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/fa/ - Fashion

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13016415 No.13016415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I thought I was straight then I started going on this board and now im positive im 70% straight and 30% gay. Some dudes are just so fucking attractive. Like damn.

>> No.13016419
File: 296 KB, 540x542, tumblr_owfrs58VJv1uy040uo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw being 30% gay made me realize how girls feel

>mfw them having Spaghetti too isnt just a myth

>> No.13016428

This is a 100% straight board

>> No.13016435

Most people can recognize if someone is good looking without wanting to fuck it/suck its dick OP. You just happen to be a fag.

>> No.13016437

nah im pretty sure at least 80% ppl here are at least 20% gay

at least 40% of that 80% being over 50% gay

>> No.13016443

I dont like sucking dick. I would never do that. I would never fuck a guy either. I'd also dont think id ever kiss a dude unless they look like the pic in OP, maybe. Id have to have alotta feelings for them

>> No.13016446

>How tf is anyone 100% Straight
Simple: I like cowtits and pussy. Also what this guy said >>13016435

>> No.13016453

There is no such thing as x% gay.

You are either gay or straight. If any thought about sucking a penis or getting penetrated in the ass enters your head, you no longer are straight in any capacity.

OP is just gay.

>> No.13016458

You fucking low iq brainlet. How is it not possible to be gayer than someone else? Idiot

>> No.13016468

>thinks someone can be "gayer" than someone else
>calling others low IQ

stop repressing your homosexual urges and just admit you are gay.
Straight guys don't have desires to kiss another man.

Here's the definition for you brainlet
>sexual attraction or the tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
That is a binary statement. You either have a sexual attraction to the same sex, or you don't

>> No.13016482
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taking that there are people who like both sexes, thats called beign bisexual, and that they dont have to like both sexes the same amount, meaning that they can like mare females than males or the other way around, then someone who only likes those of the same sex must be gayer than those who like both

>> No.13016505

Its not gay to recognize a dude being attractive. Its gay if you find him attractive and want to fuck him because of that

>> No.13016511

dude you are legit gay. you can't just be some % of gay/straight. thats not possible bro

>> No.13016512

its not sexual did you even read the shit I posted? And given "sexual" is subjective this would mean that the majority of the population can be considered gay


>> No.13016513

I don't want to have sex with men; I don't want a man touching me sexually and I don't enjoy the sight of naked men sexually.

>> No.13016515

You're in the closet. Just come out and you'll be happier.

Most people don't feel like that towards members of the same sex.

>> No.13016520

I just admitted im 30% gay you fucking retard

>> No.13016531

You're not 30% gay, you're gay, or bisexual. Sure, there's certain men you'd sleep with, acts you would or wouldn't do, etc.

Guess what? That applies to straight people as well; some people have specific tastes in women or don't want to do certain sexual acts.

>> No.13016539

this is probably bait but you are 100% gay.
Bisexuality is a part of gay

>> No.13016541
File: 115 KB, 630x630, Simone-Nobili-Independent-The-Model-Wall-ftape_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm straight guy and I think Simone Nobili is the most beautiful person on the planet

>> No.13016542

trenders are worse than actual gays/lesbians/trannies

>> No.13016547

How can you not say Im less gay than someone who would fuck a dude, and suck dick??? Does that make any type of sense to you???

>> No.13016635

lel u just gay m8

>> No.13016644

>you'll never be this attractive
>you'll never have hair this thick

>> No.13016648 [DELETED] 

Faggots >>/out

>> No.13016658

are you seriously trying to protect a fashion board on a thai shemale animation image forum from homosexuals?

>> No.13017277

I've often thought about this, because I'd have no problems in admitting that I'm bi. But even though I find some men attractive and even enjoy looking at stylish and handsome men, I'm not sexually attracted to them. Shame, life would be much easier and probably more fun as a gay or bi.

>> No.13017294

Is this the new feminine penis meme?

>> No.13017318
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>> No.13017330
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Nah dude, it's just that gay ppl also have it

>> No.13017376

If you are remotely interested in fashion, you're automatically a faggot. So, everyone on /fa/ is gay.

>> No.13017395

being gay is degenerate desu

>> No.13017407
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>> No.13017411

I can tell when a guy is attractive or has a good body, but dudes don't make my dick hard. Simple as that. If they did, I wouldn't hesitate to chase the boipussy. Follow your dick, op.

>> No.13017413
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>> No.13017416
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>> No.13017467

What makes you think that? I'd love to be gay. Imagine a life whitout having to deal with womens non-sense and other problems. Guys are more rational, more relaxed and better company overall.

>> No.13017497

i'm not gay, but i'd fuck him and not think twice about it.

>> No.13017500

As someone with many gay friends, I can say that's a myth. There's just as much drama if not more in their love lives. There's always that person that's more invested than the other, and they usually fall into binary relationship roles. There's also a lot more promiscuity.

Lesbians seem more stable. Their relationships are either the most dramatic trash fires or super cozy. No in between.

>> No.13017506

Being straight is a rarity nowadays on 4chan desu, gay people are annoying though

>> No.13017534

I love Tyler. Poor guy has been saying he’s gay for years and it took Flower Boy for anyone to notice.

>> No.13017586


>> No.13017592

I think it's more gay to hide the fact that you think a guy is attractive than to just say it out loud.

>> No.13017617

>Not gay

>> No.13017622

hol up nigga we needa do some equations to get to the bottom of this so get chalking

>> No.13017664

Hahaha look guys, he's GAY

>> No.13017673

ive kind of gotten tiny "crushes" (if you can call them that) on dudes before but when it comes down to it i cannot imagine myself being romantically involved with a man. especially physically

>> No.13017843

Who cares? Degenerate is just a nazi buzzword for "things that I don't like or scare me" anyway

>> No.13017863

>tfw bisexual
Where to find bf? At my age it's really hard (can't go in any gay bar without sitting near 50 y.o). Any good dating sites? Also, is it good idea to put "bisexual" as orientation or go just for straight/gay accounts?
>t. unexperienced spaghetti master

>> No.13018016

i basically have this hair but how do i achieve this aesthetic

>> No.13018049

Nazis don't consider muslims to be degenerate, just barbarous.
So that in itself disproves your statement, since they both dislike and fear them.

>> No.13018066


>> No.13018147
File: 46 KB, 960x960, 1501442271350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope in a strange turn of events, your fathers see what faggot bitches you are and then regrets having a son.

>> No.13018164

he did that when i thought i was straight

>> No.13018192
File: 24 KB, 400x400, Cf09Q8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting to have a train ran on you while you get sucked off and explosively nut

have fun not realizing your sexual potential silly hetero

>> No.13018230

I said this years ago.
Then I sucked a dick.
Then I fucked a guy.

>> No.13019020
File: 205 KB, 800x618, tumblr_ozezkuoPQf1qzcqino1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out as bi this summer, I feel like 65% attracted to women, 35% to men.
Slept with a guy this summer as well, pretty great experience as it felt more carnal due to the no procreation element. If you're thinking about men, you honestly just need to try it, don't bottle it up, did that from 15-23 and it was such a waste of time.

It's great being able to appreciate the male and female form. I mean look at this guy's back, it's beautiful.

>> No.13019024
File: 544 KB, 750x734, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think the guy in OP looks good youre straight
if you want to fuck him in the ass youre gay
big difference

>> No.13019090

>if you want to fuck him in the ass youre gay
but i'm not gay..

>> No.13019096

Sexuality is on a sliding scale.

For example. I like jerking off in front of guys. I like guys ogling me. I like teasing guys. I like guys wanting me. I like the cruising aspect.

But I’m not interested in having sex with guys. Or getting or giving head. Or kissing.

>> No.13019107
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>> No.13019108
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>> No.13019110
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>> No.13019117

you are also extremely gay

>> No.13019119

That sounds like something a redneck father would say, or an older brother, older by 4 years or something, in a flyover hick village.

>> No.13019120


Maybe I just like having my ego A N D M Y D I C K stroked.

>> No.13019121

I'd swear that >>13017407
was a girl at first glance, and second glance, and third and fourth etcetera. I would've never known that was a guy from this picture, straight up looks like a girl, so OP is not gay, neither is anyone for wanting to fuck ''him''.

>> No.13019130

Guy on the right isn't actually very attractive. That's by far his best picture.

>> No.13019134

Well, I'm a metropolitan man who's lived most of his life in major European cities and am working on a PhD, so fuck you.

>> No.13019161

This is a great realization. Idk how you can say you’re 100% straight but still be attracted to yourself. And you should be attracted to yourself
But sexuality is defo a spectrum, I only have made out with guys and am way more attracted to girls, but can see the physical beauty in all humans regardless of gender

>> No.13019164

Liking twinks is an entirely different type of gay to being an effeminate fag who wants to suck dick.

Why do you think twinks go down so well in prison? Because they look like women. Liking twinks can be an extension of hyper-masculinity and desperation - you like women so much that you also like men who look like women

>> No.13019166

Ive had sex with one guy and blew off another yet only consider myself 10% gay. I guess I'm not attracted to them as much as I like the sex

>> No.13019169

did you swallow his nut, you filthy slut?

>> No.13019182

Eat that wonton soup, wet like wonton soup

>> No.13019196

how /fa/ of you, faggot op

>> No.13019247

i just want to kiss his neck and cream his boipucci

>> No.13019337
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>> No.13019528
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You know there's also gynophilia and androphilia, which has nothing to do with homo/hetero-sexuality. You can be completely "straight" and be into broad-shouldered, skinny-hipped women (which is at least as gay as traps).

The growing infinity of potential genders is retarded and I'd argue there are still only two, but sexuality is still more complicated than dicks and vagoos

>> No.13019567
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>> No.13019571
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>> No.13019745

who is the guy in the left? pls help

>> No.13019800
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>this board made me gay

>> No.13019815


>> No.13019819

I'd never date a bisexual, or a straight guy looking to experiment. I mean, it'd be nice to worry less about diseases with non-gays (shit sux), but... their personality is so insecure and pathetic that I'm just too proud to ever let myself be used by one of them.

>> No.13019959

sorry but you are a faggot

I'm straight and find plenty of men attractive for inspiration but never in a sexual way. That's the difference. Is that guy in your picture hot? Yeah. Do I want to fuck him? Hell nah.

>> No.13019962

This is my exact stance too

>> No.13019983

there's two types of guys..

>> No.13019993

Düsseldorf. Unsure if I want to be bottom, but would suck cute cocks all day and swallow afterwards.

>> No.13020098

simon nobilli

>> No.13020224
File: 34 KB, 662x712, wojak'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've figured out that my bisexuality cycles between mostly straight and mostly gay.
I think I want to try dating a guy but I don't know how relationships work when I'll be attracted to someone one week then be significantly less attracted to them another week.

>> No.13020281

woah dude ur so masculine bro holy shit. this guy is fucking straight my dudes. never had a gay thought in his life ever man this guy wow.

>> No.13020293

1. Liking traps / pretty boys
2. Wanting to BE the trap / pretty boy
3. Taking titty skittles to become a trap / pretty boy
4. Start experiencing gender dysphoria you never realized you had
5. Notice the signs in your past clearly showing that you were a tranny all along

Careful with that slippery slope, boys. It happened to me, it can happen to you too.

>> No.13020371

This tbhon.

I feel like I gave myself gender dysphoria by trying too hard to be a pretty twink. I never wanted to be a girl before.

>> No.13020518

Pretty boys are a gift from God.

No homo.

>> No.13020671

solid cope
You realise most straight people never have gay thoughts? Also masculinity doesn't have anything to do with sexuality you brainlet

>> No.13020703

seach for 'straight' guys who are 'open minded' to avoid the chubby 60 yr old queens

>> No.13020719

er...be him?

>> No.13020741

Actual explanation for sexuality here according to freudian psychoanalysis, no joke.

We are all born bisexual, or even pansexual, not in the same sense that an adult think of sex, but in the sense that a baby doesn't know what to call or how to differentiate the pleasurable sensations it has or what it desires. It just sucks on mommys titties, feel the comfortable blanket, suck thumb, like when people rub their bellies, etc. As we grow older, any kid begins to realize it wants certain things and not others. This has to do with language, with our ability to say we like a certain food and not other for example, or to affect people with what we say and make they help us or go away. Because language is not our own, but owns us, this means we learn from the world around, though it's absolutely nothing like a thing that you could deliberately affect from the outside (trying to make someone like a specific thing) and create a formula, because every one of us have their own way to "rebel" against those. Pleasure is always a rebellion in a sense.

What happens then, is not that we grow and we "add" a love arrow to our arsenal, but the opposite: first we "love everything" and only then we learn not to love certain things. There is nothing wrong with not loving certain things, because a lot of people are comfortable with what they like already, straight, gay or bi. Homophobics and the like are actually people who don't know where to put the strong sensation they feel towards the same sex, because love and hate are two affections, sides of a single coin.

Since this happen in the formation of our desire, it's something we feel like it was always there. That's why it is so absurdly common for people to say they knew from the start that they were either straight or gay (except gay is not the norm and so they are more conscious of it, they have to fight society to affirm themselves). Sexual desire here is neither totally natural and unchangeable or something you can manipulate.

>> No.13020883
File: 245 KB, 378x398, Screen Shot 2017-12-27 at 7.04.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm attracted to most girls and really pretty guys, still not sure if its sexual or not

ive had straight sex but im not sure how i would enjoy gay sex

>> No.13020890

Well how do your current heterosexual relationships fare when you swing over to the homosexual side of your bi cycle?

>> No.13020918

i wish i was completely bi, but defo more on the straight side. like i only have sex with women, but am attracted enough to guys to makeout with them, but never slept with a guy.
im feminine looking and gay guys love me, so instead of just sleeping with art hoes i could also be sleeping with sexy twinks, but can't get into it enough
I'm like 65/70% straight I'd say. I want to reach my sexual potential

>> No.13020926

either get an education or move out of your flyover rural shitholes. sexuality exists on a spectrum, this is objective and has been for fucking years in academia.
look up the Kinsey scale. you're way behind the times grandpa

>> No.13020935

This is a really dated understanding of sexuality that attributes desire almost entirely to nurture/experience.

>> No.13020941

>flyover state
From a major city in a big country, not th USA
>it's the current year grandpa
>taking a sociologist report as objective information
What brainlets like yourself can't seem to comprehend is that as soon as you are 1% gay, you are no longer straight. You can follow your scale all you want, but to be straight, you have to be 100% straight.

>> No.13020955

It's a third way, that neither sees it as something you get from birth all set up nor should it be confused with the moralistic point of view that thinks desire is behaviour. Desire would be something of the very friction between nature and nurture, an unconscious choice. Your natural libido is in dialogue with the society that surrounds you (not in a clear way, you can be "well adjusted" to it, or an outcast, depending on what's taboo and none of it is either right or wrong).

>> No.13020972
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It should be, but there is a reason why /fa/ggot is a thing.

>> No.13020973

While sexuality likely is a spectrum, the methodology for the Kinsey Reports are scientifically, and the scope was extremely lacking.

Trying to quantify sexual preferences is futile. They're far too complex and abstract, since context plays such a large role, and creating a scale requires someone to decide how gay or straight different desires are---an impossible task since it requires personal bias.

>> No.13020979

That's what I meant, but we still don't fully understand all the factors involved.

>> No.13020982
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I wonder who could be behind that... Certainly not the followers of a chair fetishist...

Next thing you're gonig to say is that demand side economics isn't a disproven meme and that racial differences are purely due to upbringing.
Just because sophists believe/advocate something doesn't make it true.

>> No.13021086

I've never had a long hetero relationship. I dated a girl for about two months back in high school before I figured out I was bi.
But I think I might like and relate to guys more so im trying to focus on figuring that out right now

>> No.13021184

I live either in London or Berlin depending on the time of year and what I'm working on. You're just gay. Accept it.

>> No.13022568


>> No.13022584
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You can appreciate beauty without wanting to put your dick inside of it

Except daddy Adolf, I wish he had dumped that Eva bitch and gone out with me to prom

>> No.13022598

Freud was wrong about mostly everything. Why the fuck is he still so revered?

>> No.13022612

It gives people an excuse for being degenerates

>> No.13022615

because he's jewish

>> No.13022904
File: 31 KB, 640x480, crying pepe with hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be sexually attractive enough to turn straight guys

>> No.13022907

>titty skittles

>> No.13023155

>You can follow your scale all you want, but to be straight, you have to be 100% straight.
no shit? then you're bi. never said otherwise

>> No.13023600

I struggled with this for a while, I was like "I think some guys look great" and then some of my gay friends took me to a gay club in my home town called Halo a few nights a week for a while and I realized that even though I thought some of the guys in there looked great, when they got close to me or suggested we go back to their place I wasn't able to feel comfortable with it. I tried but I just was never able to feel aroused around them or never enjoyed when they got close to me.

When I get close with women it's like my mind changes, it's primal shit. I want to be with them sexually. Never felt that with men, even one's I admitted where very good looking.

So idk.

>> No.13023609
File: 1.36 MB, 245x400, facial aesthetics.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

why is this thread still alive? I expected 13 responses then archive

Im still 30% gay btw. maybe 35% in the current moment

>> No.13023912
File: 135 KB, 800x600, henry_cavill_8301_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate and admire male/masculine beauty when I see it, but have zero desire to sleep with any men. I can't help but stare at a guy with perfect facial structure or a great body in the same way I can't help but stare at a ferrari or a beautiful sunset. Doesn't mean I want to jam my cock in a ferrari's exhaust or shove the sun up my arse.

>> No.13024298

That guy is like a 6/10 facially

>> No.13024310

i know a straight guy who sucked cavills cock in west hollywood

>> No.13024336

i like sucking dicks
what's wrong with that?
but fuck you, i am not gay

>> No.13024807

nothing at all, everybody loves cock obviously, it just the gay gays who selfishly refuse to man up and take a wife to propagate the species

>> No.13024849

okay mate

>> No.13025005

you love cock you liar

>> No.13025039

cheeky 10% for me atm