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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 133 KB, 1200x1200, 1510815106997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12913868 No.12913868 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready for kids to want to dress like him even more

>> No.12913870

A shame that it wasn’t lil pump or any of the migos fags

>> No.12913875



>> No.12913880

desu i was hoping 6ix9ine would be the first to go

>> No.12913885


peep was a degenerate, but seemed like a fun person to be around

>> No.12913891

Fuck why couldn't it be that fuckboi X

>> No.12913893
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>me googling him right now

>> No.12913897

I personally like his music but he does look retarded

>> No.12913917



>> No.12913918


>> No.12913931


i dont get how u can still be against mass deportations after seeing this

>> No.12913937


he literally was a rapist that does drugs so maybe trump was right hmmm

>> No.12914038

crazy how this dude has been a meme on /fa/ for years and now he's blowing up

>> No.12914047

wish it was xxxxxxxxxtentacles

>> No.12914089

Is this



>> No.12914096

yeah fuck that cunt fr

>> No.12914104


>> No.12914106

Is it wrong of me that I actually really fuck with gummo?

>> No.12914196


>> No.12914197

he's lucky he died before he started balding
if only i was so lucky

>> No.12914353
File: 86 KB, 500x500, 6ix9ine-Oweee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you jelly of my crew /fa/

>> No.12914357

Last pic I saw of him his hairline was receded as fuck

>> No.12914361

his hair looks fine in the OP

>> No.12914363

is he the king of the large dark nipple people?

>> No.12914379

For people over 20. Who's that?

>> No.12914408

lil peep, soundcloud rapper who died of an overdose yesterday.

>> No.12914409
File: 16 KB, 350x319, 1507657845887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally who?

>> No.12914419

lil peep, rapper, died today after an overdose

>> No.12914433

i thought it was lil pump and i was really sad but i realized its this nigger just now and am heppi


>> No.12914460

xxxtentacion is next, he’s going to get himself killed or kill him self, that kid is really mental and shouldn’t have all this attention

>> No.12914464

lil who*

>> No.12914497

Okay but fr where the hell do i cop his devils jersey? I have never been able to find the exact same one, you think they'll auction off his?

>> No.12914502

That pic looks years old

>> No.12914503


>> No.12914508

serves him right for hanging out with junkies that won't even help you when you OD.

>> No.12914518

that guy said "the last picture I saw of him" not the most recently taken

also that picture is less than a year old

>> No.12914535
File: 409 KB, 500x500, 6A407053-D004-404E-89FC-C236388494F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems people forget that this is 6ix9ine

>> No.12914634


>> No.12914641

How many gay pornos do you think he did to afford all that

>> No.12914853

lol i dont know if he looked worse now or then

>> No.12914860

why? in a few months no-one will remember or care that he ever existed, internet fame is very perishable

>> No.12914942

This desu

There's still time.

>> No.12914947

Wait is that a spic or is that actually Lil Peep?

>> No.12915671

Is it too late to sacrifice lil pump and get peep back?

>> No.12915692


no, I will figure this out. Don't go to Florida tomorrow

>> No.12915705


>> No.12915706
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>> No.12915727
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>no drug dealing murder roastie girl to hang around with

lifes unfair...
just wake up after I fall asleep already

>> No.12915733

What a fucking dumb fuck. His fans should also do heroin for all i care

>> No.12915826

my favorite lil peep song is hellboy whats yours?

>> No.12915857

since when the fuck do chicks deal?

>> No.12915881

sad but at least we didn't lose anybody with talent

>> No.12915891

Nigger seems like he needs a hug from his mom.
Didn't know ppl actually LIKE listening to garbage "rap" if you can even call this..

>> No.12915893

welcome to 2017

>> No.12915894

Listening to benz truck rn

>> No.12915896

Who's this angsty Justin bieber?

>> No.12915908

if i was still in that world i would rob every one of those dumb cunts, even with their beta orbiters they have watching them to protect them

>> No.12915915

The Brightside is pretty good

>> No.12915918
File: 3.50 MB, 1808x1565, Lezzie KEKIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these closet fagits supposed to be intimidating and gangster fucking kek!!!
I'm so glad i'm white and upper middle class and so far removed from this fagit shit.

>> No.12915932

those oversized bitch areolas
that skinnyfat gyno

you kids these days have shit taste

>> No.12915955

Until they get jumped.

>> No.12915973

lol for real what the fuck

>> No.12915998


>> No.12916157

i appreciate you and this reference

>> No.12916173

I still dont understand who the fuck this guy is

>> No.12916675

Can't wait for kids wanting to OD like him even more

>> No.12916687


>> No.12916717

Soundcloud rapper that was starting to blow up. Loved by angsty teens and sadbois.

>> No.12916731

>Lets go on a witch hunt for the girl who dealt the pills to the retard daily abuser who overdosed.

Its not her responsibility.

>> No.12916775

Never listened to his music but I knew he was one of those depression rappers. Hopefully his death will be a wakeup call to the morons who meme about depression and default to drugs straight away without getting actual help, if they're even depressed to begin with. Everyone copes differently, but getting to the bottom of a pill bottle is not the way. It's just an excuse.

>> No.12916791

Yeah he seemed like a genuinely nice guy

>> No.12916799

This got me as well

>> No.12916867

lol he dealt him xanax laced with fentanyl. She dealt him shit that easily kills you

>> No.12916929

its still his fault though. This is a known thing on the markets for supplies cutting their shit with fent.

Most dealers now a days dont deal with niggers. They buy there shit on DNM whole sale then distibute

>> No.12917175

/pol/ needs to leave this is an 18 up board

>> No.12917179

This is why you shouldn't trust women to give you drugs.

>> No.12917181

This is why we should legalize all drugs

>> No.12917192


>> No.12917197

That’s the very first thing I thought, I thought and still wish it was lil pump

>> No.12917209

trap is a genre for talentless junkie hacks with no taste in everything. I am 26 and can't fucking believe you kids are listening to such embarassing garbage, try some Lil Gin or Tommy Wright III and respect your earbuds lel

>> No.12917233

Someone post the steve jobs one

>> No.12917261
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>> No.12917262

You probably not into clubbing
Here (berlin) popular chicks deal all the time (mostly pills or acid though) inside clubs as well

>> No.12917326


>> No.12917508

The way he dresses isn't really that bad, it's the face tattoos, piercings, jewelry, and most of all shitty hair that is un-/fa/.

>> No.12917516
File: 193 KB, 1000x1000, f21a5a965f7ebec3331548da78b068c5.1000x1000x1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lil pump takes meds with his grandma so I guess he has parental consent and he would be fine.

>> No.12917521

still cant believe wicca phase is the dude from tigers jaw

>> No.12917751
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This has to be set up

>> No.12917781

wtf lil peep is dead? damn

>> No.12917808

Far left is effay

>> No.12917854

what the hell is pods?

>> No.12917873

it was a white girl who dealt it. You fucking /pol/locks are a cancer. Go back to your containment board faggot

>> No.12917885

nice four loko pants

>> No.12917888

yeah fuck xxxtentacion he's a piece of shit

more than just being stupid and abusing drugs he's violent and hateful

>> No.12917921

if every rapper that took xanax died tomorrow nothing of value would be lost

>> No.12917958

I agree

>> No.12918059

>it was a white girl who dealt it.
lol you're reading comprehension is shit. I get the feeling you're a nigger.

>> No.12918064

But it was, tho
she's in jail for manslaughter and distribution as a result

>> No.12918065

probablly pods for juuls or a phix

>> No.12918091


>> No.12918113

my post was about how dealers operate now. They buy of dark net markets so they dont have to deal with niggers/sumbags that try to rob you of your money. My post was not about a nigger selling drugs to lil peep. You guys really need to stop skim reading.

>> No.12918116

Retard, Migos are the most precious thing in hip hop right now

>> No.12918118

I don't get it. Is everyone just liking this shit like they do shows like Tim and Eric's Awesome Show? Like some sort of anti-humor type of shit?

Or do most people really fuck with this in a non-ironic way?

>> No.12918155

Dare i say.....bait?

>> No.12918158

These guys need /fit/

>> No.12918170

what language are you speaking rn m8?

>> No.12918293

kek. It's been a while.

>> No.12918571

black girls have sold drugs forever. I have never met a white girl who pushes anything other than weed though

>> No.12918576

no fucking way hahahahahaha

>> No.12918595

The rules on "nigga" confuse me. So if you're latino and you have enough black friends you get to say nigga? Can a black ambassador confirm?

>> No.12918620

it is so easy for a chick dealer to get status, clients, and connections.

>> No.12918653
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>> No.12918676

No one gives a fuck about your knowledge on drug dealers you fucking idiot. It's not an issue of comprehension, you're just shit at writing. We were on the topic of how the drug dealer that was a girl dealt him laced xans, and you randomly bring up some stupid factoid on how drug dealers supposedly work now. There was no transition into the factoid, two sentences that aren't directly related. Go back to /pol and reddit you fucking brainlet.

>> No.12919143

you're so fucking stupid it's not even funny. I'm 100% convinced you're a nigger now. you should kys and do the world a favor

>> No.12919151

This board really is infested with children. No idea who this person is.

>> No.12919487


lol wow fucking grandpa over here. probably listens to metal

>> No.12919557

Modern emo artist

>> No.12919582

there are no rules anyone can call anyone else a nigger (unless you're a leaf) and if anyone has any problems with it u just intimidate em till they fuck off back to their new york apartment to write about u on their blog

>> No.12919590
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based. Same with the mentally ill

>> No.12919773

2 of my weed dealers are chicks and my ex deals addys

>> No.12919846

OK dude. I'm sure you go around dropping hard R niggers in mixed company all the time, which you know isn't what I was talking about anyway.

>> No.12919904

yeah actually i do. theres no niggers where i live because they cant afford it and if i ever ran into one while im traveling who chimped out on me id just beat its head in

>> No.12919998

pretty good

>> No.12920075

>Robbing a drug dealer.

Have fun getting shot

>> No.12920086

Sure ya would.


>> No.12920117
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>> No.12920154

>rich kid thinks he's hard
>doesn't know any black ppl
>is ready to beat their heads in tho

>> No.12920193

danny brown

>> No.12920216

take your larping back to /pol/ kid

>> No.12920331

weak bait

>> No.12920463

my nigga lil wop skinny af

>> No.12920588

Shit you're right

>> No.12920681

how the fuck do you even lace xanax? its a prescription drug...

>> No.12920685

pill press

>> No.12920791

Why does he look so much like Alison Quinn without any facial hair?

>> No.12921109

>calling me a nigger and telling me to k y s
looks like someone is upset about being B T F O

>> No.12921110


>> No.12921298
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rip to a legend

>> No.12921300
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I'd never dress like him or copy his style but how was he so /fa/

its like some people have the /fa/ gene and are photogenic as fuck, and others don't

I simply don't get it.

>> No.12921316
File: 5 KB, 150x113, 61D8CFE5-F4C4-44FF-B414-52C58A847881-150x113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rest easy homie

>> No.12921318
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>> No.12921710

either about u or star shopping

>> No.12921745
File: 1.72 MB, 372x262, catcry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me bleed
"I just wanna die by my mothers side, tell her that I love her while my brother cry"

>mfw he died alone at the back of a tour bus

>> No.12921748


i omce wanted the Coron Wave tattoo.

>> No.12921762

>fa shitposted about this guy asking if hes effay
>Instantly hate him for that
>Finally listens to his music after hes gone
>I really like it

i fucking hate you guys

>> No.12921764

Rip scrappy doo

>> No.12921784
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>> No.12921800

bruh i knew a girl who started selling weed and hash at 14

>> No.12921803

Fucking a 14 year old roastie who lies about their age when you're 17 isnt rape. back2reddit

>> No.12921810

im aware its bad music but I like the hard hitting beats. It probably starts out ironic and as more people find out it becomes a legitimate following

>> No.12921817

You fuck with pierre bourne, the guy who made the beat. lyrics are fucking garbage and he looks like a dumbass

>> No.12921928

Who did this, Jesus Christ.

>> No.12922272

maybe some fucking cumskin will do,dont know

>> No.12922335
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>> No.12922353
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God fucking damn I hate black people and the Jews that encourage them even more after watching this


>> No.12922358
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>> No.12922453

this is when he looked his best. he really went off the deep end with the 'look' after this. baka

>> No.12922711

it is in the eye of the law

>> No.12923008


>> No.12923030
File: 92 KB, 557x701, uh oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I have a retarded trans friend who says shes going to kill herself because peep

>> No.12923302

he was pretty af with no facial hair, wow what the fuck lmao

>> No.12923313

if he looked like that for at least a year b4 death you'd be seeing a lot more people comparing him to cobain than you already do

>> No.12923327

i know what you mean, man he looks so young in that picture....it really puts it into perspective like he was just a kid (he recently turned 21 i believe). didnt deserve to die alone in the back of his bus, RIP

>> No.12923370

Fuck off roastie

>> No.12923431

I bet she got it from her grandparents
It's a known fact the market is tainted far and wide now, you accept the risks of risky behavior and sometimes it sucks.

>> No.12923468
File: 2.13 MB, 1280x720, ape escape.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what made these white kids get programmed to get face tats and make jungle music?

>> No.12923575


>> No.12923604


>> No.12924629

eggman's sister

>> No.12924661
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Gee I wonder

>> No.12924678


>> No.12924685
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is this Jew thing real or is it another conspiracy that cannot be proven but only speculated and theorized using supporting data

>> No.12924687

>retard with shit fashion and music died
>so much attention

i hate 2017

>> No.12924770

I knew a girl who sold pot. Didn't last long, she got jumped after a couple weeks

>> No.12924778
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>> No.12924787

>unironically overdosing on the same drugs you used to brag about abusing in your shitty "songs"

Too stupid to live

>> No.12924798


>> No.12924800


let her know she would never get a cute boy like peep