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12999812 No.12999812 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since i started growing my hair out i'm torn. I love how it looks and feels after showering but a few hours later it looks dry as hell and the volume blows up.
I tried a few hair products and stuff, but the only thing that somewhat worked was using copious amounts of leave in conditioner and hair oil after that.
Does anyone here have experience with this? Are there any products i could use to achieve a permanent post shower look and feel?

>> No.12999817
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>Me a few hours later

>> No.12999828

Always carry a bottle of water and wet hair throughout the day?

>> No.12999831

I see almost no difference, it's all in your head

>> No.12999848

i actually already tried doing that ...
the problem is i need tons of water to get the hair volume down to acceptable levels so i'd have to bring a towel as well.
And it only stays for an hour or so depending on how much water i was willing to use

>> No.12999923

So you want LESS volume in your hair?

>> No.12999998


It looks dry because you are washing it too much. When you wash with shampoo you strip away the natural oils which makes it poofy as fuck.

Wash like maybe 2 x / week. Only wash your actual scalp with a minimum of shampoo. Rinse with cold water, and don't brush until it's dry with a wide tooth comb.

Right after you wash get some argon oil or coconut oil and hit the ends only, which will help with flyaways.

>> No.13000012

I think he wants curls without frizz. Thick strands don't have stray hair and curl in unison makes the hair look shinier, healthier and neater. Curly hair already has tons of volume but too much looks like a bad perm.

>> No.13000089

Yes actually i want less volume in my hair. i'm a pretty light guy (160lbs at 6'4) and running around with a huge head doesnt look very appealing in my opinion

I tried washing it less often, but after 2 days it starts to smell ... "stale". People always talk about only putting in conditioner but that just makes the hair absolutely uncombable and makes having an actual haircut impossible (they just start to stand apart in every direction).

How long does the scalp need to develop those natural oils? I once went a whole week without using shampoo and my scalp just felt dry/itchy and i can't say that i noticed a great improvement in hair quality ...

>> No.13000104


You just wash the scalp 2x / week. It's ok to have natural smell, don't worry about it. Modern people are too uptight about body odor anyways.

The scalp will develop the oils rapidly, and the act of combing will distribute them from the shaft or the hair to the end. Brush a bunch with a wide toothed comb when dry.

>> No.13000112

Ty for the suggestion,
I guess i'll give that another try.

>> No.13000120

>Yes actually i want less volume in my hair. i'm a pretty light guy (160lbs at 6'4) and running around with a huge head doesnt look very appealing in my opinion

I used to have this gripe with my hair when it was about your length. Growing it even longer helped with how it draped, although my hair is not curly but wavy. I was always unhappy with how much volume it had, and wished it was thinner.

>> No.13000500

this, kinda

I went from undercut to middle of growing my hair out(back of my head reaches end of my neck) and I always wanted less volume, my hair was always bouncy and fluffy, I hated it, the best I got with product is only putting in shampoo on the 3rd day of my showers, occasionally getting my hair wet, but not necessarily washing it. After a while the steam in the shower and my oils got my look down, which is also why my hair always looks the best (to me) on the day before or on the day of my next hair wash.

>> No.13000535

>combing curly hair when dry
don't do that

just use better product and moisture your hair as often as you can. curly hair are often really dry because the curls prevent the natural oïl from spreading to the ends. also tie your hair after getting out of the shower, the air and moving around cause the frizz if you tie it your curls will be compact.

>> No.13000580

You might want to look into the curly girl method, also the long hair community forum has lots of info on caring for curls, check that out

>> No.13000582

forgot to add, your hair looks great both ways, it looks nice on you

>> No.13000637

Your hair looks awesome, better than mine but we have very similar hair. Do you use a shit ton of mousse? It's a great way to dispense a ton of product, and keep it wet looking while being able to control its crunchiness. Even more importantly wear a hat for a few hours, push your hair behind your ears first. I even twist my hair into big spirals before putting it on, it helps keep the curls cohesive.

>> No.13000659

Pomade, OP.

>> No.13000670

rub in afuckton of coconut oil after using a fuckton of conditionar

>> No.13000870

i have similar hair and im super jealous. I'm growing it out to be about as long as your hair, any tips?

>> No.13001060

I noticed that tying the hair and then applying a little bit of moisturizing cream to the surface hair goes a long way when trying to keep the hair moist and "healthy". The problem is that tying the hair right after showering kills my curls for good - at least until the next shower.
Maybe i should try to just work some back into the hair after?

Thanks, i'll look into that

Only tried using mousse once. Didnt like how my hair felt to the touch after it dried. Also windy weather completely fucks you over if you dare to walk the land with mousse in your hair, no?
In the end it was just some cheap stuff i found in a store, maybe actually looking for quality mousse would do the trick ...

I'll buy some, thanks!

Actually using a fuckton of oil and a fuckton of conditioner is what i've been doing so far x)

I didnt have a big plan going into it desu.
Few things i picked up over time
- always tie the hair on windy days if you're planning on being outside a lot. If the wind is strong enough there's not a whole lot you can do about it drying out your hair ...
- after you tie your hair apply some water and moisturizing cream to the surface or else all the fizz could end up making you look like a russian grandma
- Be prepared to spend some time in the shower. Taking care of the hair really becomes somewhat bothersome after a while, if you wanna speed up the shampooing and conditioning just flip your hair forward in the shower and apply the stuff that way it's way faster.
- I never use a fan since it blows up the volume even more. So far i've always towel dried my hair and then put in a fair bit of oil. You gotta tryout some different oils though, as it turns out that different oils lead to different hair ...
so far ive always been using some overpriced stuff (apparently from some weird sounding african plant) - when i ran out i bought the cheapest stuff i could find and it was a disaster

>> No.13001148

Jesus /fa/ has gone to shit. The answer here is to stop using shampoo altogether. Used to be common recommendation on this board to get exactly what you want

Your routine rn:
>Using shampoo to strip the oils from your hair
>Re-adding them artificially
>Being a fucking retard

Just let your hair regulate its own oil content. The first month is gonna be shitty because your head is so used to overproducing oils, but that'll smooth out your hair much more than any product will.

Standard no-poo routine:
>Rinse with cold water daily
>Scrub scalp with water 0.5-3x/wk (more often if hair is producing lots of oil)
>Condition once every 1-2wks when hair gets frizzy

I've been doing this for about 4yrs now and haven't looked back.

>> No.13001167

You're the best character in the nu Star Wars, OP

>> No.13001184

I'm clueless but i'm not that retarded
Obviously i already tried the "no shampooing" shit for a week or so and stopped cause the exact opposite of what peopl told me to expect happened.
Expectation: Hair gets oily and smooth or whatever
What happened: Hair was dry, damaged and started to stand off in every direction making me look like a fucktard.
So this "no shampoo - no conditioner for weeks on end" routine doesnt seem to work for me ...

Also what do you do about the stench? And i dont mean the "people are too sensitive about body odor nowadays" stench but the stale disgusting odor that starts hanging around you after a week of not using any product?
Are you sure you're turning heads for the right reasons when you enter the room?
People normally dont have the balls to tell someone that his body odor is disgusting ...

I mean i get the logic - why use product when we obviously evolved fine without it. Thing is we dont live in the stone age anymore and disgusting body odor isnt common place either ..

>> No.13001192

People keep telling me - i personally dont agree x)

But i guess there are worse fates than looking like Star Wars' best boy

>> No.13001312

it barely looks different fool, the slight difference is that it looks better dry so be thankful

t. someone who knows better than u

>> No.13002097

OP, try out DevaCurl shampoo and conditioner, and experiment with various leave in conditioners. You want to find something that is a moisturiser AND anti-frizz. Shea Moisture is a good option for curly hair, too, and cheaper than DevaCurl, but it's made for black hair, so it might leave your hair just a little bit too oily.

>> No.13002187

It takes only 24hours for natural oils to restore

>> No.13002197

There are loads of wet look gels.

>> No.13002202

Are you from Toulouse? Cuase you look a lot like my last neighbour. Sorry I don't know your name.

>> No.13002235

Nah, Germany

>> No.13002240

The issue for me with wet gels is that they completely destroy the feel of your hair. It feels sticky and is absolutely not fun to run your fingers through - so i'm looking for something better if at all possible

>> No.13002313

Oh, I was so sure it was you, feels bad. It would have felt really weird anyway, so I'm kinda glad.

Wish you good luck with your hair germanbro, but in my opinion, it looks better dry. What products are you currently using?

>> No.13002361

I used to get this all the time when I had long hair. Doesn't help that I also have a long face similar to Adam Driver

>> No.13002369

post-shower more like post-SOYer

>> No.13002657

Kevin Murphy easy.rider while your hair is still damp

>> No.13002769

Absolute basics. Mild Shampoo, Conditioner and Argan Oil. I probably use a bit too much of everything ...

Thanks, I'll give that a go as well

>> No.13002778
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Gotta take in all the Protein you can get, amirite?

>> No.13003478

it's definitely there

>> No.13003531

Don't bother with that cold water to close cuticle bullshit, shampoo less and use coconut oil

>> No.13003534

Forgot to add co-wash often

>> No.13004373


My tip is after you get out of the shower is grab two strands/locks of hair and twist together, and do this all over your head. It will take 20 mins or so. Some will be thick twists, some will be thin. Make sure you twist backwards towards the back of your head to ensure it stays out of your face.

You can then let that dry and keep as is, or let it dry and then flip over to the other side for a wavy, locky, glistening volume. There's strength in numbers of hair ad keeping oils. But if you just leave your individual single hairs to dry in the wind they will dry the fuck out.

>> No.13004375

You can use vinegar and coffee to clean your hair and ween off of shampoo

>> No.13004419

Check out Curly Penny on Youtube. Her tips helped me out a lot with my curls

>> No.13004617
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>tfw your shampoo is full of sulfates, your conditioner and deep conditioner use alcohol and you use a normal towel after every shower while killing your curls with a brush ...

>> No.13005539
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What you guys think of that ? I use it daily to rinse and wash my hairs after putting em under cold water and I think its great however it seems like a short lived solution.

Anyone got experience with this ?

>> No.13007160

OP have u tried tying it up, not like a dumbass manbun but just keep it away from your face. it would suit your ears imo

>> No.13007265

you need to blow dry that shit every single time you shower man, I have hair exactly like that

>> No.13007444


>> No.13007548

I have the same texture hair as you. When my hair was long it'd do the same thing. Get fluffy and frizzy. I cut it because I had no idea how to style or manage it.

>> No.13008128
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Nice chest man, very aesthetic

>> No.13008139


>> No.13009130

>Obviously i already tried the "no shampooing" shit for a week or so and stopped cause the exact opposite of what peopl told me to expect happened.
>Expectation: Hair gets oily and smooth or whatever
>What happened: Hair was dry, damaged and started to stand off in every direction making me look like a fucktard.

same experience here
Just because it works on some peoples hair doesn't mean it works for everybody

also do you have any pictures from when your hair was a bit shorter? My hair looks a bit like yours except it's even drier and frizzier but I've been wanting to grow it out for years

>> No.13010067

>pictures from when your hair was a bit shorter

>> No.13010763

coconut based hair oil

>> No.13011522

I feel you anon, as curlyguy myself i take this routine, wash your hair every 2-3 days, first with shampoo for curly hair, you dont need no volume, choose products that give moisture, after shampoo, wash your hair and apply hair conditioner, let it stay for a couple of minutes before washing off with cool water. And finally DONT rub your hair with towel, just gently press a few times, wait till your hair gets dry by itself.

After that you can use pomades or clay for curly hair for styling.

sry for bad english, im russian

>> No.13011574

Use high quality products, use a conditioner that restores more moisture.
Assuming you sheet in the morning:
Don't run your hair with a towel, set it on your head and pat until partially dry.
I use Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo/conditioner and swap to Biolage conditioning balm 3x/week. Until your hair is restored, take another shower in the evening, use the biolage, but don't rinse it out. Put a towel on your pillow if you need to
Curly sexy hair curling cream or full on curls; apply to damp hair, allow to air dry

>> No.13011852

a wet pomade would probably do best, but anything greasy would do the job even butter as long as you're not looking for any hold.

>> No.13011876

How do you dry your hair? Because I have similar curls and in order todo maletas them look pretty I do nota touch it at all once I leave the shower until ir is dry.

>> No.13011885

[...] in order (to make)* them [...]

>> No.13011977

No water soluble pomade go wax based

>> No.13012003

As a curly hair guy myself, I'd recommend checking out some of the bumble and bumble curl products, Im not a fan of the shampoo, but the conditioner and moisturizing cream are pretty good. Also check out Ouidad, their products are pricey, but hands down the best curly hair product I've ever used.

>> No.13012706
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I see this guy posting alot, his hair confuses me because of how inconsistent the size of the curls are

>> No.13012949

Honestly man just wait 30 mins after taking a shower and puts a shit ton of gel wet hair look style and put it all over your hair and when I say alot I mean alot.

>> No.13013061

Just uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh get a haircut

>> No.13013648

Fake edgar, archy types out his sentences with thick jafaican slang.