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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 63 KB, 1082x1443, rick-owens-neutral-geobasket-sneakers-product-1-6937198-114431977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12950088 No.12950088 [Reply] [Original]

best rick owens sneaker? not saying its pic related but always wanted to get a pair, doesn't have to be the geobasket either.

>> No.12950278
File: 46 KB, 660x880, milkramones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk is the superior colorway while ramones look less like a fucking meme

>> No.12950286
File: 50 KB, 340x281, Screen+Shot+2017-11-30+at+12.58.02+AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also nice meme

>> No.12950332

Does he still make waxed canvas Ramones or was that for one season only?

>> No.12950334

Crust dunks from 09

>> No.12950348

Milk Geos are beauts. Perhaps a little too plain for me though. They would look very nice real beat with midsole yellowing. I personally just the classic black and white Geos.

>> No.12951012
File: 71 KB, 1200x630, rick-owens-black-black-patchwork-calf_hair-island-dunk-sneakers-product-3-12161752-960475537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's not even close

>> No.12951069

Post a non full Rick fit that pulls them off.

>> No.12951131
File: 39 KB, 500x489, tumblr_owxxkaiN4x1svkn3wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my grails

>> No.12951142
File: 58 KB, 1200x1200, art43049b_1_20151201124650_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impossible to find, seen one pair on resale sites in last 3 years or something

>> No.12951193
File: 838 KB, 721x942, urm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12952495

lol dont try to justify your bad purchases just coz you bought Rick shoes 90% off in sale:)

>> No.12952694

woah i havent seen these yet. theyre real nice but the 'logo' bothers me a wee bit because im thinking of those lame vans with the lightning bolt. I hope rick continues to plager-rick-ise popular footwear.

>> No.12952719
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, 16908269_779778948840776_1337119608116609024_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are actually super old, hard to find and pretty worn and expensive when you do. his geotrashers are his newer old skool take from last season I think

>> No.12953066

OG Crust Dunks and SS14 Gum Soled Geos.

>> No.12953096
File: 124 KB, 800x800, Dunks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Thinking about copping

>> No.12953113
File: 101 KB, 1200x1200, art58172b_1_20170103093651_65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thinking mans choice

Geothrashers and Mastosneaks would be more respected if they weren't priced by fucking toddlers

>> No.12953114

Great but it's impossible to find a pair without the soles beat to shit and replaced.

>> No.12953124
File: 38 KB, 960x576, adidas-rick-owens-fall-winter-2015-collection-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12953212

bold choice
what are these even called? i've only ever seen them posted as "Rick Owens Shoe"

>> No.12953215

Trick question, 99% of them are shit

>> No.12953222

Bring back /ROG/

>> No.12953225

Baby's first fashion designer. Easy for bugmen idiots to spend money and quickly achieve "the look" so they can pat their self on the back thinking they have taste and jerk their Rick friends off too.

When will you learn fa?

>> No.12953226

Nice buzzwords dude

>> No.12953233

Thank you I'm glad you read all that maybe it will burrow into your dumb brain and plant a seed. Probably not

>> No.12953243

They are called vicious dunks, arguably the worst rick shoe.

>> No.12953270

despite your tone, i agree to an extent. i like a lot of what rick does, but i do tend to think of him as being a really solid entry point into that general aesthetic more than anything else. he's pumped out enough stuff that's easy for normies to get to balance out the more weird and striking pieces, and also is one of the few designers who could be considered avant garde who has made pieces that can earn you clout points among people who don't actively care about fashion
def wouldn't call him "baby's first fashion designer," but as far as dark fashion goes, he's pretty accessible.

>> No.12953295

You know where you are, post a fit

>> No.12953298

Not him, but that's not an argument.

>> No.12953316
File: 51 KB, 1000x667, img-0034-6-1000x667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good one imho

>> No.12953364

clarks meme boots

>> No.12953465

Only Rick sneaker I really like and bought is the Geothrasher. I think it’s a nice, almost perfect take on a skate-inspired sneaker. Pretty simple for Rick, but also special.
There’s others I find nice, but I would never buy them because they lack something special, aren’t quite my cup of tea or don’t fit into my wardrobe.
Interesting opinion
I think Rick is indeed overhyped on /fa/. Just going full Rick doesn’t make you effay, imho.
Out of curiosity, what designers do you like and buy? Because your post sounds a bit „I shop at H&M and get spiteful if I see someone wearing designer“.

>> No.12953756

This retards still fuckin with rick XD!

>> No.12953765

look at what you've done

>> No.12953935

>Because your post sounds a bit „I shop at H&M and get spiteful if I see someone wearing designer“.

m8 pretty much everyone on /fa/ is a broke teenager or college student who wears black vans and basic uniqlo shit just save your breath.

>> No.12953940

>vicious dunks
>worst rick shoe

you've clearly seen few of what ricks made lmao

>> No.12954746

Would these fit tts or should I size down?

>> No.12955126
File: 293 KB, 953x1440, DRKS-MZ9_V5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thinking man's shoe
can we convert this thread to rick owens general

>> No.12955136


I shop uniqlo u, wtaps, undercover, yohji

>> No.12955138

Anyone have any clue as to how the sizing is on these?
centaur core when

>> No.12955875
File: 124 KB, 1026x755, mastodons1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally his best and very underrated

>> No.12955924

This board still falls from the Rick Owen meme? Pathetic.

>> No.12955944


>> No.12956001

I like the shoe but can not see anyone pulling these off but a skinny Asian girl in a beanie and glasses.

>> No.12956003

Classic Rick, a very cool novel design. I would never wear them but they are nice.

>> No.12956051

It is seriously beyond me why anybody would pay out the ass for any of these shoes. Some of them look pretty cool, some of them I think look fucking stupid, but I cannot see how any of them can possibly justify the price tag, even secondhand.

I guess I just don't understand designer shit. But I'm not sure it's really worth understanding, when somebody with a developed understanding of fashion can literally just buy Uniqlo and Zara-tier shit, supplemented with some thrifted stuff and maybe one or two high-end but not designer purchases, and look better than somebody literally going full Rick. I'm not saying that person is me, but it COULD be, and it could be any of you too, it's not like some superhuman ability that only 1% of the population can acquire. And isn't that why any of us are on this board, to admire cool fits and develop our understanding of color theory, context and silhouette?

I know I'm kinda sperging out here but I'm not just talking shit, I genuinely would be interested in hearing somebody who's really into Rick Owens (or any other expensive high-profile designer) to explain this to me from their perspective.

>> No.12956101

>I genuinely would be interested in hearing somebody who's really into Rick Owens (or any other expensive high-profile designer) to explain this to me from their perspective.

High end designer is generally appealing on a few levels namely exclusivity, quality and well--design. And unless you're super rich, has the added benefit of forcing you to be a conscious consumer.

Rick Owens pieces are made in Italy in with high quality leather and fabrics. In contrast, "Uniqlo and Zara-tier shit" is mass produced with generally low quality materials and construction. Uniqlo has maintained a respectable level of relative quality for what it is--the same can unequivocally not be said for its fast fashion competitors like H&M.

Your being baffled about the price point leads me to believe you are probably a teenager or else a college student. The best way I can put it is like when you're a kid $100 dollars seems like an unimaginable sum of money. When you're a frustrated virgin sex takes on an almost mythic aura. My point: when you are an adult with a job that is not McJob designers like Rick are not really all that prohibitively expensive. I bought my own pair of twice-worn like-new Geos for 500 bucks even. 500 isn't actually really that much money. It is to a teenager, for example but not to me. Don't be stunned that some people aren't stunned by the price of Rick. Get some perspective

Let's get more philosophical. As a general rule, I do not buy cheap clothes. Cheap clothes turn you into a mindless consumer very quickly. Having the discipline and pensiveness to only buy designer means you limit impulse buys and make good choices. The agony of the decision and the gut punch when you buy are well worth it. I may spend 500 bucks on Geos but I will wear them all the time, you have a wad of Zara and just cheap enough impulse buys that you want to get rid of. Total, you probably spent at least a couple hundred on the unwanted pile. See what I'm getting at here?

>> No.12956117

>hiqh quality
>my mainline uc tee just fall apart after few wears.

>> No.12956130

umm it mainly has to do with actually taking care of your clothes. you have people wearing something almost every day, PUTTING IT IN THE DRYER among other things, then crying when it "falls apart". and no uniqlo is not any different from zara, h&m etc lets not get delusional. just like any fast fashion all three vary greatly depending on the individual item.

>Having the discipline and pensiveness to only buy designer means you limit impulse buys and make good choices.
someone hasn't heard of grailed dot com

>> No.12956134

>and look better
it's not about "looking better", you just assume everyone is in to this stuff from the exact same reasons and background as you are

>> No.12956140

Of course I have. Rick is still expensive on Grailed, relatively speaking. Far more expensive than Zara.

>> No.12956141

big if true

>> No.12956142

>I genuinely would be interested in hearing somebody who's really into Rick Owens (or any other expensive high-profile designer) to explain this to me from their perspective.
can't fin the good shit from anyone else unfortunately, when something clicks and some design suddenly makes sense to you, it's often impossible to find alternatives
buying high quality is also nice cause the clothing actually lasts and you don't need to buy new wardrobe constantly

>> No.12956149


Anecdotal evidence, weasel. Rick tees are flimsy for style purposes, and you probably didn't buy it new anyway. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't make the fact that Owens shoes for example are crafted by skilled people with quality materials any less true.

>> No.12956150

it's a website full of people who are forced to sell their used clothing to buy their next splurge or cause they made the wrong decision.

>> No.12956173

>Your being baffled about the price point leads me to believe you are probably a teenager or else a college student.
I haven't been a college student (much less a teenager) for the better part of a decade, and I don't have a McJob. I'm not offended, but you're pretty far off-base.

Maybe I wasn't clear--I didn't mean to make it sound like I personally only wear thrifted and Uniqlo-tier stuff. So no, $500 isn't an unthinkable amount of money for me. I don't think it's stupid to spend >$500 on clothes occasionally.

But if I spend that much, I'm paying for quality, not marketing and the designer's name. I own a handful of items (coats, dress clothes and boots) that cost >$500, and a larger collection that I got used but that certainly cost that much originally. I bought my first pair of good boots back when a few hundred dollars really WAS a huge amount of money for me and didn't regret it one bit, because I bought them for my first job out of college and I easily got that much value out of them (and liked the way they looked). It's even a joke in some fields that you can spot the field tech by looking for the guy wearing a stained t-shirt, blown-out jeans and $500 boots. But that's the thing, I still wear those boots today and I'll still be wearing them in 20 years. If I spend hundreds on a jacket I expect it to last about as long, if I spend >$1000 I expect to hand it down to my grandkids some day.

Rick Owens pieces may use high-quality materials but while I'll believe some of them are fairly durable, there's no way you'll convince me most of the stuff posted in this thread will last 20 years. I doubt most of it would last 5. It's not supposed to last years, it's aggressively contemporary, it'll look stupid in 5 years. Granted I've never actually owned anything by Rick Owens but my understanding is some of it is even supposed to rip and fray for that effay distressed look before it falls out of fashion.

>> No.12956180

>I doubt most of it would last 5. It's not supposed to last years, it's aggressively contemporary, it'll look stupid in 5 years
this isn't the approach of everyone, simple as that
and on the subject, rick has been doing his anti fashion thing for good 20 years now, it's not supposed to be 'trendy' and falling out of fashion is not probably big concern when being 'in' and 'hip' was never the point

>> No.12956189

I know I've already wall of texted you so feel free to ignore this if you don't want to read me geeking about fast fashion:

Just to be clear, given all I just wrote, I'm obviously not encouraging people to go out and by a bunch of Zara clothes that will fall apart after 10 washes. I was just making a point that it's possible to look good while spending very little. I do want to make the point that it's actually possible to buy fast fashion that will last, even from Inditex companies with notoriously poor construction, but you gotta do a lot of homework beforehand: find out what garments they produce that simply will not last, and which ones will provided you shop carefully.

For instance, while I don't actually own anything by Zara right now, I do have a jacket from Pull&Bear, which is also an Inditex-owned company. Their shirts are trash. They come apart like tissue paper. But they make a couple jackets that are reasonably well-constructed - they often have defects, but they're defects you can check for before buying them. With their denim jackets, for instance, the weak points are the buttons, which often aren't attached properly and sometimes are actually physically coming apart in the store. But you can check for that, and if you do a trucker jacket from P&B can actually last a while. For that reason buying from their online store is idiotic, though.

>> No.12956193

If you tell me that this stuff really does look timeless to you I'll shut up and accept it. Obviously it's not to my tastes and I don't get it. But I am still not buying that the majority of his pieces would last more than a couple of years of heavy wear.

>> No.12956199

I never said anything like that, hell I don't think 'timeless' really means anything in the context of fashion. If the sorta trad menswear is what you feel is your thing and where you are coming at, I think 'classic' is more appropriate term.
> I am still not buying that the majority of his pieces would last more than a couple of years of heavy wear
I don't know what's majority really but the materials he uses are actually top notch, everything is custom made to suit his needs and the man himself is very involved in the process of developing and experimenting with new fabrics. Of course you could point to some things made of cotton jersey and such and say that it's not going to last you forever but then that really goes for cotton jersey products of any kind.
And his leather products especially, it's what he originally became famous for after all, are very high end, if you can find leather boots or jacket of his, even if the rest of what he produces isn't to your liking, that you enjoy, it would not be bad purchase with the those standards you mentioned.

>> No.12956216

>Uniqlo U, wtaps, undercover
You spend money on that shit and call Rick „baby‘s first fashion designer“?
You best b trolling son
Yohji is nice as fuck tho
Uniqlo U is not even that good on a design level. People just buy it because they think it’s cheap Lemaire.
Wtaps and undercover are mostly pure high street-give me your money-garbage
Do you honestly think that way? Because you’re probably not into fashion or just getting started if you do.
I don’t buy designer shit because „hurr I‘m so unique I can spend more money than u“. That’s for those popped-collar Louis V suckers or people wearing shitty high street brands.
I don’t buy designer because of „muh quality“. Of course the quality is gonna be way better than mall tier shit, but most of the time it isn’t even that apparent. And there’s better quality for a lower price if you’re that much about price/quality ratio.

I buy designer because of THE DESIGN.
I’m taking GATs as an example: you can buy those clowny looking army surplus GATs or those unrefined looking Adidas ones. On the first glance, shit looks the same as MM GATs. But when looking closer, you’ll see that the MM ones are very different. The silhouette is more refined. The grey suede is a way more beautiful type of grey. Lines and stitching are way more detailed and thought out.
And that’s what it is. The specific design and the attention to detail.
Everyone has to decide for themselves what those details are worth to them.

Of course you can get something similar for a cheaper price but will you be as happy buying 10 sweatshirts by some half shitty brand that copies high fashion a year later and doesn’t even do it right as you will be with one thought out, designed from scratch sweater with a unique, never seen before print and/or cut by a designer? Gotta decide that for yourself.
Designer houses have been MAKING fashion forever, opposed to altering and copying it.

>> No.12956221

>I’m taking GATs as an example
bad fucking example the MMMs are literally replicas, that's the entire point of the REPLICA line
or was this very subtle bait

>> No.12956243

Are you not getting my point you idiot?
It doesn’t matter if MM „replicated“ a 70‘ indoor army shoe.
What matters is that they made something special out of that. Not like that revenge x storm shit or anything like it. Something that isn’t just the same. Something that has a completely new silhouette. Something that is, although not in a immediately apparent way, -designed-.
They didn’t just take that shoe and were all like „yeah let’s copy that one“. People who have been doing this for decades sat there with their drawing boards and altered it to their specifications. Thus creating, basically, a new item.
The difference is they actually know what they are doing. They (designers) have been dictating fashion forever. They are on this shit on a deeper level.
Have you never seen an item and were like „Whoa. That shit looks amazing. It looks special. But I can’t exactly pinpoint why...“?
Yeah, that’s that shit I’m talking about. Details and speciality in a certain field of design.
If you don’t care about that, you don’t care about fashion at all.
You can dress well without those details. But then you just care about dressing well, not really about the creation, creativity and appeal of real fashion.

>> No.12956251

>What matters is that they made something special out of that.
but they literally didn't and that was never the point
>Every season since 1994, Maison Martin Margiela has introduced a capsule collection within its men’s and women’s lines, including around thirty pieces of garments and accessories, called ‘Replica’.” “These are existing garments, accessories and other articles that Maison Martin Margiela… prefers that they remain exactly as they were found.
I don't deny they are high quality, again, the point of replica line but it kinda sounds like you are trying to justify buying MMM gats by going through all these mental gymnastics about some subtle silhouette change

>> No.12956256

>They didn’t just take that shoe and were all like „yeah let’s copy that one“
m8 that's the entire premise of the replica line

>> No.12956270

>...prefers that they remain exactly as they were found.
Well it seems like they fucked that part up then. They are fucking obviously not „as they were found“.
I know that’s the point of the replica line but they don’t really stick to that it seems.
>..sounds like you are trying to justify buying MMM gats..
I honestly don’t try to justify anything I buy. Justifying fashion items is pretty pointless. Either you like stuff or you don’t.
But yeah taking GATs as exaple was a stupid shit move. Sorry guys should’ve known better.

>> No.12956276

>Well it seems like they fucked that part up then. They are fucking obviously not „as they were found“.
>I know that’s the point of the replica line but they don’t really stick to that it seems.