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File: 117 KB, 498x594, 1493469614216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12965251 No.12965251 [Reply] [Original]

Anon... is that a bald spot I see there? Are you sure it isn't? If you are so sure, then why don't you go and check it in the mirror real close?

>> No.12965330

>entire family of full head of blonde hair, white people
>no signs of balding by 22


>> No.12965340

Literally nothing then, 25+ is what you should be worrying about

>> No.12965392

Something like 40% of guys start noticeably thinning in/by their 30's, but thinning usually begins before then.
Just don't be one of the suckers that doesn't do anything about it.
Also Korea and Japan are probably within single digit years of a permanent fix.

>> No.12965576

>Also Korea and Japan are probably within single digit years of a permanent fix.
How long have they been saying that though

>> No.12965596

Well, the recent research in Japan is just coming out of 5 year safety trials and the Korean thing has pretty much one of the most famous scientists in the related fields at the head of it (The korean discovery was very recent so i don't know much about it)

>> No.12965605

In the mean time, you should be in fin to keep as much hair as possible while a cure is found.

>> No.12965607

Hope they hurry up and that a normal human bean can afford it. Doing Fin for almost a year now. Stopped using minox because it gave me weird spots around the eyes even though there was no way for it to even get to the eyes, read about that from multiple people though.

>> No.12965628

I think it might be possible for minox to transfer to other parts of your body through your bloodstream, no idea though because I never really looked into minox since the idea of rubbing shit in my hair everyday didn't appeal to me.
Also minox is really only a bandaid, doesn't actually do anything when it comes to keeping your hair long term.

>> No.12965659

Oh and in terms of affordability, I have no idea but I doubt they'd make it insanely expensive because then they'd be missing out on a lot of people that would definitely get it.

>> No.12967074

minoxidil gets into your bloodstream and spreads around your body. it also damages collagen synthesis in the body which is why it ages some people.

>> No.12967082

Minox really seems like a lot more hassle than it's worth

>> No.12967099

I shed a lot but have noticed no thinning or receding. No reason to worry, no?

>> No.12967103

Yeah it made me look like shit. I mostly recovered I guess. I just heard while it's worthless by itself, it is helpful if you are already using fin. Not sure if it did anything. I did get really tiny hairs at the temples but they were colorless and just kinda there, not noticable unless you paid really close attention.
Also my eyebrows got thicker lel. That was unintentional but not really unwelcomed. It stayed that way even a year after dropping minox.

>> No.12967108
File: 305 KB, 1600x1200, 20171205_030852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I fucked?

>> No.12967125


Might as well end it all
To be honest it just looks like you parted your hair unevenly

>> No.12967144

i was on it for 4 months and it made me look awful. sunken in cheeks and wrinkles it made hair grow on my shoulders and made my head hair fall out alot. i recovered after stopping but the shoulder hair stayed and now i wax it off. i felt like i was being slowly poisoned while taking it. now i just take a generic finastride which for me works fine by itself. thinking of adding dutasteride twice a week.

>> No.12967159

Thought Dut would only be a 2nd but less recommended option if Fin doesn't work for some reason

>> No.12967302

inb4 another 30 pictures of people's hair partings

>> No.12967341

Duta is more expensive generally and mostly more of an unknown, so although it does have higher hair counts people generally go with fina first.
>thinking of adding dutasteride twice a week.
Why do you want to randomly add in 2 doses of duta per week? If you take duta any fina you take will technically be wasted because it wont reduce DHT more than duta will.

>> No.12967343
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Receeding hairline pretty badly.


Been to a doctor but she wasn't there and the substitute wouldn't perscribe me fin.

Called the office a bunch of times and they don't know when she will be back. Losing my fucking mind over this lads.

Gonna go again on friday but that's another 2 days. I'm too weak to live.

>> No.12967345

Pics of hairline and crown?
Also I don't know what country you live in but in the UK it's really easy to get an online prescription.

>> No.12967353

I live in an unnamed socialist shithole where it's apparently okay for doctors to take vacation for an unspecified amount of time and where they don't perscribe you meds you ask for if they don't feel like it.

The camera is horrible but you can make out a couple of whispy hairs of where my hairline used to be on the left.

I'm only 22 as well.

I hope I
1. get the fucking pills on friday
2. dont go full on aggressive balding
3. have no retarded side effects (mostly placebo so I'm chill)
4. have regrowth

Then I can finally sleep soundly. But seriously I feel so anxious about this I feel like I need therapy.

Also did nizoral today which made my hair and scalp dry as fuck.

>> No.12967354
File: 118 KB, 907x436, fuck life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic xd

and fuck life

>> No.12967357

How far are these pics apart time wise?

>> No.12967358
File: 95 KB, 477x556, IMG_0155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just took them. There's two because I showed both of the forehead.

The vertex looking to be thinning as well. Horrible picture but you get the idea.

Noticed I'm balding a month ago.

>> No.12967360
File: 91 KB, 497x600, 1152757526_CT6qp-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every man in my family on both sides has some receding at the temples but is never totally bald. I have that receding now snd its stressing me out. What if i'm the one? Also I have curly hair so it looks like shit most of the time. Kind of like pic related.

>> No.12967362

*both sides of the forehead

Someone please tell me I'm gonna make it. ;_;

>> No.12967365


I thought you'd notice that bald spot in the middle area on both pics if they were taken at the same time.
Vertex looks pretty normal to me. Just because you started balding at the front it doesn't mean it has to start on top too. It's probably because you never looked at it that closely before.

I would not expect a miracle if you take fin, you can consider it a success if your hair stops falling out. Regrowth should be seen as a nice bonus extra when it happens.

>> No.12967370

I know.

60% of people experience regrowth (please baby jesus) and for 10% of people it doesn't even work (god forbid).

I don't think you can even get dutasteride in my cuntry.

>> No.12967377

Especially in the temples area it is rare for hair to grow back. Maybe also because it already starts before people ever care about hair loss and then they notice it someday when the hair is irredeemably ded. Or the hair loss there is just too aggressive, no idea.

>> No.12967393
File: 1.23 MB, 3088x2320, 39888938-6DED-4342-8173-7F7891CACBB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I’ve been noticing I’m losing like 20-40 hairs in the shower. Sometimes more depending how much I run my hands through my hair. I haven’t noticed this before but all these fucking bald threads are making me paranoid. I feel like I’m noticing hair loss now. Also have dandruff that won’t go away. Going to a derm tomorrow though so I’m sure he’ll have answers.

>> No.12967401

Get dandruff shampoo and stop stressing. You have thick hair and you could just have a maturing hairline depending on your age.

>> No.12967408

I’m turning 21 and I’ve tried many different dandruff shampoos from t/sal to nizoral. They helped for like a month then it just came right back

>> No.12967410

Tbh I’m just waiting for viable transplants. I’m not gonna sit around half bald taking estrogen pills and dht blockers. DHT blockers can be found in healthy food and if it gets bad enough I’ll just shave and wait for good surgery reviews.

>> No.12967411


hair transplants suck

only fin will save you

>> No.12967412

Get a scalp massager and be gentle but thorough when cleaning your hair. A fern might help, but it’s not guarantee. Your hairline looks great tho so dont fret yet

>> No.12967413
File: 211 KB, 315x418, hair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stuck in some sort of hair limbo. My hairline has receded to NW2 and thinned overall quite a bit. What makes things worse is that my hair is dark brown and pin straight (like asian hair) so you can easily see my scalp in bright lighting. However, my dad has the same hairtype. He's in his late 50s and doesn't have bald spots, just pretty thin overall like me. Im not sure if I should try growing my hair out or keep buzzing it. Pic related is very close to my hair, except Im at NW2 lol.


>> No.12967462


You can't rely on your dad as an indicator.

>> No.12967529

Fucking idiot.
No legitimate transplant surgeon will do a transplant without you being on fin and having been on it for at least a year.
You don't take estrogen pills either, and there isn't a single food that would do shit for MPB. You need actual chemical inhibitors.

Crown and hairline don't look bad. Could just be maturation but go to a derm to check if you'r e concerned.

That 10% is for people with really aggressive MPB. The regrowth happens for people that have it not all that bad, i.e. those who are slowly thinning throughout their 20's/30's (it's into the later half of 30's usually that the hairloss becomes "noticable").

People's hair tends to thin and hairline recede as a part of maturation. Lots of paranoid 18 year olds get spooked when they see their hair maturing. Unless you see more notable recession or your crown becomes thinner (hard to tell on asian hair I know) then it's probably ok.

>> No.12967733

it's not maturing I'm 100% sure I'm balding.

>> No.12967874

Then start taking finasteride ASAP

>> No.12967894

On Fin for 2 and a half years, ever since I noticed it started

I buzz my hair anyway cause I have a bald spot at the back of my head that I'm really insecure about, can't even sit in front of anyone without worrying they'll notice it - unless my hair's buzzed

I'm hoping that with Finasteride and an eventual transplant (especially for my bald spot, idc as much about a huge forehead as about a hole on the back of my head), I'll be able to keep an at least okayish head of hair for the rest of my life

I'd be okay with hair like (from most to least prefered)
Tom Hanks
Calum Best
Conrad Veidt
Ben Crompton
Who are (were) all also balding

>> No.12967901

>hair transplants suck
They used to suck, now they're pretty good

If the doc knows what he's doing, anyway

>> No.12967903

How bad is the spot? Do you have pics?

>> No.12967910

Yeah, hang on

>> No.12967917

So you only noticed it when it was already a hole? The finasteride didn't do anything?

>> No.12967921

I have naturally thin hair so I can never tell if I'm balding or it's just how my hair is

Either way it sucks when I stand under the right lighting and I can see my scalp

>> No.12967922

That's what I'm wondering, the fin would've stopped it in its tracks so i wonder how he managed to let it get to an irreversible hole before starting

>> No.12967930

Anyone have any experience with nizoral?

Used it the first time this morning and my hair has been completely fucking dry all day with no signs of changing. It changes the way my haircut looks.

I don't think I'll ever use it again.

Before that I would never use a shampoo and would only wash my hair once or twice a week.

>> No.12967936

>I can never tell if I'm balding
The hairs at your temple will seem weaker/wispier
You could try comparing the density with the side of your head as well (back of head is no good)

>> No.12967942

Sounds like your hair isn't used to the stripping effects of shampoo.
I recommend using a conditioner after the nizoral to moisturise it.

>> No.12967960

I also think my hairloss has worsened after it.

The way I would gauge it is I would go to my bed and lightly scratch my scalp and brush my hair with my fingers for 30 seconds. After that I would always notice about 10 hairs on the bed covers. Also if I pinch some strands of hair on the top of my hair and pull I would see a hair come out about 20% of the time.

Is this any productive? I'm a total fucking hypochondriac and I feel like I'm just freaking myself out maybe.

I don't brush my hair to remove and dead hairs though.

This shit is too stressful man.

>> No.12967969

Nizoral isn't making you go bald, no.
If you really want to be improving hairloss you need to start fin though.

>> No.12967978

I was talking about hair loss in general though too.

I'm paranoid I'm gonna start shedding massive amounts of hair any moment now or maybe I already am.

>> No.12967985

22 and receding a bit but it looks fine. Fit blonde and white with good beard and brow genes so I'm not worried at all

I look fine with a buzzcut so when I reach that point it's np. Then if I ever need to shave my head hopefully I'll be bigger by then and can pull it off. We'll see lads

>> No.12967998
File: 408 KB, 1800x1009, bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, a fucking bald spot montage, although the filename could also stand for bullshit, which is what this is

Top left is oldest, bottom right is newest

>> No.12968006

I suppose I just never looked at the back of head, or figured it was just a cowlick

Although I should probably be pissed at the people around me for never pointing it out to me before

>> No.12968008

you're not buzzed in any of these

>> No.12968017

Bottom right was right before I started buzzing

>> No.12968027

Try minox. Shouldn't be too hard to cover up that bald spot.

Buzzing is a waste.

>> No.12968045
File: 102 KB, 620x711, bs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is buzzed

Minox is expensive and nasty, and I don't think it works for me, cause I've been putting it on my face for over half a year to grow a beard, but don't see any difference (despite the fact that there was vellus hair there from the start - if it worked, that should've grown thicker, darker by now at least)

>> No.12968051

Lol. Looks like totally normal hair whorl. Even if you wouldn't go bald most men will have some thinning in there eventually

>> No.12968251

Hahaha that's not an bald spot you fucking idiot. No wonder the fin did shit and nobody pointed it out.
Legit normal looking whorl. You've been buzzing this whole time for no reason.

>> No.12968349

lol paranoid faggot. These threads are hilarious.

>> No.12968434

Yes it is you dumb fuck. Fin works, but that bald spot was already there when I started, so it'll stay there
I just didn't notice it in time

>> No.12968440

FYI Trump uses fin too

>> No.12968482

hair cloning is insanely expensive by nature, at least until the technology for it becomes trivial.

>> No.12968518

It's not. And definitely not noticeable normally.
Have you ever even looked at other guys crowns? Fucking BDD man.

>> No.12968538

Also it'd be pretty fucking weird for someone to bald from the side of their vertex like that

>> No.12968545

>anon's buying expensive clothing to compensate for his receding hairline

Fuck you, Abby.

>> No.12968932

Any guy with that much of a significant amount of hair into his 70s is on fin and probably has had transplants as well.

>> No.12968947

His doc said he just takes fin and nothing else. I believe it because there are some spots trump obviously tires to cover up pretty desperately. No one would even have cared if he didn't do that.

>> No.12968948

His hair is probably cut and styled in a way that covers everything up.

>> No.12968951

I reckon he's had some hair moved around but I'm not 100%.
I think the "cover up" parts are just normal partings that look stressed because he has thin hair on account of him being 900 years old. That said, he probably still has thinner patches that he's compensating for.

>> No.12968959

Then again, maybe not.
I actually don't think he's that vain about his hair. If he was he probably wouldn't make it look so ridiculous. I think his style is something that he just gradually evolved with as his hair changed while he aged.

>> No.12968961

Question is it normal to lose the hair on the sides of your head?

>> No.12968966

Not any significant amount past normal shedding, no.
MPB is progressive, (usually) quite slow, and happens in a certain pattern.

>> No.12968979

It's within the regular hair loss pattern to lose a bit on the side, yes. These corners, no idea what the name for that is. Losing a bit there can happen, happened to me too. It's how I first noticed my balding.

>> No.12968988
File: 594 KB, 1599x2046, 7432CAD1-1DA1-4FEC-B6BE-038180BD57E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I wear over ear headphones too much :’)

>> No.12968996

ok that is not a normal spot, could be from the headphones if you literally slept with them for years or something

>> No.12969094
File: 45 KB, 600x300, 4574578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only 19 but its starting to give everywhere. Remember me

>> No.12969151

>literally used to sleep with them on every night for years

>> No.12969534

Fin's only been around for 20 years, Trump was 50 already then, meaning he probably would've lost a huge amount of hair already before he ever got the chance to get on Fin

>> No.12969623

Headphones don't cause hairloss lol.
That's inline with that old wives tale about hats. They can press down hair in an area and make it look thinner, that's it.

>> No.12969628
File: 14 KB, 249x225, 1510583519849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least you baldfags are not cut.


>> No.12969682

its been two years since i first tried fin. 0.25mg my dick stopped working the same night. its never been the same. i now use viagra 100mg

>> No.12969708


>> No.12969714

I only did as much as touch a fin pill and my dick fell off.

>> No.12969721

its serisouly been almost two years now and my erections arnt the same anymore. full naked asian girl ready to fuck and i cant even get hard.

i know fin cant affect the body that fast but how can a placebo affect last 2 years? my mental health is fine and my gp thinks my expectations are too high.

thinking of starting a more sustained period on fin. 2weekss to a month. thoughts?

>> No.12969724

i used to fuck 2-3 times in one session, now my erections are 40% strength at best. i remember it took awhile just for my sex drive and thoughts to return. libido

>> No.12969727


>my mental health is fine
It absolutely is not
If your power of self delusion is strong enough to kick in after taking fin one time then I am not surprised it lasts for years

0.25 is literally nothing and taking it once might as well not even have happened, it takes weeks if not longer of constant daily use for effects like that to kick in, should it happen at all. Which is rare. Piss off m80.

>> No.12969730

thinking of taking a new fin cycle for a sustained period. i might aswel right since its not working the way it used too. can i get an educated response.

not to mention my hairline is receding as fuck, just using minox every now and then but i really think its pointless without fin.

>> No.12969733

piss off? my erections are slightly better but certainly NOT the same after taking fin EVEN ONE TIME. how the fuc can a placebo effect last two years? my mental health is fine faggot.

>> No.12969736

as everybody said, it's literally impossible taking finasteride once did that to your body, especially the same night you took it since it doesn't work on your hormones that fast.

my guess is it was a nocebo effect at the moment, which eventually blended in with your unfortunate genetic destiny of having ED issues, which it's something you probably have not considered. A shitload of men have it, regardless of any drugs or lifestyle they have.

>> No.12969737


You should never have taken Fin, not because it actually has the effect you stated (not like that and not that fast) but because you were hella afraid of its side effects. The mind is a powerful thing. Especially when it comes to side effects that have an impact on a man's ability to get it up, most of the time that side effect kicks in because the man is so afraid of it happening that he can no longer get it up just because he is so worried about that.
A lot of people have been tested, the group of people that knew about that side effect had a high percentage of limpdicks.
The group of people that were left in the dark about that side effect didn't have problems.

And yeah it's also possible that you always had problems with your erections and kinda want to blame it on something that can't defend itself.

>> No.12969739

What I have noticed after a year of fin that I have days where I feel zero urge to fap and then after a few days I literally can't stop fapping.
But I could fap on the other days too if I wanted to.

>> No.12969744

You are honestly fucking stupid.
Not just about the 1 pill of fin taking your dick away, but why in the fuck would you take fin for just 2 weeks to a month. You have to take it for as long as you want to stop yourself balding, and you won't see any difference for at least 4 months, if not longer.
Honestly fucking hell mate.

>> No.12969746

You don't "cycle" fin fuckface, I remember you from another thread.
Did you do any proper research on this or are you just too thick to retain information.

>> No.12969790

why the fuck do you niggers always wana argue?? you stupid cunt obviously i know fin is longterm. id cycle it to see if it effects my libido again. u fucking moron retarderd internet troll dog. get a rope cunt

>> No.12969798

Is 23 a good age to start on finasteride? I have very little (barely noticable) hairloss on my temples and the top-back of my head.

>> No.12969809

Well then don't take it for "2 weeks to a month", take it or don't, see if your libido is affected during your time doing it. (it's incredibly unlikely to be)

>> No.12969814

If you think you have hairloss then there's no reason not to start fin because you're 23. People can start losing hair at just about any age.

>> No.12969823

ahaha holy shit these kids in here thinking they're balding AHAHAHAHA

>> No.12969953

It can worsen your cum quality and there is no 100.0% guarantee it will recover.

>> No.12969977

That side effect is usually temporary within the first month of treatment (like most side effects) and there's no evidence that it's permanent, nor scientific reason for it to be.

>> No.12970050
File: 200 KB, 598x993, fucking fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, so I went out and faced my insecurities just to prove how much paranoid you are and how much you are fucking up your health with taking fin for no fucking reason.

Pic related is how my scalp currently looks normally styled and combed (pics 1 and 3). It's obviously thinned out and not how it supposed to be right? I noticed my temples started receding at about 22 and it got more and more noticeable since I was growing my hair out. I always had a tall forehead and it did not add anything nice into the mix of having blonde hair and a tall hairline. So I cut it short. Also notice the BALD spot (pic. 2). I've got it since birth and my hair does not grow on it. It looks and feels like burnt skin.

A year ago I got hit by life like a fucking truck and due to stress and a horrid lifestyle I started loosing my hair to the point of going practically buzz cut bald (pic 4). Picture is from this summer, since then I've started using minoxidil cause I could not handle having shitty hair.

I've been on and off minox for about 4 months now and noticed significant change in volume and reduced recession. Pic 5 and 6 is my current hair including that thinned out scalp post minox and still using it. (cont. in next post).

>> No.12970070


>See you in a year when 80% of iti s gone again lel

>> No.12970084
File: 57 KB, 518x153, balding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



To sum up most of you guys will start seeing changes in your hair and some are not even at a legal age to claim so. Pic related are guys who are about 20-22 years old. You can tell obviously that they are experiencing symptoms of MPB. The only difference being that they don't whine about it on a mongolian dumpling kneading board.

This shit happens to EVERYONE to some extent. Fuck even women start loosing hair due to lifestyle changes, age, stress, genetics and other factors.

Of course it does not mean you should panic since many medications are being constantly discussed and even if their effectiveness is doubted to show any results it does not mean that your life will end because you're going bald.

Yes, it fucks with your psyche, yes you feel horrible when you see yourself in the mirror. Accept change, move on just like you approach fashion trends or whatever comes and goes. People age and some age sooner and some later. Being paranoid or obsessed with yourself just proves how mundane your daily life is because if you do shit you don't have time to obsess about your insecurities.

>> No.12970101

Never claimed denial my dude. When it's gone I'll be sure to post here instead of fear mongering poor kids

>> No.12970105

k, I'll still continue to successfully take fin

>> No.12970108

>It's obviously thinned out and not how it supposed to be right?
I don't know, I don't know what your hair has looked like at all different points in your life, though. You might have always had similar hair. It doesn't look especially (i.e. balding tier) thin, though.
That said, some thinning and hairline recession is common and even expected with maturation somewhere from the start of puberty until 30 without actual balding which also addresses
>I noticed my temples started receding at about 22

>A year ago I got hit by life like a fucking truck and due to stress and a horrid lifestyle I started loosing my hair to the point of going practically buzz cut bald
While stress can cause hair-loss for a number of reasons, it will not cause a speed up of the progression of MPB, and it most likely will not cause permanent hair-loss (most hairloss that occurs in women is stress-related or allergy related and recovers over time).

>I've been on and off minox for about 4 months now and noticed significant change in volume and reduced recession.
Couple points about minox. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which results in it increasing hair growth in the area it is applied. This is useful when combined with finasteride in order to speed up the regrowth of hair. However - minoxidil only works as long as you continue to consistently use it. Further, minox does NOTHING to prevent the progression of MPB. It is nothing but a bandaid. The hair you're applying it to is still being affected by the hormone which results in baldness.

I agree with you here up until you tell people that they should just accept it. If you can do something about it why wouldn't you?
It's not like you have to constantly stress once you've started trying to treat yourself. So you decide to take fin. One pill in the morning added to your routine. Heck, just drop it in your vitamins.
Hair is an important part of people's identity, I think it's fair that people should try and keep it.

>> No.12970130

>taking fin for no fucking reason
Yeah, no. Hairline's receding at the front too, not to mention all the hair I used to find in the shower drain

It's particularly easy to tell I am definitely balding when my buzz cut's grown out a bit, not short enough to just be head stubble but not long enough to give the appearance of fullness

The hair on the side of my head looks really thick then (horseshoe) but at the top, thin as fuck

Not like I wouldn't want the clueless fools in this thread to be right, but they're not

>> No.12970132

the gooks have found a legit cure anyway. Most are saying 5 years away form being as widely available as fin.

>inb4 theyve been saying there will be a cure for years now

theres never been a research study like this led by one of the most respected scientists in the world

>> No.12970133

You've actually cucked yourself this hard into not being happy.
Also finding "large amounts of shed hair" isn't a sign of MPB. In fact, doctors in the UK specifically won't prescribe you fin if you describe this as a symptom, because then the hairloss is either related to something else or you're not actually losing hair and you're just paranoid because you noticed a lot of hair in the drain. MPB doesn't make you shed a load of hair, it's progressive and happens through slow miniaturization of the follicles ("slow" being relative depending on how aggressive it is).

Are you talking about RTH or the Korean one?

>> No.12970135

>This shit happens to EVERYONE to some extent
>some age sooner and some later

Richard Gere, Kurt Russell, David Lynch, Forrest Lunsway, Ron Williamson

Last one isn't even graying and he's over 80
Also that fucking Croatian kebab remover who recently kill his self

Some men won't have to worry about balding a second of their lives, that's just how it is

>> No.12970153

>finding "large amounts of shed hair" isn't a sign of MPB
Link for that

Also, you didn't address the second part of my post at all, the typical baldie horeshoe hair shape is clearly visible from the thinness on top and the thickness on the sides

Plus, my temples are clearly receding as well, the part where you usually lose your hair first

Ridiculous that you want to convince me I'm not balding, but you're wrong

>> No.12970154

I am aware of the short term effects of minox and read quite enough. I really don't wanna have my dick not working with taking fin. I might just be under placebo too. I've been quite observant of myself and my hair's become significantly better on minox than it was without. I'm glad it does not look "balding" balding but on the side note it must have really come with maturing.

>I agree with you here up until you tell people that they should just accept it.

I might have come off as a hypocrite since I'm myself using something to prevent my hair loss. I completely agree that adding a medication to prevent/delay something is a good thing to do. It's just that this acceptance comes gradually while using said methods at least that's how I see myself going through it.

It's common for actors to get treatment or transplants but I completely agree that quite some men do keep their hair until their 80-ies

I apologise for being a dick but to be honest judging by what you've posted it's really obvious to the majority that your hair is completely fine. I'm not here to convince you otherwise, just wanted to provide an example of how other people go through similar things.

>> No.12970173

I'm not trying to argue that you haven't thinned, most guys do. I'm not trying to say that the fin hasn't done anything to prevent hair loss either, since I can't really know. So I'm not saying come off fin either (honestly, if I'd known what I do know I would have been on it before I even had noticeable thinning/maturation.)
But again, some thinning and recession at the temples happens with about 95% of guys between a certain age range. In fact, up to NW2 is not considered MPB.
What i'm trying to convince you is that even with thinning you're nowhere near the buzzcut stage yet. You have completely normal looking hair in your pictures. No one would pay attention to the "thinner" bit where your whorl is/hair grows from, just as you don't pay attention to everyone else's.

>Link for that
Where's your link that it is besides scare stories from tressless or wherever? The process by which MPB occurs is very well understood, you can google it yourself.

>> No.12970176
File: 103 KB, 759x660, totally not balding or anything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, found the pic I was looking for. Tell me, what the fuck is this, if not MPB?
Now stop it you faggot.

>> No.12970180

>The process by which MPB occurs is very well understood

>> No.12970184

>It's just that this acceptance comes gradually while using said methods at least that's how I see myself going through it.
Well ok, fair enough Fin isn't going to be enough to keep a full head of hair into your 70's, there is a lot of anecdotal evidence that it loses effectiveness for some people up to various ages and they start falling below baseline (I think probably to do with increased sensitivity to DHT in the follicles). But if you can extend yourself to having a NW1/NW2 into your 40's where your would have otherwise gone into a NW3/4 I don't see why you wouldn't.

>> No.12970195

>loses effectiveness
That's the thing I'm wondering about, how Fin losing effectiveness works - because I can't imagine you just rapidly go from Norwood, say, 2, to 7 after being on Fin for a few years despite still taking it, i. e. going from slowed down hairloss abruptly back to regulatr speed hairloss

I think "stopped working" is more subjective here and you could still reap benefits from Fin after 30 years of use

>> No.12970198

Probably partially lighting since your whorl(where you were complaining about earlier) doesn't look at all the same as the rest of the picture. You need to grow your hair out properly and get a cut so that you don't have the normally thicker hair overhwelm the rest of your hair (this is why undercuts are popular).

Whatever, I'm about done with this.

>> No.12970210

I'm not convinced that it suddenly stops working exactly, but like I said I think it's totally conceivable that as follicles become weaker as you age they gradually succumb to the little amount of type 2 that fin doesn't take care of.

>> No.12970220

the newer korean one. some guy on reddit has a lot of promising inside info on the study

>> No.12970221

Are you the same dude as this? >>12967998

If yes, then you taking has just been completely validated. You indeed are balding and I take back any false claims made ITT

>> No.12970222

Do you have a good link?
I can only find abstracts with little information as to their actual methodology.

>> No.12970224

In this racket, promising means shmomising. Not that I don't want to believe you, but I'll put my bets on it'll be at LEAST another 15 years before we are where we want to be

>> No.12970228

>The process by which MPB occurs is very well understood
If that was the case we would have a cure for years already don't you think?
It's only partially understood.

>> No.12970229

>all these retarded kids posting full heads of hair asking if they're fucked

as a 24 year old who has the same hair as the wojack in OP, I am telling you that you're all fine. stop working yourselves up and go enjoy your hair.

as for me, I have shaved my head and transcended caring.

>> No.12970231

Yep, that's me.

>> No.12970232


look in the comments as well for more info. Its likely more like 5-10 yrs then 15

>> No.12970233

I don't even wanna click that link. Hope is a dangerous thing, as Red well knew, especially when it comes to balding

>I'll click it anyway tho

>> No.12970235

Sorry, you guys are right.
I meant "for the purposes of the treatments we currently have". i.e. we know what occurs and how the treatments affect that process.
Although it's possible we could have a full understanding of how it works but no (current) way of implementing a workable cure.

>> No.12970239

ofcourse everyone will be skeptical. But out of allll the studies and research so far, this one appears to me the most promising.

>> No.12970241

I agree, I'll believe it when I see it when it comes to a cure for anything, but reading about it from a curious point of view is still interesting.

>> No.12970244

Ah, I've seen this thread before.
I'll see if there's anything new there though.

>> No.12970247


I suck any chink dick for a cure to be honest

>> No.12970249

Well, if it does become a truth I guess I'll start saving now and take out a loan if I must

Fuck a fancy car or house, the only thing I ever liked about myself was my hair, and now it's leaving me

If I can get it back I'll happily pay for it

>> No.12970252

iirc the procedure they go by isn't particularly expensive... At least not outside of a research phase.

>> No.12970262
File: 216 KB, 1194x1447, DSC_1175~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end me

>> No.12970285

can you give us some source?

>> No.12970299

Here's one link, but google RCH-01 and you'll find more.
The Korean thing was also posted but you can google "korean hair loss" or something for more info on that.

>> No.12970657


>> No.12970747

That's like Nordwood 10 dude
Worst I've ever seen

>> No.12970809
File: 54 KB, 1326x1368, 1507390644441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12970817
File: 20 KB, 225x225, 1508079962419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, upvoted good sir

>> No.12970829

It's normal to lose around 100 hairs per day.
>wet hair
>brushing/disturbing it

Most will fall out in the shower, don't feel alarmed.

>> No.12970870

What the fuck is the Chad Embrace supposed to be

Don't get it lol

>> No.12970875

wtf i wasnt aware of the chad embrace... i no longer care about hair loss at all

>> No.12970880
File: 952 KB, 288x217, laughing goblins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no male in either side of my family is bald

>> No.12970896
File: 27 KB, 400x600, The-Elegant-Long-Wavy-Quiff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post what hairline you'd get if the cure for balding comes out

That includes forehead size, i. e. if you don't like fivehead don't post someone with a fivehead but a good hairline

pic related is probably what I'd get

>inb4 pics in which hairline isn't seeable

>> No.12970918
File: 11 KB, 230x328, 1479208071364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd have a Four-Head when my hair was full. Curently I only lost a tiny bit of my front hairline but the temples are visibly affected so I am developing a fivehead and it did not even take much hair loss for that. I dread the future. I hope fin brought it to a stop

>> No.12970990

>white people
Why are you saying it like it's a good thing? White people are the ones who go bald the most often.

>> No.12971173

Just embrace it like HST

>> No.12971178
File: 285 KB, 550x427, IMG_1177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.12971458

thank you my friendly neighborhood vegan

>> No.12972034

That guy'd look handsome with hair

But like this, he just looks like a pedo

>> No.12972134
File: 87 KB, 720x792, IMG_20171208_042414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 now. I think I'll be okay!

>> No.12972141
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1484316649527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12972151

Fin and minox nigga. Jump on that.

>> No.12972152

Tbqh I feel like I only started losing more hair through minox but didn't get any new ones.

>> No.12972156

21 and I'm on Finasteride, Minoxidil and had a hair transplant 2 months ago that's starting to grow out.

Only idiots let their hair fall out

>> No.12972171

Did mom and daddy pay for it?

>> No.12972176

Fin is 10€ a month if you take 1.5mg a week.

>> No.12972178

Talking about the transplant.

>> No.12972180

pics ples

>> No.12972197

Your parents paid for a transplant for you?

>> No.12972235

>hair transplant at 21
>calls others retards

You're full of shit anyway though, so it's okay

>> No.12972249

Don't know what kind of expensive shit you're buying

I take 1 mg each DAY, and it costs me only about 3 € a month

>> No.12972263

A year of minox is what put me in this situation. Worried about fin side effects. Gonna just up my cardio and nofap and get more protein and hope it works out. I don't have a problem with shaving my head if I need to but I do like having hair.

>> No.12972277

I live in Slovenia. They'll only reluctantly perscribe propecia which is 50€ per 28 1mg pills.

>> No.12972278

Get on fin idiot. None of that broscience will help you.


>> No.12972285

>A year of minox is what put me in this situation
>Gonna just up my cardio and nofap and get more protein and hope it works out.

lmfao is this a joke or something

>> No.12972319

I'm not gonna post pics. Paid for it myself, Greek surgeon from an award winning clinic. Cost me $3k, I don't see why that's so hard to believe you faggots.

Why the hell would I lie about this? I know how much it sucks having your hair fall out. My temples have receded to hell but no density loss or anything in the back, you're only an idiot if you get a hair transplant and you have diffuse thinning all over.

>> No.12972367

how does it seem right now? Afaik the results are usually underwhelming until 6 months in or so

also I believe the guy was calling you a retard because 21 is kinda soon for a HT. The receding is hard to stabilize at that age, especially since many doctors are hesitant to prescribe finasteride when you're that young.

>> No.12972384

That only adds more confusion as opposed to clearing it up, meds are supposed to be cheaper in slavic shitholes

That explains it though. Serves you right for buying an overpriced brand-name product with exactly the same shit in it

>> No.12972385

I know what he meant, I was trying to say it has stabilized and it's probably not going further (based on me having the exact same hairline and hairloss pattern as my dad who's 50). Temples moved far back but that's about it.

I'm pretty overwhelmed at how much has grown out at only two months. It's still thin, and of course not every graft has grown out yet but if i buzzed it I think it would look quite normal. I have a haircut/hairline very similar to Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, so the length difference obviously makes it look a bit retarded atm. I wear hats when I go outside though.

>> No.12972388

>Why the hell would I lie about this?
Cause people do these kinds of things on the Internet

And because no reputable hair transplant doctor would do a HT on someone so young
If you did it anyway, you're just dumb, you should get to at least NW 4 or so before considering a transplant, so you have some idea how your hair loss develops

>> No.12972410

It actually sort of pisses me off that people on here are so autistic that they assume other people are autistic enough to lie about something that doesn't benefit them in any way.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>no reputable hair transplant doctor would do a HT on someone so young

Why the fuck wouldn't they? They face the exact same risk with a 35-year old. It's about how it's developed and how it has stabilized. I've been on finasteride 2 years without any changes in my hairline.

And fuck you for spreading false information about something you obviously don't know anything about. If someone my age is bothered my their hairline they should definitely look into getting a transplant, it could change your life.

>> No.12972471

Nah senpai, you're a retard

Like I said, at that age how your hair loss will develop. If you're unlikely your hair will awkwardly recede past the point of where the hairs were transplanted, I've seen it happen. You'll have to get more hair transplants to fix that shit then

It was your decision to be a dumbass, but everyone else, please do some proper research and most importantly, wait till you're not essentially still a kid. Peace.

>> No.12972487

If he has the money for more transplants then it's fine, but also since he's on fin (which everyone who gets a transplant should be) his hairloss should have effectively stopped.

>> No.12972489

>A year of minox is what put me in this situation.
No... the minox didn't cause your hairline to recede...

>Gonna just up my cardio and nofap and get more protein and hope it works out

>> No.12972542

I have no choice you dumb cunt. Fin is regulated here.

>> No.12972614

Move country?

>> No.12973591

>His doc said he just takes fin and nothing else

why do people keep repeating this nonsense?

ONE tabloid had A doctor say "he believes that donald trump uses finasteride", which is probably true because most men get prostate problems past age 50, and finasteride is actually a prostate medication. And everyone started memeing this

No doctor is retarded enough to break client-paitent confidentiality, esepcially not for someone with the legal resources of donald trump lmao. He'd instantly lose his medical license, all credibility and his entire reputation, as well as opening him up to massive lawsuits

>> No.12973594

well they should if they gave you cuck genetics lmao

baldlets shouldnt be allowed to breed period

>> No.12974246


Baldlets would be people with hair. Hairlets are bald. Brainlet.

>> No.12974282

Hair is your last problem, fix your skin.

>> No.12974359

>Pay 50 bucks for fin
>Do blood test to see how well my body copes with it
>All is fine
>Next time I expect that I have to pay 50 bucks again
>It's free, not a private prescription
Is that even normal or is my doc just insane

>> No.12974363

Well where are you even from?
Also how much fin are you paying 50 "bucks" for?

>> No.12974388


It's 5mg pills, 50 of them.
And I divide them by 4 so I live quite a while off one prescription. The only reason why I wanted 5mg was that it is overall cheaper (if you divide them) than 1mg but I guess now that became pointless, if they continue to be free. At least I don't have to go back to my doc as often.

>> No.12974397

Oh that's pretty cheap.
And interesting. Although, it could be that your doc can only put 5mg through your national health system because they're also used to treat prostate problems.

>> No.12974405

Was ist deine Krankenkasse?
Auch Deutschland, aber ich krieg die nicht für lau

>> No.12974608
File: 700 KB, 2000x1000, Dr Brett Bolton hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can do the same in italy, but all the doctors I've seen won't prescribe the proscar (the 5mg one) through health system because I'm obviously not a old man with prostate problems and it would be unethical and illegal for them to do so.

>tfw caressing the idea of getting HT for filling out temples but scared to death by shit like pic related

apparently the surgeon that made it consider that a successful transplant. That hairline is fucking awful and I see a lot of those in google search for HT

>> No.12974701

>grey hair in eyebrows

>> No.12974723

Apparently the Turkish are the best at it, although I haven't really looked into it.
I recommend looking for recommended surgeon and doing research on them.
Perhaps ask over at tressless or that spexhair guy what his opinion is.