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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 201 KB, 1024x640, american-flag33581-1024x640[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12946011 No.12946011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i think yes.what you think fellow non-American anons?

>> No.12946017

non American opinions don't count.

>> No.12946042

Non American here. I think americans and their opinions should be banned from the internet.

>> No.12946043

No, not at all.

Brits and Parisians are peak effay.

>> No.12946051

They aren't

>> No.12946234

make internet great again
build the internet wall

>> No.12947220

Yes, but actually liking America is not /fa/, just live in the big cities and hate the country

>> No.12947254
File: 805 KB, 2560x1600, 1508053767132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot. American Nationalism is not only /fa/ but it's the future on America. Soon we'll through out our weak two party "Democracy" and instill a new one party authoritarian utopia.

>> No.12947256
File: 60 KB, 693x663, 1511239495150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that typo just ruined me

>> No.12947262

Man, people sure are bastardizing the word effay. Quick tip; it doesn’t mean cool or good. It just means that it pertains to /fa/ and its board culture.

Also America is the best country in the world. 4chan is an American website. If non-whites, err I mean non-Americans, want to rid of American opinions they can form their own website or leave somewhere else. After all, non Americans have memed /fa/ to a laughing stock with the Brisbane meet.

>> No.12947343

Americans are so pathetic

>> No.12947351
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1210, 1491764088077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declining half racist shithole half spree shooter autist-stan

lol no

>> No.12947370

lol America creates Internet and lets 3rd wolrd shit tier waste of human cum nations use it to complain about America.

>fucking world needs some spanking again

>> No.12947447
File: 630 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171128-215424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12947798

Dear European whites. And I specify "whites," because, whatever you say about le 56%, you're on the same path, except you're disarmed. You have no recourse. Do you really think you're getting your women un-raped, or your country un-Islamized, by dogpiling on other whites who are being subjected to the same thing that's making your people into a Smithsonian exhibit 20 years from now? There's a reason the 56% thing exists, and it's the same reason your countries are turning into rape-a-paloozas, why London has a Muslim mayor, why Germany's chancellor keeps letting in thousands of jihadis, etc. You think you're somehow winning with this? You fucking dolts, you're all equally as fucked as any of us, and instead of weeding out the root cause, you turn on your OWN. My fiancee was right when she said not all whites deserve to live. You're WORSE than race traitors and coalburners, you know the TRUTH and use it to do what? Wage bizarro pissing contests to see who's the most cucked? Laugh at one another while your entire race across the world slides into oblivion? Good job, you're really "redpilled," except you're too chickenshit to organize and rise up as a people to preserve yourselves, and feel safer taking potshots at each other than deconstructing the ZOG you bemoan here 24/7. 56% here should alarm you, not tickle you. We're at this point WITH firearms. Where do you see yourselves in a few decades without them? The time for fratricide and subverting ourselves was over a long time ago. Now it's too late.

>> No.12947819

non-American losers will never understand what it's like to have true freedom. The vast majority of them are so cucked the fuck out that they don't even have the right to own/carry guns or defend themselves. They're just slaves to their governments instead of the other way around. Sad!

>> No.12947880
File: 242 KB, 816x454, 1510440411360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is being American Effay?

parisienne here, absolutely not

>> No.12947906
File: 25 KB, 380x254, 1503871800852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another clueless american lecturing europeans about their countries


>> No.12947912


Varg was right. American white nationalism will never happen. If you have a country’s name in your genetic identity, that’s where you should belong.

>> No.12947926


>> No.12948115

What a stupid thread. European here, I’ve met tons of /fa Americans and follow some on Insta. They definitely exist, but in uni towns or big cities. American countryside is shit but there is a lot of /fa culture in the bigger cities / unitowns.
Think of all the music, film, literature that has come from America. They have made a lot of good shit