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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 58 KB, 576x768, ootd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13043296 No.13043296 [Reply] [Original]

Hey I did like you guys said and went full rick but how come girls won't talk to me when I approach them?

>> No.13043300


>> No.13043350

They are probably to intimidated by your look and to nervous to talk to such an alpha like you, try approaching to them and if they don't run away by the time you are near start talking about Rick, and if she punch you and then runs, she wasn't worth it.

>> No.13043354

those converses look pretty ugly, you should get PF flyers instead

>> No.13043445

whats with the gay hand thing? look at that gut and he seems 5'5" max lol
this is cringe

>> No.13043449


>> No.13043473
File: 206 KB, 1080x1080, 26262147_209744629597984_5611292682514071552_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he is bi so...

>> No.13043495

You're overweight and have gross hair.

>> No.13043502

it would make sense those two hang out together, didn't know he was bisexual

>> No.13043516

Those Rick shoes look pretty good worn in.

>> No.13043850

lmao he is not bi!

stop reaching you cucks

>> No.13043887

Wait a minute, this gay guy is friends with that techpedo? It all makes sense

>> No.13043895

hi alex, its cuz your a faggot

>> No.13044010

>gay guy
>implying being gay is bad somehow

>> No.13044017


How is being gay exactly good?

>> No.13044025

How is being straight good?

>> No.13044056

hey man those are some nice converse

>> No.13044318


gay just means being gay. that is it. gay people are just as normal as anyone else.

take your alt-right hate speech and fuck yourself with it

>> No.13044335

I can have kids and contribute to the continuity of the human race. If you are gay you will die of aids or committ suicide with no children.

Pretty simple.

>> No.13044357

objectively & subjectively correct

>> No.13044365

actually gay people are totally ok.

these two >>13043473 on the other hand are definitely far from ok.

>> No.13044384

How did the guy on the left become a meme so quickly.
It seems like it was only yesterday he was posting the same bargain techwear fit over and over (but rotating kmtrs and prestos) in WAYWT .

>> No.13044387

fuck off faggot

>> No.13044390

he spams reddit on 4 subs. same with jah faggot. proven method to get followers

>> No.13044396

imagine spending $3000 on an outfit to look like THAT

>> No.13044463

no one said that it is not ok.

It's just funny that they selfishly cut off their ancestors genetic survival, millions of years old, all for hedonistic pumps of some guys literal sewerage pipe

>> No.13044484

imagine being this pants on head retarded

>> No.13044492

well the faggots have HIV now and it is growing despite billions invested into curing it. if only gays could stop giving each other blowjobs with their buttholes, but i guess that is asking too much of degenerates.

>> No.13044497
File: 221 KB, 1456x2184, OYouCsJr-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking speical snowflakes buying rick and thinking your some sort of God when you looks like a queer. Enjoy buying designer from a literally fag.

>> No.13044498

cause u look like greedgodx lols

>> No.13044501

lmao at that fat, ugly chick. is that the buff guy's sister or something?

>> No.13044538

stay shopping at tesco's priced to clear rack lol

>> No.13044539

Fuck your dumb

>> No.13044542

fuck ugly people should just know to stay away from edgy fashion shit, let the good looking tall thin attractive people wear it

go buy some brooks brothers shit if you're ugly, normies will like it much more than this rick shit you're buying

>> No.13044601

accel owns more fashion grails than all of this pathetic board combined

i can guarantee you don't dress a fraction as good as he does. cuck

>> No.13044611

I've never been clear if the goal of this board was to improve your style or to acquire rare items of clothing
or said differently, is /fa/ genuinely interested in fashion or is it just shopaholics on a clothing bender?

>> No.13044662

He looks so much better in Rick than his techwear. Can't wait til he dresses like this 24/7.

>> No.13044665
File: 67 KB, 1080x1080, 22157798_1655102444530882_3698785604356538368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as good as he does


>> No.13044861

Wtf at the pink shoes hahahha

>> No.13044888

I saw Rick Owens in a Nordstroms store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Rick trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen paisley print button ups in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the shirts and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each shirt and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.13044961
File: 157 KB, 1000x1000, smugwithoutfoodt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice triple dubs reddit

>> No.13045126

guy on the left here. honestly i have no idea. i certainly cross post like >>13044390 said but i never thought any of my outfits would warrant the (often) negative response they get.

even when the critique is harsh or people just say “you dress like shit faggot” i can usually glean something from it to help myself improve in the future. i don’t really get how it turned into me being called a cuck and a pedo but i guess that’s how things go.

>> No.13045139


>> No.13045209

you have the wrong physique for techwear dude
I don't mean that in a bad way but techwear is about stealth
>inb4 helly hansen is techwear
yeah. I get it. the term has been overloaded but these days "techwear" has been taken over by it's techninja wing and the two terms have collapsed into one.
In any case, techwear is about stealth and you're a skinny lanklet. this is actually good because most of fashion is designed for your body type.
but not techwear as it exists today. it's made for asian midgets like errolson.
the rare exception is that white model he uses that looks like Pfc. Louden Downey from A Few Good Men.
Now I know I'm not going to dissuade you. You're having your fun and eventually you will grow out of this stage and dress in a way that better suits your body type/ethnic makeup/color palate.
But even so, you should really consider branching out. Get yung leo, slim down a bit and try out some SLP or Rick.
Techwear is a meme but you can't learn it from reading this fact, you have to internalize it from experience.

>> No.13045221

i appreciate the response. truthfully “techwear” in the current sense is something i have been trying to move away from for a little while. i still love arc’teryx veialnce and i think the more minimal dressy pieces can work well in and outside of the techwear landscape and moving in that direction will help me expand my horizons. the thing pushing me away from techwear far more than people saying i look dumb is the fact that large portions of the community will turn in themselves when it comes to fits “not being techwear enough” or other bullshit like that. it’s a box that i didn’t want to be in anymore so i’m working to change stuff up a bit. again thanks i think you’re spot on.

>> No.13045346

>owns more grails

i really really doubt that

>> No.13045355

this is untrue but, i agree that dave needs to stop dressing like an absolute dweeb

>> No.13045379

hah thanks

>> No.13045457

fuck off you american political pleb

>> No.13045547

people either
a) grow out of techninja and move on to grayman techwear like arcteryx/missionworkshop/tripleaughtdesign
or they
b) grow disilusioned with the entire scene and start dressing like normal, functional members of society
the average age on this board is 17 so that's hard to see right now the same way it was hard to understand when your mom said your emo phase was a phase

>> No.13046043

lmfao at this nerd thinking you have to be fucking solid snake to wear techwear

>> No.13046059

im lmaoing at him thinking techpedo is thin or has a good physique for anything hahahaha

>> No.13046685
File: 115 KB, 889x889, coveringhisbaldspotwithabeanie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how pic related thinks if you wear Veilance you are grayman. he doesnt know what the word means

pic related is faggot core, the furthest you can get from grayman possible

>> No.13046862

lol i don’t think i’m grayman. i just like veialnce. also the pic isn’t to be taken seriously haha

>> No.13046892

>the pic isn’t to be taken seriously haha
looks tryhard and gay that you posed like that for a photo and then put it online.
fit is shit too

>> No.13046914

taking fits standing up posed gets boring after awhile (and honestly isn’t my strong suit). i’m not trying to be a le goofball in my pics but a joking pose every now and then doesn’t seem like a big deal.

granted i know the audience here and i can see why that pic would be perceived the way it was. appreciate the fit critique though is there something you would change?

>> No.13046915

I hope you and accel quit the internet forever and that serves as a warning to anyone else ugly who tries to do fashion

>> No.13046923

everything. you can keep the beanie on. the sneakers and that puffer are abortions

>> No.13046949


>> No.13046955

none of that shit matters dude. when we die its over and none of that will matter.

>> No.13046959

it's some stupid shit that was popularized like 15 years ago where if you do that and someone looks you get to punch them.
there was an old episode of malcom in the middle about it, probably where many people first saw it.
it's been making a revival for some retarded reason. probably someone posting it on reddit or some shit.

>> No.13047003

>the cope

>> No.13047123

Figures it's a reddit thing since that whole crew is lame af

>> No.13047133

I don't know what is worse, twink manlets or fat ones like this

>> No.13048111
File: 57 KB, 850x575, 1514429015550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end it

>> No.13048129

Never go full Rick.
