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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 50 KB, 433x433, manly_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13024614 No.13024614 [Reply] [Original]

Is Art-of-Manliness-Core the worst aesthetic / what kind of female would actually be into a guy like this / what is the difference between this and an actual autist?

>> No.13024626

That pic is such cringe jesus christ

it reeks of soyboy attempting to project """""masculinity"""""

>> No.13024642

i cringed too

suprised there wasnt a section of the brain designated to rick & morty and fruit loops for dinner

>> No.13024649

This picture is the culmination of leddit's idea of "manliness"

>> No.13024710

Jesus fuck i hate these try hard ""masculine"" faggots, one of them is in my class at uni

>> No.13024725

Here's what real men think about
> ruminating on the thoughts of a real kino
> sex
> fantasising about being in the wilderness away from everyone
> imagining being happy
> imagining being rich
> being hungry
> thinking about what to do in a self defence situation

>> No.13024730

And about your wife and kids

>> No.13024745

I genuinely think having a small dose of /pol/ every now and then definitely contributes to being /fa/. Am I wrong? I'm not talking about the hectic shit, but being proud and strong and self confident is definitely effay
> everyone here is white

>> No.13024752

left that out as I don't have anyone to love except my dog

>> No.13024756

actively trying to be manly and actually being manly are antithetical

>> No.13024759

I suppose that's more of a socially conservative mindset rather than /pol/

>> No.13024763

just like actively trying to be effay

>> No.13024764

this reads like a cringe-inducing tinder profile of a man trying to come across as witty not realising none of that means anything without a good pic

>> No.13024938

>filing taxes
>sex with a sexy secretary
>the wilderness
>suicide in the wilderness

>> No.13024972


From what I can gather, the man brain would be;

>is my penis big?
>does she think my penis is the biggest?
>video games
>is she thinking about another man's penis?
>what if my penis is actually small?
>if I was in a fight I'd destroy everyone
>I just want to end it all

Men are utterly obsessed with penis, you should all just be faggots desu.

>> No.13024998

When I go to pee, I don't hold my penis, hell, I don't even look at it. I have my wife come in to the men's room and hold it for me because touching a penis is FUCKING GAY. When I shower, I keep my pants on. I don't want to see a dick because if I did, that would be FUCKING GAY.
I don't have sex with a girl until she's had at least three periods since her last sex partner, otherwise I'd be rubbing dicks with another man, and that's FUCKING GAY.

>> No.13025264

Idk famalam
I think about
>the mountains
>women I had sex with
>am I tall enough?
>hanging out with my bros

>> No.13025320
File: 66 KB, 697x697, IMG_6801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex with exes
>sex with girl I see on the street
>sex with celebrities
>am I good at sex?
>I'm great at sex
>general sex thoughts
>fist fights
>being effay
>hairstyles I want to try
>what animu I should watch

That's basically all I think about desu

>> No.13025326
File: 10 KB, 260x194, manlymen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw with good facial aesthetics this guy gets a girl like pic

tfw they go out and eat bacon and she plays with his beard

tfw face is all that matters, because terrible unaware people exist within both sexes

>> No.13025884


>> No.13025897

Not Everyman is straight you bigot

>> No.13026758

Here's what women think about

>> No.13026786

>taking this satirical picture that was created in a board room seriously.
>having severe autism

>> No.13027421

You didn't have to come for /fa/ like that, holy shit

>> No.13027476

it sounds more like a fatass numale American musings.

nachos, meat (thinking of ways to stuff your face full of fat)

snowmobile, chainsaw

karate moves/spaceship implies Star Wars Nerdism, and Kung Fu nerdism

it's basically musings on how to make your life even more sedentary than it already is when you are fat and lazy

it's basically:
how to be a fat Star Wars Kung fu worshipping numale geek who eats burgers and nachos

numale religion = Star Wars. (the old Star Wars) the mainstream is taught to view it as their religion, and you aren't cool unless you know a bunch of useless Star Wars trivia facts about the planets and star systems that don't even exist.

>> No.13027568


Meat thoughts: Survival

Chainsaws: Tools

Spaceship designs: Technology

Hot blondes: Sex

Eagle/Bear: Nature

Karate Moves: Imagination

Cobra fight: Fantasy

>> No.13027591

all wrong

thoughts pertaining to:

Survival: Searching for a perfect Winter jacket and Boots obsessively online during the Fall

Tools: You are typing on the only most important one right now

Technology: See Tools, Is SmartPhone charged?

Sex: Use Sexual Transmutation, you shouldn't be thinking of sex, let alone with multiple women on a bed a nachos

Nature: Have I gone outside to get some fresh air today

Imagination: Clothing Grids

Fantasy: Grail items

>> No.13027620

that wasn't an insult, i like to think everyone here is already effay and just come for discussions

>> No.13029186

>Sexual Transmutation

wtf you're actually right

>> No.13029258

AoM existed before Reddit idiot

>> No.13029272

>Here's what real men think about
>> ruminating on the thoughts of a real kino
Or music, or recent reads, or the words of a colleague
>> sex
>> fantasising about being in the wilderness away from everyone
>> imagining being happy
Happiness stemming from a satisfying vocation
>> imagining being rich
More like having no need for wealth due to contentedness.
>> being hungry
>> thinking about what to do in a self defence situation

>> No.13029409

this is what beta men who are cuckolded by reality think about.
Fantasizing about the life you wish you were living.

>> No.13030748

>is my penis small?
>does she think my penis is small?
>is she thinking about another man's penis(bigger than mine)?
>what if my penis is actually smaller than I think?
>if I was in a fight I'd get detroyed

men are extremely fragile and insecure

>> No.13030782

You usually stop thinking this when you grow up. Every 16 year old thinks this

>> No.13030808

>implying any more than a slim minority of men develop past 16

>> No.13030827

Trying to be "masculine" is pretty cringey anyway, even if you're not a soyboy.

>> No.13030835

The art of manliness isn't even like that though

Have you guys even read anything there? Maybe back in 2008 it was like that but it's not anymore.

>> No.13030877

My thought process is mostly:

>im functioning on only 4 hours of sleep today i'll have to complete X by 2:30 so i can catch up with my sleep
>boy im hungry
>that guy looks familiar
>woah what a qt
>i have to pee
>i don't like how this fucking cunt just looked at me
>i have to pee
>if i said niggers out loud right now how many of these black people could i take on
>wonder where she is now
>i should buy some shampoo im running low

Take it from me OP. If your thoughts don't even come CLOSE to resembling mine, you cannot call yourself a man.

>> No.13030937

I’m a mans man and I can confirm this is how we think

>> No.13031043
File: 77 KB, 532x486, b51g0xbg0i501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what actual men think about:
> the ethnostate
> protecting their children
> protecting their countrymen's children
> how to survive the coming collapse
> which books they must read next
> skills they want to acquire
> how to stay healthy and get a healthy woman for lots of children
> the ethnostate
> Galactic Lebensraum

>> No.13031047

Modern "men" everybody

>> No.13031050

Can confirm I think about establishing Hyperborea in another space system at least 3 times a day

>> No.13031111


>> No.13031118

This, plus sex, music and fine dining

>> No.13031144

It's more of the "so afraid of soy I invented an insult for those who aren't" guy projecting masculinity, but yeah, it's pretty stupid.

>> No.13031146

All university-aged christian guys are like this too, oddly.

>> No.13031154
File: 72 KB, 640x800, 1514081064267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello bugman

>> No.13031180

Real men think about whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.13031198

>being this fragile

>> No.13032936
File: 1.12 MB, 1440x1686, 1513378075713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello bugman

>> No.13032937
File: 255 KB, 844x1199, IMG_6857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm

>> No.13033712

>And about your wife and kids
>having children

>> No.13033715


>> No.13033738

>should I kill myself or have coffee
And other stuff ocasionally

>> No.13033748

>Ending your 20,000 year old bloodline

>> No.13033784
File: 598 KB, 936x852, trucker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does truckercore come off as compensating or is it just lazy?

>> No.13033807

>20,000 year
Young earth, eh?

>> No.13033848

I figure the boundaries between hominids get a little blurred at that time period, I don't know if a neanderthal or homo heidelbergensis would greet me as a relative if I met them

I could be wrong

>> No.13033938

Jeezus christ dood.

Im a guy and while every guy occasionally thinks about wanting an extra couple inches I doubt most ruminate on that thought multiple times a day

Good Lord I'm fairly avg at around 5.5inches/6inches when I'm not fat
And I'm not constantly asking myself if I'm big or if a girl thinks I'm big
Generally don't really care
As long as I'm not Asian smol I'm fairly secure in my bepis

I think the only thing I want is to not be a "grower not a shower" but I don't think about that every day and all day

>> No.13034359

you just made me feel like a clone

>> No.13034363

Compensating if you're neither a trucker nor some sort of blue collar slave

>> No.13034410

>sex with strangers
>wtf am I doing with my life
>when can I get high
>how high should I get
>I should get a better job
>I wonder if she wants to fuck too
>i need to get more shit done
>I need to increase my value as a male
>my feet are cold
>stop being a bitch
>I need to get more shit done
>can’t look weak, act confident
>what is that sound

Other than that it’s basically just impatient with what’s happening next

>> No.13034438

Technically, 3.8 billion year old bloodline.

>> No.13034467

being obsessed with perceived masculinity is for insecure closet fags
just bee urself

>> No.13034498

what does that even matter
people value the most idiotic things, if having children doesn't make you happy then it's simply not worth it.

>> No.13034714

True absolute patrician man thoughts coming through
>how do I better myself?

>> No.13034737
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 73df96ad2540dd264db5fa07891f54cb--undercut-hairstyle-for-men-short-hairstyles-for-men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this guy gets laid 10x more than all of you combined.

>> No.13034960

They have good articles

>> No.13035013

Honestly he seems like he doesn't. He's a pretty boy from the looks of it who just poses for pictures and advocates for feminism.