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/fa/ - Fashion

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12974564 No.12974564 [Reply] [Original]

Can fat girls be /fa/? Like, is there any way you can make a fat woman look good in her clothes? ( Do you like fat girls? http://www.strawpoll.me/14581148 )

>> No.12974566


>> No.12974567

Don’t move to Australia you fat fucking piece of shit

>> No.12974716

Why not the entire Western world embraces fat lazy uncultured independent women and you should too

>> No.12975145

What made you think I'd do that?
I am not fat though, and I'm a guy.
I'm trying to get to the bottom of the thicc memery.

>> No.12975613

It depends on what you mean by "fat"

>> No.12975674 [DELETED] 

yes, i think fat girls look good with chokers but really all girls do, but fat girls it looks nice when the choker slightly embeds into their skin. it looks fatsthetic.

they need to wear lots of dark mascara, it seems to make their head look leaner and just pretty.

- compliments of chef soyboy

p.s. thick means a girl with attractive fat placement, not too overweight just normal, and i'm not particularly attracted to any girls body type, i just like the ones with good fat placement and dainty features, which is why i think fat girls to be aesthetic they need very dainty clothes like chokers and mascara and girls only things.

>> No.12975722

Chubby girls are great for fucking, but they can never be effay. Look on the bright side, you can always have an affair with an attractive person.

>> No.12975788

Fat doesn't equate to thicc you abhorrent waste of life

>> No.12975795

Cute? Yes.
/fa/? Never.

>> No.12975797

yes op.

fat girls can be fa if they find their size

>> No.12976155

Fat people cant be /fa/

>> No.12976162


>> No.12976198

Of course they can. I'd even argue that fashion is MORE important for fat people (of both sexes but especially women). It's also more important for people who just aren't conventionally beautiful and never will be. Dressing really well can elevate somebody who normally would look "unattractive" - maybe not always all the way to "attractive" but definitely to "wow, what an interesting-looking person." Which is a HUGE step up.

I'm not a thiccposter at all, you're way more likely to find me in the thinspo threads, but I had a huge fucking crush on a girl back in college who was overweight. Because she took absolutely impeccable care of herself otherwise, I'm talking put-together outfits when everybody else was rolling into class wearing pj bottoms and hoodies, perfectly-applied makeup, clear skin and beautiful hair, so she stood out (in a good way) even though all the other girls in class were thinner.

That said, if you're fat, you should still follow the conventional wisdom and get in shape before spending a bunch of money on clothes, because what's the fucking point of dropping hundreds of dollars on shit that won't fit in 6 months.

>> No.12976752
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>Mfw /fa/tties

>> No.12978093

/Cgl/ pls go

>> No.12978316

/cgl/ is allergic to being effay. That's why they wear lolita