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/fa/ - Fashion

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13041022 No.13041022 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you draw the line between paying for quality and just paying for the brand name?

>> No.13041031
File: 665 KB, 1365x2048, la-ig-0719-rick-owens-20150719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can buy great clothes in UNIQLO. If I were a young person, that’s where I’d shop. But labels are very much about buying into a poetic vision and being part of something.

>> No.13041096

I have some personal price limits but most of the time when I buy designer clothes its for the cut/fit or design.

>> No.13041350

Uniqo have stuff for old people too.
How do you set your limits?

>> No.13041720


>> No.13041749

>Where do you draw the line between paying for quality and just paying for the brand name?
Anything that has a label on it is gauche, you can't wear it.
Anything that costs more than having the equivalent item tailored is overpriced. This ends up being almost everything "designer".

>> No.13041769

just buy secondhand/taobao/knockoff
everything has a cheaper version, there are no exceptions.
people who say U HAVE 2 SHOP BURANDO are usually too ugly, or fat, or both, to pull off the cheaper stuff. sucks to be them

>> No.13041774


>> No.13041776

why the hell are you on a fashion board if you don't even like the clothes

>> No.13041779

Why would you need to draw a line between those two? The line should be obvious if you ever went thrift shopping, got stuff tailored or supporten small traditional family businesses. You should know what is a reasonable price for materials and workmanship and what is brandfaggotry.

>> No.13041780
File: 126 KB, 506x543, JXhJG1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"the clothes"
Yes I "like clothes" I just don't waste my money on overpriced shit.

>> No.13041806

Why are you trying to act smug about not being interested in designer brands?
go back to /cgl/ or /a/ or wherever you came from.

Post one of your brilliant taobao outfits, I'd love to see to it

>> No.13041810


shut the fuck up
you dont have to like designer fashion to be into fashion. conversely there are lots of people who wear designers who have never heard of things like color palette or how to fit their clothes correctly.

>> No.13041826
File: 410 KB, 553x598, amazing .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you actually seem to be interested in designer fashion, you just aren't willing to pay the proper price for it. You'd rather buy a garbage chinese knockoff that will break or get damaged extremely quickly, has zero resale value and means nothing.

I bet you are putting that saved money to good use aren't you smug anime weeb poster?
Seriously, post one of your Taobao knockoff outfits, I want to see it.

>> No.13041840

That wasn't me
But yeah, I come here mostly for the WTC threads and inspo threads, there are some cool fits in there. And of course I always go to the WAYWT to mock autists for their shit outfits

>> No.13041920

>t. poorfag who can't spend money on high quality items

>> No.13042683

My limit are Gucci tailored suits

>> No.13042697

Thanks rick

>> No.13043980

I just dont understand why should I pay 100$ on some jeans when I can get a 20$ ones

>> No.13044011

You shouldn't if you find jeans you like.

The only time I think jeans are worth hundreds is when they're avant-garde and artisanal, i.e. unique. Otherwise, just buy what fits and save your money.

>> No.13044180

What about shirts, shoes, or jackets? Is it worth spending on brands ?

>> No.13045561

Is Calvin's dad the most /fa/ comic character?

>> No.13046994

The answer is yes, fellow

>> No.13047013

Personally, I'm fine spending more on daily wear items or items that I will have for years to come, like watches, boots, shoes, coats, jackets, etc.

On stuff I consider expendable, like socks, shirts, etc. I don't spend near as much money and I'm not as selective.

Obviously some stuff falls between these two camps. I often invest more in underwear cause it feels so much better if you get good ones. Jeans as well; since I wear them a lot. I find with jeans the fit and wash is drastically better if you pay slightly more.