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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 199 KB, 700x400, 6waystoWearaBeanie_700x400_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13053706 No.13053706 [Reply] [Original]

FACT: if you wear a beanie as a man you look weak. You look like a clown. I just want to yank it off yo stupid head. The beanie is the worst, most disgusting piece of clothing. No man should wear it. It's emasculating. It's ugly. You look like an egg. Every fit, can be ruined by a beanie. OHHHHHH, you have a nice techwear setup? BAAM! Beanie on that. you look like even more a fag. I mean, my hatred for the beanie can not be overstated. Everyone that wears one, should be hanged on a rope made out of stitched together beanies. Dummie.

>> No.13053712


>> No.13053714

100% correct. Fuck beaniefags. They're so gross.

>> No.13053719

what should mean wear on their heads when outside in cold weather? I agree in a fashion sense but...

>> No.13053740

beanies are 100% unattractive to women, unless worn for staying warm.

>> No.13053745

A wool touque made for you by your girlfriend. If she can’t knit then she is literally a useless cunt.

>> No.13053765


I had to google image search that and how is a toque different to a beanie??? Please don't laugh at me, I live in a very hot city where we don't need either

>> No.13053837

Beanie is literally one step below a fedora. I hate them.

That being said if you're white and you wear any hat other than to avoid the cold/heat you need help.

>> No.13053881

It's just a different name for a beanie so people can justify their irrational hatred

>> No.13053885

Imagine being this insecure. If you dress because you want to impress chicks, you don't belong on /fa/ in the first place.

>> No.13054056

how the fuck am i supposed to not freeze when I work outside without a beanie

>> No.13054077
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>> No.13054085

all women i have meet like beanies. This has nothing to do with them. They just make me mad. They are so ugly. They go against everything beautiful in this world.

>> No.13054099
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>> No.13054108

agree. they are middle school tier. adult men who wear them are sad

trapper hat

>> No.13054302

Wtf am I supposed to wear when it’s cold out

>> No.13054318

You're not supposed to take advice from anyone one here who just states their opinion without adding any arguments or proof to their claims. Which excludes 90% of anything /fa/ has ever stated.

>> No.13054328

That's not a man

>> No.13054337

But I have giant ugly scars on the back of my head...

>> No.13054367

I actually agree.

>> No.13054392
File: 1.85 MB, 952x1192, Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 9.24.57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toques can look cool in some situations.

>> No.13054572

>Beanies look juvenile
>So you should wear that one shitty furry beanie from Catcher and the Rye, a book that is 100% juvenile pretentious bullshit.

>> No.13054580

everbody wears them here. it's not a piece of fashion but an item of function: so your ears and head doesn't freeze and fall off.

>> No.13054619

>a book that is 100% juvenile pretentious bullshit.
This. If you didn't read it as an angsty teen, it's too late. It will never be good.

>> No.13054622

Never wear a beanie flat like that. Always keep a fold at the bottom and keep one that looks fully knit, never the stupid smooth kind. Hats need to have the appearance of extra mass in order to look good.

>> No.13054634
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>Wearing something that is not a bomber

>> No.13054662

Agree. Beanies are awful

there's a million types of winter hats. Just look around

>> No.13054683
File: 203 KB, 375x542, image-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao what type of mentality is this?!

>> No.13054728

...such as? You’re going to tell me some gay catcher in the rye shit is better than a beanie? Psssh quit shitposting between classes you high schooler

>> No.13054822 [DELETED] 

If a woman doesn’t have any practical skills whatsoever, her value as a human being is wholly determined by the tightness of her cunt, the tightness of her asshole, how well she can suck a cock, how pretty she is, how young she is, and how many times shes been fucked in her cunt, how many times shes been fucked in her ass, and how many times shes been fucked in her mouth. That being said, i think we can all agree that a woman whos had nigger cock inside her is utterly worthless.

>> No.13055470
File: 28 KB, 792x498, toques.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beanies are emasculating
Well toques are definitively for women AND Canadians.

>> No.13055570

There's a fucking hat thread r/n where I posted a bunch of hats

>> No.13055588

autistic retard alert

>> No.13055592

>trappers are exclusive to the catcher in the rye
insert brainlet maymay

>> No.13055599

Oh okay it’s racist unlikable virgin spite

>> No.13055608
File: 204 KB, 846x396, buzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do toboggans count

>> No.13055613


>> No.13055625

What is the purpose of that thing on the left side

>> No.13055713

There's 4 sorts of people who wear trappers

1) Hunters
2) People who wank to catcher and the rye
3) People too poor to buy a real Ushanka
4) Even poorer people, usually at a walmart.

>> No.13055718

theres 4 types of people who wear beanies
1. pothead burnouts
2. grown men who don't understand fashion
3. women
4. chemotherapy patients

>> No.13055721

All you had to do was say one fucking hat.

>> No.13055724

also it's catcher in the rye ya bitch

>> No.13055745

3 outta 4 aint bad, rite?

>> No.13055807

Oh, sorry I misspelled the title of a shitty book that's literally more useful if you wiped your ass with it instead of reading it.

1) Cold people in the north
2) Cold people in the north
3) Cold people in the north
4) People in the south who are pussies about it being below 75.


>> No.13055897

>Cold people in the north

yankees are queers. water is wet

>> No.13056010

Whatever you say, Cleetus the Fetus.

>> No.13056049
File: 273 KB, 1000x1000, il_fullxfull.862163115_lt3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water isn't wet you dumbass

>> No.13056071

get frostbite and have your ears fall off, then you'll be /fa/ as fuck

>> No.13056077

What are you, a fag? Just put your shoulders up!

>> No.13056129

It's snowing here lad, I alternate between an ushanka and a wool black beanie.

>> No.13056419

This thread... i will pray for all of you. So much insecurity fueled idealism.

>> No.13056424

all you had to do was go to the fucking thread you beanie loving retard

>> No.13057157


pic not related tho senpai

>> No.13057798

Nah, I hated the asshole in that book even when I was a teen.

>> No.13058370

"how about you read some Nietzsche, then we can talk about politics"

>> No.13058377

it pulls down to add more insulation around the ears to keep them warm

>> No.13058382

I did, the hats in there suck arse.

>> No.13058448

I wear a NFL Toque all the time but it's just because I'm Canadian if your American you better live in Buffalo or Boston before you even think about it. Also pom poms are your friend

>> No.13058503


>> No.13058528
File: 914 KB, 500x375, disk13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, OP, WGAF?
Who really gives a fuck? Just stick your bald ass in whatever best complements your outfit according to the determinations of your own taste. BOOM, you are fashioning.

>> No.13058538

lol this thread

>> No.13058822
File: 57 KB, 500x275, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a fishfur surplus ushanka or a real bear fur civillian ushanka

>> No.13058832
File: 33 KB, 470x456, 1444947196413_DAKOTASERVOLD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shave my head, so it already looks like an egg. Wearing a beanie does not make it more or less egg, but it keeps it warm when sub ~10C° and specially sub 0 and wind. If you wear it for "fashion" as some soy beings do, or skaters etc you are awful. Sometimes I even start sweating with it so I take it off yet I see people wearing it with long hair when its that warm to compliment their epic emo outfit and I just want to take them all off.
Pic related.
>t shirt
??? Why tho

>> No.13058837



dude you posted in your pic is more masculine than you'll ever be in your life, so don't talk if you don't know him.

>> No.13058840
File: 652 KB, 400x225, DQvWV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks beanie wearing skaters are masculine

>> No.13058852


ignorant. i suggest you watch his hall of meat clips on youtube or any b-side of his and you might understand why i'm saying that.

>> No.13058857

I do watch them. I suposse mutilating your balls on purpose while skating is pretty manly.

>> No.13058861


*what about* taking the falls THEN getting up and getting the trick done minutes after the bail? i'm starting to think this is bait

>> No.13058862


nevermind this useless banter. what i'm trying to say is next time when you're trying to prove your point choose some numale or beta from tumblr/reddit/even /fa/ rather than people who bleed on the streets and jump massive shit that you'd piss yourself only staring at from their jump point.

>> No.13058901
File: 236 KB, 1800x1800, 16843-6802-trapper-hat-black-detail3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, found it myself, the flaps are for hearing holes, which that particular trapper hat does not have, so they are completely fucking useless

>> No.13058909
File: 30 KB, 640x800, fUulXzJ_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just an ushanka with that kind of earflaps, retort. Not a trapper hat.
Will do.
Ouchie aww aw aweey! Aww aww my BALLS aww ouch!! My BALLS oh GOD!
Pic related real person hat.

>> No.13058914

>That is just an ushanka with that kind of earflaps, retort. Not a trapper hat.
Way to get it backwards дoлбaёб

>> No.13058918
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>> No.13059314
File: 720 KB, 1074x1027, 20180110_151645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi redguit.

>> No.13059471

It's fine if you don't want/can't pull off different things anon

>> No.13059638

*triple flips fedora*
*catches it on the tip of his cain, which has a pistol handle*

>> No.13059691
File: 20 KB, 200x226, 1513637545428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who is a """skater""" above the age of 15 is an edgy tryhard faggot. Anyone above the age of 21 who rides a skateboard anywhere other than on a college campus to and from class works minimum wage at a gas station and still thinks smoking weed is cool. Anyone who rides a skateboard non-professionally above the age of 25 is the literal manchild who picks fights with 13 year olds at the skate park and lives in the crack whore apartments on the shitty side of town or moved into his moms basement.
Think about it, have you ever seen a successful, respectable adult ride a skateboard?

>> No.13059701

caveman neistat but that's be cherrypicking to the nth degree and literally the only example in human history

>> No.13060242

my old high school principal used to ride a longboard to work

>> No.13060246

Alright then what are the best types of hats to wear OP. It's cold af here

>> No.13060253

now that you mention it, every skater I've ever met over 24 has been a sketchy untermensch with a drug or alcohol problem. I myself quit at 18 or 19, it just seemed silly to keep on.

I wish it wasn't silly for older men but it just is. Hell, I was doing ollies and pop shuv-its down 10+ stairs when I stopped. It was fun. It also had a very different connotation and cultural profile when I was coming up in the 90's. A shame.

>> No.13060262

>Think about it, have you ever seen a successful, respectable adult ride a skateboard?
but then I actually know the people so it figures
it's not like you can tell a guy is a lawyer when he is hanging at the skatepark wearing pair of beaten dickies some ratty tee and a cap

>> No.13060290

That sounds kind of sweet, even though the whole park rat thing is before my time. What state are you in, if you don mind me asking. Do you think public perception of skating changes dramatically from state to state?

>> No.13060317

>Do you think public perception of skating changes dramatically from state to state?
I honestly have no idea, my experience was that I just always skated alone because I used to live bumfuck nowhere and nobody else was interested in it. I never really cared what people thought about it and I never really received any comments about it so I guess my view in general about it is just bit skewed. I just do it cause I enjoy it and always did it, the perception never played part for me so it's just no on my radar at all.
That being said, later befriending people who actually had some kinda 'communities' where ever they lived around skateboarding, they were seen as the losers, older kids would bully them for skateboarding so again I can see that kinda context giving them "don't give a fuck" attitude about any kinda outside perception about what they are doing.
And then later on, with younger kids I've met, it seems like skateboarding was the cool thing to do, almost jock type thing.
But yeah, I'm 25 so I'm heavily on that manchild territory already.

>> No.13060452


>caring what other people do in their own personal freetime

whatever floats your boat, personally for me it's something i really enjoy doing.if you don't like it that's fine by me, it's not like i started skateboarding so i could gain approval, especially from people like you

>> No.13060475


also, to answer your question, yes. i know plenty in my hometown and in the city in which i study, so it depends. you meet people and people. you can meet fuck-ups everywhere, not only in skateboarding

>> No.13060559
File: 126 KB, 695x863, 2563384e0cff18c246738af3f94ebc67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holding the same opinion as OP already says you're a facelet.

>> No.13061634

The thought of grown men wearing hats other than blaze orange insulated hats and only below 30 degrees is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.13062160

Wear a beanie because my barber fucked up my hair.

>> No.13062559
File: 168 KB, 956x956, MeTIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing one under my hood, keeps my hair from catching on fire...

>> No.13062898

>live in rural idaho
>this fucking thread

lmao move out of your parents house. beanies arent just some flannel accompaniment for whatever normies youre pissed at, theyre fucking work wear

/fa/ kills me sometimes rofl fucking trapper hats

>> No.13063067

this has to stop; it makes no sense
>it's not like you can tell a guy is a lawyer when he is hanging at the skatepark wearing pair of beaten dickies some ratty tee and a cap
you kind of can; he definitely isn't one - case closed.
>Wear a beanie because my barber fucked up my hair.
you should make him wear the beanie!
>I'm wearing one under my hood, keeps my hair from catching on fire...
yeah, you can only wear the beanie if you have a real hat on top of it.