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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.42 MB, 1188x792, HEwGFvW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12961053 No.12961053 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12961054
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>> No.12961059
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>> No.12961062
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>> No.12961064

>That guy on the left
Longing, rusted, furnace, daybreak, seventeen, benign, nine, homecoming, one, freight car.

>> No.12961067
File: 1.68 MB, 1599x1066, cHxJolh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12961070

>praying hands looking down pose in 2017

>> No.12961071
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>> No.12961075

The guy in the middle looks like he used to be into Mens Wear then discovered techwear and thinks he's rediscovered his youth

>> No.12961076
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>> No.12961079


These guys can spend money on “techwear” but not on contacts?

>> No.12961102


>> No.12961124

W2C coat on left?

>> No.12961150

Wait those are the fucking toe shoes on the third guy LMAO

>> No.12961157

genuinely thought they were all holding hands in the thumbnail

>> No.12961163

I like the pants and the boots on the one on the right, id on those?

>> No.12961168
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actually dying rn

>> No.12961171
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boots look like doc martins, I would like to know w2c those pants too actually

>> No.12961172

I've always hated this epic edgy slouch shit. Looks gay as fuck. Nothing beats good posture.

>> No.12961177

Fuck the pants and shoes desu, w2c the coat

>> No.12961265

I don't know why jonah hangs out with these guys. His techwear fits are honestly so bad in comparison to pretty much anything else he wears.
The rest of these guys look like idiots, especially the chokeslam god person. He does nothing but circlejerk on discord but acts pretentious as fuck on insta.
Imagine seeing these dumb windbreaker people taking pictures of one another in public.

>> No.12961287

imagine not posting a fit when talking shit

>> No.12961290

holy fuck you guys look bad, I feel like left looks good in reality but he wants to cosplay the Winter Soldier lmaaao

>> No.12961294

left shouldn't wear a facemask, comes off insecure immediately, second is decent, third needs to ditch the glasses makes him look like he works for buzzfeed, fourth just looks like a cold latino that goes to your uni

>> No.12961298

he needs them for when he doesn't go outside lmao

>> No.12961300

>I need to put myself out there to be judged when other people do it
neck yourself, if you're gonna post expect criticism at its worst

>> No.12961306

american vintage cabello lake trousers

>> No.12961314

If you're in the discord why don't you criticise them there so they can actually see your opinion?

>> No.12961321

Daily reminder techwear is not for white people but for asian manlets

>> No.12961322

Honestly I never understood the purpose of tech wear
It always looks really bland and uninteresting
Always dark colors, tight pants, oversized jacket, and usually some form of face covering
Honestly these guys don't look that different from any normal pedestrian walking down the street (except for the masks)
It's like why put so much effort just to look like you don't even care about your appearance.
honestly if your going to be into fashion try to do something unique
I'm not telling you dress like some sjw tard but try to look a little unique
all these guys look so uninterested and bland
I would never go for a drink with any of them.

>> No.12961326

some people like the look of glasses.

>> No.12961402

Which anime is this?

>> No.12961433

That entire discord is trash, not even only from a fit standpoint but the circlejerk, constant reassurance only broken up by the occasional "what makes this fit techwear to you?" and people pretending to wear something different from what they post in their WAYWTs in the fit challenges is god damn retarded

>> No.12961481


>> No.12961502
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having a discussion about things you like in a discord server dedicated to said subject is considered circlejerk

>> No.12961510


you all look like giant foreskin men

>> No.12961549

If every single discussion consists of the same ten people agreeing on everything and congratulating each other for liking the same things, then yes, that's a circlejerk.

Say what you want about the sorry state of this fashion subforum on a Vietnamese rice paper drawings board, but atleast people aren't afraid to disagree with or criticize one another.

>> No.12961572

Are these people dutch or on a vacation?

>> No.12961583

Imagine being so butthurt that you constantly browse reddit to take pictures of people's fits and post them on 4chan where the same morons can circle jerk about how they're bad over and over again.

>> No.12961611

The purpose of techwear? Where to even begin.
>Tapered fit means comfortable without looking like the wrong size
>Quality material ensures protection against the elements
>Lots of pockets means decent storage without having to carry around a man purse
>Style often promotes mobility and freedom of movement
>Mute or monochromatic colors fits in perfectly with the winter season and urban areas

>> No.12961624

Are you having a fucking stroke?

This thread is cancer. Let people have fun with their hobby you samefagging autist.

>> No.12961719

this is a whole lot better than that boston meetup though

>> No.12962062

been active in the discord for over a year and it goes through waves. sometimes the conversation is a circle jerk and fits arent met with thoughtful critique but as of now its been on the rise both in terms of discussion and in terms of giving feedback. its rare that a fit has been posted and met with nothing more than unequivocal praise. even if its great people will give suggestions.

>> No.12962065

>>Lots of pockets means decent storage without having to carry around a man purse
why the fuck everyone carrying one tho

>> No.12962081

100x better than the last one. Good shit

>> No.12962084
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based dutchposter

>> No.12962095
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>> No.12962105

dit om eerlijk te zijn

>> No.12962198

>>12961102 double kek

>>12961177 it's an adidas lab84 fishing jacket, check ebay.

>>12961290 why cosplay when I *am* him

>>12961163 hey btw >>12961171 is correct and thanks >>12961306 for getting that right, too.

>>12961481 >>12962084 >>12962105 mhhhh /fa/ Nedermeet wanneer? uwu owo ouo

>> No.12962203

Sure is getting /int/ in here.
But there was already an Amsterdam meetup 2/3 years ago. Around the time someone screamed pepe at a Hillary convention.
Week of 18 december?

>> No.12962208

There's an exhibition about masks at Wereldmuseum Rotterdam curated by Walter Van Beirendonck

>> No.12962215
File: 1.80 MB, 1333x2000, fit_02-12-17_meetup_greaternetherlands_smol_together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check my belly

>>12962198 it's not untrue when you say my techwear fits are subpar to my usual flow of outfits. It's also not a style of clothing I invest equal amounts of time/energy/money into compared to my usual style. However, I have been a part of the community for quite some time learning about the elements of techwear which work for me, living in a country in which it rains so much.

I could go on.

>> No.12962242
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>> No.12962269

hey I met him IRL, what a swell guy.

>> No.12962288

i hate techwear so fucking much its so cancer if you re actually into this trash you should legit kill yourself

>> No.12962307

I don't know why errolson hangs out with nike. His acg fits are honestly so bad in comparison to pretty much anything else he produces.
The rest of these guys look like idiots, especially the jennifer bin person. She does nothing but circlejerk on sufu but acts pretentious as fuck on insta.
Imagine seeing these dumb windbreaker people taking pictures of one another in public.

>> No.12962321
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>> No.12962359


>> No.12962361

the peak of functional clothing. amazing that it actually fucking works in that fit

>> No.12962363

worthwhile post my friend

>> No.12962369

Not bad.

>> No.12962444

theyve recently made some really smart changes, most of the shitposters have left and a couple of older posters have come back so discourse is a bit better, i mostly think the reason its so hugboxy is to entice people into being more active, people don't go on discord to shit and be shit on, thats not how you build a community. besides if thats what you want you already have fa. however i do agree that it definitely feels like people are afraid to speak up sometimes esp. regarding the fits of certain posters

>> No.12962550

don't really get it
does it meant to look like hobo from the future?
shit polo shirt in awful colour with embroidered logo is what comes to my mind when i hear techwear

>> No.12962734

de koopgoot lmao

>> No.12962739
File: 17 KB, 542x540, 1501257608396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAHAAHAHAHAH als ik jullie tegenkwam zou ik jullie in je gezicht uitlachen hahahahahahah

>> No.12962744

There are good techwear fits out there, and none of them are in this photo.

>> No.12963130

I didn't post that

>> No.12963132

Love u jonah

>> No.12963208

cringe. anything that tries to be cyber isn't cyber. just a bunch of kids wearing pricey LARP clothing

>> No.12963523

i think the guy in the cap looks pretty good desu

>> No.12963831


>> No.12965353

up up up

>> No.12965391

cap guy and far right bro look pretty great

>> No.12965399

it's like real life akatsuki guys