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/fa/ - Fashion

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12932477 No.12932477 [Reply] [Original]

Thanksgiving Edition

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

last thread: >>12921868

>> No.12932499

is everyone busy with thanksgiving? or is this general always this slow?

>> No.12932514


>> No.12932522

You're not alone anon! I did the same today and yesterday but I don't feel guilty at all. It's okay to melt down every once in a while.

>> No.12932525

I was thinking the same thing.
There was a bit of a delay between this one and the last.

>> No.12932528

Be strong. One day won't kill you, just enjoy it with your loved ones.

>> No.12932531

>tfw can't stop purging after a big meal

Fuck boys, what do?

>> No.12932541
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>> No.12932568

I'm at roughly 3000kcal today, thankfully my family doesn't drink at thanksgiving so I don't have to worry about beer/wine calories. Trying not to eat anything for the rest of the day, at least I got a run in this morning.

>> No.12932597

I'm feeling a bit down because I had a small binge yesterday and I purged. Today I've had around 300-400 cal (hopefully less, I always overestimate) and I hope I can go back to my usual restricting of 400/day. I think its because I stopped smoking at night, because when I did I could easily restrict all day.
Also, I went to my dad's house and there was a chocolate from which I ate 150 cal. I was going to binge on it but ended up chewing and spitting (hadn't done it since my ED began years ago)
We're gonna make it. It will take time but I'm sure we will. Be safe <3

>> No.12932618

Who here >struggling to hit their macros
Pretty hard to hit 3000 cal a day

>> No.12932634

amazing thigh gap and hips:)

>> No.12932885
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>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'10", 170 pounds, F, 18
>highest weight
>goal weight
130-140 then decide if I need to keep losing
>preferred method of losing weight
eat only healthy foods and stay hidratted, but I can't always stick to that (btw do you guys remember the hydration frog poster?)
>aesthetic you're going for

>> No.12932911

are peanuts too caloric to eat as a snack or to appease hunger?

>> No.12932924

>lose 6 pounds first week and a half of trying to get /anathin/
>instantly lose will and stagnate

My family buys fastfood three times a week I hate living with my parents fuck Thanksgiving I hate food ;______;

>> No.12932981
File: 44 KB, 684x576, sadtiredfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chillin in bed now, post thanksgiving guilt.

Now my house is loaded with sweets and I have no self control.

>> No.12933012

I think almonds are better.

>> No.12933018

i have had a lot of caffeine today... i had three energy drinks, a large cup of coffee, and a green tea extract capsule. how much caffeine do yall have daily and what are your main sources?

>> No.12933022

iktf family. we have to practice self control. that being said, i'm probably going to eat something else today. maybe i'll go for a run in the morning or something...

>> No.12933023

I haven't been in here in a while, migrated to fit to lean up after I got my silhouette down. I miss the frog poster ;~;

>> No.12933029

similar situation--i used to post on here all the time. I went to /fat/ for a while and recently began lurking /thinspo/ again. the hidratted posts would always get deleted for some reason, yet the mods didn't seem to mind all of the actual shitposts.

>> No.12933033

Yeah, I'm going to get some extra exercise tomorrow. Wew.

I miss froggo so much. :o( I hope he's doing well where ever he is. Yeah, he was getting deleted for global rule 3.

>> No.12933034

I went to /fat/ for a while also. I think a lot did. It's not as comfy as this thread can be though.

>> No.12933036

stop that

>> No.12933041

stop what anon

>> No.12933049

yeah, it's comfier and also more aesthetic.

>> No.12933052
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>tfw thought I weighed 290
>Actually just 270
Feels good not being as fat as I thought still gotta lose all this blubber though.

>> No.12933122
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>tfw 30lbs overweight
>I just keep getting fatter

>> No.12933157

If you become amish you can live your life as 2 Weird Al songs which seems pretty cool.

So did you give up or just got sucked into bad habits?

>> No.12933232

stop consuming so much caffeine

>> No.12933579
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Are you really 170lbs??
You look a lot less, like way less.
Or is that not you in the photo?

>> No.12933654

Why don't you guys just fast? I'm not talking about eating, I'm talking about straight fast. You cannot have carbs though. It's very inexpensive, I did it for a few days last winter to experiment, and only had to drink water, black coffee, and tea for almost a week. You can also still exercise, it's resisting the act of eating and overcoming the first 2-3 days of hunger that's hard (it just fades away), I also took a multivitamin. If you go on /fit/ and find a fasting thread you can get a lot of info about it.

>> No.12933707

That's pretty popular here.

>> No.12933792

why would you need to fast?
Just lose the weight slowly and in a healthy manner

>> No.12933808

alot of people here fast

this isnt a bulimia thread

>> No.12933831
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lmaoing @ your lifes

>> No.12933843

fasting is pretty healthy if you know what you're doing

I went to /fast/ too for the first time yesterday when I couldn't find /thinspo/ here. they're comfy dudes.
just broke my 41hrs fast with an apple as I write this and holy fuck my stomach is bursting. wtf.

>> No.12933855

I guess its not necessarily unhealthy, just seems pointless.
I mean I can understand it for bodybuilders who are trying to reach extremely low levels of body fat, or for obese people, but if you are average or thin already, why bother?

>> No.12933869

Dr. Rhonda Patrick has said that tea, coffee and multivitamins will all break your fast.


>> No.12933873

I get the no eat for a while high pretty fast lately (almost after 24 hours of no food). It makes me preform better and I can concentrate better. I don't know if it's placebo. But I can't identify myself with the three meals a day routine anymore. At all. I do IF most days (3pm to 9am) and if I don't feel like eating, I just don't. I kinda broke my hunger button. Other than that I love not worrying about having to cook all the time (I need to have my meals very good prepared every time, I can't just go and snack that feels wrong, guess I'm a sperg). My kitchen stays nice and clean. And I'm not even talking about the money I get to save. Fuck knows what they put in the cafetaria food anyway.

There are different opinions in the fasting community, but if we're talking about only weight loss you're fine. Although I agree from different health benefits of fasting you should maybe lay aside the fishoil.

>> No.12934009
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>tfw suddenly lost another 3kg and now only weigh 65kg

>> No.12934022

>sister has pushy thick italian bf that keeps pushing and pressuring me into eating pizza or italian dessert with him and/or my sister
this fucking nigger brings over a huge milka-oreo chocolate bar at least once a month and offers to me
I once told him "no thanks" and he got confused because he didn't know the expression

I wish I moved out already ;__;

>> No.12934062

i really don't have that much very often. i usually have a cup of tea, but i don't drink caffeine everyday. the caffeine helped me not to eat too much thanksgiving food.

>> No.12934068

no, that isn't me. i wish i looked like that.

>> No.12934071

How old are you?

>> No.12934193

where is fat?

>> No.12934197

on the fitness board.

>> No.12934199
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How to avoid anemia?
I do a light workout each morning, and have a somewhat physically demanding job, and have almost blacked out once or twice.
I had to eat a candy bar to stop shaking and my coworkers were pretty curious as to what was going on.

Can I just take some iron supplements or something?

>> No.12934200

On >>>/fit/fat but pls don't leave me.

>> No.12934201

yeah, its just something I couldn't do because I enjoy eating too much.
I just stick to intermittent fasting eating all my calories betwen 3pm-10pm

>> No.12934204

thx and for sure I'm stayin

>> No.12934292

stop being a faggot

>> No.12934315

Luckily I live in Australia so we have no Thanksgiving

>> No.12934319


"Anemia in women is caused most often by a thyroid deficiency"

"Iron deficiency anemia does exist"

So according to Raymond Peat, you should fix your thyroid.

I know he's not well known, I linked him because I found it unbelievable that you can get anemia from low iron. Just eating a burger would solve that, iron is probably in the candy bars nutritional box.

"Q: You believe iron is a deadly substance. Why?

Iron is a potentially toxic heavy metal."

So IDK how, but fix your thyroid... Damn it I wish mainstream doctors were competent.

raypeatforum.com might give you a quick answer if you search.

raypeat.com if you like reading overly long articles.

>> No.12934322

I'm with you anon, I've finally made it just under 200lbs but still a long way to go

>> No.12934324
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how do you deal with the rumbling, /thinspo/?

like the hunger isn't that bad I can put up with it, but the rumbling is horrendous and if I'm in a public place I cannot deal with it. Is there any way to combat it besides simply eating?

>> No.12934332

Ignore it, it doesn't last long and if anyone notices just laugh it off

>> No.12934398

why does it matter

literally no one cares

>> No.12934441
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since its winter now, how do i avoid extra calories when im sick?

>> No.12934450

Hahahahahaha just dont eat like nigga what hahahahah

>> No.12934452

literally looks like a mannequin to me o.o

>> No.12934465

well, i need to get better to workout, im already half dead at this point. why push yourself while youre underweight?

>> No.12934610
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>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'8", not sure about weight because I don't have a scale right now but I'm guessing 140-150, female, 20
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
Counting my calories, cut out sugar and bread for the most part. I don't really go to the gym but I walk at least 40 minutes a day and might get back into jogging.
>aesthetic you're going for
Sickly thin/underweight body wise I guess. I want to feel less insecure about my thighs and arms when wearing androgynous/techwear type clothes and have a good silhouette.

I recently started this medication and one of the side effects that I've been experiencing is a complete loss of appetite. I'm a bit scared that the effect will fade and dieting will become really difficult.

>> No.12934691
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I'll never be at a steady weight, it's always fluctuating, last month I was so thin that I looked like a heroin addict now I am back to being skinny fat, I hate this shit. 20:4 and OMAD used to be so easy for me. Wtf happened?

>> No.12934697

Um, being sick kills my appetite? It makes you hungrier?

>> No.12934853
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Why is this general so against b/p and c/s?

>> No.12934942
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im not against it at all

they just want people to see how healthy they can be while staying really thin

>> No.12934950
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>sitting next to qt3.14726123781290 at Uni
>stomach starts making trap influenced beats
>she doesnt look but I feel she notices
>I think its over
>that wasnt so bad
>stomach then proceeds to play fucking Death Grips bass boosted chopped and screwed

>> No.12935248
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You shouldn't be worried about weight loss when you're sick, you should be worried about getting better.

That said, its not like chicken noodle soup is high in calories.

>> No.12935251
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It takes time to establish habits. Once you break OMAD it gets hard to get back on the wagon, for me it takes at least 4 days or so before I stop getting hungry before my "designated" eating time. If you can hold out for the adjustment period you can get back on the train, and since it's post-Thanksgiving it's the perfect time to do so.

>> No.12935262
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B/p is shitty for several reasons. You've already absorbed a huge chunk of the calories anyway; there's no way your purge gets rid of all the calories. In fact it probably gets rid of less than half. And vomiting does awful things to your esophagus, mouth, teeth...if you're getting thin to look good, you will look terrible if you got there through b/p. It's just so bad for you, and there are such good alternatives like IF, which has evidence of actually being good for you. (Not really on the train with frequent multiple day fasts, but still.)

C/s absorbs some calories too, since digestion starts in the mouth and theres no way you spit it all up. Salivating and getting the stomach all ready for food and then not actually eating anything despite chewing on food can fuck up the acid balance in your stomach. Not as bad as b/p, but like I said, there are healthy ways to lose weight and it's better in the long run.

>> No.12935273

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
155 cm, last time I checked I weighed 45 kg and it was two months ago (probably a bit less now), female, 20

>highest weight
58-60 kg, I gained almost 15 kg when I started taking antidepressants.
Fortunately I lost all that weight when I stopped taking meds so four months ago, but I can still see the long lasting effects of the antidepressants on my body. I used to have an extremely fast metabolism, I would eat pasta every day, sometimes twice a day and never gain weight. My weight had always been the same 38-40 kg for 5 years and I've never done any sports or physical activity in my life (except for physical education in school and going for a walk very rarely). I regret taking olanzapine so much, I want to be thin again ;_;

>goal weight
38 kg, underweight like I've been my whole life. BMI lower than 18.
80-58-84 (currently 81-61-86).

>preferred method of losing weight
Eating small portions, twice a day (lunch and dinner), lots of vegetables, no snacks, no fast food, only drink water.
Also I noticed that eating very slowly helps too. Usually it takes me an hour to finish a meal. I read somewhere that it's actually a good thing to eat slowly for weight loss.
I'm very picky with food so if I don't like how something is cooked or if there's something that annoys me, I refuse to eat and I'm not hungry anymore because I feel disgusted and in general I lose my appetite when I'm angry/stressed/annoyed/sad/anxious/depressed...

>aesthetic you're going for
I want thinner arms and legs, a flatter belly, more prominent hip bones and collar bones. I want to look cute in short dresses/skirts and accentuate my petite frame and want my legs to look good in skinny jeans. I love sweaters, I like pastel and light colors a lot, and for every day I keep things very minimal so I guess palewave but not really
I really like an elegant, classy, and sophisticated look but I don't know if it looks good on me, wish I was taller

>> No.12935302

>eat a single baby carrot
>hunger pain/noise goes away

>> No.12935706

>less than half

Gotta call bullshit on that. Obviously it's more dependent on how much time passes after eating but there's no way your body is digesting food that quickly.

I remember seeing 15% specifically being thrown around on proana- if it's anywhere near that I'd say an occasional purge is worth it if you fucked up and ate something calorie dense- If you're not sloppy and get stomach acid all over your face I don't see how it's going to mess with your appearance

Tbh I think it's partially to do with keeping up the allusion of not being so blatantly pro ed, even though everyone here is clearly ana

>> No.12935729

>digestion starts in the mouth
What does this actually mean though, you're absorbing calories through your mouth?

>> No.12935744

In middle school we called it "mechanical" digestion because chewing

The acid balance thing is irrelevant, anti mia shit is all overblown desu, it's just that the people who do it are fucked up so obviously we treat it as a disease and try to deter people with physical side effects

>> No.12936091

I think you'll make it. Sounds like you have a good sustainable plan

>> No.12936190

/thinspo/ help me pls. Suddenly for about the last month I've felt completely out of control with my snacking. I'll eat 1000 calories throughout the day but then find myself making 4 grocery store trips in a row for snacks, no matter how much I promise myself I won't overeat. How do I get my willpower back from a few months ago? I could fast for 3 days and eat maybe 2 carrots on the non fast days. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.12936210

>eat a single baby carrot
>acid balance thing is irrelevant
acid balance is incredibly important, without enough acid you cant digest and assimilate the minerals and proteins you are consuming. this is a problem with many people, they think acid reflux is solved anti acids, the problem is their stomach isnt producing ENOUGH acids, when your stomach is low acid level it's impossible to break down the nutrients and proteins, and makes them sit there and cause reflux because they have no where to go

>> No.12936214

Stop over exerting your will power probably

Allow yourself a day to eat normally
Fast for two or three days
Limit one (real) meal every other day


Can't keep that shit up forever man; food will just torment you

>> No.12936222

I'll try that. Also going to try pre planning foods so it's easier to stick to

>> No.12936269

Does anyone else just vape/smoke to deal with hunger/cravings? Not healthy, I know, but it’s been beneficial to me in terms of weight.

>> No.12936530

nicotine boosts metabolism too

>> No.12936533
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>Lose 15kgs
>Have to buy a new wardrobe because everything's too baggy now
Maybe I should have considered this beforehand

>> No.12936618

I actually lost 12 kg and then realized all my clothes were too big, so I gained back 3.5 kg and started saving up for a new wardrobe. I'm definitely not thinspo, but still an XS in tops and a 4 in pants, so I might just lose the 3.5kg for the spring and not be thinspo.

>> No.12936652


What's your height and current weight?

The good thing about being thin or in shape is that a 40 dollar pair of skinny jeans and a 5 dollar plain black or white t-shirt looks nice and simple but trendy on you. Rebuilding your basic wardrobe shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.12936659

Salivary amylase begins breaking down carbohydrates in the mouth. I don't think any calories are absorbed in the mouth, though.

>> No.12936662

okay guys. thanksgiving is over. i know it was thursday but i ate some unhealthy stuff yesterday (pie, roll, ect.). i kept it around maintenance, though. so today it's back to eating clean. just need to get back in the groove...

>> No.12936674

Calories aside, it does still fuck with the acid balance in your stomach if you chew a bunch of food and then don't swallow any of it.

>> No.12936705

If she likes you she probably thought it was cute, anon.
Even if she doesn't like you I doubt she put as much thought into it as you did.

>> No.12936763

I agree.

>> No.12936820

it doesnt, i just want to get better and not worse.

>> No.12936872

>MFW ~200lbs (probably a little more now, I haven't been keeping up with my runs and stuff due to some seasonal depression)

What's a good way to lose some belly fat? And maybe a little in the face as well? That's really all I'm trying to do. Maybe go back down to a comfy 170 or something.

If it helps I'm 18, Male, and 5'10".

>> No.12936890

There is no way to naturally spot reduce fat. You'll have to lose fat overall until you're happy with the problem areas. Working out those areas may help a bit.

>> No.12936901

you have to lower your body fat percentage, its the only way.
Although if your face is bloated, eat less saturated fats and salts, and eat more vegetables and fruits

>> No.12936910

Thanks! In that case, what's a good "easy" way to lose general fat? I'm trying to eat better and run every day I can. Is that a good start? This is the first time I've actually cared about trying to lose weight.

>> No.12936926

Its a good start yeah.
You'll need to find your daily caloric expenditure. You can do that online pretty easily. From there you need to start counting the calories of the food you eat.
To lose fat/weight, you'll need to be in a caloric deficit, 500 calories for a slow weight loss, 1000 for quick weight loss.

You are guaranteed to burn fat if you do this, alternatively you can water fast but I wouldn't recommend.

>> No.12936930

Thanks anon, I appreciate it!

>> No.12936967
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Read /fit/'s sticky. I also recommend intermittent fasting but it's really not necessary, just works for me.

>> No.12936980

I wish I could find myself a love interest. It's always so much easier to restrict... But if I were skinny I would probably have already found someone... Damn.

>> No.12937002

so glad to see /thinspo/ go from an idea to this, keep up the good work /fa/

>> No.12937049

You must be new here

>> No.12937171

Tfw -1700 calories deficit. At least i lost around 3.5 kg in 2 weeks

>> No.12937265
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>> No.12937324

What are some good clothes for the cancer patient look?

>> No.12937330

hospital gown w/ slp boots

>> No.12937737

Head scarf?

>> No.12938221 [DELETED] 

out of necessity can i live off like 700 cals a day for 7 days?

>> No.12938223

can i live off like 700 cals a day for 7 days?

>> No.12938232

>can i live off like 700 cals a day for 7 days?
of course. you could live off of 0 cals for 7 days if you wanted to

>> No.12938246
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you sound like chesire cat

>> No.12938383
File: 20 KB, 640x454, 23e30fc339f9c7aa4eae6ae4d13c5aa1--human-body-study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people think anything above 500 is low? like what???

BTW guys I just ate 6 slices of pizza, im a fucking pig, no regrets regardless

gonna fast tomorrow

>> No.12938404
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>> No.12938452
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nvm just threw it all up

I thought I could hold it in
I really did

>> No.12938657

wow lmao are you me?
wish i had pizza to throw up instead of cheap cookies and chocolate :(

>> No.12938671
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lmao idk how anyone could put up with someone like you besides using you as a fucktoy

>> No.12938674

uwu anon dont be so rude
besides i would kill myself before being used as a fucktoy :3

>> No.12938769
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I just ate my large dinner meal and I'm drinking coffee I don't know how much I weigh but it's probably 140 I'm 184cm

>> No.12938776

you and all of you are fucking sick pieces of shit that enable eating disorders that can kill people

>> No.12938781
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phone flip fail, whenever I post my stomach 4chan flips it I swear

>> No.12938799
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I'm a dude at 6'1 and 170 lbs, I know I'm not fat but I don't know what the best choice for me would be. In the past 5 years I've been between 198 and 145 pounds so now I'm just trying to find what the right weight for me is

>> No.12938800

pure sex

>> No.12938865

>but probably not

if you're anti ed you're a normie

>> No.12938899
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Anyone got a success story achieved through b/p or c/s?

Also, anyone ever tried testing their blood sugar after b/p or c/s?

>> No.12938906

Purging pizza is fucking traumatic.

>sick pieces of shit
Do you know what site you're on ? Go complain in a rekt thread or some /r9k/ rape guide thread if they still even have those anymore.

>> No.12938909

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'2", 98-100 lbs, f, 22
>highest weight
127 lbs
>goal weight
90 lbs
>preferred method of losing weight
I eat 1000 calories but make sure i eat lots of protein too. I get in lots of walking every day to/from campus and do 30-45 min of body weight exercises 5-6 times a week.
>aesthetic you're going for
i just want a huge thigh gap, but my legs are naturally muscular and i'm short so it's never going to happen

>> No.12939038

soup. Even better if it's spicy soup.

>> No.12939109

my gw is 45 but heck i'm not even sure if I want chicken leggos like this

>> No.12939148

i'm strongly against vomiting because it damages your teeth whenever you do it...

>> No.12939153

if you are vomiting things up then you are not healthy, mentally. this is not something you should be doing. ever.

>> No.12939274

how to get this thin?

>> No.12939280

Hey /thinspo/, new to /fa/ and this general. You guys probably got this question a lot before, but I am going to go ahead and ask it anyway:
I really want to start getting my weight and life on track, and I have the feeling the only way for me to achieve this is through actually planning and logging.
Thing is, I have real issues following an agenda or plan. I tend to give up on something really quick and I find it hard to pull through. In other words, I have issues dedicating myself to a cause and I don't have enough self-discipline. Any tips for this?

>inb4 just do it pussy
I am going to do it, I just want tips so that it becomes easier

>> No.12939285

Nofood x forevermore

>> No.12939286
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>tfw starting to get addicted to laxatives

>> No.12939304

how the fuck can you even lose all that fat off the thighs?

>> No.12939305

there is a reason they're called disorders

>> No.12939307

>>if you're anti ed you're a normie

no shit, it's a disorder. Not to mention even normies can have disorders these days.

>> No.12939313

this is really bad. you will become chronically constipated as your body becomes dependent on the laxatives. additionally, they are very hard on you GI tract.

>> No.12939315

yeah, it's actually rare for a person to be free of mental disorder nowadays, normie or not.

>> No.12939323
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>> No.12939337
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>> No.12939355
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>> No.12939359
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>> No.12939378

anyone know how long i can fast without raising my growth hormone levels?

>> No.12939390

How does /thinspo/ track their intake/output? I have used MFP and cronometer but I feel that I get too obsessive about it, go too hard, and end up binge eating or something. Currently, I'm using a physical notebook.

>> No.12939393
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>> No.12939394

why don't you wanna grow?
I would like to know the oppsite btw. i'm like 2cm higher but i want to grow more.

>> No.12939395


Baby steps, one day at a time, the more you stick to your new lifestyle the easier and more common or normal it becomes. It gets to the point where you're not thinking about it or if you're like me certain foods will lose their appeal. It's easy for me to turn down cookies and soda now after staying away from sweets for so long. When I do eat a cookie (to appease my sweetheart grandma or mother that spent time baking them) the sugary flavor doesn't taste good anymore so that keeps me from eating more than one.

>> No.12939398
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>> No.12939402
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>> No.12939407

you won't grow if your over 18, silly

>> No.12939409

i'm 18 and it worked

>> No.12939411
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>> No.12939413

if you are 18 you are not "over 18"

>> No.12939416

Right, understandably so, given the addicting factors in sweets and stuff that work on your brain. Friend told me about it, and I know this is exactly my problem, I am addicted to that sort of stuff. Thanks for the advice! There is so much fit and diet stuff out there it's difficult to know what to start with

>> No.12939446

wait i can grow if i fast
pls respond am short

>> No.12939448

kids grow tall if they drink milk and get enough sleep, idk if it works for teens

>> No.12939453

Female growth plates close around 14-15. Male ones close at 25

>> No.12939500
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>bulking season

>> No.12939503

I know right, this is the first time I saw a puking thread, and I've been on r9k for a year.

>> No.12939505

It's weird, winter has always been when I am most motivated to lose weight.

>> No.12939514

who here s i p p i n g

>> No.12939521
File: 10 KB, 200x289, 395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sipping strong black coffee during fast
>can literally feel the caffeine entering the bloodstream

>> No.12939528

t.Takes self diagnosing quizzes online


>> No.12939534

This, but after visiting my family for the holidays and planning again for Christmas I've been eating my life away

>> No.12939537

>t.Takes self diagnosing quizzes online
i laffed

>> No.12939544

one of the best feels

most people have some sort of depression or anxiety or insomnia

>> No.12939552
File: 448 KB, 1280x1693, 1508291610767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf, it's so easy to overeat during holiday time

>> No.12939558
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>> No.12939576

what would her personality be like? =3

>> No.12939583

It's not a legit disorder unless it is having a severe negative impact on someone's life.
It's literally not possible for a large majority of the population to be suffering from a mental disorder, or the the term of disorder would be pointless

>> No.12939590

i took an entry level psychology class
i know what im talking about

>> No.12939592

opinions aren't facts

>> No.12939616

probably tumblr-esque considering the background

>> No.12939638

"Biggest lesson I've learned is that hunger comes in waves. When you get hungry and shouldn't eat, you just need to tell yourself 'this feeling will pass' and in another 20-30 minutes it really does. I seem to get a sharp hunger wave about 2 hours after I eat lunch, it stays around for maybe 30min and then goes away until dinner. I used to cave and snack during that time, but I've since found it basically doesn't help - it just moves that hunger period back again.

"Basically the biggest redpill I've had about hunger is that eating doesn't solve it."

>-Anon the Great, 2017

>> No.12939716


>> No.12939736


>> No.12939741

is vapefagging a good way to stop snacking? i dont really eat that much until im at home and going to the fridge all the time

>> No.12939753

What's b/p and c/s?

>> No.12939767

Boi pucci and christina selena

>> No.12939768

Because growth plates close around 2-3 years after the onset of puberty. On average girls start at 12 and boys at 14, that would be 15 for girls and 17 for boys at most. Of course there are exceotions but you're choosing the lowest to normal approach for girls and an absolutely untrue and retarded one for boys.
If the boy started puberty at 16 (how many 16 years old with no body/facial hair, feminine voice and at 5'4 do you see around?) he'd stop growing at 19.

I know some people claim to have relatives or friends that grew well into their 20, in fact many parents go around telling their kids they'll stop growing at 21 for women and 25 for men to give them hope if they were short or to make them eat and exercise more, but those that do end up are genetic outliers and we should acknowledge them as such.

>> No.12939776

Male growth plates clode at around 25. It doesn't mean they keep growing until then, just that they have the possibility. If a man use human growth hormone before that time he can reach the full potential of his height. Roid abuse before that age can also cause them to close early. Some men get closed plates early because deficient nutrition or otherwise shitty lifestyle.

>> No.12939786

This is simply not true

>> No.12939802

Yes it is

>> No.12939813

You pulled those 5 years from 20 to 25 out of your ass, where's the evidence?

>> No.12939841

In ur mum

>> No.12939963

I wouldn’t even consider that chicken legs desu,

>> No.12939969

I stopped smoking and vaping works for me. The nicotine helps a little but what really helps me are the flavors. I can enjoy candy and dessert flavors without actually eating them.

>> No.12939980

I feel like sh*t I just want a qt thinspo bf :(

>> No.12939983

I've been thinking about trying vaping since I don't like the smell of cigs. Where do you buy the stuff and what would you recommend?

>> No.12939985

Binge/purge and chew/spit

>> No.12939987

i just want a slightly degenerate but nice bf. i don't even care if he's a little chubby.

>> No.12939988


>> No.12940004

while true it's sometimes hard for people to gauge that it's having a negative impact on their own life until it's too late.

Not eating fatty and sugary foods doesn't seem like a bad idea because it tastes good when you do it but we know it will make us fat.

Eating disorders may seem like a good idea when we do it because it lets us achieve our ideal physique but in the long run it will fuck up your life

stop lying to yourself and get some help if you need it. I'm serious.

>> No.12940061
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Anyone else drink energy drinks? I absolutely hate soda but they're the only carbonated beverages I'll drink because I also hate coffee. I only drink the zero sugar kinds.

>> No.12940077

yep i drink monster zero ultras. but i also drink coffee and tea.

>> No.12940147

I want a bf who's into femdom and likes feet on his face

>> No.12940175

sounds like a guy i used to know. he had a hair like a lion's mane.

>> No.12940327

>52kg at 177cm
d-did i make it?

>> No.12940345

Pics pls

>> No.12940490
File: 51 KB, 540x527, tumblr_otq54dzXX61wqi4koo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I will never find a girl like this, and if the exist it'll be impossible to find out they are like this

>> No.12940527

Do you guys record everything you eat? How?

I have an excel document with everything I eat, c/s, purge, every piss and shit, my weight, and every time I masturbate, all nicely color coded.

>> No.12940629

I write everything (water, food, supplements) in a notebook daily.

>> No.12940688

>tfw when someone is using my photo on thinspo

It's a dream come true...

>> No.12940697

that girl is disgustingly anorexic holy shit

if I was dating her I'd seriously consider dumping her

>> No.12940710


>> No.12940746

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
5'11, 154lbs, m, 24
>highest weight
>goal weight
it was 155 but i think i want to lose more, maybe 145
>preferred method of losing weight
intermittent fasting and minimal carbs

>> No.12940805

Do it

>> No.12940814

i just ate so much for fuck sakes probably like 2500 calories easy, kill me /fa/. kill me now.

>> No.12940822

I dont get it, how can you not realize you're eating way too fucking much. I barely get over 1k and start panicking.

>> No.12940827

i can't. what happens is i have threshholds, like i broke 500cal so early, and i;m like fuck am i gonna binge????? and without knowing i'm at 1300 and i say fuck it i already broke my threshhold by a shit ton so i might as well max out. i satisfy all cravings in under 3000 calories so i guess it's not bad, and it's only 5pm. i can technically "fast" for 7 hrs before bed time and then another 7 hrs while sleeping....


>> No.12940835

dm me

>> No.12940839


Basically what this >>12939395 guy said but i'll add my 2c, i set a goal for myself, while not impossible to get, i knew i could get it if i set my mind to it, and when i got it finally it give me a big rush and now somewhat a small addiction of setting a goal and hitting it, setting a new one, etc.

>> No.12940841

good lad

>> No.12940868


jfc i felt anxious reading these posts wtf HOW

low carb monster or whatever the blue ones on fasting days occasionally.... black coffee all day can get meh

>> No.12940889

this is bad thinking

stick to your plan next time

>> No.12940905

SHUT UP LOL THE ADULT NORM IS LIKE 2500 AND THE EXTRA 500 TO MAKE 3000 IS LIKE 2 PEANUT BUTTER CUPS AAAAAAAA I'VE FUCKED MYSELF. i will be fasted for 3 days straight since i ate alll my food like a hibernating bear

no biggie honestly. if i can not eat nothing all day tomorrow it cancels out, no biggie no biggie no biggie

>> No.12941018

needa calculate your tde buddy

yeah yeah don't sweat it. you need to stop thinking about breaking your "threshold" though

>> No.12941058

if you want to look good while doing it, go with a phix. It's like a juul but less gay and the pods are bigger.
a Juul pod is like 1 pack of full-strength cigs for about 4.50, Phix is two packs for 6.75

If you don't care about having a mouth fedora, any old mod will do it, they all use the same juice bottles anyway

>> No.12941106

horseface strikes again kek

>> No.12941121

thanks famalam

>> No.12941122
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>drink loads of water
>borderline skele, can sort of see my rib cage
>don't even have an appetite
>still feel like a fat cunt when it's not even the case

what is this fuckery

>> No.12941186

Is that you in the pic? Wyd eating burgers senpai??

>> No.12941214

how much water do you drink

>> No.12941233

is that u? w2c trousers

>> No.12941356
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_6649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 5'11 and have stayed exactly 111 for about 5 years now. My metabolism is absolutely through the roof as I eat junk food mostly.

Anyone else here with monstrous metabolisms?

>> No.12941417

i like those pets

>> No.12941452

miru <3

>> No.12941516

>me showing my snatch to my online bf over webcam

>> No.12941567

when you feel it coming just tense your abs

>> No.12941586

different anon but that always makes it worse for me

>> No.12941617

no, she is v pretty

>> No.12941619

do his friends/family look in like that too?

>> No.12941632

honestly this

>> No.12941639
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>> No.12941640

>pseudoscience bs

>> No.12941659
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thoughts on pulling off this look as a male with a lil bit of a chubby stomach

now realizing I'm not as skinny as I used to be

>> No.12941703



>> No.12941846

i want to be very thinspo god tier body with a cute chubby asian gamer boyfriend

>> No.12941985

Maybe try fetlife?

I can't dm on 4chan, anon

>> No.12942004

how degenerate are we talking? i quit drugs late september but still drink myself to sleep every night - and probably only chubby by thinspo standards, can still see my ribs.

>> No.12942010

who else /fatface/ here??? even at my lowest 130 lb 6'2 i had a gross puffy looking round disgusting face. i just want a nice gaunt bony looking face

>> No.12942062

lower sodium and sat fats, drink a lot of water and eat a lot of vegetables.
It will work unless your bone structure is horrible

>> No.12942145

mother is getting worried
how to proceed

>> No.12942160

the development of the jaw is genes and position of the tongue when young.
look op dr mike mew, he explains it pretty well

best thing to do now is lower sodium while drinking a lot of water. when you are on a low sodium for a few days, then lower your water intake to 1.5 l - 2.5 l a day (depending on how much water containing foods you eat)

>> No.12942176

she is momentarely freaking out because it is news(right?), give her time
that is, if you are conscious and not putting your life on the line

>> No.12942196

she isn't freaking out, but she said she is worried about my eating habits

>> No.12942205

not >>12942176 but let her be worried desu
when i lived with my parents and my weight was nearing 'underweight' they made comments

show them you're doing fine, eating healthy (just very little) and u take a multivitamin daily

>> No.12942273

>binged on pizza and chocolate

>> No.12942695 [DELETED] 
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me too, i ate too much dessert last night :'(

it was a really moist, chocolate cake... i got a sweet tooth so bad i had to eat it all up in 1 sitting q.q

i didn't have enough frosting for it, so it looked kinda off (pic rel)

>> No.12942724
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Does anyone here drink coconut water? What are some good brands?

>> No.12942762
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Any tips on how to stop my stomach from making noises (besides eating)?

I haven't eaten anything today, around noon I got a little hungry and tried to eat some nuts but they felt weird on my teeth so I only had two
Now it's like 6pm, I'm thinking about maybe making food but I'm not really hungry

But the thing is my stomach has been making noises for a while and I would like to know how to avoid that if I don't eat anything in the future

>> No.12942809

have a cup of milk

>> No.12942813

I ran out of milk some time ago
will try that next time though, thanks

>> No.12942900

Anyone else find it annoying when normies ask how you've lost weight? Like just literally eat less you fat fuck

>> No.12942912

>tfw my mother tells me not to lose too much more weight
>tfw I'm a guy

Nothing more emasculating

>> No.12942915

when people ask you shit like that i would always assume they don't actually care
it's more of a friendly question that's meant to show they take an interest in you and what you do

the way you would respond in that situation is smile and say "eating less is really all it takes haha" or some vapid bullshit, im pretty sure nobody is expecting you to give up some secret on weight loss

i have no social skills whatsoever though so maybe i made that all up in my head

>> No.12942922

>anon when your dad went to college back in soviet times and he didn't ever feel like standing in line for bread he was still weighing more than you!
>but you look great honey

thanks mom

>> No.12942932

>you look great honey!
>but is anything wrong?


>> No.12943003

don't know, pic isn't me

>> No.12943011

i don't know, are you under the legal drinking age? drinking isn't very degenerate anyway. what did you quit/were you addicted?

>> No.12943015

i tried some once (bottled) and it was shit. get yourself a fresh coconut.

>> No.12943132

i eat little cornflakes with milk for breakfast
i take multivitamin and omega-3 + vit. d
i eat normal sized dinner
i drink about one third bottle of vodka (250ml or so)

i still barely lose any weight

do you lose weight if u kill urself?

>> No.12943149

stop drinking alcohol

>> No.12943154


>> No.12943158

i need to suppress my thoughts
i also have a lot of social gatherings that revolve around alcohol where i drink a lot

6ft 150lbs but still skinnyfat btw :(

>> No.12943161

in that case there's no need for you to lose more weight, although you should consider taking up some kind of excercise. cardio usually helps with skinnyfatness.

>> No.12943166

literally all fat is in my lower belly

will ab exercises help distribute the lower belly fat evenly over the entire belly?

>> No.12943173

Work out,

but >>12943149 is right alcohol retards your metabolism because it's struggling to process the liquor.

I think counting calories and working out will get you to where you want to be. Also i see a lot of people come into these threads thinking they're skinny fat when they have posture problems and other health issues that are giving them a protruding stomach. So maybe a doctor's check up will help to.

>> No.12943188

>counting calories
i used to do this a lot. breakfast is 160kcal, dinner is 800kcal, vodka is 600-750kcal

>working out
yeah i will do this more, but i cant really go to the gym until feb or so. it makes sense that ab and lower back exercises are the most important for equal fat distribution in the lower-top body area

>posture problems
i dont think so, i get frequent comments about my good posture

>> No.12943212

>will ab exercises help distribute the lower belly fat evenly over the entire belly?
>yeah i will do this more, but i cant really go to the gym until feb or so. it makes sense that ab and lower back exercises are the most important for equal fat distribution in the lower-top body area

Ab exercises will make the muscles harder or more defined but doesn't burn the fat. You'll need to focus on cardio and diet to get rid of the fat. Though still throw in a little bit of muscle building imo I think guys look better with a bit of muscle showing.

>> No.12943225

i know that you cant burn fat from specific areas. its just calories in and calories out, but wont harder muscles (or just more muscle mass) force the fat to distribute more evenly rather than forming a big chunk of mass?

>> No.12943234

Have you ever tried tracking your calories? I doubt you're eating anywhere over your TDEE

>> No.12943244

My dad claimed I was underweight back when I was overweight, now he's absolutely losing his shit.

>> No.12943247
File: 826 KB, 872x654, meet-david-haye-the-former-world-heavyweight-champion-who-wants-to-make-boxing-classy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but wont harder muscles (or just more muscle mass) force the fat to distribute more evenly rather than forming a big chunk of mass?

No. At best you'll end up with a wide midriff like heavyweight boxers get.

>> No.12943260

ok i will just eat a little less, move a little more and work out lightly


>> No.12943293
File: 142 KB, 640x640, 1503520085242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the best way to lose the most weight possible in 1 week besides water fasting for 7 days ? (there is no way I could last that long) Could I water fast for 2 days, do OMAD with a large caloric defect for 2 days and then fast for 2 days again? Or will those 2 days of OMAD end up making me hungrier? I don't know much about water fasting, sorry for the stupid question.

>> No.12943310

eat very little
kill hunger with black coffee and smoking

i did this a while ago for five days: 30g oats (118kcal), three to five cups of black coffee, few glasses of water, smoking a pack or camels slightly more a day.
(oats are only for small amount of fiber so your asshole doesnt hurt as much)

first time was hard because i wasnt used to fasting. now its easy for me desu. doing this without smoking is much, much harder, but possible if youre okay with intense hunger feelings

>> No.12943315

I never thought of it that way

>> No.12943320

Wtf are you eating for dinner thats 800 calories

>> No.12943322

You can swap smokes for (sugar free) chewing gum

>> No.12943329

It's weird to me how people think that eight hundred calories is a lot. Different anon here, but I would rather have most of my calories in one sitting, so I'll usually have a large dinner.

>> No.12943332
File: 60 KB, 540x518, 1493161881696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might do this, if I can actually stick to it. I quit smoking and started vaping (no bully). I did something like this way back unintentionally when I took summer classes at a Uni when I was still in HS. I was too scared to leave my room and go to the dining hall. I would eat like 1 granola bar a day, sometimes I would go 48 hrs without eating. I was so fucking thin it was beautiful.

Which I might do, thanks.

>> No.12943335

That's a good idea, I need to buy some.

>> No.12943340

regular portions of whatever i have at home or whatever seems appropriate if i eat in a restaurant
are you saying 800kcal is a lot of little

yes, although nicotine really suppresses hunger feelings

ok make sure you have a little social contact, it makes living worthwhile. vaping will have the same effect as smoking, because nicotine


>> No.12943398

don't listen to >>12943310 smoking will not help, just ruin your health (and make you addicted)

>You can swap smokes for (sugar free) chewing gum
this is better than cigs, but also won't make difference, you can put 100 of them in your mouth just to feel equally hungry afterwards

I'm in the sixth day of fast(out of seven, then will eat a ~1000kcal meal and then repeat), the only thing that makes me feel full(i.e. stomach not bothers anymore afterward) is water, which I find difficult to drink in large quantities during winter hence a hot cup of tea or hot water with few drops of lemon and salt (had one of each today); this is 1000 times better then cigs/coffe/gums, at least for me
also the first days are annoying, putting out that shit of your body, but then you get used to an empty belly and can control better your craves

>> No.12943437

forgot to add, if you don't want to do like me, i.e. one meal /seven day, you can try one/three or something like that; you will feel a bit hungry but also enjoy better your meal, not giving food for granted or shoving all the things you can think of down your throath
getting off the routine is difficult but you can do it anon (even seven days of water fast)

>> No.12943447


>> No.12943463

is that ash stymest? Kek, why is he crying?

>> No.12943521
File: 2.00 MB, 500x500, ech.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit if this isn't me
I did a shit load of pilates pre-ED and that seemed to frame what muscles I had under some chub, and light cardio because I didn't know any weight-related exercises with abs.
Godspeed anon

>> No.12943543

i used to have no abs, but did hanging knee ups for a while, together with weighted side bents

check /fit/ and exrx.net for the best exercises at home/gym and w/ or w/o weights

>> No.12943576

Thank you, you're sweet.

>> No.12943595
File: 185 KB, 500x564, tumblr_m3vm7t8HRH1qf6yxco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /thinspo/. I have low blood pressure and not eating for even a day makes me feel extremely dizzy and has even caused me to faint.

What are some drugs/methods I can take to deal with so I can stop eating.

Pic related isn't me of course.

>> No.12943606

why don't you eat 1kg of salt?

>> No.12943615

If that's you, you're sick. Seriously, get help.

>> No.12943618

The thought of that makes me want to throw up.

>> No.12943623

I'm genuinely considering purging, what does this say about me.

>> No.12943625

what does purging mean again

>> No.12943628

Ralphing your meals.

>> No.12943634

ah yeah i remember
you know that normal people call that bulimia, right

just fucking eat salad and shit tomorrow and go for a walk

>> No.12943648

it means you should lurk more

If you want to ruin your teeth and esophagus and strain your heart and still not lose much weight because a number of calories have already been absorbed, go for it

or you could just eat less

>> No.12943826

I cant resist binging/purging

fuck my lack of self control

>> No.12943838

Purging is fine but doesn't work that well. These ana anons just wanna feel superior to the mia ones and are dicks about it. It takes years of daily b/p to mess up your teeth and esophagus.

>> No.12943839
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somebody make a new thread

>> No.12943854

i really want to s i p but i should probably save it for the morning (it's 1800 rn)

>> No.12943879

are the momposters underage or NEETs?

>> No.12943891

do you never visit your parents? you just stay in college for 4 years and never see them?

either way the median age of this board is like 17

>> No.12943937

If someone makes a new one, please link it.

>> No.12943948


>> No.12943969

Good luck guys. My BMI dropped to 18 today. Am doing a dried-good diet (oatmeal+ fried lentil/grits) out of necessity, have em handy and need to save 500 for the Judas grlfrnd jean. This is my LW since early September, I'm thrilled and hope to keep dropping since this diet will last as long as my dried goods last (I'm guessing a month). G1: 89lb

>> No.12943984

nice. don't go too hard that you lose progress though.

>> No.12943990

I gain 4 kg in 8 days. I have to adress this shit of restricting until hit my goal and then loosing my shit...
Going on hollidays make this very hard.

>> No.12944022

Hey I know its hard I had awfully long cycles and the only way to stop them is to eat regularly for a couple of days or weeks, try to build your self control. I have relapses of course (my face looks disgusting after this weekend) but I always try to get back on track
Eat lots of filling food (lettuce eggs and stuff like that) and even if you overeat dont purge. Its alright to eat normally and healthy if you're trying to stop b/p

>> No.12944363

dont go below 17 anon

>> No.12944968

I think 800 calories is a lot for one meal because that's my daily limit

>> No.12945298

I'm doing IF 16/8. Can I drink coffee in the morning?