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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 238 KB, 750x1334, 954493AB-1356-4E48-AA1F-9E6C88E42D3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13037791 No.13037791 [Reply] [Original]

How should I dress to attract an art hoe with a big ol’ brappy sphincter?

>> No.13037796

if this thread gets 100+ replies like the last time it was made...

>> No.13037797


>> No.13037810

>be white but not openly racist
>these art hoes wont go near a black guy but won't dare be seen in public with a racist either
>basic tumblr tier shit like mac demarco
>acquire art hoe gf
>feed her whole milk and chocolates
>THICC mode
>"i'll sit on your face if you vote for bernie anon :3"

>> No.13037816

thats the softest looking ass i have ever seen. would play with that for hours

>> No.13037823


>> No.13037824



*inhale salbutamol as deep as i can so inhale more and better*



>> No.13037839

tripfags everybody

>> No.13037892

I've been getting art hoes and I'm black...

>> No.13037919

look like their dad

>personal experience

>> No.13038001


>> No.13038300

Women are easy as fuck to redpill though. Women generally have no real convictions or beliefs of their own, especially not tumblr art hoes.

>> No.13038313

This. Most women are really malleable, they almost always just believe whatever their bfs do.

>> No.13039081

Art hoes love BBC.

>> No.13039100

Is women fart a patrician fetish?

>> No.13039383

Why do they love fake news platforms?

>> No.13039819

Other tips on how to thiccen up a more petit art hoe without her getting fat?

>> No.13039823

how u dress and act?

>> No.13039835

they really dont

>> No.13039846
File: 55 KB, 731x299, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13039943
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get a wad of 100 dollar bills and tuck them halfway into your fly. make sure they're hanging out in such a way that the denominations are clearly visible, and make sure that your zipper is up all the way up so you don't lose any of them

on a more efficacious and serious note, go by a few ATM machines and fish around in those wastepaper baskets they all have. patiently look at all the receipts until you come across one with an available balance of $500,000 thousand bucks or more. save ALL of these types of receipts very carefully, and always have one neatly folded in one of your pockets. now, approach your victim (art hoe with gigantic ass) and make some small talk. be brave and hit on her. then make up some pretext for leaving when you can see that she's beginning to look at you like you must be a fucking psychopath (which you are). okay, so far so good. at this point you need to fish around in your pockets pretending to look for a pen and something to write on. then casually and absent-mindedly pull out the receipt and write your phone number down on the back of it. done. she'll be contacting you within two hours to set up a date

>> No.13039951

>art hoe in my chem class
> she watches anime, paints and draws, favorite movie is american psycho
> dresses everyday like an 80's highschool girl

how do i get her /fa/?

>> No.13039953 [DELETED] 

Who are the people who keep making threads like these? I am baffled by how obnoxious some people are.

>> No.13039959
File: 71 KB, 564x1003, 1512587280080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this

>> No.13039970


I don't see how that could fail. Though perhaps you might add something tasteful like, "And I'm always up for playing a little 'poker', if you know what I mean."

>> No.13039983


>> No.13040305

A sort of skater look.
Cropped pants when the weather is fine, otherwise slim black jeans or chinos. Long Sleeved Tees. Vans or Converse.

Idk about how I act. But in highschool everyone called me a Oreo.

>> No.13040971

Just talk to her about any shared interested and ask her on a date. Simple.

>> No.13041034


>> No.13041061

be cool

>> No.13041159

Pretty much this

Just ask her about something you both like and act surprised as use thst new found mutual connection as an opening to "hangout"

But make sure you trade and lightly flirt with her once you've both broken the ice to make sure she knows you want her that way, or else she may think you just want to be friends

You sort of have to lead and subtly let her know you want to date or fuck her and not just be friends, which is why you lightly flirt and tease her to get her thinking of you in "that" way

Or you can be a panzie and add her social networks and mention you like x/y/ or z and flirt with her over txt then invite her to "hangout" And hopefully your cockle will be wedged between her brapp cheeks within 15 -25mins of seeing her, if you've warmed her up right

>> No.13041170

I don't understand how to flirt. I have no problems getting dates but flirting is something I've never picked up due to my social awkward childhood.

>> No.13041428

Flirting can feel foreign at 1st
But I find that stating things you notice about her helps it feel less foreign

Like if she smells nice or has a nice perfume comment/compliment about it

"Mmm that's a nice perfume is that You?"

And teasing/joking is a nice way to get her comfortable with you just make a joke but make it cute or lightly sexual, or lightly mean or all 3 if you're good or see an opening for it

Or you can just be really honest about everything and just straight up ask her out

"Oh cool I didn't know you're into (X/Y/Z) I'm into that too, I think you're cute we should hangout/go out sometime what's your number"

Or something along those lines, I'm pretty socially inept but I find as long as your honest about yourself and how you feel, act and think girls pick up on it and like it cause they think you're confident or real or someshit

There's many ways to skin an animal
You can do any approach you want

Personally I'd do the occams razor route and just find an opening with something you both like as an ice breaker and then just be honest and say "hey I think you're cute let's go out or hangout sometime"

>> No.13041825

Ban her from drinking that patetic 2% lite milk bullshit she likely drinks. FULL CREAM milk and sour cream with every meal and she will become good wife.

>> No.13042178


god dammmit this girl is hot as fuck. seeing this picture on /fa/ broke my month long nofap streak last time and it did again today...

>> No.13042181

thats not a trip you newfag

>> No.13042832

That is sad

>> No.13042857

Just become friends with her. If she is physically attracted to you she will initiate believe me

>> No.13042867

oh and also. if you don't know how to flirt an easy test with a girl is to see how she talks to you about relationships, hers or your own. Girls will like talking about sex, exes, etc. with guys they find attractive.

>> No.13042908


I am half black and I have had good luck with art hoes.

>> No.13043181

this a jk? Im black and pull these chicks like moths to a streetlight.

>> No.13043193

to date an art hoe, first you must become an art hoe

>> No.13044356
File: 144 KB, 1280x1707, Chelle Sherrill-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13044359

The only correct answer. You must first sellout and drain any individuality you have ( I'm assuming you have none since you spend your spare time in this chinese cartoon image board).

>> No.13044360
File: 1.71 MB, 2448x3264, Chelle Sherrill-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13044363
File: 251 KB, 1118x1489, Chelle Sherrill-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13044364

her face isnt that great but man that brapper...

>> No.13046248

I hope this guy drowned all that hot pussy in dad jokes.

>> No.13046275
File: 89 KB, 630x728, 2l6Yaw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of chicks are the easiest to fug for you guys and how do you dress?

I tend to dress professional most of the time because of my job and I have really good results with alt girls.

>> No.13046459
File: 152 KB, 1080x720, buaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a different strategy for going after titcow art hoes as opposed to brappers?

>> No.13046644

Oy vey, that's a whoooooooooooooollleee new canna worms

>> No.13046651

>being in a band best known for their mediocre Modest Mouse cover


>> No.13046655
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>> No.13046680

OT but I have that exact butt only my calves are also big and I don't know what to do about it

>> No.13046714
File: 578 KB, 597x599, mark uke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kozelek is just straight up a better songwriter than Isaac Brock. Rollercoaster is better than any MM album.

>> No.13046728

False, false. Lonesome Crowded West and No One's First, You're Next manage to be far more emotionally provocative with more diversity of sound instead of resorting to Kozeck's uninspired whining.

>> No.13046770
File: 277 KB, 469x452, 1505485781077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting /mu/ bait.

>> No.13046803
File: 138 KB, 550x733, marky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not baiting. When Modest Mouth releases a song on the same level as Duk Koo Kim then you can talk.

>> No.13046845

Okay yeah, it's bait

>> No.13046925

I take it all back, this is amazing

>> No.13046943


post calves

>> No.13046992

she's not that hot

>> No.13047615

post more anon

>t. a nigga that needs relationship advice

>> No.13047638

Not him, but you seem cool.

>> No.13047643

who is this brapster

>> No.13047672
File: 247 KB, 1118x1489, 1118full-chelle-sherrill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chelle sherill

>> No.13047680

i'd give both my lungs to let me sniff her farts

>> No.13047686

Be body posi and wear cuffed beanies

>> No.13047928

When I spike my hair and dress like a Guido I seem to attract Latinas like moth to a flame

When I grow my beard our and combover i tend to get hipster and weird girls and the like
Or girls with daddy issues

Literally was at a point where every girl I slept with wanted to call me daddy and the first few times I never even initiated it, after it happened so many times I sortve got into it

>tfw I just want a sexy curvy bbw to call mommy while I seed her womb..

>> No.13047933

"Omg, I love how you censor yourself and never say anything mean about stinky brown rapists replacing you in your homecountries! You're such a bad boy stud, I love the way you stand up for LGBTQRP paedophiles and never say anything politically correct and constantly shit on your own people"
Said no girl ever