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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 2.63 MB, 1929x2053, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13035286 No.13035286 [Reply] [Original]

can you guys explain why you spend so much time and money on fucking clothes?

why not instead, just spend an hour or two playing sports or going to the gym with your friends instead?

girls don't give a shit about vintage clothes, designer clothes or fancy haricuts

i'm not saying become some sort of bodybuilding steroid freak, but just look somewhat athletic

>pic related
who gets more compliments and attention from people - dude who plays rugby with the lads and buys plain t shirts and $20 jeans or someone that's serious about fashion?

>> No.13035292
File: 81 KB, 611x583, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i like fashion?

>> No.13035294

>dressing for grills
>lifting for grills

it's a hobby bro

>> No.13035295

>Wearing clothes for the purpose of impressing others
>Limiting yourself to basics

Of course everyone here should be in shape. Many seem to forget that "Lifting is couture".

>> No.13035300
File: 53 KB, 850x400, rick-owens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the reason why /fa/ doesn't like Rick Owens anymore?

>> No.13035302

Why not both? Conquer both sides of the spectrum

>> No.13035315

Improve yourself and gain a god-like physique while looking fashionable in the process

>> No.13035321

If she doesn't like your face/personality you won't succeed, really. Maybe you could pull someone for a very short time based on physique alone, but ultimately she will drop you like a rock if your face/personality doesn't meet her standards. That's a biological fact, mating isn't driven by musculature. Hence the existence of gymcels.
Wear what makes you comfortable and stay at a healthy BMI, then worry about skin/hair.

>> No.13035328
File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-an-athletic-man-or-whatever-you-want-to-call-him-will-only-look-good-in-a-very-classic-hedi-slimane-93-4-0402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hedi begs to differ

>> No.13035351

Why is this about girls? I don't lift for girls and I dont dress for girls. Clothes are cool. You can have this bait thread as much as you want and that is not going to change.

>girls don't give a shit about vintage clothes, designer clothes or fancy haricuts

Laughably false statement. Let’s say you have two muscular Chads, one in full K-Mart with a whatever haircut, and one In designer with a GQ haircut, who will the girl pick. Some will prefer the less ostentatious Chad (flyover state country girls) but most will pick the guy in designer.

>> No.13035386

Why does it have to be one or the other? I do both. Neither is /fa/ only about designer clothes or fancy haircuts (lel). I like it because i find it interesting, in some cases artful, and I got into it because I wanted to know more about the garments I wear and where they come from in the same way I care about sustainable eating. Sometimes it makes more sense to buy a $30 well made t shirt vs a $5 throwaway t shirt that wrinkles like hell and gets holes after a wash

>> No.13035396
File: 396 KB, 640x626, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /fit/>/fa/, but /fit/+/fa/>/fit/

>t./fit/izen for for 10 years


>> No.13035411

Hedi also looks like 10+ year meth addict

>> No.13035415
File: 154 KB, 800x1200, 2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is about women


>> No.13035433
File: 20 KB, 600x391, arnold-schwarzenegger-s-new-conan-movie-is-unforgiven-with-a-sword-wielding-barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the fashion industry is dictated by homosexuals (1% of the population who make up 33% of paedos) who enjoy boyish neotenic twink bodies with handsome, elfin faces, and women who enjoy androgynous, controllable boy toys they can play dress up with.

You think an independent, highly desired man like Erwin Rommel or an actor like Mel Gibson or Hugh Jackman would have let some faggot dress him up in some retarded twink outfit for his day to day life?

>> No.13035442


Girls do care about hair and clohtes (kinda). just make sure you arent wearing super tight or super baggy shit or have a shitty dumb and dumber bowlcut or greasy ass hair

>> No.13035462

and he looks great in it

>> No.13035475

If you live somewhere that's not a culturally desolate shithole then girls do actually value good taste. Of course you can get white trash girls if you're wearing shitty clothes, but that's not really the point.

>> No.13035486

>mel gibson
no political bias on display here

>> No.13035532

>not dedicating time and dedication to both your body and wardrobe

UTTER and COMPLETE brainlet spotted.


I'm sick of you fucking faggots judging the merit of any activity by how much pussy it gets you.

>> No.13035558

this guy looks so bad
literally has the body of a deformed alien
granted i dont know a shit about lifting (dont care) but im assuming thats because of his genetics? his arms look like theyre broken
im actually quite repulsed by that picture fuck

>> No.13035693

You understand my point though. "Rugged" independent heartthrobs and strong men archetypes tend to be right wing anyway

>> No.13035710

I lift as a hobby and While I agree you should strive to be in shape I also think clothing is an important way to self express

>> No.13035852

Cool bait. People who dress like this should be shot.

>> No.13036640

No one really cares about how much your haircut or clothes cost in the real world.

>> No.13037021

name an attractive masculine man that is a leftist

>> No.13037055
File: 44 KB, 500x731, hot_chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Chomsky

>> No.13037074

Harrison Ford
Joe Biden

Most Hollywood actors

>> No.13037075

>Joe Biden

>> No.13037091
File: 112 KB, 634x655, youngJoeBiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joe Biden

>> No.13037093
File: 16 KB, 800x550, Smoking-Weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13037276

This guy has never played rugby in his fucking life

>> No.13037280


>> No.13037281


Not necessarily. Put a fit guy in sweatpants and a minions tshirt and he'll still look like a manchild

>> No.13037283

95% of famous men. pick one that isnt clint eastwood.

your point sucks ass

>> No.13037311


Because working out actually requires effort and not just browsing and buying shit to form a facade around your insecurities

>> No.13037312
File: 26 KB, 469x300, tumblr_mc2yabALYs1r8awc0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marlon brando
He's anarcho syndicalist. Most anarchists are and were socialists

>> No.13037443

omg this is so hot.
I hate muscle guys because all they do is pump and dump.
But my god are muscles sexy

>> No.13037459


>> No.13037462
File: 176 KB, 1511x2015, 1514416988359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.13037470
File: 41 KB, 668x513, camilo-cienfuegos-ernesto-che-guevara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Che and camillo cienfuegos

>> No.13037472


>> No.13037732

>only looking good in a suit, classic jeans, athletic clothes, or naked
those are the optimal times to look good.

>> No.13037846


no he doesnt, looks like he has leukemia

>> No.13038035

You're right, girls don't give a shit about any of those things
they care about your money
Keep the parasites you fucking idiot.

>> No.13038065

spoken like a true fat & ugly person

>> No.13038247
File: 63 KB, 605x800, pickle riiiiiick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling more like Rick Sanchez right now, desu.

>> No.13038635

>dresses and does sports for grills
>believes that you can't be fit and buy nice clothing at the same time
>feels the need to seek attention and compliments
>tries to bait this hard

What a pathetic faggot you are


>> No.13038748


looks like shitty gym bro, needs lats, legs and core and less biceps and deltoids

>> No.13038781

>taking advice on aesthetics from a guy who looks like that and dresses like that

confirmed for never gonna make it

>> No.13038806

Because muscles are ugly

>> No.13038823

Looks gayer than most of the faggotry here.

>> No.13038840


You realize Hugh jackman is a gay right?

>> No.13038845

I ain't gone be a bitch like the others anon you look good no homo

But being fashionable is a very good complement to being fit.

t. fitizen

>> No.13038958

I've made plenty of friends and connections because they noticed a designer piece I wore and we started talking.
The only connections you'll make when being fit is none, since the other lifters are probably sizing you up and see you as competition, I know, because I've been on both sides.

>muh female attention!
Nigger the only time you can wear a basic bodytight tee is in the summer.
All you need is good posture, a little muscle and behave like a protective male. Don't be a skinny twink and bitches don't give a fuck about being extremely muscular, they rather have the fashionable guy.

>> No.13038961

This was meant for OP

>> No.13039061

>I ain't gone be a bitch like the others anon you look good no homo
Try /lit/, maybe you learn to write comprehensible sentences someday.

>> No.13039394
File: 56 KB, 700x521, 400E3109-535D-4612-9FC7-D7606BAA3C63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, don’t mean to rock the boat too much, but have any of you folks ever considered that maybe it’s whats in the inside that counts? I mean, sure, I get that this is a fashion board, but a common topic of discussion in this thread seems to be what’s going to get you laid.

>> No.13039412

Just look at him holy fuck

>> No.13039415

Should have specified that you meant young Joe

>> No.13039493
File: 146 KB, 1600x1107, young_Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is a hardcore leftist. You should know that anarchism is by nature libertarian and also that libertarianism in the non-retarded sense does not mean "muh FREE market"

>Most anarchists are and were socialists
You mean all anarchists. Capitalists are not anarchists.

>also young Stalin was hot as hell

>> No.13040381

yknow when men do that infuriating thing where they think everything girls do is an attempt to attract them?

this is that in reverse

>> No.13040382


>> No.13040387


>> No.13040395

>hundred fires
dope name

>> No.13040401

He is, according to US standards, I guess.