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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 215 KB, 1536x2048, DMinq8WUMAAtJS8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13014508 No.13014508 [Reply] [Original]

/art hoe general/

what are some /fa/ hobbies that I can take on to attract art hoes?

I need a weird gf in 2018

>> No.13014510

poet is that you

>> No.13014512

/fa/ hobbies don’t attract art hoes

>> No.13014514

making EDM music on a cheap casio keyboard from ebay

>> No.13014519
File: 135 KB, 1080x1080, @5150leelee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overwhelmed by the impossibility of an actual sensual encounter with this woman whose virtual appearance is but my only solace, I'm left with no choice but to ask the one who has graced me with her image: oh dear anon, I am here with my heart shattered by her smile, taken by the fever of my own erotic desires evoked by this glimpse of her soft skin and what is left for me to imagine. I ask you, please, aid me with a clue of her identity so that I can dream a way to bring this distant encounter closer to actuality, or if only to further the illusion, which is alone deserving of all my energies even to my own personal destruction. I ask you, dear anon, to show me the route so that this does not end here, for I'm but a fool mesmerized by this vision, as if haunted by a succubus whose name I do not know.

>> No.13014520


>what are some /fa/ hobbies that I can take on to attract art hoes?

making money

>> No.13014529

>getting fixated on images
are you on uppers

>> No.13014531
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The thought of pricking this fair maidenhood tears feverishly at my clammy clothes. I climb atop my swivel chair, perched like a beady eyed dolphin, blowhole glistening with the whispered promise of sweet release. Her name is like a rotten fish beached by low tide and driven by the wind, carrying me to ruinous shores.

I dive deep, and rub myself upon the coral to completion.

>> No.13014533


>> No.13014536

"art hoe" = a slut that doesn't make you you look quite as pathetic

>> No.13014538
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who is this dollop trolop

>> No.13014539


>> No.13014551

La concha de tu madre cerra el otro

>> No.13014556

>rub myself upon the coral

>> No.13014569

Have any of you guys ever actually talked to a girl?

>> No.13014575
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Not in a million years. FFS I collect memery that's quite anti-art hoe.

An art hoe fucked my life up bad for ~4 years. I wasted myself on her broken mind and degenerate behavior, thinking I'd finally found a woman as deeply vested in a steady creative output as I am.

>> No.13014576

Not OP but @winebagdisco on Instagram

>> No.13014660

I was hoping there'd be mostly pictures in this thread
Then I remembered this board is gay

>> No.13014667


Lmao uninstall your life senpai

>> No.13014668

>2018 is Year of the Art Hoe

>> No.13014675

I hope so.

>> No.13014686

I know, I'm a fucking trash fire, huh?

>> No.13014705

i met a girl that looked like her once, she wasn't an art hoe, just a regular hoe, i could have fucked her but i didn't because im weak and pathetic

>> No.13014708

I really hope you didn't rip this off some book because I dig this post

>> No.13014752
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Clairo is big time WCW

>> No.13014778

2018 will be the peak of normie girls dressing like art hoes

>> No.13014805

>get into prescription drugs (xans,klonopin, adderal, hydro, oxy etc)
>smoke weed dude lol
>try to dress as standoutish as possible
>don't have a autist face
>literally go to any soundcloud rapper show or indy rock show
>art installations also obv

>> No.13014827
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>mfw im pretty sure I started the Art Hoe shitposting wave on /fa/

>> No.13014838

if the earth is ripe for the seed then growth is inevitable, if it is not then growth is impossible

>> No.13014846

what happend to
>Will i ever see my seed dripping form here moist hole?
Do you have that saved somewhere???
Had to reset my PC and i want to spam it.

>> No.13014858

wait so is that why you left /fa?

>> No.13014862

No, I actually got kinda pissed at the way certain people were being targeted for relentless trolling. It pissed me off, and I felt like it was pointless to imagine like, having a good convo with someone here.

That was right before I moved in with ze art hoe.

>> No.13014867

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

>> No.13014872

oh look its this thread again.jpg

>> No.13014873

i remember a few of your posts right before you left, theres a pretty famous copypasta about you, something about powerseason. If i could find it id post it but I can't.

>> No.13014898


You got btfo before you left last time

>> No.13014900

Thanks my dude.

>> No.13014907

anytime friend

>> No.13014923

While I did have a thinner skin by magnitudes, my own bruised ego was not the driving force behind leaving. It did provide momentum, no doubt, but the way others were treated and doxed and mocked just got under my skin in a way that left me pissed far longer than the average "fuck you poet you're old bald ugly etc."

>> No.13015088

>people unironically putting art hoes in a pedestal.

Damn I've been away from this place for a long time.

>> No.13015189

>what are some /fa/ hobbies that I can take on to attract art hoes?

dress like the dudes they fuck

>> No.13015195

i am okay with this

>> No.13015205

lol bruh maybe he aint post anymore but u know that nigga up in the clouds watching over us like he fin to do. shit ma, u aint gonna tell me every time u find those julius jawns for fuckin 9500 yen on global rakuten u aint feel his presence? u aint gonna tell me every time u sittin on the train and all a sudden u hear some soulful galactic ambient trance leakin out some open-back headphones somewhere u aint know hes there wit u? u aint gonna tell me when ur slippin through the quiet city blocks soles of ur nike field generals hush on the concrete u aint look up at the night sky and see those stars get a lil teary eyed? u gonna try and sell me on that ish?

and im just gon be real here for one sec. realer than i ever been on this hell hole of a website. but my nigga poet was in the business of knowing. bruh signed off but he still knew. this the power season. p o w e r s e a s o n. poet here now hed just be telling u what u already know. "keep your edges clean and your geos dusty. dont forget to look over yo shoulder every once an a while. dont ever let em at your truths. they aint deserving."

pull on yo ma-1. pull on yo acne shit u bought on sale. pull on yo god damn achilles lows u trying so hard to keep crispy. stay cold, stay icy. keep yo shoulders back. u had the manifesto the whole time, chief p jus tweaked the frequency, cuz he was good like that, an he wanted to see u succeed.

so u gonna succeed or what?

>> No.13015243

most art hoes go for normies/chads, even. they just look like they dont. i mean i guess if you are tall, slim, and "artsy" it helps but yeah

>> No.13015259

I remember when that got posted. I remember everything.

i gonna succeed

>> No.13015265

>be a grill /ic/er
>looking for clothing references for drawing so come onto /fa/
>randomly see this thread

Lmao wtf

Why are any of you interested in art hoes? What is the appeal of women artists?
Also if you want one just go to art school, it’s like 90% women.

>> No.13015274
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>> No.13015278

>What is the appeal of women artists?
Art hoes are not artists lmao

>> No.13015281
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An anon suggested in another thread that we should study what their boyfriends tend to wear. Sounds like a good idea

Need pics from social media or firsthand accounts by anons

>> No.13015295

>/lit/ visits /fa/

>> No.13015301
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>> No.13015517

>The appeal

These are some of the sterotypes of an art-hoe that I find appealing.

>> No.13015538

This is so fucking cringey

>> No.13015542

Pathetic. If you have to ask..

>> No.13015637

tfw doing the laundry & hanging up a pair of black pants when a strand of long auburn hair catches your eye against the dark fabric and it reminds you of the girl that doesn't reciprocate your feelings

>> No.13015771


This. I go to art school and a lot of them who dress like this are surprisingly normie. True art hoes dress way more subtly and are genuinely really cool people to talk to.

>> No.13015775

She was cuter in low res YT video.

>> No.13015783

More like


Art hoes are terrible relationship material

>> No.13015793

Shit happens. You never know what's gonna snowball on this site. My sin is accidentally derailing good threads with shitposts I don't expect to have any traction.

>> No.13015794

>Half full vs. Half empty

>> No.13015841


you answered your own question.

>> No.13015859

Lmao I actually know her in real life

>> No.13015861

Fuck her

>> No.13016255

thank you breh for introducing me to art hoeism

>> No.13016296

>been following a girl that looks exactly like this for years on IG
>realize she’s been following me too
>about to go away for uni.. fuck it
>slide in her DMs and invite her to an indie band concert like its nbd
>”wow I’d love to anon”
>day of: we pregame with some whiskey sours and I find out she didn’t pre-buy a ticket and they’re sold out at the door
>fuck fuck fuck
>wait outside the venue hoping we can get in somehow. things looking grim
>5m before show starts some dude sells us an extra ticket and we get in, she’s jumping up and down in excitement, lucky affff
>we hit the middle of the dancefloor and she starts looking at me with her tipsy hazel eyes all flirty like
>start making out hard almost immediately. bass surrounding us, lights enhance the whole experience. start lowkey dry humping
>shows over. thinking of inviting her over
>when we get back outside the venue i remember my room’s dirty as fuck. not trying to make a bad first impression. was not expecting this. will see her again so no rush
>we kiss and touch each other while waiting for the uber i ordered for her
>”i had so much fun anon”
>text cute emojis and shit the morning after
>convo for a bit a few days after. tell her i want to hang out again before i leave
>”hehe i want to see you too anon”
>no text from her the rest of the week. don’t want to be pushy either. one last text before i leave
>no response
>few weeks later at uni check her IG
>she blocked me

Still confused desu. I’m practically a chad so I don’t REALLY care, I just want to know WHY.

>> No.13016329

Borderline Personality Disorder seems likely, or there may be some heavy low-key drug abuse that you might not have noticed.

More likely, than either of those is that she's just fickle and manipulative. You served a purpose for an evening, and so you are no longer needed. That sorta shit.

>> No.13016465


>> No.13016485
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Holy shit, i've had the same experience with an art hoe. Except we went to museum. We made out a lot. She said she liked me and stuff. 2 weeks later:" i guess we should stay just friends, but i still really like you! lets keep talking!!"
never talked with her again.

>> No.13016492

My hatred for people like this is so multi-dimensional that it cannot be expressed within the limits of this post. I want to destroy them.

Psychologically. I'd like nothing more than to delve into their mind in pursuit of whatever contrived exercise of delusion contributes to their lofty, unwarranted sense of self-worth and just destroy them.

This girl for example. Ever-aging instances of internet culture and music are clearly the prime attributes of her crude sense of identity. With that in mind, I'd then pursue some subtle means of illustrating just how fucking feeble and pathetic her efforts and knowledge within such regions are. I guess I could show her my archive of Internet memes, which is almost a decade old at this point, and demonstrate my dense knowledge of Internet culture and history. Then I'd download a bunch of random bandcamp bullshit, anything demonstrating modern aesthetics and sensibilities, since that's the only thing that people like her give a shit about, and after showing it to her I'd just casually delete it like the worthless fodder that it is.

She'd be heartbroken. That's what I'd wanted all along. I'd tell her that I'd assembled that collection of music "treasures" from bandcamp the day before and watch with keen interest as her sense of self just diminishes. It's at that point that she realizes that she's a mindless drone incapable of establishing her own taste, doomed to meander infinitely in the vast vapidness of modern culture and all at once her facial features forgo whatever bullshit irony she's adopted and for perhaps the first time in years she feels a sincere gloom and loss of self.

I'd leave at that point, satisfied with myself. People that knew her would report that the following day she showed up to her underwater-basket-weaving bullshit course dressed in pajamas and smelling of shit.

>> No.13016495

>text cute emojis and shit the morning after
>tell her i want to hang out again before i leave
Thats why lol u dont sound like a chad desu desu

>> No.13016496

Since when did depression become fashionable? I've known girls like this. They lead happy lives. They're generally upper middle class, they get into good colleges with tuition paid by their parents and their families are incredibly supportive of their pursuit of the arts/humanities, they have a large group of close friends and have no issues socializing, they have perfectly healthy sexual relationships.

But then on social media they fetishize this image of the "troubled artist," some sexy Albert Camus type who wears long black coats and looks contemplatively at cityscapes in black white photos, smoking and spouting nihilist rhetoric. But that image couldn't be farther from them. They're socialites who like dark makeup and shop at Goodwill. They're not wonky-eyed autists like Sartre or self-destructive maniacs like Nietzsche. They're normal people who desperately want to be abnormal and hopeless, ironically en masse. When did this start happening?

>> No.13016528

Alright fatty

>> No.13016533
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>> No.13016560
File: 16 KB, 288x287, workaholics_top_gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fashion board. Clothes n shit

>> No.13016579

since forever. also depression can be caused by both nature and nurture. The way its treated in western medicine today is as a chemical imbalance in the brain. It could even happen to a rich socialite. Genetic bad luck. Also now that we are out of the post-modernist swamp hopefully depression and nihilism wont be as cool in 10 years. I agree that it is getting out of hand.

>> No.13016580
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1513976642578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn them all.

>> No.13016586

That's a dangerous game, albeit an enlightening exercise. Just remember that these girls (and boys, I'm sure) are lying to themselves first and foremost. Malignant narcissists and borderline types can and do snap - there's nothing that burns 'em more than being made irrevocably aware of how obvious it is that their carefully constructed ruse is clearly the work of an overactive and painfully average imagination. You just happened to be there, for all intents and purposes.

Show some of these folks the transparency of the illusions they use to buffer recolor their own reality. Spell it out for them.

You can feel the burn from a meter away.

>> No.13016590

>T. hoe pulling her lines from a meme about art hoes

>> No.13016592

art hoes are the most emotionally damaged people maybe besides war veterans.

Don't try and figure out what's going on in their head, just dismiss it and move on. They're crazy.

>> No.13016600

Because the image and cachet of being a devoted creative proves both highly attractive and elusively difficult, a lot of people will attempt to boil the 'creative personality' down into a set of affectations and behaviors in attempt to ride its coat tails with minimal effort.

Artists are supposed to be all dark, brooding and intoxicated (in some folks experiences, at the least).
This process leaves one with an essentially superficial understanding what they consider to be "aspirational lifestyle(s)."

>> No.13016606

Well got my daily dose of autism

>> No.13016628

I'm sorry I couldn't be the one to deliver it. I'll try harder tomorrow.

>> No.13016681

God tier

>> No.13016698
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less autism more art hoe discussion. As a Los Angelian where is the best place to find art hoes?

IMO alot of them are in the Silver Lake/Echo Park area

>> No.13016748

>implying that discussion would not involve a concentration of high-proof autism never before seen outside of laboratories

>> No.13016759
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I don't mind but post art hoes while you are doing it!

>THICC art hoes

>> No.13016796
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>> No.13016817
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>> No.13016823

Any Universities with art-hoes in Georgia... Of course there's so little on my STEM campus.

>> No.13016829

This is all I can think of right now. Taken from personal experience and observing what other people around me do.

>Obtain the weed
>Have money to sustain her hedonist lifestyle
>Be 6 foot at least, slim build
>Have an undercut
>Tell her you like reading books
>Be white
>Always prefix your minority friends with what they are (my black/gay/Muslim friend said...)

>Say you're bisexual if you are under 6 foot tall, a desperation move that doesn't always work
>Express interest in faggy tattoos you see on instagram, say it's a form of personal expression even though you are just copying other people's designs

Do not:
>Become an "activist," just tell her how cool it is that she skips homework to go protest nonvegan school lunches
>Worship her
>Expect a long term relationship
>Expect a faithful relationship

>> No.13016853

this is actuall top notch advise op

>> No.13016858

She just wanted to fuck

>> No.13016871

>Be 6 foot

>> No.13016874

This is a good advice. Especially the part about being white and prefixing minority friends.

t. minority

>> No.13016888

waste of time. just fuck a straight edge punk instead.

>> No.13016898

go to indie shows like the frights or the garden or something. also go to amoeba or urban outfitters. although they buy vinyl, they know shit about it and probably just have a shitty crosley and they do it for the aesthetic

>> No.13016908

Georgia State I think, but I went during 2013 so there were more "hipster" types.

>> No.13016923
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>> No.13016928
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>> No.13016942

One thing to add, make sure to challenge her taste in art, call her favorite artists hacks, etc, then say why. Being a narcissist helps too.

>> No.13017003

this is not good advice, this is like the opposite of good advice.
This is what art hoes will expect from guys who are not cool but just want to fuck hoes art hoes

>> No.13017041


>Weed is good
>Money is not important, if you are poor you are authentic if you have money you are practical
>Height is not important, but self-awareness is, dress in a way that complements your shape, be self-confident or at least honest. That being said, you gotta at least have a good face.
>Shaved head, natural looking hair, crazy hair
>Actually read books, or actually have a cool hobby (painting, writing, music) and dont like talk about it, she will find out
>Race doesn't matter but dress within your culture
>expect dom/sub sex shit
>expect attachment (if you are warm towards her)

>Talk about politics, have realistic opinions about race issues that aren't reminiscent of far left or right ideals (be a moderate)
>Be Open about emotions

>pretend like you don't know exactly how you are dressing and what you are doing. Everone knows that you see the soft boi starter pack memes and that they are all you. If she calls u out, roll with it.
>Pretend to be someone else, going for a look is fine, but changing ur personality is lame.
>Be rude

Coming from a boy who has had some experience with "art hoes" and dates one.

>> No.13017107

Look at this virgin

>> No.13017110
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Only photos I have pertaining to artt hoein' are tied to my personal life. Whatever.

>> No.13017176

post a picture of your art hoe gf random anon.

>> No.13017182
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>> No.13017208
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gonna perform this as spoken word at the local open mic poetry jam thx

>> No.13017255

Art hoes aren't weird. They're some of the most basic bitches around

>> No.13017262

>Georgia State
I attended Kennesaw right now, might check it out have some friends down there. But I heard the place is pretty ghetto.

>> No.13017275

This. They're just rebranded basic that's who 'aren't like the other girls'.

>> No.13017285

found her instagram: 5150leelee

>> No.13017305

Im not 6 foot nor am I white and I have an "art hoe" gf. They seem to like shorter hispanic "white" 5'9-6'0 men who look soft and in touch with feelings and shit. Just basing off of who my gf's friends are interested in

>> No.13017311
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>mfw this used to be me in college

>> No.13017325

>meet girl at uni in Berlin
>she's a vegan "genderqueer" feminist complete with bright hair, tattoos, piercings and glasses, but cool and intelligent (no, really.)
>likes the same shit I do (she has a HR Giger collection, is into William Gibson, programming and hacking, BLAME!, Blade Runner and all kinds of other stuff that I love)
>we hang out at concerts together and meet couple of times after uni
>during my internship semester(? not sure if that's the correct word) we continue talking via Skype everyday for hours
>she tells me she loves me
>tell her that I like her but don't feel the same way for her
>she says she wants to continue to hang out because she doesn't want to lose me as a friend
>keeps telling me how much she masturbates to the thought of me pinning her down and fucking her to the point where she has sore thighs and knees
>starts texting late at night how she wants to lick my cum off of my dick and other stuff like that
>she drunk calls me one night and tells me that she lied about her past, tells me she has had trust issues ever since her father cheated on her mother and left them both, that she has tried killing herself in the past
>I tell her that I'm going to distance myself from her since I don't want to hurt her by still being in her space while she has feelings for me (and also because I've had to deal with borderline girls in the past and she went from chill with some issues to insane in a few seconds)
>she doesn't want me to but accepts, we talk less and don't see each other again
>start hearing rumors that I raped her, that I'm a pathetic, toxic and creepy abuser who stalks her
>she ghosts me and moves to the UK to study computer science

I knew I was in for trouble from the beginning but I still kind of regret that I had to remove her from my life. It was nice knowing an intelligent female that was so passionately into the stuff I loved. She was a cutie, too.

>> No.13017334

> It was nice knowing an intelligent female that was so passionately into the stuff I loved.

you need to stop thinking and caring about stuff like this asap your fucking DELUSIONAL bro jeez louise

>> No.13017354

Okay this one got me. I love me a girl with short dark hair and big brown doe eyes.

>> No.13017386

This thread was moved to >>>/adv/19081316