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/fa/ - Fashion

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13042782 No.13042782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How to fix this board?

>> No.13042784


>> No.13042786

t. bald whiteboi

>> No.13042906

stop obsessing about masculinity

>> No.13042913

It's broken by definition. Fashion is an innately soy interest and if you're not here to laugh at others, you're the problem.

>> No.13042943
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, crossdresser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop obsessing about masculinity

>> No.13042947

The degeneracy thread is the only good one there. And it's the second thread created of that type.

Personally I like to /fa/ get more edge.

>> No.13042948

that is really the main difference between old and new /fa/. if you want old effay stop the spergtastic obsession with being a manly action man and stop spouting soy every second.

>> No.13042952

Both look bad. Reviewbrah is GOAT though, as always.

>> No.13042961

By making /pol/fags fuck off

>> No.13042973

Both of these look like sissyboy shit. Screw off.

>> No.13042976
File: 1.03 MB, 420x420, SkeletonChopSticks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me complain about the threads on the board and those lacking
>Let's not make threads I want to see and make a change

>> No.13042989

The last option takes effort, so these attention whoring idiots are never gonna do that.

>> No.13042998

As if you get a lot of responses that contribute to the thread. Qualityposting is not encouraged.

>> No.13043003
File: 65 KB, 640x734, $oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who says soy on this board has had this happen irl

>> No.13043006
File: 104 KB, 600x900, 4261270488_06968940f0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever it takes to get the /pol/tards and fragile masculinity fags to get the fuck off my fashion board

>> No.13043017

Well anone viewing this thread now knows what to do. If your post is really of quality, make sure to support it.

>> No.13043019
File: 33 KB, 564x564, 92260cbfc1fde8dda330c6e5dfd0d5e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fragile masculinity fags

Well, masculinity are behind stable civilizations.
Femininity destroys what masculinity has built up.

>> No.13043024

You sound so fucking cringe. Go out and get some fresh air.

>> No.13043025
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>> No.13043028

What do you think I'm doing?

>> No.13043029
File: 355 KB, 469x625, GayMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You sound so fucking cringe. Go out and get some fresh air."

>> No.13043032

but soy doesn't contain estrogen, it contains isoflavones. it actually worsens the effect of my hrt so I avoid it, since it binds with estrogen receptors so real estrogen can't do its job

>> No.13043040

Now there's some hard analysis. Did you read aristotle perhaps?

>> No.13043045
File: 161 KB, 406x614, adsfsdfvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


...: "To the best of our knowledge Aristotle did not participate in pederasty, as this was not the custom in Macedonia. I believe he was shocked at the prevalence of the custom in Athenian society, as well as of prostitution."

Well, count me in.

>> No.13043046

>Well anons viewing this thread now know what to do.
Knowing is not the same as doing.

>> No.13043054

can soyboys be /fa/ if they're gayboys?

>> No.13043060

wow, he wasn't a pedophile, very impressive and notable!

>> No.13043063

fuck off

>> No.13043067

Who the fuck are you quoting? Stop posting the same three pictures, you dweeb.

>> No.13043076
File: 76 KB, 599x800, c2efdaefb6610bb3f7459ae1d4da63c2--epic-beard-full-beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plato, Aristotle and Socrates all agree homosexual acts are disgraceful

Source: http://www.princeton.edu/~anscombe/articles/finnisorientation.pdf

>> No.13043079

>huge full beard
>a fucking pipe
king of numales

>> No.13043084

Why has there been more outcroppings of androgynous fashion threads as of late? I'm assuming with the current gender / transgender, it's more avant-garde but in a way that's acceptable stylistically as fashion.

I personally like masculine styles, but the most 'masculine' style currently inhabiting this board is either the milspo threads or the 20 reply americana threads, of which the former is more interesting and higher effort and the latter is too associated with compensatory redditors trying to makeup for being skinnyfat urbanites who seek to embody the hard life of their depression era, duderanching grandfather, while also being largely insignificant in volume as of this fashion cycle.

I think /fa/ is at it's peak when specific substyles are being explored and created in generals and whatnot. Lunarcore and Terrorcore were pretty good innovations, and the fragrance and watch threads are pretty good. Maybe androgyny is the current topical flavor of the month, but I'm looking forward to the next since I don't enjoy androgyny or feminine styles for my wardrobe.

>> No.13043087

pretty sure this dude actually googled "was aristotle gay". ignore this guy, he's either baiting or a flyover state tier coping nu-male

>> No.13043090

Yeah, he obviously didn't have a clue who aristotle was except that he was some bearded greek dude

>> No.13043092

>getting /pol/ to fuck off
>raising the minimum age to post to 22

And bald with a beard is about as “soy” as it gets if you want to play that game.

>> No.13043095

good thing your telling me, the guy who invented the soyboy meme, this useful information

>> No.13043098
File: 161 KB, 500x518, 7ae77653719114b9628ddbc625607012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yeah lets continue, darling...."

>> No.13043103

What the fuck are you """rugged individualists""" doing on a fucking fashion board.

>> No.13043105

It will be. As much as I want to see it become bigger, there's little people willing to try the style out and so little that can actually look good in it. Not a fan of a lot of Americana, but Milspo is lacking.

Not a fan of lunar or terror because one has hardly had anything to define it as a style, and terror is just classified as a fit set in a destructive background, or in the act of rioting.

>> No.13043109

you're trying to make fun of gay people which is not only totally uncalled for but you either already had this picture downloaded or you looked this up just to shitpost in this thread and i'm not sure which is worse

>> No.13043111
File: 169 KB, 720x1280, 4b639fdeaa4a84b53a0c9884df7c27f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixing it.

>> No.13043119

theres a deep sense of insecurity in about 95% of the posts in this thread

>> No.13043125

I see Terror more as a themed style that's based around power. Plain-clothes operators, the IRA, bank robbers, terrorists, irregulars are touted as inspo and examples. Thing is, it's a style that may embody that, but alone it lacks the appeal of power and force that makes the clothing cool by association.

Milspo needs an infographic and more consistent posters than telnya and the oddballs who occasionally post fits.

Lunarcore needs more of the same, but it's essentially a looser, palette bound techwear.

>> No.13043127

Fuck off back to 2005 you "fratire" cringelord. Go tell Chuck Norris jokes with some other insecure virgin.

>> No.13043140

Lol. I think you are the same person who was doing this some months back. Fight the good fight.

>> No.13043499
File: 43 KB, 508x532, mmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you sperg out because people have different opinions on something completely subjective

>> No.13043506

But everything on the left is considered soyboy here.

>> No.13043521
File: 78 KB, 480x594, Louis_XIV_(Mignard).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Men in tights, high heels, makeup, and wigs shaped the Western World. "Rugged" men were potato farmers who had to flee to a different continent because "m...muh religion."

>> No.13043539

Why are vans "soy"?

>> No.13043550

Looking in the mirror should illuminate the reason. Docs are soy too, before you ask.

>> No.13043551

marketer sausagefest vs fun & curiousity

i fucking hate this place because of the left part of your picture

>> No.13043558

You must have some serious issues if the first thing you do when someone brings up Aristotle is check if he fucked boys. Like seriously, get your brain checked.

>> No.13043568

I don't own any. They seem pretty normie, but idk about soy.

>> No.13044289

>Nearly 99% of /fa/ nowdays
Really anon tell me bout the "good old days". I guess you've been here for a whole month. Seriously this place has always been shit but since /pol/ and /r9k/ infested this board its been complete shit. Like unbearable.

>> No.13044550

autoban flystate ip addresses

mandatory wardrobe check before posting (min. ownership of 15 designer garments four figure RRP)

>> No.13044604
File: 479 KB, 1024x768, 1482836091837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ has been shit since 2014. we have to remove the streetwear infestation first

>> No.13044638

Honestly maybe we should just abandon /fa/ to be drowned in soymilk and ask gookmoot for a /brah/ board to discuss good style on.

>> No.13044737

answer: there hasn't. /fa/ used to be more androgynous

>> No.13044744

More high test cross-board posters from /k/, /fit/ & /ck/ like myself, get rid of all the underage b& (which is 80% of the board) and ban anyone who wears vans, because they're obviously mentally underage.