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13013707 No.13013707 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people refuse to wash their hair and body every day? That's so unhygienic!

>> No.13013711

i shower every other day, is that good enough?

>> No.13013713


>> No.13013871

It's more than enough. Showering every day or more is for wagecucks who stick to a tight schedule. It's unnecessary and bad for your skin.

>> No.13013875

I generally shower every other day unless needed. I wash my face daily and use deodorant all day.

You should learn how to stay clean.

>> No.13013982

Amerilard detected. If you don't weigh 300 pounds and pant for breath after climbing stairs, you don't sweat that much. If your diet is alright, what sweat you do produce doesn't smell rancid.

>> No.13014002

what's a proper showering for body and hair routine?

I usually wash my body everyday because of physical activities but mostly just scrubbing my junk, ass and armpits
Hair sometimes I use shampoo others just water

I need help since I'm going from buzzcut -> long hair and it's been 3 months since I've been growing it

>> No.13014007

I shower every day that I work out, which is typically 5 days out of the week. I also typically bike commute about 16 miles each day, so I usually shower after that.

>> No.13014022

Use the proper amount of shampoo based on your hair length: enough to fit the width of two of your fingers for a buzz cut and enough to fit in the palm of your hand for long/thick hair.

Apply the bar of soap everywhere on your face and body and use your hand or a washcloth to scrub. Don't forget to wash behind the ears and the sides of your nostrils, since oil can build up there.

>> No.13014066

I honestly did not know it was normal for people to not shower every day.

But I do know people don't wash their hair every day ad I'm running into this problem myself. I have started growing my hair out and it turns into a jewfro, and I've noticed that if i don't shower for a few days it gets really dirty and greasy but it gets a lot easier to style with my hands and holds a lot better cause of the grease. Id like to do this but the problem is the hair also smells musty and greasy because of it so I have to wash it every day and then it goes flat. No idea what to do

>> No.13014107

I haven't washed my hair myself in over a year. It gets washed every three months when I get a hair cut. It looks way better than it did when I washed it every couple days. The only bad thing is my terrible dandruff. Every 5 days or so I have to stand over a table with a comb and just scratch and shake my head while combing my hair to get all the excess skin out. If I let it build up for more than a week I just end up with this pile of skin flakes on the table when I finally do comb it out. Like so much skin that when I sweep it into a pile and tightly ball it up with my fingers the ball is well over a centimeter in diameter. Usually all that extra skin gets washed out when you use shampoo or conditioner because it lubes up your hair, but just rinsing it thoroughly with water doesn't lube it, so it stays in there.

>> No.13014247

I have always showered daily as everyone i know. Every morning, first thing.

And if i go to the gym or cicling obviously i shower a second time.

How is people being so disguntingly dirty worldwide?

>> No.13014302

It’s a common thing, I have it too. Nopoo does that permanently but with a bit less greasiness. Although it takes like 2 months to get into effect - some people dont have that

>> No.13014377

so i mean what is the option here? like i said i really like how my hair ends up without washing for a few days with the grease. using shampoo basically smashes it all down and then it gets all fuzzy on the sides.

i coudl do no shampoo if my hair was short but it ends up itchy and greasy and i cant go around like that

>> No.13015246

I shower proper about every 3-4 days. The other days I just use soap and a cloth on my face, pits, and genitals/taint. Cologne takes care of the rest. I haven't used shampoo for about 3 years. Hair is amazing and easy to shape.

>> No.13015277

Shower once every two days. Wash my hair every 4. Fuck you.

>> No.13015285

I shower two times a day, once in the morning and once before bed.

>> No.13015292

t. smelly cunt who thinks that nobody notices his greasy hair, sweat and body odour

>> No.13015298

Still you should shower ever day.

>I haven't washed my hair in over a year
t. Ghana cuck

It seems to be mostly Americans and others that fell for the "it's healthier" meme and go around smelling like shit

>> No.13015300

>hair is amazing and easy to shape
It would be gorgeous with shampoo but w/e you believe

Fuck you too, fucking gross cunt

>> No.13015385

>Ghana cuck
What does that even mean?

>> No.13015392

I use shampoo once a month
I use soap once a week or if my balls starts to stink whichever comes first

>> No.13015408

Wash face, pits and between legs everyday,
do everything else every five days, including hair. Use shampoo and conditioner.

>> No.13015411

>Still you should shower ever day.
No, it's proven to fuck up your skin.

>> No.13015819

Think before you type

By what? Americuck studies using cheap brand shampoos? Kek

>> No.13015830

>not showering every day
Ask me how I know none of you lift.

No, it’s not Americans. You have nothing to base that off of, you just want it to be true because you are obsessed with shitting on America on an American website.

>> No.13015835

Ghana cuck means think before you type? Or was the think before you type comment directed at me for asking what Ghana cuck means? Do you even know what you meant by Ghana cuck? Seems like you were just stringing random words together in an attempt to make an insult.

>> No.13015945

Sure sure

You should start following the "I think, I know, I say" rule

>> No.13015979

>washing your hair every day
shyggy dude. I seriously hope you guys dont shampoo every day . le shyggy dyggy man. shyggy brah.

>> No.13015982

That's gross if someone DOESN'T shampoo it everyday

>> No.13015984

If I go a day without showering I feel gross. I guess it's how I was brought up, but showering twice a day is pretty cozy. I have clean water so I'm not too worried, and I like to rub organic lotion all over when I'm out, so the idea that my skin is suffering seems a bit overplayed. More concerned about the pollution I encounter staying on my skin and causing oxidative damage than my filtered shower water.

>> No.13016028

Shower every day before you leave the house. Don't be disgusting. If you've been out all day and going back for a night out in the evening shower again.

Being outside all day dust and shit sticks to you, especially if you're in a crowded city and around roads. Day old sweat still smells, cologne and deodorant only does so much.

>> No.13016066

>American website
haha this delusional mongrel Amerimutt

>> No.13016672
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>too stupid to reply to the right person
Don’t bother replying everyone knows you got btfo

>> No.13016768

Lmao at people who think that you become dirty and smelly if you dont shower every day.

>> No.13016770

I've had really hard, coarse mongoloid hair since forever, so I've been trying nopoo for the last couple months. For whatever reason, my hair starts to stink if I don't use conditioner EVERY DAY. What the hell could be causing this?

>> No.13016775

every time i use shampoo my hair becomes very puffy and looks like complete shit

how do i avoid this? i want silky smooth hair

>> No.13016778

conditioning everyday is fine
its shampoo that fucks ur hair

>> No.13016780

But don't smellz come from greasiness? Shouldn't conditioning everyday cause more grease?

>> No.13017075

Lmao at people who think it's not visible they don't shower frequently

>> No.13017372

this, showering everyday can dry up your skin

>> No.13017394
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you don't have to wash your hair everyday unless you sweat a decent amount, but at least shower every day you gross fucks holy shit, might be why most of you can't get a girl

>> No.13017398

Better a little dry skin that you can fix with a cream than not washed one. And yes, it IS visible when you don't shower daily

>> No.13017507

Cold shower + no poo masterrace

>> No.13017525
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>> No.13017543

I shower twice a day.

You disgusting fucks live like an animal.