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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 99 KB, 730x913, IMG_7445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12970458 No.12970458 [Reply] [Original]

When will you take it?

This is an instagram post from the world renowned highest saught after and arguably the beautifulest model currently. This post is his every day wear. Which one of us /fa/ggots in or right mind would wear a fucking zip up hoodie? But this fucker chico owns many and wears them frequently. Why don't we emulate the most fashionable man of our time? Why do we dress like scottish meth heads and asian fashion designers. Chico wears a beige t-shirt and some navy chinos with smart shoes and yet he outclasses your full rick.

I'm personally on the fence about this, but i'm thinking of throwing away and rebuilding my entire closet for basically a core i coined caled PseudoNormieCore. You dress like in classic gq magazines and it's almost normie tier but... it's normal for a reason. Slim fitting jeans and a long sleeve button say more about yourself then fucking yeezy boots and nasa spacewear.

>> No.12970461

>he didn't already take this pill years ago

>> No.12970471

Thats a pretty cool lookin hoodie tho. I could pull it off.

>> No.12970472
File: 99 KB, 605x464, Yotsubato!AWholeLotOfExtra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow OP, I'm impressed by your intelligent once again.

>> No.12970477

I fucking hate the look of that whatever grainy texture and this guy would look good in anything zip up hoodies are bum clothing you are delusional from too many hours at the computer /thread

>> No.12970482

Literally the zip up hoodie is 3% relevant to the whole post idk why you focused on the zip up hoodie so much, i wasn't talking about the zip up hoodie but moreso what the zip up hoodie represent - being normal yet functional clothing.

>> No.12970502

>look at this chef, he's literally earning money with high end cuisine
>but he gets pasta for lunch
>high end cuisine isn't worth it, because professionals get tired of it eventually

No. Spending your money on overpriced garments is not stupid, stupid. In addition, Chico is the father of two, that of course comes with a different set of priorities.

>> No.12970512

>normal yet functional
yet ugly

>wear clothes even though they are ugly

>> No.12971140

he actually looks like a fucking dweeb though and that fit is literally making him look like a teenager and depreciating his value

>> No.12971147

sorry, looks like a teenager who doesn't even dress himself like his mummy buys his clothes for him and orders him to wear them and he does so

>> No.12971338

That outfit probably cost 2 to 3k.

>> No.12971352

this is s retarded post. fashion is a tool. u use it how you want. if your job was literally to wear all nice clothes every day then u would probably just want to wear leisure wear I your off time also. it's just natural. the way you are framing it is like >everyone should wear lounge wear all the time because a model does it on his if time
clearly a silly inaccurate euphemism

>> No.12971460
File: 78 KB, 650x960, 1449461739285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dress cool and casual and you can't go wrong

>> No.12971496

not op but i really like people who can not care and do what they want but also not insult op for being different opinion :3

>> No.12971516

I honestly don't see the issue. If he wants to wear a hoodie, then he should wear a fucking hoodie. He doesn't need to be decked out everyday.
Based on what you're saying in your post, it sounds like you're young. When you get older and start making money, you'll realize you want to spend your money on other things. Instead of buying only rick owns, you start to spend your money on things you would actually wear everyday or for certain occasions. Why would he wear designer clothes everyday when a lot of it isn't practical? If I don't have to dress up, I just wear jeans, a sweatshirt or a hoodie and some cps or crepe soled chelsea boots because that's what I feel comfortable wearing on a day to day. If I have to dress up, I wear a suit or business casual. This is how you develop personal style and not give a shit about how other people dress.

>> No.12971522
File: 74 KB, 684x920, 1512396974490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lachowski is goodlooking but the most overrated model of all time, he lack of dimorphism and sharpest features, his profile is shit and he look kinda feminine

Is he didn't have the male model status, everybody here would say he is average, if he appear in instagram or internet random pics he wouldn't become famous like Jeremy Meeks do with a mugshot, or like David Gandy with some pictures or Brad Pitt who become synonymous of goodlooking. Meeks, Pitt and Gandy don't need the status to be considered 9+/10 while Lachowski need it

Pic related

>> No.12971523

>spews this shit
>then claims he wears cps

You were so right then fell from grace

>> No.12971526

You do realize you are on a discussion board? It's shallow when you take a certain thing as hobby and you reduce it to pleb tier

>> No.12971529

It's investing, just because I have one pair doesn't mean everything I have is $400. I saved up and bought them because they're aren't a lot of sneakers I like. Plus, I can wear them to work and are good for everyday because of its clean silhouette.

>> No.12972685

I don't know, seems like you were pretty cucked and you're starting to wake up. Note how you didn't even discuss what was good or bad about the fit, just implied that it was perceived as bad for some vague reason.

>> No.12972695

A grey zip up , white t shirt and jeans would make headlines of a cringe thread retard wtf are you on about. I'm perceiving it's bad because i know it's bad yet chico is doing it. Where does that leave us? If our gods are not playing dress up as we are then why the fuck are we playing dressing up. Someone mentioned he's a father now etc and i guess youth plays a big role in being able to dress up/down.

Fashion is a religion, chico is our god = why aren't we following his footsteps and dressing like normies. Nobody takes you seriously with your cuffed wool pants and your fucking varsity 1998 jacket

>> No.12972709

Why is it bad? Because people on /fa/ say it's bad? Again, you're simply stating "I/the group believe it's bad." Who is worshiping this guy? You? Again, you sound like a cuck. Form your own opinions and articulate them properly.

>> No.12972742

If the goal of your casual outfits is to be "taken seriously," you are not just dressing like a normie - you are a normie.

>> No.12972755

Helps that he has 9.5/10 face and body, and that the fit actually fits.

>> No.12972803

honestly leave /fa/ or lurk more. you don't understand fashion. you just copy what other ppl say and take that as the final solution.

>> No.12972816

Highest sought after model tells me that he’s a guy who has the looks for broad market appeal. That means not too good looking, but not bad looking either.

He’s a marketing tool, anon. He wears shit that most people would wear because that’s part of his job.

>> No.12973221

Um ya we know

>> No.12973225

The shoes are where this whole thing matters.

Show me whats on his feet and tell me it isnt hundreds of dollars worth of quality.

>> No.12973227 [DELETED] 

>in Illios Lighthouse entrance on our side of spawn
>Reinhardt enters on the opposing door
>ults and misses me but I fall down stunned anyway
>he has time to walk all the way across spawn and charge me into the door before I get up

Why in THE FUCK is this allowed?

>> No.12973305

This looks like a regular ass dude

>> No.12973442

that's the beauty
do you really because it seems that all this board does is play dress up. when will dressing up in *present* style be acceptable to you retards? why must you always dress futuristic or retro, why completely ignore the now? (the now being plain basics)
possibly true, which again is part of the beauty of this normiecore. you can subtly flex immensely.
again probably true, which is the beauty of it
off topic but this is definetly true. inherintly what would make you stand out, or what would make your mugshot viral? well a wacky hairstyle, a defining/irregular feature (gandy nose), retarded tattoos (meeks), even something as simple as colored eyes maybe. chico has surpassed the "Traditional handsome" which is a plague itself, with the macho suit and the slick hair.
bad because bad idiot.
>killing people is bad
>hurr durr ur just saying that because you work for the police

>> No.12973480

>do you really because it seems that all this board does is play dress up. when will dressing up in *present* style be acceptable to you retards? why must you always dress futuristic or retro, why completely ignore the now? (the now being plain basics)
I dont represent the edge lords that dress in full rick m8

>> No.12973489

then i tip my genuine leather fedora to you

>> No.12973510

>bad because bad idiot.
Not an argument.

>> No.12973512

but i gave you a police analogy :(

>> No.12973513

More like this?

>> No.12973518
File: 41 KB, 560x493, 85FEBDD4-0682-4EED-89D0-799500F97426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand not being knowledgeable or interested in fashion, but why should I ever knowingly dress worse?

Nobody will compliment a hoodie and jeans, but people will compliment a fit with some effort put into it.

>> No.12973634

Dude shops at Target and drives a 30-40k car. Doesn't seem like someone who blows money on expensive clothing

>> No.12973639
File: 117 KB, 634x791, 42AC19A800000578-4731110-image-a-36_1501057770861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go one step further and embrace Jordan Barrett mode. Wear comfy lounge wear shit with stains

>> No.12974105

you're a dumbass the now is not plain basics plain basics are plain basics the now is whatever you want it to be that's the how you know you're only halfway there you realize that you were trying to be different for the wrong reasons now you want to try to be normal for the wrong reasons then you will realize there is no try only doing you.

>> No.12974128

This fit costs like 1000usd and the shoes are extremely fucking rare

>> No.12974141

>calls consumerism "investing"
you sound like a faggot

>> No.12975292

this is what I wore every day while attending college in nyc in 2009 literally every day

>> No.12975321

Lmao you guys are full of shit. It doesn't matter how he dresses he will always be better than you

>> No.12975325

The more attractive you are, the more you can get away with. You'd look like a slob in the exact same outfit Lachowski aces.

>> No.12975521
File: 167 KB, 1600x1068, pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Likely bait but Lachowski always has and always will be great in commercial-tier shit because he has a beautifully proportioned face but frankly he's about as memorable as a pickle and I would not consider winning the gene lottery as a sign of class or being fashionable. Anyone without a face blessed by our lord and saviour jesus christ like lachowski is going look more like a character out of Silicon Valley lmao.
Pic of most beautiful male model of all time, Peter Bruder. He also dresses like shit. Do not emulate.

>> No.12975589

This. Anons, the truth is that even if you spend a thousand dollars on your fit, there's going to be some guy like in op's pic fucking your oneitis wearing aeropostale and american eagle and not your full rick lunar goth core piece of shit fit

>> No.12975602


>> No.12975608

Say zip up hoodie again

>> No.12975689

Textbook case of a handsome man who would look good on a potato sack. Hence why he is a model

>> No.12975734

fashion doesn't matter to attractive people you know

>> No.12975738
File: 443 KB, 1362x1350, fullsizeoutput_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just go to any given thrift shop, holy shit dude

>> No.12975748

attractive people look good in pretty much anything.
also think of why people that are into high fashion put so much effort into it. is it to impress others or is it more personal? is it to attract possible sex partners? do those people they seek to attract even give a shit about their designer shit? most likely no unless they're also into similar fashion trends. a lot of people into more underground fashion trends feel a need to stand out and probably have a screw or two loose.
don't let fashion define you. most people can do fine with just wearing basics. basic clothes don't make you a basic person. having no personality other than what you wear and trying too hard to portray a certain personality or lifestlye is lame.

>> No.12975767

he also looks good in everyting becausehe has a nice body while 90% of posters here are skellies that look like coat hangers or skynnifat dudes that are maybe even worse

>> No.12976448

>Pic of most beautiful male model
>Not Gandy
Fuck off mate

>> No.12976478

go full insanecore and wear high end shit that you've worn so much it's destroyed. buy supreme bogo shit and then sew nascar logos over the branding, wear a hat with a swastika on it. puke on your shoes then wear them to work.

>> No.12976768
File: 28 KB, 398x482, c1c63a11d424610b857187f54380b76d--david-gandy-young-david-james-gandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That model look like a 6/10, and everybody around him would think he suck dicks 24/7

>most beautiful male model
That guy isnt even close

Young Gandy > Old Gandy > Chico > Ballou > Opry > Barrett
Pic is young Gandy, nobody in this world look better than him

>> No.12976771

I don't normally chase after fashions, as I'm quite comfortable with sticking to my developed style, or similar alternatives, from time to time. Yet, I've started dressing better after I lost weight my first year of college. I decided that I wanted to live healthily during my college years, and dressing well became a part of that. The image I usually aim for projecting is smart casual to informal, which worked well for my settings in college, and still does post-graduation this year. It has increased my confidence and my productivity.

>> No.12976774

where am i on the list anon :3

>> No.12976795

I just pick stuff I like. Never had an Instagram and never read any fashion news. My whole garderobe are just easy to mix together pieces I liked
from various collections mixed with basic items. Style haven't changed since 4 years and now being 26 I just stick to my style and add items I like that work with it to a warderobe. Minimal, but I like it. All I wear is:
>N. Hoolywood
>Raf Simons
>Our Legacy

>> No.12976797 [DELETED] 

he's wearing a basic 21st century young mans style, he'd look edgyier in full rick style.

>> No.12976809
File: 1.38 MB, 352x240, download (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's wearing a basic 21st century young mans style, he'd look nice n edgy in a full rick style.

>> No.12976861

You can wear anything you want if you are handsome though imo, some ppl on this board take things too far and seriously.
You can have the most effay clothes on yourself, but if you are socially retarded and have a shitty body it really wont matter

for someone who wants to have a good life his priorities should be : Social skills>/fit/>/fa/

>> No.12976911
