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/fa/ - Fashion

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13042346 No.13042346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

holy fuck this board is so fucking bad. It's really unbelievable how hard it falls every year. Do the world a service and leave. 95% of all the fits posted are trash. All the daily wear threads are filled with ugly twinks and self-conscious sluts. Everyone is afraid to wear anything unique so you all look the same and half of you just buy for the name which is pathetic I hope you know. Get out before you become more retarded.

>> No.13042352

Why you so mad ? You should get out of your house a little bit more

>> No.13042354

>taking anything posted on 4chan seriously
Underage please go.

>> No.13042356

He's right, you know.

>> No.13042358

>le everything is one giant joke xD

>> No.13042361

How new are you.

>> No.13042373

my problem with this board are the shitty "generals" for a certain look, which are just filled with LARPing autists like the terrorwave or prep generals

also the "cop or not?" threads which are filled with cheap shit you shouldnt really give a second thought anyway

>> No.13042375

this guy is right so many fits are bad. Even if the asians left it wouldn't improve much.

>> No.13042380
File: 1.99 MB, 1402x2768, 20171221_115457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rte my fit

>> No.13042383

Not everyone is as rich, thinspo, nice long haired, clear skinned, pale, patrician, carefree and daring, confident, experienced, recreationally drug addicted but in a good way and as cool as you anon

>> No.13042393

but /adv/ told me I need to get /fa/ to get a girlfriend...

>> No.13042397


boring as fuck. You look attractive so maybe actually try wearing something unique and interesting instead of being scared and trying to fit in with the other zebras.

>> No.13042400

80% of this is fucking true. the majority of people on /fa/ have no confidence or self esteem and it's one giant circle jerk.

>> No.13042414

That sounds really gay desu senpai

>> No.13042420

Why be different when you can be yourself?

>> No.13042429


I sure am not. First, I am an addict and cannot indulge in drugs lest I lose my soul. Secondly, because of my past addiction I currently find myself re-establishing my life. Part of this requires a new wardrobe.

>> No.13042438

Talk shit, post fit

>> No.13042447

>useless board
>makes useless threads
Stfu and lets see your unique fits, gentlemen.

>> No.13042526


you are just stating the subject headline of thread?

>> No.13042584
File: 580 KB, 1280x960, Team_Toguro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get all my inspro from 90s anime
I suggest you all do the same

>> No.13042603

>I know what i'll do, instead of trying to improve the quality, i'll make a new thread complaining about it!

>> No.13042626

>barely get any replies that contribute to the thread
qualityposting is not encouraged here

>> No.13042731


>I know what I will do. I will be a little bitch!

bet you dress terrible nigga