of Misrule as a fragrance too, not sure what the availability of it is like though.

>> No.13066630

Going to a girl's house tomorrow for dinner. What scent should I wear?
Mont Blanc Legend
Burberry Brit Splash
Dior Sauvage
Yves Saint Laurent L'Homme
Bleu De Chanel

I want to wear something that's masculine and makes her panties wet.

>> No.13066809


>> No.13066824

Thanks for the advice, friend. If I get laid, I will be eternally grateful towards you.

>> No.13066875

>If I get laid

nigga as soon as she catches a wiff the panties gonna be on the floor

>> No.13066999

Just make sure you use 30+ sprays for the full Chad miasma.

>> No.13067032

Try Chanel, Chanel exclusifs, Dior, Guerlain Exclusives, Hermes.

>> No.13067081
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>> No.13067170

*Except the last 8 new ones, which are trash which wouldn't look out of place in a Jo Malone catalogue

Hard to believe this is the same line that housed Eau Noire, Bois d'Argent, Mitzah, Cuir Cannage etc etc.

>> No.13067403
File: 636 KB, 900x1600, Lartisan parfumeur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides what

Profumum Roma
Serge Lutens
Les Liquides Imaginaires
L'Artisan Parfumeur
Parfumerie Generale
Robert Piguet
Amouage (Despite it's Middle Eastern roots, it's style is very French)

>> No.13067417

Man, winter's barely even started and I'm already looking forward to buying some spring/summer fragrances.

As a side note, does anyone use designer shower gel or deodorant? Or does everyone unscented stuff?

>> No.13067442

These reactions from people could be a good thing or a bad thing...

>> No.13067446
File: 38 KB, 375x500, 375x500.6810[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Jaguar fragrances? Are they Playboyshit-tier or acceptable or stellar?

>> No.13067448

From what I’ve read, oakmoss isn’t forbidden. It’s limited to 0.1% of the final solution, and requires explicit listing in the ingredients if it is used. You can’t use it and just call it “fragrance” in the list.

Apparently 0.1% is about a tenth of what it was in some of the classics. So yeah I guess it’s like a ban. But just having it at all doesn’t mean you’re flouting IFRA.

>> No.13067487
File: 18 KB, 318x320, 91Gt32c1FHL._AC_UL320_SR318,320_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'sup /frag/. Can we have a discussion where we share what fragrances and especially what notes turn women on, and comment on them? Let's limit ourselves to everything in the world that is not Sauvage.

I start:
>1 Million
An ex of mine says that this shit turns her on big time. Another female friend says this is plausible. Can't isolate the note which turns them on (amber? leather? patchouli? spicy?), so can't replicate the result with a good cologne.
I read that ambergris is a great turn-on. I also read that women are X times more sensitive to musk than men and generally react well to it.

>> No.13067579
File: 430 KB, 667x670, c2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's always one, isn't there, /frag/?

>> No.13067626

Some of my mom's favorites are Chanel Egoiste, Chanel Egoiste Platinum and Molecule 01.
Granted, she has a very shallow taste and doesn't like most of mine or dad's frags.

>> No.13067649


Just one point away :^(

>> No.13067657


Except theres a material out there that is real oakmoss, just with two of the molecules that IFRA declares allergenic either removed completely or heavily reduced. The only major impact smell wise is that non-IFRA compliant oakmoss smells slightly less dank, and is a touch more lighter. There is no excuse to not use it now unless >muh profit margins with Veramoss.

>> No.13067659


Fuck I meant IFRA compliant oakmoss

>> No.13067695

I wonder how Jim smells like

>> No.13067705

Tried a sample of Aventus, I really don't understand all the hype.

GIT though is very legit. Shame I would buy it if the lemon opening didn't give me headache and the price is ughh.

>> No.13067707

They were positive. Though the only thing personally I don't like is the dry down since it's more musky but it's not that bad.

>> No.13067758
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Is Eau Fraiche a good alternative to VPH

>> No.13067810

Seconding this

>> No.13067922
File: 231 KB, 462x418, unknown-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final solution
what's the IFRA cap on Zyklon B?

>> No.13067944


Doesn't cause skin rash ;^)

>> No.13068111

I hear it can burn like crazy afterwards, though.

>> No.13068155

Am I the only one who gets a similar vibe from every Versace fragrance? Like there's something commonly shared between Versace Signature, Man Eau Fraiche, Eros, and Dylan Blue.

>> No.13068224

He thinks he's too cool to wear fragrances

>> No.13068236
File: 65 KB, 980x1306, 980x1306-b6-7de82bee43ef-assets-elleuk-com-gallery-24036-orlando-bloom-elizabethtown-film-stills-2005-rex-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What cologne would fit his personality and aesthetic?c

>> No.13068243

Is the original Versace Man a good choice for a dark, mysterious feel. The mix of saffron and tobacco is interesting, though I worry it may be a bit mature for me to pull off

>> No.13068271

this is huh, wow

>> No.13068378

what are the new ones

>> No.13068401


>> No.13068408

Srsly though, I had a few nice colognes I considered panty droppers back in late 2016 but then...

>hanging out with this girl I'm platonic friends with (shes fat) at school
>she likes perfumes kind of and brings in magazines so we can smell the popup test strips they give
>doesn't like most of the mainstream mens colognes or anything that I ever wear (Chrome Legend, Diesel Fuel For Life, Versace Pour Homme...)
>opens the Sauvage page in the magazine
>"Eh it's alright I guess, smells kinda minty fresh and like a barbershop but also kind of like Axe Touch or Apollo or my Suave hairgel, I'll look into it though...."
>Test it out in the store, it does smell really good but generic, like 100 other fragrances, showergels, deodorants, hairgels, etc. A fruity salty aromatic fougere like a modern day Drakkar Noir or even Fahrenheit
>control myself and wait until my paycheck to purchase the 100ml bottle
>go on a few dates with different girls while testing it out
>Only negative comment I ever got while wearing it was "your cologne is soo strong!! it smells really good though" and I still banged her
>Another girl i brought home moaned "you smell so good" right as we got into my room and jumped on me
>Another girl I dated for a few weeks but never banged was begging for me to tell her which cologne I was wearing

I really don't understand. To my nose it doesn't smell THAT amazing but women really go insane over this shit.

>> No.13068410

Aventus was an acquired taste for me. I have a bottle from 2015 and just recently really started liking it, now I wear it more than any other scent.

GIT is excellent as well but definitely more of a spring scent.

>> No.13068413


>> No.13068479
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What do you think about this?

>> No.13068535
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>> No.13068575

ok, I fell for the meme, bought 100ml this morning, just finished banging a chick

>> No.13068617


>autists falling for sauvage meme so they can eventually bribe chicks with their synthetic garbage of perfume because they're too miserable and insecure to actually seduce a modern age slut without it

>> No.13068620

I need a comforting and work friendly scent for an almost 25 year old guy, either working retail or most likely, hospitality.
I'm fine with buying samples of niche stuff, granted its not overpriced (around £7-8 max for 5ml)
Also want a scent for a rugged feel in winter, think dark M65 jacket with metal patches and grey jeans and boots. I like amber and spicy scents, but BBRI and Body Kouros don't really meet that criteria.

>> No.13068626
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What does Oscar wear

>> No.13068648

Has anyone tried L'Eau Majeure D'Issey?
I was pleasantly surprised by it.

>> No.13068707

JPG Le Male

>> No.13068743


>Misread the first one as "Bakura"

>> No.13068744

I blind bought it recently and enjoy it. Very modern woody aquatic blend with lots of presence / good longevity.

>> No.13068774
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>> No.13068784

can anyone recommend me a new scent? I've been using Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood and wear a leather jacket daily.

>> No.13068794


I recommend Eau De Bakura- Yami edition.

>> No.13068795

I misread the last one as Thé Cauchemar. Would be a pretty based name for a fragrance


>> No.13068844
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>> No.13068848

Reminds me more of Acqua de Gio

>> No.13068875

Favourite fruity ‘fume?

>> No.13068884
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>> No.13068890


Jesus fucking christ
Out of curiosity what would Mokuba wear?

>> No.13068925

I really like Armani Code Sport, my bottle has run dry, is Allure homme sport eau extreme a better choice?

>> No.13068932


>> No.13068944

>Thé Cauchemar
Amazing. I want one already

>> No.13068954

I came to /fa/ just to see if this general was still a thing; I started it long time ago. Good feels.

>> No.13068982
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>> No.13068986
File: 203 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comped a bunch of mini bottles and samples, are any of these /frag/ approved? my sense of smell isn't very good

>> No.13069012

EROS is wonderful

>> No.13069021

Most of those are fine designer scents which are spoken of positively in this general. Eros and Sauvage in particular are getting the /frag/ dick ride lately. As you're new, why don't you give some time to each mini then come back and tell us what you think of them? We can help you branch out once we have a baseline understanding of what you enjoy.

Hello from the current / recent OP. This is an interesting ant farm to tend sometimes, but it's still the best thread on /fa/ and I'm glad it's here.

>> No.13069039


>> No.13069063

I'm not current or recent. I started this general, I made the first one.

>> No.13069124

How safe is Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme year round? Can I get away with 1 spray on summer nights, or is it Eros level of projection?

>> No.13069147

is it fruity? yet to try

>> No.13069188

The projection and longevity on this are supernatural. Literally lasts 12 hr+ on me from 1-2 sprays with powerful projection for that entire period

>> No.13069198


It's vaguely fruity for a split second, like grapefruit citrus kinda fruity.

>> No.13069280

YSL La Nuit

>> No.13069291

I've seen a lot of negative reviews but personally love it

>> No.13069302

Pretty safe, I forget the projection of it but it's a fairly good all year round frag.

Personally I spray a minimum of 3 times depending on the frag and it was 3 sprays for this one.

>> No.13069306

You didn't read that right friendo

>> No.13069471

Is there a fragrance which reminds the smell of soap?

Sort of like white dove soap?

>> No.13069511

Prada L'homme

>> No.13069523

prada amber pour homme is my favorite soap fragrance

>> No.13069539


there is a whole genre of fragrances that smell like soap, mostly because neroli is used.

prada l'homme is your best bet, mostly because i think it's the only sweet soapy fragrance

>> No.13069587

I want ambre nuit inside my asshole

>> No.13069590

yes. it's much more salty and aquatic than citrus. more casual I would say but you could still substitute it for VPH in any situation.

I find it has better performance as well

>> No.13069610
File: 63 KB, 387x604, 1484696272905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so whoever is going around saying Cool Water is a good alternative to Green Irish Tweed - you're gay as fuck.

They are indeed similar but this isn't a case of "aventus vs PV," Green Irish Tweed completely outclasses Coolwater. The scent is greener, fresher, and noticeably lighter and more natural smelling. However, if that was all there was to it, it wouldn't be a big deal. Projection and longevity are piss awful in comparison. If you're only interested in the scent, then it's an alright choice I guess, but saying that GIT isn't worth the cash when this exists is absolutely bumfuck retarded and probably just because everybody is really butthurt over Aventus being an overhyped, inconsistent meme

>> No.13069616

>black tee
>black pants
hardly an a e s t h e t i c.
whatever cologne you fucking want.

>> No.13069665
File: 141 KB, 800x800, rssegmm_aedp10-02__11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling people to cop Rasasi Egra.

>> No.13069707
File: 23 KB, 375x500, cedrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blind bought this and waiting for it to arrive. Please don't say anything bad about it.

>> No.13069845

Baby's first niche tier but it's popular. Shouldn't have blind bought something that expensive though

>> No.13069855

4oz bottle for a $100 from Notino. Good price?

>> No.13069888

I'd say its average market value

>> No.13069899

Smelled Ambre Nuit and it was nice but too feminine-leaning and I could honestly imagine a middle aged lady wearing it first and foremost. Haven't smelled the others but I'm interested in checking out Feve Delicieuse and Bois d'argent. Which of these can young straight guys pull off?

>> No.13069906

Feve is GOAT but leans feminine. Bois d'Argent is a little feminine as well, but I think that men can pull it off more easily. Both are 10/10. Feve has nuclear performance and Bois has average to good performance.

>> No.13069912

interested in trying it, but again sounds like it loses in longevity and projection

>> No.13069936

Among my favorites and a workhorse in my rotation. You'll probably like it. That price is standard enough. The lowest I've seen Cedrat Boise priced at on Notino was $89 during some sale.

Habitual blind buyer here. There's not a lot of places for people to test certain fragrances in person, and waiting for samples in the mail isn't everyone's style. An expensive risky online purchase for one anon is a time saving convenience proposition for another. I am usually pleased with my purchases because I know what I like. Also, both expensive and niche are relative terms.

>> No.13069941

all garbage, dont bother

>> No.13070008

holy shit

>> No.13070010

what would you all rec for a black person

>> No.13070092

no I didn't mean vaporwave you brain addled memer

I meant it like mid-00s comfy sadboi

>> No.13070113

Amazing, best men's TM frag. Fruity, smoky, sweet, with that classic A*men chocolatey drydown. Heaven.

>> No.13070165
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is cool water a good choice for a beginner who is also a poorfag

>> No.13070190

i dont even know what vaporwave is.

I meant there is no defined fragrance for an undefined style.

>> No.13070209

Dior Fahrenheit.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dior Fahrenheit. The scent is extremely avant-garde, and without a solid grasp of theoretical perfumery, most of the notes will go over a typical wearer's head.

>> No.13070215
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Whenever you get a sample from a store, double check to make sure the lid is screwed on all the way! Few of the samples I've picked up weren't sealed and are empty now. None in the little baggy even. Nothing I haven't tested I suppose but still disappointing.

>> No.13070218

People are very likely to recognize that smell. You'll smell good but not be very unique. Look into some colognes from Armaf they make lots of good smells and are all within the $20-30 range.

>> No.13070222

So, I got my bottle of Spicebomb from Fragrancenet, but the "Secret Service" code was scratched/torn off from the interior of the box. Is that normal for discounter products?

>> No.13070246

spicebomb extreme, sauvage or a noose you fucking nigger

>> No.13070255

>i dont even know what vaporwave is.

then why are you typing a e s t h e t i c out like t h a t

jeez l2internet

>> No.13070270

Fuck I don't even know where to start.

>> No.13070313


>> No.13070356

I have heard about mugler cologne and gendarme, what about those two?

>> No.13070404


its here

>> No.13070460

Go to department store, local sephora or whatever, ask to sample stuffs.

>> No.13070499
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>> No.13070516

I can only speak for mugler Cologne and it's a god tier soapy green frag.

>> No.13070554

Any other similar frag?

>> No.13070583

Sauvage is already obnoxious and repulsive

I have no idea how making a parfum version would help

It's such an unpleasant chemical smell

>> No.13070601


>> No.13070610

Opposite for me, keen to get into the winter frags; little bit sick of all the summer ones

>> No.13070665
File: 359 KB, 900x1600, Muguet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bel Respiro by Chanel is a much more feminine floral of the same genre. Very bracing and then soapy floral later on.

Vent Vert is a blast of peppery galbanum, as sharp and green as first spring. The vintage is smoother and less dirty than the modern.

Philosykos, I think I've mentioned already, is a squeaky clean abstract fig with coconut. Feels bright, happy and fresh. Very juicy and delicious smelling.

I'm wearing something that I think is clean and squeaky, if not in the soapy category. Santal 33, which has less to do with sandalwood than an aqueous, androgynous futuristic smell. Very unique, if not worn by all celebrities at one point. Liberty smells like this, if you're in London.

Muguet Porcelaine, otherwise vintage Diorissimo if you can get it; archetypical muguet/ lily of the valley soapy and fruity fragrances. Skews feminine. Takes a lot of people by surprise as we don't muguet very often these days.

>Pic related; Guerlain's annual Muguet release. Way overpriced and to me, muguet just smells like muguet to me.

>> No.13070677

Why are colognes named "toilette"

reminds me of a dirty restroom or a bowl full of piss

>> No.13070708

>more peppery
>those neutral ratings from the perfume thots
Yeah, I'm gonna sit the Sau*age parfum out

>> No.13070903

>Avatar is a fantastic movie

>> No.13070915

Personally, I think Feve is a bit too cloying and heavy. Kilian Back to Black is a very similar scent, but is much lighter and more complex. I feel like you just get more of the notes out of BtB, you get the honey, dusty tobacco, the cherry, some peppery and spicy notes, a little wood, some vanilla. Feve is just like a cherry/tobacco/baby powder bomb to me.

Not a bad scent by any means, but they’re somewhat comparably priced and I just think the Kilian is better. Just my opinion, of course.

>> No.13070978

How do I get over the temptation of being retarded and buying an Aventus bottle?

>> No.13071008

also bought a bottle over christmas

damn it smells good

>> No.13071070

Seems hit or miss from what I see, but Sauvage is too.

>> No.13071078


>> No.13071101

Do I improve the longevity of a perfume by just applying more or is that a wrong thought?

>> No.13071113


Get red pilled on what its made from and all the marketing + Creed BS.

>> No.13071127

Have you smelled it? Should be pretty easy to figure out whether you want to buy it or not after that you dingus.

>> No.13071139

/fra/ just keeps getting progressively worse

>> No.13071187

Of course I have, I wouldn't be tempted to buy it otherwise.
I love my sample, but it's hard justifying spending that much money on a single fragrance.
I guess the smart thing to do would be trying a few clones first like CDNI and PVI?

>> No.13071231

>tfw tried Kouros on paper and hated it
>want to give it another try
Stop me from considering buying a sample of pissy meme water, please

>> No.13071412

I just bought pineapple vintage intense. I wasn't impressed by Aventus, but yet again I wasn't super impressed by Aventus. I definitely preferred Pineapple Vintage Intense or Beyond Noir even.

You're entering into a quality game when you buy Aventus because they can't into consistent fucking batches. If you have the disposable income i guess do what you want, but at least try PVI. Never tried CDNI

>> No.13071444


>> No.13071448
File: 172 KB, 980x1200, 63363_2ef8186de2f3e247dbe36241c854b086_sauvage_eau_de_toilette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeremy reviewed Sauvage EdP and EdT is still the king

>> No.13071463

>When a company that tries to sell "luxury lifestyle New York" imagery with their fragrance contacts you (30 something followers bearing in mind), offers to give you free bottles for a glowing instagram post.

Fucking blocked. Is this the kind of level of desperation some companies have? Where they need exposure that badly despite probably having more than enough income?

>> No.13071516


just wear deoderant. nobody wants to smell the clerk

>> No.13071538

i argue that smelling like $300/bottle has an appeal on its own. Disdain for plebs while smelling nice

>> No.13071555

Sure but Aventus isn't worth that 300.

There are better creed frags or $300 frags in the price range. Plebs are plebs because they don't know when to drop the big bucks

>> No.13071559

it doesn't matter if my smell is unique or not I'm just trying to smell nice. Plus basically everyone I interact with doesn't care about fragrances much and probably buy the first bottle they see on the shelves at target

>> No.13071596

Been owning many Creed perfumes in the last couple of years, and despite how internet community made it out to be, Aventus is definitely the most successful and probably one of the most pleasing scents in perfume world. Worth the price? Definitely not. But in 20 years from now on it is going to achieve the iconic status like YSL Kouros for example.
Personally, it's not my everyday choice, and not my favorite scent, but statistics speak for itself.
Mancera/Montale and Xerjoff are in my top list.

>> No.13071598

Luckyscent's fragrance fitting sample pack is pretty good.

>> No.13071646
File: 32 KB, 375x500, 375x500.4586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this.

smells great.

>> No.13071698

I'm new to fragrances can someone explain the sauvage meme

>> No.13071708

It's the best fragrance ever and autistic snobs on this thread like to shit on it because it's popular

>> No.13071727

Wore my WW to the office today, I got mixed reactions.
>what smells like chinese temple in here?
>damn what smells good here?

>> No.13071744

>googles vaporwave
oh, I actually fuck with vaporwave music

>> No.13071771

Hmm, just got a bottle and am yet to wear it out. I love it but I'm not sure how others will react.

I dont really get the chinese temple vibe... i dont pick up a lot of incense.

I expecting some mixed reactions as well but I don't think its offensive... I'm hoping its appropriate in a classroom/office setting

>> No.13071780

The fuck is a WW?

>> No.13071793

Willy Wonka

>> No.13071796


>> No.13071802

A friend said the opening have a heavy incense smell. I don't pick it up as much though.

This is with one spray. I'm not sure if I should go with two sprays like I usually do with other frags.


>> No.13071835

Im not a heavy sprayer at all, I can usually smell 1 spray of WW on myself most of the day, and is probably best for class where I'm going to be in close proximity with others. Otherwise, I don't think 2 would be overkill at all.

>> No.13071891

There’s one autistic guy (maybe two) trying really hard to make it a meme

>> No.13071908
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VPH, Eua Fraiche, or Dolce Gabanna Light Blue?

>> No.13072143


>> No.13072184

Sauvage (EdT)

>> No.13072189

Imagine if JCE had a hand in Sauvage.

>> No.13072208

no one cares about your 30 followers braggart, I would've taken the free bottles

>> No.13072247

CDNIM, is it worth blind buying or do I get a sample first? Its hardly expensive considering you get a 105ml bottle for about £30 or even less

>> No.13072303

It's seriously my most complimented fragrance and I own all the current memes, Aventus,La nuit, Sauvage, Bleu,Eros, Dylan Blue and Le male Ultra.

It's horrible on first app, like a lemon pledge musk bomb but the drydown smells almost Aventus like. It also projects a lot more than Aventus to the point where you become full pjeet and people smell you from across the room but for £30 you might as well.

>> No.13072320


Err I think you missed the point entirely. My point is that its weird a brand is making a deal with someone with so FEW followers. If they are going after everyone like that for promotion then it doesn't speak well for their scent. Especially with the image they try to keep. If they are trying to persuade a nobody to give glowing reviews with free shit then what is in that bottle?

>> No.13072323


It's Belfort btw.

>> No.13072359

Prada L'Homme or Allure Homme Sport Eau Extreme? I like the scent of both but can't remember the projection.

>> No.13072406

You’re surprised that Jordan Belfort might be running some shady shit? Did you not watch the movie?

>> No.13072449

>bought ambroxan online instead of being memes into buying molecule 02

>now I can wear Sauvage and Dylan Blue with extra ambroxan

I wonder if there’s any ambroxan-less frags that would be more of a panty dropper if I mix it with this shit

>> No.13072498

just wear pure ambroxan and not those ambroxanlets

>> No.13072499
File: 23 KB, 375x500, Insurrection II Wild Reyane Tradition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just added this to my order. Anyone try it? Apparently it's similar to Pure Havane. 16$ CAD for a 3.0 oz seems like it's worth the blind buy.

>> No.13072559

I have Prada L'Homme. I wish I had ASHEE, but I guess it depends what you want out of it. Prada L'homme is non-seductive while ASHEE has some sex appeal.

>> No.13072575
File: 915 KB, 245x285, 1514899064442.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fool if you think Aventus is going to stand the test of time like the other legends. It's made by a perfume house that fabricates it's history blatantly, and has already been decried by influential critics as being generic and uninspired, which is exactly how I found it.

The instant Opium, Eau Sauvage, Bandit, Vent Vert, Fracas, No. 5, Kouros, Shocking, Iris Gris, Djedi, Mitsouko, Chypre de Coty came out, they were legends in their own right because of their groundbreaking and often controversial accords. Glamorous women and daring men wore the fragrances, whereas Aventus is worn by teenage boys who watched JeremyFragrance and is looking to spend daddy's cash on the most expensive "panty-dropper" meme.

>> No.13072590


If its the crystals and not the dissolved ambrox just coat yourself in ambroxan powder.

>> No.13072592


B-b-but an ambroxan overload is timeless! Sauvage is king!

>> No.13072629

Do you know what Eau Sauvage is, you little shit?

>> No.13072662

Found the guy who only fucks post-wall women.

>> No.13072715
File: 81 KB, 600x600, burberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear Burberry, it's the only one that's not knock you over strong and I'm not gay, so I need to smell straight. >>13065875 too overpowering imho

>> No.13072728

I like London but I only wear it through the Fall-Xmas season. That "Fall in a bottle" vibe is timeless and I don't want to spoil it by wearing it too much.

>> No.13072764
File: 27 KB, 360x450, creed-bois-du-portugal-perfume (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creed can do 'classic' or 'quality' stuff really well, they just aren't popular, like Chanel which revered by Pour Monsieur, Egoiste and Antaeus but sells Bleu de Chanel.

>> No.13072814

anything like dior homme but cheaper? I bought some of it and liked it but I'm a poorfag

>> No.13072842

Great fragrance. Smells just like pure havane. Good buy

>> No.13072851

You can try 9.0 Zara but I don't think it'd be as close as what you're looking for. You can also look at Valentino Uomo which is more similar but without the iris note.

>> No.13072852

Own the prada and EDT Allure Homme Sport and id say the Chanel for sure.

Prada is great for work, job interviews and other professional situations or just times you don't want to be too loud but chanel is a good all year around frag that is always good

>> No.13072903
File: 54 KB, 640x451, 1511069565845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had to Google what Eau Sauvage is
>Has to resort to "classics are for old women"
>But muh Aventus is a classic too!!

>> No.13072905

ouch. that must've hurt

>> No.13072923

Uhh, not that guy, but it just shows the state /frag/ is in when newfags can't differentiate Sauva*e vs Eau Sauvage

>> No.13072954

I know what Eau Savauge is. It makes you smell like an old man - fitting for yourself as you can only get older woman.


>> No.13073027

>Creed’s use of fake history as a marketing tactic has anything whatsoever to do with the quality of their fragrances

>Men in the past weren’t seeking fragrances that would attract women first and foremost

wew lad

>> No.13073116

Well, this thread has gone to shit. Thank god it's almost over.

Pls no visits from Savagefags and Creed fuccbois next thread

>> No.13073137

Dude, Eau Sauvage smells of a hint of jasmine and lots of citrus, lemons and bergamot. How is that old fashioned?

I don't even wear it but it smells like an everyday cologne to me.

>> No.13073248

w2c Zara frags? The locations near me (LA) don't have shit for men and maybe one or two choices for women. Is it a Europe only thing?

>> No.13073465
File: 330 KB, 330x319, 1457440081471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he randomly brings up avatar

either this guy has a top tier sense of humour or he has 0 self awareness

>> No.13073595


Jesus Christ I hope you're pretending to be speds. Y'see, theres a think called a sarcastic stutter that you use when you take the piss out of someone. In this case, I am taking the piss out of people that think Sauvage will become a classic, because the only thing that makes it stand out is the ambroxan bomb (which ironically isn't unique). I am not confusing Sauvage with eau sauvage. Jesus christ are people that easy to bandwagon?

>Tfw newfags that can't read between the lines call someone who has been on here for about a year a newfag.

Now this is the state of the general.

>> No.13073599

I just googled the name he gave me and it came up on some other site lol

>> No.13073635


>Implying beyond marketing 101 of how to get views he has any form of intelligence, especially on making jokes that are subtle.

>> No.13073639

If you have been here for "about a year" you are a fucking hyper-ultra-newfag you literal shitskin

>> No.13073828

>Okay, I'll give this shill a try for once
>Opening first 3 seconds
>Does a twirl as he picks up the bottle

I cringed. Thanks, /frag/

>> No.13073879

>he doesn’t like the Chad tornado

>> No.13073914

Jeremy is pretty clearly none too bright.

>> No.13073957

>more like the Virgin Tailwind

>> No.13074038
File: 67 KB, 680x663, 1515891076029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread (please wait until 310 posts next time newfriend):

>> No.13074220

I had this in high school, and I had multiple girls I was into praise the scent. This was back in 2013 or so, but now I find the smell too loud and repulsive.

>> No.13074334
File: 203 KB, 1102x1361, IMG_7139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can y'all recommend a good winter fragrance?
My timeline as follows:
2013 Versace Eros
2014 Tom Ford Black Orchid
2015 Bleu de Channel
2017 Creed Erolfa

In 2017 through my best friend, he recommended Creed, as his Dad wears Aventus. I thought it was the most distinct scent I've ever sensed. I later realized in a high end deptarment store a year or two earlier an old man from Barbados (who worked there) showed me a scent that had blown my mind as well. So fresh and aquatic. I think it was Erolfa but wasn't certain. So a little bit later on, on special I got a good deal on two bottles; Erolfa for my self and Tabarome Millesime for my Dad. Now both scents wow me, Tabarome is a bit too 'old' for someone in their early 20's I believe, so I was hopeful someone here could offer a winter scent, as my collection is far too light.

Also does anyone love fragrance commercials? Never enough to convince me to buy one but their marketing departments sure do a good job at capturing my imagination.