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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 130 KB, 634x952, 42B9467200000578-4734412-Nothing_but_net_The_former_Disney_darling_wrapped_her_thin_stems-a-99_1501138306179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12993250 No.12993250 [Reply] [Original]

Do girls in you country do the "no shirt see trough bra" thing? It has really got on here and most 15-25 year old females are doing it

>> No.12993256

Damn! Is this LA? I was living there till last year. Did I miss this?

>> No.12993263

No this is third world country shithole brazil, but most of our girls are hotter than Americans so yeah you're missing on this

>> No.12993489


no though it's too cold here at the moment

braless + see through t shirt trend really needs to explode

>> No.12993541
File: 428 KB, 1379x2048, 000_sapa9810149.aaa45171410.original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, Brasil! A lot of Brazilian tourists would shop at my old job. They were always gorgeous, but they were also all light/olive skinned and rich. Maybe not representative of the whole country.

>> No.12993627
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>> No.12993645
File: 11 KB, 348x336, 1512238497795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol dont lie to urself homeboy brazilians are dead ass fucking ugly

maybe big bunda but generations of multirace mixing have created the most revolting butterfaced women

>> No.12993652


>> No.12993665

one off mixing is ok if both parents are attractive but not generations of mongrels constantly shitting out favela spawn in a ""cultural melting pot""

>> No.12993674
File: 860 KB, 500x302, People-believe-youre-automatically-blessed-silky-straight-locks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Europeans actually believe this meme? There's so much to make fun of about America and the new world, but aesthetics of race mixing isn't one of them. I see too many beautiful mutts everyday to believe this.

>> No.12993691
File: 27 KB, 500x400, 0d0bf7abc977fb814bd7d6420e5296c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been doing it since the 90s in NYC.

>> No.12993705

brazilians are dark af with the worst masculine latin features

>> No.12994073
File: 25 KB, 480x360, gallery_ustv-x-men-tv-series-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12994077
File: 183 KB, 749x1011, 1511102664608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the reality

>> No.12994078

It’s winter over here

>> No.12994087
File: 392 KB, 1395x1600, 105_2119-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to pol. Racemixing is actually good.

Nearly 90% of pol arguments are completely retarded, but you can't argue with them, cause it will hurt they feelings.

>> No.12994092
File: 6 KB, 172x200, 1512417178724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post YFW You can just go outside and enjoy all the 15 yo tiddies you could want

>> No.12994224


how many layers of foundation and makeup is that? it's a clown with tits.

>> No.12994228

My ex was half-Nigerian and cute as button ebony. Patrician choice as they are beautiful, feature white features and age much better than white trash.
She actually openly hated niggers and she with her mother denied her Nigerian family to imigrate because "they would leech off welfare anyway".

>> No.12994240

sweden yes except during winter

>> No.12994253

Lmao whores
Don't bother with those

>> No.12994265

into the oven you go

>> No.12994292
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1512663539944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice argument.

>> No.12994317

That girl looks horrible and is probably Italian.

>> No.12994336

Fake as fuck, brah.

Source: Living in São Paulo all my life.

>> No.12994523

>basquiat's retarded brother and one of the beagle boys at the juice self
what a dystopia

>> No.12994547

Nope here in Bosnia:The Serb Part we don't have any of that bullshit

>> No.12994620

Here it's not common in a formal setting but on the beach many girls wear this or have their breasts out

>> No.12994804

Fake as fuck. Never seen a woman dressed like this in the streets.

>> No.12994816

>most of our girls are hotter than Americans
um no sweetie

i lived in brazil for years, your girls are pretty unattractive. soft as hell from eating carbs non stop so flabby saggy skin everywhere, no adequate dentistry or healthcare so everyone has busted teeth and faces, no dryers or adequate plumbing so nasty and unhygienic as FUCK.

>> No.12994922
File: 111 KB, 393x590, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty representative of the upper class who wears this tho. I don't go slumming so I wouldn't know how the "general population" dresses
Most of our girls don't have enough money to take minimum care of themselves so that makes for a problem. But as you go up the social ladder good looking people get more common and more good looking than anywhere else in the world.
I lived in a costal brazilian city for 9 years and I've never seen woman go topless outside of carnival. But it was very common to find peoplewearing (brazilian) bikinis and speedos on while doing groceries or at pharmacies even in parts of town that were 20+ minutes from the beach by car.

>> No.12994941

>posts picture of flabby saggy titted ho to prove his point

kek brazilians are such brainlets

>> No.12994947

That's Bella Thorne. She's a Hollywood cokewhore.

>> No.12994967

Isn't Bosnia like super fucking cold? I don't think people could bare to wear this outside could them?

The same thing as the bosnian. Isn't Swedish summer like 2 days long and still cold as fuck?
Are you both from São Paulo? Here in Belo Horizonte it's pretty common to see people dressed like this in the Savassi/Liberdade regions, I would imagine that's equivalent to the "ibira" park and Frei Caneca. Do you go to those places?

>> No.12994992

>flabby saggy titted
T. virgin

>> No.12995009

not from São Paulo, from a city with actual beaches and don't see hoes like that, at most girls in bikinis (cause its the fucking beach)

fuck (((bh))), it's a cesspool and everyone there should kts

>> No.12995046

Are you from a small city (less than 1M people)? These trends take time to arrive in smallers places (if they ever do). I'm from Recife but I don't see any problem with BH and it's people, they are nice

>> No.12995053

no, and BH is a shithole that should be nuked

>> No.12995063

pretty sure if she were secure about her looks she wouldn't have overexposed that pic

>> No.12995075

This is a bad outfit, jesus christ

>> No.12995569

I mean yeah but even in summer sloots don't wear this. It's a crop top at most that you're gonna see

>> No.12995608
File: 925 KB, 1280x1920, 1513134978130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that supposed to prove me wrong?? LOL

delete ur post before i puke homie

>> No.12995677
File: 452 KB, 680x810, 1512902260845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racemixing is actually good
>but don't look at IQ regression towards the mean
>also let me post a picture of a girl who has edited herself to be paler and more ginger than most of Ireland
>also let me admit that I can't win in an argument and then declare I won

>> No.12995992

>Racemixing is actually good
>Here, take this picture of a woman who manages to be balding and gigahaired at the same time as proof
>uh, but don't look at her face, which he's deliberately overexposed so it won't show clearly
>or her tits
>or her waist

>> No.12996008

Should be illegal

May these harlots get raped by Muslim refugees


You're all half-naked barefoot/flip-flop wearing favela monkeys who are good at soccer because you grew up playing in streets using rocks as a football. Most of your women have shriveled brown dicks. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.12996010

So this is more of a uniform than an outfit?

>> No.12996021


Brazil is literally Underclass: The Country

>> No.12996121

Ok. I'll let the next jetsetter Brazilian I meet know. Thanks for the PSA.

I also know some old money Columbians and Venezuelans. Should I let them know that their millions don't mean shit and to stop being peasant swine?

>> No.12996204

are you ok anon?

>> No.12996735

its colombians not columbians m8

>> No.12996739

It has exploded. I live in a shitty flyover state and all the girls who would do this are doing it.

>> No.12997002

this needs to happen in europe

>> No.12997040
File: 204 KB, 1180x787, 1494708795086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brown is so /fa/..