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12954672 No.12954672 [Reply] [Original]

So /fa/ what pills are you on?

>> No.12954677

are those m365s?

>> No.12954678

Just got a couple weeks run of zopiclone, hopefully it'll give me the space to sort out my circadian rhythm :)

>> No.12954684


pills are not /fa/. They are here in the modern world to make you docile and submissive to the lizard people. It makes you simple minded and stuck on a single ideology. Take mushrooms and maybe youl become woke and open up to the universe pleb.

>> No.12954687

you're a moron

>> No.12954700

20mg of Adderall on days when I either need the concentration and creativity, need a pick-up during a depressive phase, or when I know I'll be fucking my girlfriend for a good portion of the day

I'm prescribed to take it daily but using it multiple days in a row builds up a tolerance to the cheery jitters and anti-depressive effect that I like from it so much. I'd rather not keep upping the dosage to maintain that feeling and getting hooked, so I just save it for when I need it instead.

>> No.12955027

Micro-dosing LSD on an as needed basis.

>> No.12955033

What's that like? I've only tripped once and just had a normal 100ug tab. One of the most beautiful days of my life.

>> No.12955059

adderall for math and programming

just kidding i like how it feels

>> No.12955244

modafinil and a caffeine pill

>> No.12956279


how much does the caffeine pill help?

>> No.12956282

Biotin, zinc, Saw palmetto

All for hair growth

>> No.12956300

Used to be on tramadol post-surgery but didn't have a lot and couldn't be arsed to lie to my doctor about my pain for more. Feels bad.
Thinking about buying biotin and some other supplements for hair though.

>> No.12956334

I do daily 5mg Dexedrine XR, except for the weekends. There's no reason to up the dose unless you want to fuck yourself in the long term.

>> No.12956336

co-senna, rixadone and paracetamol x2?

hardcore, dude...

>> No.12956337

Anti psychotics

>> No.12956340

abilify, pregabalin, flurazepam, and sometimes lorazepam

>> No.12956341

Aripiprazole is the name

>> No.12956342
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i steal xanax and endone from the pharmacy i work at, usually only a pill or two at a time. slowly becoming a full blown addict though

very comfy downward spiral

>> No.12956345

How does it work for you? What can you recommend

>> No.12956349

Clozapine and Venlafaxine
I also have other meds but I don't really take them

>> No.12956350

Just the red pill

>> No.12956352

vitamin d and zinc

>> No.12956353

I was told that Abilify gives you energy
It just made me sleep 16 hours a day

>> No.12956355

Benzo addiction is he'll and the WD can last years

>> No.12956356

>implying ill ever stop

>> No.12956358

Well have fun taking 200mg of Xanax every few hours

>> No.12956366

will do my man

>> No.12956565

Self medicating with Xanax for insomnia. Tried Ambien but it doesn't do shit for me.

>> No.12956576

mushrooms can come in the form of pills as well

>> No.12956585

just be careful mate Xanax withdrawals are worse than heroin

>> No.12956590

vaping weed works best for insomnia for me. Makes me drowsy but not anxious or paranoid like when i smoke it

>> No.12956717

Is your problem falling asleep or staying asleep?

>> No.12956724
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Vargpills, 2twice daily


>> No.12956738

Modafinil doesn't do shit for me except make my piss smell sulfuric. Do you guys have it prescribed or just buy it online? What do you use it for?

>> No.12956754


>> No.12956780

The moda increases the caffien's potency by a lot. so I just micro dose it when i need an extra boost. too much causes my heart rate to go through the roof
moda motivated me to get shit done. it also lets me function with 7-8 hours sleep which I normally can't do
I buy it online

>> No.12956797

I'm on estrogen pills teehee :3
Look at all these cute boiz~

>> No.12956848

etizolam and drinking coffee having cigarettes all day. nice combo

>> No.12956850

most /fa pills imo are stimulants (adderall, vyvanse) and benzos (xanax, klonopin, etizolam). Opiates too but rather have the first 2 at my disposal

>> No.12957020

finasteride nigga ESKEETIIIT

>> No.12957081

fish oil and curcumin supplements

>> No.12957082

you can get it online from Indian websites, you can get a discount if you buy with bitcoin. some websites offer a taster pack of all the pills they offer, like 10 each of all 4, that might help. also when/how you take it will affect how it works. I use it when I'm studying.

>> No.12957084

abilify and prozac

>> No.12958047

I'm gonna be growing some shrooms over my christmas break

>> No.12958059
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>caffeine pills
>when you could just sip instead

>> No.12958083

bros is silkroadonlinepharmacy safe?

>> No.12958084

Trazodone, abilify and wellbutrin

>> No.12958160

>>12954672 (OP)
chuck's brand sneedium
formally feedium

>> No.12958165

why is this magic card a meme?

>> No.12958459

opiates, only opiates.

>> No.12958507

tramadol is the patricians choice, literally a wonder drug (and I get it $0.50 a tablet :^) )

>> No.12958624
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cyproterone, progynova, progesterone and sertralin

>> No.12958831


>> No.12958848

Weed puts me to sleep like 80% of times, but the 20% when it just doesn't is so annoying, so I can't rely on it as a sleeping aid. The fact that it's illegal here and I have no way of choosing strains is likely a contributing factor.
It used to be just falling asleep, but lately it's both.

>> No.12958853

>it also lets me function with 7-8 hours sleep which I normally can't do
wat, that's like the normal, recommended amount of sleep.

>> No.12958863

>wonder drug
Good luck with that!

>> No.12959031
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tramadol and xanax

>> No.12959065

I take 1 or 2 concerta that i copped the other day along with multi vitamin supplements

>> No.12959093


>> No.12959097

That sounds neat, is it a complex process?

>> No.12959162

my weed dealer gave me 2 valium for free last night for being a good costumer. so I'm about to take them, hell fucking yeah

>> No.12959168

just biotin.

what's zinc for ?

>> No.12959598

200mg sertraline

it tastes like hell. not sure if it's even doing anything anymore

is emotional blunting /fa/?

>> No.12959612

Roxy 30s, 1mg Lorazepam Tablets, 3x20mg Vyvanse, and an eyeballed dose of etizolam powder. Everyone who says tramadol is good is a liar.

>> No.12959812

Nothing I'm not an autistic normie, and would rather be a functional person than a heroin addict by 35

>> No.12959819

vitamin d 1000 i.u.

>> No.12959839

based vitamin d dose

>> No.12959938

Med student calling in, you’re a fucking spastic if you’re taking any kinda non-prescribed pills

>> No.12959959

>med student
>look at me i just memorize information

>> No.12959964

>implying prescriptions arnt tossed out like candy and it makes a difference

>> No.12960319

>take 2mg alprazolam once a day for 2 years
>initially get prescription by finessing doc, anxiety is actually minimal
>now addicted to xanax and have developed severe anxiety

>> No.12960519

You don't need to be a medical student to go on erowid

>> No.12960524

I know. I guess I have a sleeping problem

>> No.12960532
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omega 3

vitamin c

>> No.12960568

welbutrin/bupropion 300mg

I don't find it helps with my depression at all but it supresses my appetite and helps me fall asleep easier so I don't want to stop taking it
BUT, the Doc said I can't drink while I'm on this pill but I do occasionally and have noticed a lower tolerance for alcohol, much much worse hangovers, and increased heart rate when I drink. The only time I ever socialize is while drinking, and can barely stand to be around people otherwise. Not sure if the benefits outweigh the costs in this case

>> No.12960574

so you're dependent on a drug you take all the time and you're trying to rationalize reasons as to why you have control over your urges.

>> No.12960595
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>and creativity
uh sweetheart that's not creativity it's an inability to critically judge your own work.

Also amphetamine salts don't just prevent the re-uptake of dopamine IN the synapse, but also AFTER it has flooded the synaptic cleft. And since dopamine is extremely reactive and oxidative, once it leaves your synaptic cleft it fries your synapses permanently.

Methylphenidate (ritalin) does not have this effect, and the only other compound that could come close to the same damaging effects would be recreational doses of cocaine (but these kill the neurons from over-activity since coke doesn't prevent post-synaptic re-uptake).

Big pharma defends this by saying that sure people with ADHD get their dopamine receptors fried, but the increased stimulus causes more neuron genesis in other areas than the total brain matter lost from frying, so it's okay. It's about as laughable an argument as when the tobacco lobbies said sure babies get smaller, but who would want to birth a large baby anyway. In most countries, amphetamine salts are a last line treatment only for severe ADHD because of this. Also, for most people 20mgs IR is enough to get you pretty fucking high with 0 tolerance and an alkaline stomach. The 'therapeutic' effects for someone like that would be a MED of 5mgs. If you're taking 20mgs sporadically, you're doing it recreationally. But do enjoy the five hour obsessive jack off sessions mate.

>> No.12960789

>so you're dependent
>you take all the time
>and you're trying to rationalize
>why you have control over your urges.

Wow, that was a bad reply you just made

>> No.12960814

Any sides?

>> No.12960848


>> No.12961089

-Lam -Pam.

>> No.12961304

you are a depressed trap amiright

>> No.12961331

Adderall ir? Which generic?

>> No.12961344

They're just medical devices retards abuse

>> No.12961348

Yikes, why? Do you have some chronic knee problem?

Also me, Roaccutane

>> No.12961353

none, i've been off pills since peep od'd

>> No.12961356


Basically I'm a schizophrenic with really really bad digestive issues

>> No.12961358

Lil peeps ghost Is that u?

>> No.12961361

Peep sucks

>> No.12961379

I got both in my room right now and couldn't care less about taking them lol. been there for months.

>> No.12961404

Hydromorph Contin 24mg x4 daily
Clonzapepam 8mgdaily
Oxycodone 20mg ir as needed
alprazolam 1mg as needed
amphet 30mg ir every morning and afternoon

>> No.12961432

Jesus 60mg Adderall ir is a fuck ton

>> No.12961619

Anti allergy pills and multivitamins, good shit

>> No.12961737

Everyday I take wellbutrin 300mg XL and vit c, vit d, fish oil, and magnesium.
But I'm a polysubstance user and am rarely completely sober. Like today, I'll be on Green Maeng Da Kratom (very underrated legal drug) all day. Yesterday I took valium and smoked weed.
Buying adderall later today so tomorrow and wednesday will be adderall days
So basically I rotate drugs I'm using. from klonopin to kratom to adderall to etizolam to valium (in no particular order) with a good amount of weed used at nights. and of course coffee and cigis

>> No.12961787
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>> No.12961809

whats the soy count like per gummie?

>> No.12962425

tranny/major depression anxiety

>> No.12962428


>> No.12962600


a lot of B vitamins to mitigate the nerve damage caused by chemo. my finger tips are no longer as numb as they were a few months ago.

>> No.12963103

bupropion, methylphenidate, spironolactone
Bitter bitter bitter

>> No.12963218

8mg Clonazepam* for why?

>> No.12963323

If you have MPB the only proven to work pills are finasteride and dutasteride.

>> No.12963693

Ritalin sucks.

>> No.12963712

I'm on 300mg Effexor XR, 5mg Abilify, and 3mg risperidone.

Major depressive disorder with psychotic features. Abilify is supposed to help with the low libido.

>> No.12963714

i crush it up and snort it

>> No.12963716

1500 mg of keppra for seizures and a caffeine pill every now and then

>> No.12963796

Isn't that literally worse in terms of bioavailability vs oral

>> No.12963919

sounds like hitlers drug regimen

>> No.12964354

today took adderall xr 30mg and will take some klonopin in the afternoon before i give a research presentation. hell yeah i LOVE adderall, like a life cheat code

>> No.12964380

The Ideal Aryan man & the jealous Semitic rat people.

>> No.12964383

Tramadol help my shoulder & upper neck problems

>> No.12964485


>> No.12964506

the most /fa/ combination, prozac, spiro, progesterone, estradiol.