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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 24 KB, 610x202, body-fat-percentage-men-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12967382 No.12967382 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most attractive male bodyfat percentage?
What's the most attractive BMI for a male who doesn't lift?

What BMI do male models usually have?

>> No.12967387
File: 163 KB, 900x1215, ce874d190abe3bc0e4236cd03fcdb61c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12967398
File: 27 KB, 566x230, body-fat-chart-for-men.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another relevantvpic.

Also, according to this

“A male model should generally weigh between 120 and 170 pounds and be 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 2 inches in height“

Which would make for an average BMI of about 19.9

>> No.12967425

Oh cool I'm within Parameters

>> No.12967446

>What's the most attractive male bodyfat percentage?
>What's the most attractive BMI for a male who doesn't lift?
>What bmi do male models usually have
Someone like Gandy, probably like low 20's, but some of the SLP models are in the 15-17 range, and its very trendy ATM for male models to be underweight and skeleton looking, mirroring the female models.

>> No.12967472
File: 12 KB, 307x228, 1506905093081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12967487

I weigh 119 lol

>> No.12967489

10-12 with 23-24 bmi is perf
both fit and fa are delusional

>> No.12967525

Where do you take the BMI numbers from?
>inb4 they're mine

>> No.12967590

ur no man LOL

>> No.12967609

how the fuck do you lower body fat percentage

i've tried eating very little (~1.2k calories a day) but i also don't do much physical activity apart from walking around and lifting a bit 3 days a week

im 5'10 and 120lbs and im still kinda flabby. it's all diet right? i eat seldom but poorly. i dont care about getting buff, just leaner.

>> No.12967616

10% is probably ideal, but hard to maintain.
If you're really athletic you can be low teens and eat whatever you want though. At least under 30 y/o.

>> No.12967620

Don't eat much and do a lot of cardio exercise
t. 8.5% body fat

>> No.12967640

Diet. Keep protein a high part of your caloric intake and especially get rid of sugar. And do sprinting intervals rather than endurance cardio, like swimming or 800m sprints, stair climbs, etc. Do these longer than 20 minutes. Or play a sport which are naturally HIT and naturally last longer than 20 minutes. skateboarding, mountain biking, basketball, something like that which lasts a long time but has periods of intensity. Wear sunscreen or you'll look haggard in 20 years.

>> No.12967652

Sounds like you don't get enough proteins. Gotta get a lot of proteins when you lose weight, otherwise you'll lose a lot of muscle mass too, and that's why you still look flabby even after losing weight, you gotta keep dat mussel. Look at /fit/'s sticky thread, the fourth or so post tells you how much protein you need to get at what deficit, 1.5 g per pund bw at -500 deficit iirc

Or you can do it like me and do Lyle McDonald's Rapid Fat Loss diet, cause I'm an impatient guy
Only for you if you csn handle living only off of tuna egg whotes and chicken breast though

>> No.12967659

Oh, and you could also take illegal drugs of course, like DNP, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, Yohimbine HCL, take your pick. DNP is best though, if you're not an idiot it has pretty much no sides afaik, and it's fastest. You could also cook yourself alive and die, but again, only if you're an idiot
The rest of them are bad for your heart

EC Stack's another option, which may or may not be legal where you live

>> No.12967667

You can leave out the sports part entirely if you just wanna lose bodyfat

>> No.12967670

Meant >>12967640

>> No.12967723

Bro do you need a sandwich or something?

>> No.12967731

Cardio and overall exercise running,pull ups,squats,push ups I don't do crunches and I still have and its not just eat less but eat higher protein foods if you just eat less your muscle mass will linger away

>> No.12967801

itt people dont know how to exercise or lose weight properly

>> No.12967840

There was only one guy who didn't know, and he got help so now he probably knows too

>> No.12968107
File: 53 KB, 772x434, daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9% ascended ottermode.

>t. 10 years of /fit/