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/fa/ - Fashion

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13035156 No.13035156 [Reply] [Original]

I like fashion, not fags :/

>> No.13035205

neck yourself

>> No.13035774

Don't distract yourself. It's just a piece of clothing.
If you think they're trying to deceive you then don't be deceived. It's not like it matters anyway.

>> No.13035776

>not being gay

>> No.13035777
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No. Why would something that minuscule stop from liking clothes?

>> No.13035779

You do you mate, fuck me.

>> No.13035781

grow up

>> No.13035786
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1507148316989-fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like fags
>posts anime image

>> No.13035825

Well they're going to congregate somewhere, try moving to a country where fashion industry is more balanced if you aboslutley need to be in the industry but want less gay.

>> No.13035828
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>caring about the sexuality of others
>the year of our lord two thousand and eleven + 7

>> No.13035928
File: 176 KB, 975x996, yves-saint-laurent-kouka-denis-Dior-1959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it bother me that this guy designs the shoes i wear? idk. not really, it might say somethign about you that you like to wear them or you share them same idea of good style

>> No.13035934

W2c shoes designed by a ghost??

>> No.13035940

it's too bad I have to make a postlike this just to get a nibble. is that all you live for? making these biting sarcastic jabs at people? I'm absolutely positive that you wouldn't have even replied at all if I made a more honest thought out post. you wouldve just let this thread slide even further into oblivion. because that's what this has come to here. no one actually interested in talking Fashion---just people who want to make themselves look smart for that micro second of someone looking at this post. surely, you don't live such a vapid, inorganic existence...

>> No.13035942

Yes it does but not for my own purposes -- I have a tailor and fags can cut good trad menswear anyway, they know what looks good on a man. It irritates the shit out of me that they run womenswear though, twig models and shit outfits have absolutely devastated the way women dress and actually even behave.

If they could all have been the same kid of fag as Dior who just projected onto women, idolized the feminine and cut amazing-looking shit I would have been jake with it though, nothing against the ol' gays per se.

>> No.13035953


Everyone always brings up that point but don't realize that women designers and consumers like the thin (twig) look too. It's a shit theory that needs to go away.

>> No.13035956

it's an interesting question, it's kind of the egg and the hen thing

it's like on one hand, if i think of a Men's Wear Designer, it makes think it is like a straight guy who made it, like Allen Edmonds,

and so, I feel subconsciously like I cant get that "Highest Fashion" kind of a image, unless some poofy guy in France designed it. So I think it's which came first? The Poofy guy or the actual design

Can non-gay guys who are jus tnormal or at least just not "Gay" like literally having gay sex, can they make cool chic awesome designs? I think so, in theory, but then maybe they wouldn't have any entry into the scene if they aren't gay. Maybe one could "fake the gay", just to get into the scene and then be an undercover Non-gay designer

In fact, I would go further and say, maybe some very Well-known Designer are actually only just Gay for show, because of what I stated at the beginning.

Or at least act unisexual, I think acting androgenous or neither feminine or masculine would work, as an image that sells,

but above all, you need actual good designs, at least for real people who understand good design. For normies who just want a "Fashion" shirt that has the name "Saint Pierre Du Borgerac" or make up whatever name, the implication is that it originated somehow from some poofy guy in Paris. Paris is literally called "gay" paris, but not in the homo way.

>> No.13035959


There are quite a few very wealthy and successful hetero male fashion designers.

>> No.13035963

>For normies who just want a "Fashion" shirt that has the name "Saint Pierre Du Borgerac" or make up whatever name, the implication is that it originated somehow from some poofy guy in Paris.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this is some of the funniest shit I ever read on /fa/, I'm dying

>> No.13035972

lmao why would it?

>> No.13036112

...it’s not that funny

>> No.13036476
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Russia maybe?

>> No.13036507

if youre into clothes and dont live in la ny everyone gonna think youre gay anyways so who cares

>> No.13036547
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The fashion industry is dictated by homosexuals (1% of the population who make up 33% of paedos) who enjoy boyish neotenic twink bodies with handsome, elfin faces, and women who enjoy androgynous, controllable boy toys they can play dress up with. The rest are sub 100 IQ hypebeast retards and niggers who all fell for the Jewish trick Kanye talks about of poorly made flashy trainers and $700 flavour of the week uninspired t shirts, although pretty much all modern fashion stems from an attempt to drain stupid and rich women's bank accounts by manipulating their peer pressure with tiny variencies on the same garments, repeated again and again ad infinitum. You even have the equivalent of fast food low quality diets, with ASOS etc where women will happily buy 6 thot dresses a month and wear them once or twice before they grow bored or bump into someone wearing the same or tear a hole in the slave labour garment.

Fashion is largely no longer about aesthetics, it is about Jewing you out of your pennies and getting you to emulate the already enslaved ghetto nogs who spend their welfare checks on Jordans (now yeezies, balenciaga and A Cold Wall bags) meanwhile having zero real world status or security. "Deze yeezies be an investment mang". If it were about pushing new aesthetics and enjoying a look or the joy of clothes, more people would make their own clothes like our parents generations - goths sewing velvet skirts, diy 80s garb, customised jackets etc. Now it's all pretty fucking identical and pretty fucking gay.

>> No.13037070


Fags or gays? There is a huge difference between them.


lol. You will find no difference.

t. Russian

>> No.13037076

>be me
>straight male
>very interested in women's fashion
>everyone calls me a fag
life is suffering