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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 150 KB, 621x775, IMG_1357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13018435 No.13018435 [Reply] [Original]

i fucking hate this
>"Lé quirky pnw instagram nomadic hipster core"

why pnw males are the ultimate nu-males?

>> No.13018490

most these are douchebags working at headshops/potshops. As well as college freshman/stoners

more serious college age people will be wearing streetwear-esque stuff or normcore, or prep.

Honestly I'd like to vouch for Washington. If you come here and go outside of Seattle, you'll find that much of Washington is poorer and much more conservative than you'd think. Seattle and the surrounding areas are where all these people are. The other 80 percent of the state is pretty straight-laced in terms of lifestyle and fashion sense.

(washington resident all my life)

>> No.13018526

Seriously what's wrong with this look?
This look is comfy as fuck.

P.s: he's a pnw photog @andrewtkearns

>> No.13018544

pretty on point. I'm from the east side of the state (the conservative side). obviously some people will try to create an identity out of the area (i.e. flannels, pnwlife), but portland is much worse for that type of shit desu

>> No.13018553

If I'm moving to Washington for a computer job (devops or backend; Linux) and don't want to live by these guys, any idea where I should look?

>> No.13018588
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who cares, why do you care so much? You must have a pretty shit life to care this much about what someone is wearing on instagram desu~.

maybe you should re-evaluate yourself for the new years.

>> No.13018593

that look literally doesn't look fucking quirky at all

>> No.13018606

it looks good

people ITT are just triggered pol soyboys who can't comprehend something other than menswear or streetstyle

>> No.13019125

I like to hit two degrees left of that mark and be comfycore 24/7

makes life easier, and now that trumps in office people are more mad about politics and don't care what you wear in public anymore

>> No.13019132

As an oldfag, 27 years old, I can tell you literally all these men have the same life course.
>smokes weed once
They try a bunch of psychedelics, grow out their hair and facial hair, and read entry level philosophy like Camus, Sartre, etc. Then they go abroad to South America on daddy's money, do ayahuasca and start speaking pigeon Spanish. They then get a mediocre office job and you get to watch their goatskin drum and travel guitar start collecting mold as they slip into a mediocre and uninteresting adulthood. But hey at least they "found themselves" rite??

I've seen like 5 guys spend their 20's following this course exactly. They're like cattle. It's disturbing.

>> No.13019135

nothing suspicious about this at all

>> No.13019138

seems like a pretty good life
why are you bitter? they certainly had more fun than you

>> No.13019141

lol stay mad pnw soyboy
ur boring get over it

>> No.13019142

Wish I lived in PNW

t. Brit

>> No.13019144

If that is a "good" enough life for you, my condolences.

>> No.13019148

imagine hiking with those shoes on OP

>> No.13019155

pls tell me how great your 20s were

>> No.13019170
File: 491 KB, 544x535, b87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey look it's

my 20's were great btw. Incidentally I myself both traveled to South America and did a bunch of psychedelics. I just happened to cultivate an actual personality, unlike these men.

And trust me when I say these men are a dime a dozen. They hit on me all the time.

>> No.13019171
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that's one of the most depressing descriptions I've heard in my life

>> No.13019173

nice ad hominem i guess (?)
so you did the same shit youre complaining about? got it
by personality i guess you meant shitposting here on a wednesday morning lol...

my only issue with the OP fit is the socks/sandals bullshit btw

>> No.13019176

not him but you sound butthurt. did he hit a nerve?

>> No.13019179
File: 126 KB, 506x543, JXhJG1L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man just go with the flow lmao
i'm a girl. didn't i mention that these guys hit on me all the time? i think the fact that i'm a girl makes this funnier, don't you?

>> No.13019186

naw not at all
its just funny how people here assume all this shit off a single pic and act like they're better than that
if you were better, you wouldnt be doing that kind of shit
just judge the fit desu

>> No.13019188

>just judge the fit desu
it's shit.

>> No.13019190

see? its so much easier

>> No.13019192
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>> No.13019195

I've considered moving to the PNW or Colorado from the Midwest, but the people seem insufferable.

>> No.13019239

>As an oldfag, 27 years old
This better be bait, son.

>> No.13019257

yeh and the midwest is a real bastion of cultured sophistiation

>> No.13019260

t. faggot coastie who dresses like ops pic

>> No.13019321

It obviously isn't, but the people here aren't pretentious assholes about everything. My uni has solid representation from every region of the US, and even rich kids from New England are more pleasant to be around than the fags from California, Colorado, and the PNW.

>> No.13019373

Fuck off we're full

>> No.13019391

this isn't even fashion

this just looks like some normie that bought the first 5 things he saw at H&M

>> No.13019426

what does pnw stand for? papua new washington?

>> No.13019443

I can't speak for the entire state, but Boulder, Denver, and the ski resort towns are almost exclusively populated by transplants from California and New England, leaning heavily towards the former.

>> No.13019473

I went to Portland recently and the hipsters there are disgusting.
Fucking man children babies

>> No.13019523

this doesn't looks that bad except for le comfy sandal with le comfy wool socks

>> No.13019599


I'm moving to WA from NYC. Tired of the city life and just want to keep to myself away from Seattle. Will the locals hate me?

>> No.13019606
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no you'll just hate yourself, this is considered a nice part of NYC

>> No.13019611
File: 1.37 MB, 1764x1323, 124111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I'm not an instagrammer trying to model in the PNW, but maybe you folks don't realize how easy it is to explore the place and see some of the most incredible sights in the world. This inspires people. There is nothing wrong with wanting to travel the PNW

>> No.13019614

pacific new guinea

>> No.13019615
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cosmopolitan folks don't understand that people do actually hike and travel here

>> No.13019619
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>> No.13019623
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why do people in the PNW dress like they actually do things??

>> No.13019628
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in Connecticut, their idea of a good time is going to the mall

>> No.13019632
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please stay in your trashy service economy state

>> No.13019660


I said i'm moving FROM nyc to washington

Not the other way around

>> No.13019671

Sounds better than my 20's.

>> No.13019677
File: 400 KB, 1220x1194, 32535213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, I moved from NYC to Oregon. Would never step foot in that shithole again.

though Seattle has its fair share of ugly and homeless, so don't expect it to be quaint.. though there are many neighborhoods much more quaint than anything in NY outside of upstate or Suffolk county

>> No.13019683
File: 760 KB, 1632x1224, 1983512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

though in NYC, you drive for an hour and you're either in NJ, Long Island, or some other hellhole. Seattle, you drive for an hour and you can be in paradisal landscapes.

moreso if you live in a smaller city, of course.

>> No.13019686
File: 663 KB, 980x1306, 462362436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the stoner meme isn't a joke, but there are people who don't smoke. it's just the equivalent of what drinking is in NYC, so it is everywhere

>> No.13019690
File: 527 KB, 1632x1224, 921890178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PNW is just awfully pretty sorry folks

>> No.13019713

It's the final breath of that goofy boring "new americana" bullshit faggots were trying to push a few years ago. As if anyone but some white guys would want to dress like they stepped right out of the midwest. foh with that shit

>> No.13019714

Oh hey, the painted hills. I was there just this last summer. We camped off the John Day, really lovely trip.

>> No.13019726
File: 37 KB, 500x526, BD9B0021-3475-4FDC-AB88-D375CDBBB11B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On 4chan anything over 23 is old. Hate to break it to ya. I'm 28, been here since the early days. Not as much as I used to, and even I realize I'm getting to old for
this shit.

>> No.13019784

And what about you? Where have you traveled? How did you spent your 20's? Where do you work? What do you do for a living? I'm guessing you must have a great life since you got everything figured out.

>> No.13019795
File: 1.75 MB, 2448x1836, 6324135132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the Clarno unit

I find the John Day area and pretty much all of central Oregon stunning...

>> No.13019797
File: 957 KB, 1796x1347, 632443264312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White River Falls being my personal vote for heaven on earth

>> No.13019811


Kek. I love how you flyover tards actually think that living in the non-asshole of the country is somehow a bad thing. Have fun being in a place that's 10 years behind the fashion of the 1st world.

>> No.13019987

>They try a bunch of psychedelics, grow out their hair and facial hair, and read entry level philosophy like Camus, Sartre, etc. Then they go abroad to South America on daddy's money, do ayahuasca and start speaking pigeon Spanish.
I'm in the last year of high school, just had my hair long for two years and recently cut it, I read entry level philosophy, plan to go to south america and learn spanish. Am I doomed?

>> No.13020087

No not at all, I'd recommend you try to go down there it's fun. Just be sure that somewhere along the way you grow a little as a person. I'm not saying you need to try to seek out some sort of life changing experience, tripping balls in the jungle is tripping balls in the jungle, it's not some spiritual catalyst that's going to change your life forever. I mean hallucinogens are fun and you can have some interesting insights while on them, but ultimately they're just drugs and you're not going to learn anything from them that you didn't already know subconsciously.

Meet people, see cool stuff, and try to learn to accept and deal with uncertainty and things outside of your control. That last bit is what being a grown up is all about.

>> No.13020097

gonna reiterate the other guy. psychedelics make you think you're profoundly changing your life, but they're not doing anything but messing with your brain circuitry. I'm not anti-shrooms or whatever, I just had my ego death experiences and trips and really don't think it's anything but a big joke that stupid people latch onto because it's the only time they've ever felt like they knew something.

growing long hair and facial hair is OP though

>> No.13020103

Especially that last bit sounds like what I'm experiencing right now, thanks

>> No.13020123

basically this. psychedelics make you have a lot of thoughts very quickly. if you're used to having thoughts, this experience can be intense but not wholly unfamiliar. if you don't usually have thoughts, you're going to think it's something truly incredible.

i like drugs. they've improved my romantic relationship and given me a deeper appreciation of mathematics. but like the dalai lama said to allen ginsberg; there's no long-lasting positive change that you can get from drugs that you can't get through sufficient discipline while sober.

this style looks comfortable. there's a lot of room to experiment with texture and color.

>> No.13020533

Original writer of that post here
Of course theres nothing wrong with doing any of the things i named individually. Psychedelics can be amazing and transformative experiences. South america is beautiful. Read Deleuze and Lacan instead of Sartre and Camus. Trust me.

What i meant was there is a specific type of man who frequently hits on me because im a pretty face who dresses cool. Their entire personality rests on their psychedelic experiences and their travel to "america del sur". They are empty, miserable snobs with their heads up their asses. I want to give them a name but i cant think of them right now.

Anyway youre at the age where hearing these dudes regail you with their "profound" "journey" might make you feel insecure about your life, and feel like youre wasting it by doing cool things that youre interested in that dont involve traveling or doing drugs.

Perhaps thats why i was so harsh towards them. I wanted to protect young people like you and let you know you can spend your 20s in a variety of ways and the stuff youre really gonna look back on fondly is when you were doing stuff you genuinely WANTED to do, and didnt do just because "its part of the journey maaaaaan"

Watching these guys rot away into lameo hasbeens (who STILL think they have a shot with me lmao) has taught me personally that I DID spend my 20s right, that these guys werent nearly as interesting as william burroughs and jack kerouac made them sound, and that drugs and travel do not DO NOT automatically make you cool or interesting.

Very important lesson for young adults like u, IMO at least.
Wow this post was long. My bad

>> No.13020551

>hey I'm a girl :^)))
fuck off cunt

>> No.13020556

are all the same person kek

>> No.13020756
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>> No.13020776

>67 replies
>39 posters

>> No.13020956

w2c sandals?

>> No.13020959

>watch out its incredibly easy to while away your twenties doing nothing and suddenly turn thirty and realise your peers are streets ahead of you and you have aged out of your aesthetic and have nothing else but the noose

bitch why the fuck would you post this on 4chan of all places as a searing insight

>> No.13020974
File: 115 KB, 944x987, 1514425455834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say that to my face fucker and see what happens

>> No.13021001

You seem really mad that this guy is dressed like mac demarco.

>> No.13021006
File: 82 KB, 747x376, 1508114201766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, if they're going outside and not making this face it seems all right to me.

>> No.13021067

Tacoma is so much better, and cheaper, than Seattle. Tacoma is the best city in all of Washington

>> No.13021201

the suburbs

>> No.13021264

>upstate ny
>north penn
>not incredibly beautiful with old towns, farms, and forests
Yeah sounds like your some dipshit that lived in NYC for a year or two and then couldn't hack it

>> No.13021288

yet here you are watching me masturbate

>> No.13021308

If you like to be depressed, cold, high, and drenched in rain 9 out of 12 months of the year then yeah you should move to PNW.

>> No.13021344

ITT: judging books by their covers

/fa/ is officially highschool-tier judgemental

>> No.13021378

Who goes hiking in flip flops? Not practical seems try hard

>> No.13021467

i don't understand, people in seattle dress just as shitty as anywhere else. i go to uni here and everyone just wears hoodies and ugly rain jackets, desu i haven't even seen a large amount fits like in the OP

don't delude yourself, the majority of WA outside of seattle is either strip mall hells or methhead shitball towns

>> No.13021502
File: 121 KB, 500x601, 9F8D89AB-9C87-46ED-BB6F-BCB5D3CA6803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What. No. I’m born and raised in Olympia and my experience is not like that at all.

Straight laced? Nah man, maybe our parents generation in white collar work.

Young people don’t usually dress well around here.

These kind of people are popular, so are the whole nu-male meme.

Pic related

>> No.13021521

You described the fuck out of me.... fuck

>> No.13021526

Thanks, it's not even that bad with me probably, it's not like I plan on revolving my personality around drugs and travel, I have plenty other interests that will be more important in my life,

>> No.13021698

Terrible for hiking Tbh

>> No.13021796 [DELETED] 

i literally wasted my photography because of him and fuckers like him. i used to do lots of street/architecture photography 3 years ago and i was regular ig poster and suddenly this "pnw vibe" started blowing up on ig. at that time i thought they are so fucking cool and my photos suck.
so i stopped posting on ig. i was only thinking about #PNWVIBE. imma depress loner loser and photography was the only good thing i had. comparing my life/photography with theirs affected my life so damn much.
the reality was bot followers, bot likes, pirated vsco presets lol and they were selling "your life is shit look how cool we look in wooden cabins"
i know i am autistic but pnw's instagram fake fuckers like him are the worst aka cancer of photography/instagram community.

>> No.13021809

>>13020533 #

i literally wasted my photography because of him and fuckers like him. i used to do lots of street/architecture photography 3 years ago and i was regular ig poster and suddenly this "pnw vibe" started blowing up on ig. at that time i thought they are so fucking cool and my photos suck.
so i stopped posting on ig. i was only thinking about #PNWVIBE. imma depress loner loser and photography was the only good thing i had. comparing my life/photography with theirs affected my life so damn much.
the reality was bot followers, bot likes, pirated vsco presets lol and they were selling "your life is shit look how cool we look in wooden cabins". their almost everything is fake.
i know i am autistic but pnw's instagram fake fuckers like him are the worst.

>> No.13021813

sandal-wearers do

>> No.13021822
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pls be my mommy gf

>> No.13021886
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> tfw live in London
> tfw no wilderness to explore
I live in the outskirts near the country so it's tolerable but I wish I could just vanish into the great outdoors and see waterfalls et al

Pic related is where I live and it's comfy but you Americans have no idea how good you have it

>> No.13021928

just move to scotland, wales or the lake district, comfy as fuck my man

>> No.13021973
File: 3.91 MB, 4618x3464, IMG_20171128_1506124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the end goal
or norn iron for poverty but muh guns

>> No.13022047

I think some posters in hear touched a nerve. A lot of salty soys getting a little agitated and it's proving their point.

Look my 20s have been mediocre at best, laying giant amazon feminists every 3 months at most, once a year at least, spending all of my money on drink while being wholly unattractive and travelling no where, shackled to the floor by debt I didn't have to foresight to avoid. I'm 25 now and about to finally finish an advanced diploma and start a career but I did little more than have vapid fun and abuse substances since I was 18.

But it's insane just how formulaic and generic a lot of people's experiences in their 20s are. It's like their following some kind of instagram blueprint for how they think a well adjusted 20 year old should live their life today. It's bizarre. The only thing that irks me is they do it on dad's money, working small time bullshit jobs not really knowing how it is to be so poor that you have to survive and pay rent on the money you make at the vegan taco stand. Maybe I'm a little jealous but I think it somehow invalidates that "finding yourself" experience

>> No.13022071

>that pic
Literally my neighbors in east Nashville. I wish they'd round these people up and put them in camps, they're fucking everywhere here and more of them keep showing up. This used to be an actual southern city

>> No.13022081

how do they compare to brooklyn hipsters?

>> No.13022094

nigga I grew up in NYC, and of course I would go up to Lake George, Lake Placid, and the rest of upstate whenever I fucking could. The PNW is still much more beautiful with better climbing. You've gotta drive a FEW hours to get there, not one. Learn to read, my nigga.

>> No.13022098

they're fatter and less tryhard, but I don't mean that to compliment them. Brooklyn hipsters are just big on knowing the most obscure thing ever and letting you know about it, blah blah blah. Portland hipsters just have their own culture that everyone there knows, and try less to one-up each other and more to just out-smoke or out-drink each other. They're more degenerate in that sense, but maybe more jaded. Most of their parents may have been hipster-types, while brooklyn hipsters had parents who watched football.

>> No.13022110

>lake George
>not a tourist trap
>using nigga in a vain attempt at NYC authenticity
Ok bro you grew up on the upper east side and don't know all the beauties that are a one hour train ride from the city in north jersey north penn and lower ny
I've lived in the PNW and the city/upstate. The PNW is nice but it doesn't have the historic charm that upstate has and frankly I enjoy the fauna/300 year old houses far more then I enjoy rain 260 days out of the year

>> No.13022162

Olympia is the worst, my condolences. Half junkies half hipster and then you go to centralia and it's like that movie deliverance

>> No.13022487

So they acted really stupid and got to know shit in their 20s before settling down. Sounds preety good and expected. Better than gettin an office job at 20 and just sticking to it.

>> No.13022508

You have no taste, and I grew up in Astoria. I used nigga because I felt like it, if you want to analyze me because you think your opinion is the only valid one, then waste your own time. Like I said, I never want to step foot in that shithole of a city again. The culture at the Met, the Cloisters, Carnegie Hall, etc. is great. The people, smell, and cost is not. For that amount, I'd rather live in any other city that actually is in the 21st century, unlike NYC which is still 20th century disgusting.

>> No.13022511
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Plus, you don't climb, so of course you don't like the PNW and think that fucking Lake Hopactong and Saratoga Springs are the end-all to beauty.

>> No.13022518

nayrt, but i'm from central jersey, and i wanna see 300 yr old houses and woods and shit, where should I go? (in the tristate area)

>> No.13022522
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I mean... north jersey... seriously dude?

>> No.13022525
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>there is no historic charm in the PNW

>> No.13022527
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x1536, a5d7e079a81b4b166ee37de1acda909e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the covered bridges throughout Oregon have no charm

>> No.13022529

Now I'm just being autistic. good day!

>> No.13022608
File: 61 KB, 640x280, IMG_8769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saratoga springs is the end all to beauty
never said that. Actually quite enjoy the PNW. I'm simply refuting your ridiculous claim that NYC and everything in a 60 mile radius is a "hellish shithole"
>you have no taste
Frankly I'm beginning to think you have some psychological problem. Like why you scared of New York man? Did a group of aforementioned "niggas" take your lunch money or something?
>NYC is stuck in the 20th century
Sorry we don't enjoy jamming Jeff Bezos cock down our throat we actually have class unlike pic related PNW's typical try hard architecture

>> No.13022614

I was talking more about Europe and Japan and Australia. The PNW cities are disgusting.

plus, I didn't say 60 miles, so nice strawman. I said an hour. Try driving an hour from any borough other than the northern Bronx, southern Staten Island, or Eastern Queens, and see how far you get. Meanwhile, an hour from Seattle or Portland and you're in the mountains. That was my point.

>> No.13022668

>what is the George Washington bridge
Buddy I can get from midtown to Harriman state park in an hour and so could you if you actually knew how to fucking drive and weren't some larping underage faggot in his parents basement in a flyover state
>I was talking about Europe Japan Australia
Well that's funny because nowhere in this thread about the PNW did you say of that
Never said that retard. do you seriously think Oregon has more historic charm or better covered bridges then New England and NY?
I'm not here to fuckin educate you on your states rich history. Learn to use google but plenty of cities in jersey have been settled for hundreds of years and have structures still standing from those times. You also live very close to the pine barrens which is a fantastic forest especially in the winter

>> No.13022670

Also have you ever tried driving south on I5 out of Seattle???? Really terrible fuckin traffic. Retards out there have no idea how to manage their infrastructure

>> No.13022689
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>> No.13022697

>any publicity is good publicity

>> No.13022699

lol, Bear Mountain? yeah, sure is a lot of fun with the 3000 other people there. Yawn... the GWB? and go where? Ramapo? the Palisades park? nice! I'm talking about 300 foot waterfalls and 10k+ peaks.

New England also isn't NY. I agree it's charming, love Vermont and Maine...

Your idea that the pine barrens are a fantastic forest made me laugh out loud. Are you serious? The polluted and monotonous wasteland? Yeah, scenic beauty! Batsto village is a real cherished landmark LOL

Why are you so mad, nigger?

>> No.13022725

Whoa buddy
Did I ever say New York was New England?
Did I ever say anything about big mountains?
Have fun climbing large rocks in constant rain. Have fun with overpriced cities that have 1:1:1 ratios of homeless tech bros and the worst strains of hipsters. I'll be staying here in the defecto cultural capital of America.
>muh pine barrens are polluted
Yeah that's why some of the purest water in America is extracted from there

Why are you so traumatized by this area? Seriously did some jersey shore Guido fuck your girlfriend? Were you so butt hurt that nobody here wanted to listen to your band that you moved to a area known primarily for producing the worst music in the country?

>> No.13022735
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I grew up there, that's traumatizing enough. Being surrounded by the worst type of people in the ~cultural capital~ of the worst country on Earth. Maybe that's the thing you don't quite understand, I don't exactly like America or think it's a nice place to live. After traveling the world, I feel justified in making that claim. But yeah, sure. Stay in NYC. Why would it bother me like you so delude yourself into thinking? My concern/butthurt is actually me mocking the place, not whining about it... y'know, since I moved the fuck out of there. That was a choice I made. Definitely a great one.

I paid 2.8k/month for a view like this. Where I live now, I live like a king. Sorry, but NYC is disgusting and smells like garbage. How cosmopolitan!

>> No.13022740

>what is Oyster Creek
>what is the Barnegat Bay
>what is bog iron smelting

the place is very polluted. The purest water in the country is almost an oxymoron when this country is China-tier polluted the nation over. I enjoy my Icelandic and Hawaiian and Fijian water much better than anything out of NEW JERSEY, thank you.

>> No.13023132

Seattle dag
Live in Tacoma with all the black folks

>> No.13023714

>TFW an engineering landmark is potentially going to be destroyed because #adventure #MUHINSTUHGRAHMNfags wouldn't stop trespassing to go see it.

I hate Neo-PNW culture.

>> No.13023723

which is?

no clue what you're talking about... some bridge?

>> No.13023730

Vance Creek Viaduct.

IIRC it's the second tallest in the US.

>> No.13023738

never even heard of it tbdesu, but it's not the instagrammers fault our government would rather spend money on wars and building weapons than fix a landmark so that people can walk on it without it collapsing. I'd rather money went to fund these instagram fags having something to do than nationbuilding. but whatever

>> No.13023767

The government doesn't own it, sadly, a logging company does.

The annoying thing is the bridge's taller twin is only a couple miles away and on a public road..

>> No.13023773

>Where have you traveled?

Traveling doesn't make you a better person any more than buying an LV bag makes you a better person, it is conspicuous consumption.
It is also being heavily marketed to you to warp your values.
How many people do you know that don't own a house, live with their parents and travel overseas every year?
I know too many.

>> No.13023804

>a logging company
ah, makes sense. why would they care to invest any money?

>> No.13023810
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, Staithes_low_water_river.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously dude? Comparing traveling to buying a bag? Wanna know how I know you don't leave your town? Traveling is a learning experience. Buying a product is not even similar.

>> No.13024037

you sound like a huge cunt

>> No.13024071

Why do flyover cuckservatives like you have such an economic inferiority complex that you can't just keep your mouths shut?

>> No.13024075

lol when did /fa/ get overrun with so many insecure losers
like if your self-esteem rests on the fucking city you live in you're probably not a very interesting person.

>> No.13024077

LOL cunt, looking forward to pricing human waste such as yourself out of your communities

>> No.13024146

I think you're reading a bit too deep into this. People come into this thread like "x area sucks lol y area is so much better everyone in x is a stupid hipster fag" and then people are just calling them out for being retarded or stating there own preferences

>> No.13024388

Depends on the type of travel.

>> No.13024566

yeah but I think we can all agree New Jersey sucks.

>> No.13024877
File: 962 KB, 2165x2658, LnzYGoVtnSNSo9JclDudjL9ukdeD4Q39A0TZ6OYAAWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meh. Shit people are shit people. Travelling or doing drugs doesn't have anything to do with it. Learning to be frugal, resourceful and flexible in regards of other ways of living, and spendig time with different people can give you an enormous chance to learn be a better person. If you have a good basis to work on, it's great. if you don't, less so (like with any other thing, e.g. school).

Also, Ayahuasca has evidence of it providing relief from alcohol abuse, and mushrooms have well known anti-depressant effects.

On a side note, if you were truly happy about your life, you wouldn't feel the need to write salty posts on 4chan gossiping about people doing what they enjoy.

If it takes a stoner talking about their "journey" to make someone feel insecure, they are not as absorbed in what they like as they think they are.

>> No.13024973

It's a shame such beauty was wasted on such a self-important prick. Hopefully I never run into in the PNW but honestly you're all the exact same so it'll be impossible to tell.

>> No.13024978

California invaded Colorado years ago

>> No.13025411

Fuck East Nashville holy shit. I dread going there for work.

>> No.13025419

S-should I cancel my trip to Colombia and Costa Rica?

>> No.13025430
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>> No.13025470

If what anonymous strangers on the internet have such effect on you, then yes.

>> No.13025479


>> No.13025516

I had to move from Belmont Blvd to a 2 bedroom over here because my sister came to live with me for a few months and she wanted this neighborhood. I had always heard it was a trendy part of town but never really left my little bubble in west Nashville so I had no idea. Now she's back in grad school and I am stuck here until March. I'm moving into a high rise or over by Belle Meade or some shit so I don't have to deal with these people. If I have to listen to these "singer-songwriters" keep rehearsing their trash or drunk art hoes gossiping about instagram when I go onto my back porch to smoke I am going to go ballistic. To say nothing of all their dogs running around everywhere and shitting all over the sidewalk and in my yard. I pray every day for all these neglected pit mixes to turn on their "owners" and rip them to fucking shreds. Says a lot when my favorite neighbors on the whole block are the huge family of Mexicans across the street, at least they are polite.

>> No.13025528

>Lacan instead of Camus
what a pleb

>> No.13026176

The pnw is a lot more than just Seattle and Portland, buddy.
Everybody I know that's actually from OR or WA hates the big cities and instagram hipsters as much as you do. 90% of that shit is just lazy and vapid teenagers that moved here looking to buy a personality at the local breweries and potshops with their daddies money.

>> No.13026595

Yeah dude. I feel like the trendies are targeting Antioch lately and trying to turn it into that east nashville shit. I've been noticing more white hipsters. Since I moved here it has always been lots of black, muslims and mexicans.

>> No.13026613

Do these guys get a lot of pusy?

>> No.13026625

>They try a bunch of psychedelics, grow out their hair and facial hair, and read entry level philosophy like Camus, Sartre, etc. Then they go abroad to South America on daddy's money, do ayahuasca and start speaking pigeon Spanish.
I literally know this guy

>> No.13027394

>tfw you wasted your youth on retarded shit and now you salty about some young dude's insta on /fa/
>trying to prove yourself to someone not even in the thread

balding retard detected

>> No.13027395 [DELETED] 

Any dude starting of with Deleuze is lost. Start with the greeks, then move on. But fuck you for telling people to read Deleuze straight of the bat (is that an expression ?) I'm french and you remind me of our brainwashed philosophy teachers that never went past 1968 mentality. Fuck Kerouac also, and Burrough