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12920306 No.12920306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12921644
File: 62 KB, 600x942, IMG_5796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Varg a Chad?
>bastard daughter whilst in prison
>taken in by hardcore Norwegian Nazi gang
>only given 21 years for murder and arson (he's too charismatic for a longer sentence)
>laughs at sentencing
>music icon despite being voluntary pariah
>hipster leftie girls cream themselves over him
>adoring endless fanmail in prison
>legions of fans show up at court hearings
>constantly featured and referenced in music world
>pioneer and doesn't afraid of anything
>makes serious bank from merch, books and RPG series
>old merch resells for 1000s
>YouTube has 100,000 plus subscribers
>legions of hardcore fans
>cute loyal wife
>beautiful intelligent kids living great life
>grows own food
>proficient in firearms, mechanic, survivalist, historian
>lives in forest in gorgeous Southern France with decent community
>finds time to give great life advice and interesting research every single day

>> No.12921648
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Let's find out

>> No.12921658

>>only given 21 years for murder and arson (he's too charismatic for a longer sentence)

I’m assuming that he’s still in Norway but the longest sentence possible in Norway is 21 years

>> No.12921663

>alt light cuck e-celeb personalities

pick one

>> No.12922104
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>alt lite
Hahahahaha, do you know who varg is, faggot? He thinks the Alt Right are milquetoast pussies

>> No.12922122
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>hipster leftie girls cream themselves over him

You pol soyboys would open they asses for him

>> No.12922179

stop watching porn
be born rich
marry a french autist

>> No.12922244
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>> No.12922250
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>> No.12922260

lmao at the wizard on the computer

>> No.12922321

Ah yes, Varg is one of my favourite e-celebs along with Milo Yianpolis and Gav-in McAnus

>> No.12922414

>Southern France
It's central France actually.

> historian
> interesting research
He is literally spilling out unsourced garbage. And I'm saying that as a Burzum fan.

>> No.12922737
File: 340 KB, 854x480, varg_fighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fan of his videos before I listened to Burzum
but yes he is a Chad and a hero

>> No.12922833
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irrelevant cunt that can fok off back to his country house the future is now old man hes just a ancient bag of dust

>> No.12923197

nice steampunk videogame, you really proved Varg wrong kid

>> No.12923200

Fuck yeah

>> No.12923219

w2c pants????

>> No.12923460

His march doesn't sell for that much, and up until a few years ago as in two it was practically pennies on ebay. The fad will pass.

>> No.12923618

Dead did nothing wrong. Fuck all the faggots who idolize Varg and Euronymous

>> No.12924252

Varg did nothing wrong and the murder was 100% justified

>> No.12924265

I want Pelle to hug me

>> No.12924526

Dead was an austist virgin manlet, and Euronymous a Hoxhaist Communist faggot. Literally.

Varg was the only sane one however fuckmad he is. He and Fenriz.

The rest were sellout whores. See Satyr, complete embarrassment.

>> No.12924555
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If you wouldn't fuck pre-prison Varg you have no taste.

>> No.12924572

varg's a nazbol tho

>> No.12925025

lol all of you guys are fags who want to suck this guy's dick

>> No.12925071

Don't know exactly but it is Russian camo. Perhaps "Becas".

>> No.12925083

here's a tip: you need to study, the job market is rough at the moment and it's only getting worse. Even STEM will be tough when you graduate. Sure, fashion is important but wait until you're 16 until you start paying it too much attention.

My point is if you think that a dude is cool because he is a racist who killed someone then you're a boy in his young teens, regardless of whether or not that is the case. Varg wears actual chainmail and functional military fatigues even though his current professions are youtube celebrity and tabletop roleplaying game designer. He is one of the least cool people I can imagine and only like 3 of is albums are any good.

>> No.12925091

>open they
Stop using the computers at the library to shitpost on bhutanese knee-pad knitting forums Jamal

>> No.12925145


>> No.12925211


Fenriz is the only person in that scene to not be a backwards retard

>> No.12925228

You all know I produced him, right? Abbot thug called me out on this.

>> No.12925824
File: 94 KB, 480x600, 11978730-val-kilmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can imagine your soyboy grin as you insinuate that his fans are children

If you think he is popular because he killed someone, you are an idiot who will continue to wonder why you're excluded from these communities

>> No.12925831

Euronymous was also a jew

No, he's not

Don't project too hard there

I believe it's a rare pattern used on some Gorka suits

>> No.12925982

No thats also Euronymous

>> No.12926490

you're doing a great a job of convincing us you're not a manchild

>> No.12926519


>> No.12926557
File: 154 KB, 589x391, C6CC2A6D20CE42E6A1DF264F47135886_1511221632495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.12926561

why are scandinavians so stupid? no wonder they never cintributed anything to european civilization

>> No.12926563


>> No.12926648
File: 212 KB, 2048x1365, 1510701281230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tocharians are a real thing. Arabs learnt their tenets of mathematics from the Grecians who had already plotted the circumference of the earth by the time they learnt basic trigonometry.

Going to have to ask you to look up the top contributors to science and the countries with the most Nobel prizes...

>> No.12926658
File: 541 KB, 716x540, Dbep003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga look like master roshi

>> No.12926664

He's a wholesome master roshi dispensing your daily blackpills

>> No.12926668

he looks like a weedy soyboy

>> No.12926672

didn't mean that in a wise way, more like a seedy pedo

>> No.12926679

That's where you're wrong
Dude is a car mechanic, a hema enthusiast, regularly does calisthenics, has a massive family, owns loads of guns and land, grows his own food, hunts etc. Polar opposite of a soyboy despite his elven dna

>> No.12926695

he still looks like a soyboy