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/fa/ - Fashion

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12916132 No.12916132 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys. I don't give a fuck about fashion but I'm trying to get rid of all the unnatural fibers in my wardrobe (check this out: did you know polyester reduces your sperm count? If you wear a polyester sling on your nuts you will literally not produce any sperm. No joke.)

Anyway, everywhere I look online if I google "100% cotton socks" or "100% wool socks" what actually comes up is a blend of stupid bullshit like polyester, acrylic, etc. Where can I find some god damn 100% merino wool socks for the winter, and actual 100% cotton socks for warmer months? Is there a trusted source for this?

Price is not a factor although I'd rather not pay through the teeth if I don't have to.

>> No.12916190

icebreaker. all merino, summer and winter weight. unless you live in the tropics, in which case look into silk and bamboo

>> No.12916346

Icebreaker, off their site:
FABRIC: 66% Merino Wool, 32% Nylon, 2% LYCRA®

FABRIC: 77% Merino Wool, 21% Nylon, 2% LYCRA®

FABRIC: 58% Merino Wool, 40% Nylon, 2% LYCRA®


Am I missing something? Is there a particular one that's 100% merino and doesn't have a bunch of other shit in it?

>> No.12916353

You should wear 100% tin foil clothing only don't you know the mobile rays roast your nuts?

>> No.12916359


Nobody asked for your opinion, you uneducated soyboy faggot.

>> No.12916363

Yeah, come here asking for help and start being a fucking asshole once someone questions something you say. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12916366

Best I can do, phampai...

>> No.12916368

"Questions something I say"? You opened up with an insult (implying I'm a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist) so I insulted you back. If you dish it out you need to be able to take it.

Very much appreciate the effort, my man, but if I can't find 100% I'm literally going to order merino wool and knit them myself.

>> No.12916369

>t. soyboy cuckold

>> No.12916381

You should dress head to toe in polyester, we don't need you Basketball Americans squirting out anymore welfare babies.

>> No.12916387

Ahahaha what the fuck kind of meme did you fall for, fucking degen?

You actually have aspergers.

>> No.12916409

I literally posted one of the studies, unless you care to debunk it you can swallow my cum.

>> No.12916419
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>> No.12916913
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Nice job calling others uneducated when you can't even read.

>The azoospermic effect of the polyester sling seems to be due to two mechanisms: 1) the creation of an electrostatic field across the intrascrotal structures, and 2) disordered thermoregulation.

You silly cunt, you think having polyester on your socks is going to create an electrostatic field in your nuts or raise their temperature ?
You /pol/ mooks are so fucking stupid holy shit.

>> No.12917139

> seems to be

First of all: I'm not taking any chances. They don't know for sure what is causing it. You're the one without any reading comprehension skills. You're an ignorant moron who doesn't understand how research papers work and I suggest you kill yourself instead of trying to pretend like you do, because you're only making yourself look as stupid as you are.

Secondly - and while I really should not have to get into this, I'm going to because I'm feeling generous - the point isn't necessarily that I think polyester socks are going to make me infertile. The point is, again, that I don't want to take any chances. I'm trying to get back to a more natural, less post-industrial-revolution way of living. The reality is that sperm counts and testosterone have dropped tremendously over the last several decades and some component of modern living is causing this. I'm willing to take a shotgun approach to the issue if need be.

You, on the other hand, are happy to be a soyboy. Keep voting democrat, queer - now get the fuck out of my thread, I'm trying to find some socks.

>> No.12917157

>autistic screeching

>> No.12917161

Thanks for shitposting, friend.

>> No.12917162

>people actually believe this
The money spent educating you was a mistake

>> No.12917164

Why do you care so much about your sperm count? Are you planning on impregnating a lot of women?

>> No.12917169

Snarky shitpost devoid of content. At least you tried.

>heheh goy why do you even care that something is poisoning you just become infertile goy what are you some kind of weirdo

>> No.12918010

>implying the drugs and third wave feminists haven't done so already

>> No.12918243

OP let's be honest you don't get enough pussy for your concerns to be valid.

>> No.12918387

I'm married. Thank you for your concern, though.

>> No.12918393

So are they equally retarded or are you just holding someone hostage

>> No.12918400

You must think you're a very clever person. I'm sorry you're so empty inside.

>> No.12918407

>I'm sorry you're so empty inside.
especially my nuts

>> No.12918443

Stop giving yourself footjobs to your nuts and stop worrying about socks.

>> No.12918443,1 [INTERNAL] 

baste wk

>> No.12918443,2 [INTERNAL] 

>being neetblog