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12896254 No.12896254 [Reply] [Original]

Model Ali Michael just got blacklisted because she expressed interest in sleeping with 14 year old Finn Wolfhard (she's 27). Should a model be judged by her personal opinions? Was Galliano treated fairly?

>> No.12896257
File: 65 KB, 1257x227, alimichaeltwitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's whack, Jack.

>> No.12896259

it's creepy, use your brain and don't do this shit publicly when there are massive sexual abuse scandals blowing up

>> No.12896262

``````waiting for Millie Bobby Brown to hit 18 y.

>> No.12896263

Why do women find this future school shooter attractive?

>> No.12896265

clit sucking lips

>> No.12896270

I have CSLs, but she doesn't DM me :/

>> No.12896274


>> No.12896277

the original thing can kind of be played off, that one is way worse
what the fuck
she deserves everything

>> No.12896283

butthurt finn fangirl detected

>> No.12896285
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.12896288

She did not wrong. She just assumed that Finn will look good in his 18

>> No.12896294
File: 424 KB, 1200x744, galliano-leaving.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. the cult of personality surrounding the stranger things kids creeps me the fuck out. they're kids ffs, and people have them doing photoshoots for magazines doing pouty faces like adult models. so while, yeah, it's not good hearing someone say they want to sleep with finn wolfhard, I feel like that's a byproduct of him being trotted out as this uber celebrity and to a degree that's being exploited.

2. the alt right is going to disagree because of muh jewish conspiracy, but galliano made an ass out of himself and represented dior poorly, and imo gave them no choice except to fire him. people have largely given him a pass because he's so talented, I think the industry in general is willfully ignorant and forgetful when it comes to stuff like this. I'm happy he gets to continue designing because he does important work, but again he only gets a second chance because of his talent - pretty much anyone else would have been kicked to the curb.

>> No.12896342


>> No.12896343

Ali pls

>> No.12896346

>hmu in 4 years
What's controversial about this? Yes, the subfandom specifically dedicated to the stranger things kids is fucking creepy, but that's pretty fucking tame all things considered

>> No.12896348
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falling this hard for the (((media)))

>> No.12896376
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>> No.12896389

Finnie and I*
ban was therefore deserved

>> No.12896392
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>Hi anon! Is your little brother home?

>> No.12896395

see, there it is. I, >>12896346 retract my previous statement.

>> No.12896398

This picture is so cute.

>> No.12896403

That's how the pedos get you!

>> No.12896412
File: 36 KB, 200x146, 1507201342029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be your own younger brother

>> No.12896422

Show the post to your older brother.

>> No.12896423

i only have older sisters, anon, so i can't do that

>> No.12896441

Post still works. Show it to one of them.
btw can't they /ss/ with you?

>> No.12896451


>> No.12896452 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12896607


>> No.12896631

this is a perfect example of how inebriating fame and fiction can be for people. it's like people who attack jack gleeson on the street (the actor who played king joffrey baratheon in game of thrones). she's obviously not able to separate him from the character and the show. if she had met this kid in whatever context as opposed to seeing him on a hit show, she would never have reacted this way. she would just see him as another cute little boy, which he probably is in reality

>> No.12896678

he's a douchebag or/and gay tho
hit that supermodel pussy or shut up, like you're 14, not 10.

>> No.12896687

If a 27 year old male model said the same thing to a 14 year old girl the consequences would be much worse.

Oh boohoo, some pedo who thought she'd get away with whatever she wants due to a pussypass got denied. Get over it.

>> No.12896696


>> No.12896697
File: 24 KB, 304x304, Mack.304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"For free suites I’d give Paris Hilton all-nighters/In about 3 years, holla at me Miley Cyrus"
Mack Maine, 2009

>> No.12896699


>> No.12896703

fuck, i'm drunk

>> No.12896711

she sounds like a psycho

>> No.12896721


Eh, are you honestly not aware of how much sexual abuse (young) actresses are subjected to in the entertainment industry? (Fashion industry, too)

That said:

Abuse of young men is very often overlooked and not talked about nearly as much as it should.

That said: come on, people, even the biggest sperg can tell this isn't serious (and the boy in question is going to grow up fuckin beautiful)

>> No.12896730

Oh wtf... im tring to nofap. DELETE THIS

>> No.12896732

Hi Ali! How's Marcel?

>> No.12896734
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>> No.12896735

That means you don't have CSLs. Sorry.

>> No.12896737

Are you not aware of how often young actors are abused too? Corey Feldman has been open about what goes down for years but he isn't a woman so no one gave a shit. It's only now that it comes out Weinstein raped/sexually harassed women everyone is up Hollywood's ass and calling for change.

>> No.12896741

I wonder if he really will. Micrognatism/overbite is only cute in young people ang girls.

>> No.12896744

Nobody cares about Corey because he's a creepy cunt who wants $10 million before he's willing to talk about it.

>> No.12896757
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1944, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they think female pedophiles don't exist
>they think female pedophiles aren't at least as common as male pedophiles

I was molested by women multiple times throughout my childhood (aunt, babysitter, some lady who visited us at school (most likely put up to it by one of the teachers)), and when I was very young (younger than Finn is now) I had my first relationship with a 17 year old.
The schooling system is CRAWLING with women who are there just for little boys (or girls, too). When I was with that 17 year old I thought it was the coolest shit in the world of course. That she actively tried to make me feel like shit all day long and psychologically abused me just seemed like the price I had to pay. Someone that age who wants to have sex with someone younger than her (even more so with a 27/14 relationship) has severe issues and is out to hurt and control someone. /ss/ might seem like fun (and ironically I'm almost exclusively attracted to older women), but it's a horrible psychological event that only hurts the boy. Don't fall for this shit just because it makes your cock hard.
>b-but it's just lust on their part and I think it's cool to fuck an older girl/woman!
I know you think it's cool. So did I. However, a woman who wants such a thing is inherently a horrible person who gets off on immaturity and the ability to hurt someone like that. STAY FAR AWAY

If there are any 13/14/15/whatever year olds reading this, please take my advice. Don't do it. Not worth it. Even telling the story to anyone IRL will hurt. There's a reason EVERYONE who experiences this kind of thing says it fucked them up.

>> No.12896760

If I wanted to reveal a secret which pretty much guaranteed I'd never have any future career whatsoever, I'd probably try to get enough money to sustain myself too.

>> No.12896768

It's fucked how they all smile in their booking photos. It's like they know that they won't do any hard time and the system is rigged in their favor.

>> No.12896773

Hardly micrognatism, the kid is prepubescent, more recent pictures show a better developed chin profile

>> No.12896776

She's a lesbian?

>> No.12896781

Christ what’s the big fucking deal, he’s a good looking kid and will certainly grow up to be quite a beautiful boy. Loads of my female friends say the same thing. I for one am looking forward to seeing him in 4 years also.

>> No.12896789

fuck off pedo cunt

>> No.12896793

this except unironically

>> No.12896799

Really weak chin anyways

>> No.12896806

Hardly pedophilia

>> No.12896818


What I opposed was the "a bloo bloo a girl would get away with this but not a man!"-part, which is just not true. Yes, people are talking about Weinstein now, but after what, 30 years of doing it with absolutely zero repercussion.

>> No.12896903

It’s moronic to compare what Weinstein did to this

>> No.12896916
File: 146 KB, 1502x1000, MV5BMTc2MjAxMzU5MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzQ1NzMzMzI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,1502,1000_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more akin to a grown saying he wants to move to another country to legally tap this

>> No.12896924

That's because no one believes that anyone would be willing to molest Corey Feldman, and for free too.

>> No.12896936

Why is he crossdressing?

>> No.12897033

she's basically a waifuist.
Doesn't mean shit

>> No.12897060

It's true. Women get away with this shit all the time. When they do get charged (which is rare), they get extremely light sentences in comparison. You are retarded and don't know what the data says so stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.12897064

>"come on guys, it's hardly pedophilia. I'm barely a pedophile. Just a little bit but not that much!"

>> No.12897329

>they all
only like 3 of them are smiling...

>> No.12897344

What the fuck I thought this Finn lad was a girl.

I was under the impression that he was a girl who played a male character in Stranger Things.

>> No.12897348 [DELETED] 

Glad I'm not the only ome.

>> No.12897595

women are basically robots and will follow whatever is popular

>> No.12898148
File: 634 KB, 2592x1944, Nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said "call me in four years" that does not means booty call me anytime in 4 years(when hes 18)
>I was Molested Multiple Times since childhood. By families members and a 17yr girl
Sure you did also you posed for a Renascence statue.>>If its True until 17?? what you had to wait until the frontal lobe 25?? LUL

Kings...ancients Males, who had the privilege, started fucking at 7-8 even younger ....Alexander the Great was sexually "groomed" by Aristotle by his father requests ie fuked by him maybe, and girls, and of course Muh philosophy lessons in between..

>> No.12898152

They're on a sex offenders register that's publicly available for the rest of their lives

>> No.12898153
File: 11 KB, 170x255, 170px-Kevin_Spacey_@_San_Diego_Comic-Con_2008_-_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male actor reveals when he was 14 and kevin spacey was 26 spacey dry humped him.

>before the story is out of the cycle a 27 year old female actor makes sexual comment about 14 year old boy.

funny cohencidence, right?

>> No.12898165
File: 2.50 MB, 854x480, 1509964978982.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ali Michael
>Pro Gun
>"Aryan" Looking
>Weirder then the Average "Top" Model
>Makes a comment about a clearly a to be homosexual men
>or a victim of Paedophilia, most of then are Ex molestation victims
Coincidence ???

>> No.12898168
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>> No.12898172

>doesn't know how to spell Renaissance

Opinion discarded, dumb faggot

>> No.12898175
File: 108 KB, 960x960, 13249847_568931256620826_937898070_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes cuz Renaissance(E double SS) is such an Anglo word RIGHT ..Pleb...

>> No.12898197
File: 64 KB, 500x510, alimichaelargento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pro Gun

>> No.12898199

She's not wrong, Germany and Spain would have no problem with this.

>> No.12898231
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>> No.12898241

Does she have any tattoos?

>> No.12898246

What's the point of owning tons of different guns? Serious question. Lethal funko-pop? I get guys who want to own multiple cars or guitars since you can use all of them and they'll all function differently, but with guns it seems strange because you'll probably never be in some kind of FPS situation where you're in a firefight and happen to be carrying 20 different firearms. Is it the difference in kickback at the firing range? The different ways in which the targets shatter? Pure collectability? Sick brutal warrior roleplaying?

>> No.12898250
File: 333 KB, 1500x1954, Ali-Michael-by-Daniel-Clavero-for-Vogue-Ukraine-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless its in her vaginal labia, or they it conceal in shoots..I don't think so

>> No.12898251
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>when his age starts with 1

>> No.12898258

what's that yellow shit around her mouth

>> No.12898259
File: 84 KB, 1080x1350, 22070837_1715365905438547_7545917360482287616_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when rolling in a Ice Cream truck

>> No.12898326

Kek this is your brain on feminism

>> No.12898396

To bad she's a fucking pedophile

>> No.12898404
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>> No.12898405

>since you can use all of them and they'll all function differently

You retarded bro?

>> No.12898433

>Come see me when you're an adult.
Man she must really like children

>> No.12898448


I know right, that's typical human behavior to think someone is attractive and tell them so.

He's not a child, he's a teenager, she doesn't even have to wait till he's 18, in two more years he'll be legal to date in most states.

Everyone is always trying to witch hunt these days.

>> No.12898462

See >>12896257 and>>12896757

>> No.12898465

I'm going to answer your question a little but first I want you to think about how ignorant you are. This ignorance about firearms is actively promoted because the more people know about firearms the less afraid of them and the less supportive of gun control they will become.
One purpose of firearms is self-defense. For this purpose alone you could own at least three different guns. For concealed carry you would likely want a pistol that is light. For home defense you may want a shotgun because it's less aiming you'll need to do in the dark and you can put self-defense ammo in it that is unlikely to go through the wall and kill your kids and neighbours. For defending your civilization you'll likely want a more powerful rifle.
>hurr durr
There's more countries than the USA. I think in Switzerland they have everyone keep their rifles for precisely this purpose.
Another reason you might want firearms is to hunt. You do not want a very powerful gun to hunt a rabbit or a bird. You will blow it to bits. You do not want a less powerful cartridge for larger game. You will be less able to make a humane kill.
Another reason you might want a gun is target shooting, competition or recreational. Target shooting is done with a range of weapons including very specialized ones that would not be anyone's first choice for anything else.
Between just these uses I've listed you could have at least a dozen different firearms and it would not be excessive.

>> No.12898469


Okay? Is he prepubescent? Did she pull up in a white van and offer him candy? Did she corner him in a room and try to force her self on him? Was she his teacher or babysitter and spent years grooming and coercing him into sex?

No she tweeted a crass compliment, but one that's completely understandable to anybody that's not a spaz and looking for boogiemen everywhere.

>> No.12898508

muh freedom
*is restricted in every way*

>> No.12898511


>> No.12898514

why do

>> No.12898526

>I get guys who want to own multiple cars or guitars since you can use all of them and they'll all function differently
so do guns

>> No.12898527


>> No.12898535

all female models are disgusting whores

>> No.12898551


>> No.12898563


>> No.12898574

Incels pls leave

>> No.12898629


>> No.12898740

fat girl pls

>> No.12898778

>Ali Michael just got blacklisted


>> No.12898794
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Post more Ali pls.

>> No.12898850

Reminder she did nothing wrong

>> No.12898878
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>Reminder she did nothing wrong

>> No.12898889


Fashion. beauty, entertainment industry is filled with lusty people, and it's common to work with young teen talent.

She's even more popular now from the negative press, she's absolutely not black listed, especially not over a screen capped instagram post. It's was sleezy but mostly harmless and not an uncommon thing to say about a young actor, and only got attention because of the recent flood of news about Hollywood perverts.

>> No.12898896


First she said 4 years so whatever. But also she's right, in some countries with an ounce of sense, it would be no big deal.

But can you imagine if the genders reversed? Media outrage for weeks. Luckily it proves there is a difference between men and women.

>> No.12898901
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 21041544_1392541544193146_8527112410304086016_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12898911

>But can you imagine if the genders reversed?

Yes, because lusting after teenage actresses and singers has always been a thing and still is.

Where are these people that were born yesterday coming from?

>> No.12898917
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>> No.12898918


I googled Ali Michael to fap but saw all these articles about Finn having to respond to the comment. Now this poor kid as to pretend he doesnt want to fuck supermodels because these fat goobers are throwing mics at him on the way to the airport.

>> No.12898932


I was going to post the same thing. He's fucking 14 years old with a gorgeous model propositioning him, nearly every heterosexual 14 year old boy's head be spinning right now, they'd be over the moon. Except now he has to pretend he doesn't like pussy because tumblr and twitter will crucify him if he responds in any positive way.

>> No.12898950
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>> No.12898954
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>> No.12898956


He should fuck her anyway just to set off some Tumblerina.

>> No.12899170

Man the fact that child stars is a legit phenomenon is just so fucked in general.

>> No.12899248
File: 485 KB, 500x249, 1378611001154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be real

>> No.12899277

Society handles cases of predatory actions by grown females differently because on some deep level, even if we refuse to acknowledge it, we all understand that it is, not as a rule but as a tendency, an entirely different beast from predatory grown males altogether. Gender roles are deeper than mere social construction, particularly the ones that most would never dare to articulate at all. We understand that the gender of both the perpetrator and victim drastically change the dynamic, even if a case can/should be made that it should remain illegal regardless

>> No.12899279
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When a woman expresses interest in a teenage boy, she should be commended for being so gracious

its not even in the same realm as a 27 yo man doing it to a 14 year old girl. Morally it's almost the polar opposite

>> No.12899353

She posts the goofiest shit.

>> No.12899374
File: 19 KB, 500x358, 1504824508136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn lick those brows
fuck you finn, little frog faggot

>> No.12899380

lol she knows the dude who plays Jonathan on Stranger Things

>> No.12899381

You're aware people make these kinds of comments constantly about famous people regardless of age? People make these comments constantly on 4chan
I don't see anything different here. Although I'm interpreting these kinds of internet comments as completely without intent, where you seem to think they're serious.
It's bizarre that she's getting so much shit for this.

>> No.12899406

>reddit spacing

You can't make this shit up.

>> No.12899426

>casually mentioning 10-inch penis
Yea no I stopped reading after that

>> No.12899462

not kes godammit

>> No.12899667


>> No.12899715


He's quite awesome in fact. Personnaly Ezra Miller is my type of men so.. Finn would be too.

And I'm pretty sure that at 20 years old, he will be awesome.

>> No.12899862

disgusting pedo

>> No.12899877



>> No.12899878
File: 35 KB, 532x700, 0a8f1a08539ee52d1cd3d37200fb87da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all women want older men with money and aren't visually stimulated by male aesthetics they said

>> No.12899883

>tfw my teachers didn't fuck me when i was in high school
must be great being a chad

>> No.12899889

my did

they fucked me with straight F's on my report card

>> No.12899902

>ywn have angelic russian gf

>> No.12899905

She looks like a fourteen-year-old herself. I think she's just confused.

Regardless though, statutory rape isn't cool.

>> No.12899921

>shes 27, dog i'm 27

>> No.12899928

You say shit, you pay for consequences. It's simple as that. Can't pity someone too retarded to grasp something that easy.

>> No.12899932

i didn't think what she said is that bad but this is kinda creepy. still don't think its a huge deal but yeah its creepy to say this about a 14 year old kid. i mean 14 year old me would def want to smash (but have no idea how to don't get me wrong).

>> No.12899952

honestly.. i mean when i was 14 i was desperately trying to bang my 25/30 year old teachers, friend's hot sisters, friend's moms

even if ali is a pedogril this kid is a fag

>> No.12900057

>message boards

You think she shitposed here?

>> No.12900079

Cozy as a posy mmm zzz

>> No.12900408

Who do you think keeps saying she did nothing wrong?

>> No.12900409

They're not mutually exclusive and money enhances the looks.
If a woman knows a guy has money she will perceive him to be physically more attractive.
She'll also probably think he is more funny and more interesting than the same guy would be if he was broke.

>> No.12900456

How is he 'Aryan looking', even as a joke? He looks like an Israeli/Iranian mix Jew or something without even looking him up.

>> No.12900534

she wants to feel him from the inside

>> No.12900592

bitch wha... are you okay?

>> No.12900781

i like how the black kid is the only one with style.

>> No.12900798

>he thinks they pick their own clothes

>> No.12900837

Switzerland has stringent gun control you fucking idiot. Access to firearms for recreation and carrying in public (concealed or open) is not worth the issues that come with it. There may be some good arguments for home defense, though I’m not entirely convinced. You just want guns because they’re fun, but fun can’t come at the cost of constant mass shootings and a gun culture that promotes inner city violence.

>> No.12900843

Why is this thread on /fa/ again?

>> No.12900849

It involves:
*a model
*catamite boipucci
*a show with costumes /fa/ likes

>> No.12900885

>tfw cant watch stranger things now because of the CUNTS in the fanbase

>> No.12901767


>> No.12901772

when she says this about a 14 year old it's not that big of a deal, if a male model did the same it'd be a massive thing

not trying to be an mra but it is weird

>> No.12901793

>career killed
>dozens of major articles
>thousands of death threats
>not that big of a deal,

>> No.12901799

She deserved it for being a perverted freak.

>> No.12901800

I saw one article and a few tweets. most people just brushed it off or knew it was a dumb joke

>> No.12901817

~7000 aggressive comments on her IG, and if you Google News Search her name you get countless articles.

>> No.12901818

>walking home from school one day
>some random high school girl asks me to get in her house
>"N-no! I don't know you!"
>Run home, tell my parents
I was 11 years old

>> No.12901821

old thirsty thots

>> No.12901838

lul get fucked

>> No.12901841

They shoot different bullets and look cool. I have everything from modern plastic gun to old cowboy revolvers.

>> No.12901884

The girl was blatantly joking. That kid is fucking repulsive, which should've made this even more obvious it was a joke.

>> No.12901888

Ali Michael isn't jewish

The fuck

>> No.12901948


Short midface atuomatically makes any guy attractive

>> No.12901953


Not really. Have you seen the male model tinder experiments where he said in his bio, he raped a 14 year old? Women still fell for him and think he could be redeemable, even though he raped a child LOL.


>> No.12901959


Why do female models look like they are children or look like their heads would fit perfectly on a 5 2 body?

Ex: taylor hill, ali michael and yada yada.

They all look younger than their age but tall as fuck.

>> No.12902011

at least its a white kid

>> No.12902042
File: 38 KB, 400x537, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reeks of Jew, Jew models and Manufactured Jew Social Agendas

>> No.12902084

she looks like my gradeschool best friend and it hurts my heart that i havent talked to him in over 10 years fuck you

>> No.12902109

This post reeks of faggot

>> No.12902125

Did i say she was you kike

>> No.12902702

yes you did actually you bike

>> No.12902843


take your pills and fuck off r/pol

>> No.12903907


>> No.12903952

pic unrelated niggums

>> No.12904002

>muh jews
Fuck off retarded polyp

>> No.12904447

Maybe i'm sexist but I honestly don't see this as too much of a problem. If I was 14 and had an older woman hitting on me, unless she was ugly literally NEVER would I say no or be grossed out or feel "used" or whatever. A predatory man and a predatory woman are different things. Men are stronger, more agressive, so if you have those pedophiliac notions going through one of their heads it's a recipe for disaster. Pedo notions going through a woman's head are obviously not ok in a general sense, but on a case by case basis like with this model semi-hitting on a 14 year old like literally who cares?

>> No.12904471


This bitch got famous off the dumb shit she said, if she hadn't done it nobody would even know what the fuck is a " Ali Michael "

>> No.12904474

I saw him recently, he doesn't look much different, just taller.

>> No.12904520

Anyone who disagrees with this is starting with the notion "MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL IN EVERY WAY" and dismisses anything that challenges that notion, instead of adjusting their beliefs through exposure to facts.

>> No.12904531

>the kid is prepubescent

He's not prepubescent.

>> No.12904593
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>> No.12904915

It isn't pedophilia you idiot. Pedophilia is being sexually attracted to prepubescent children whose bodies are not biologically ready for sex.

Being sexually attracted to children is an aberration, being sexually attracted to a teenager is just breaking an arbitrary social norm

>> No.12904928

How is it pedophilic to recognize that a young person is beautiful or on his/her way to becoming a beautiful adult? It's not as if it has become off limits to say that some children are prettier than others, is it?

>> No.12905347

>It's not as if it has become off limits to say that some children are prettier than others, is it?

Apparently it has. Social media is a mistake.

>> No.12905421

How do you know this kid entered puberty yet?

>> No.12905607

One look at her Instagram and you can tell she's a nutcase, you don't stick your dick in crazy.
I do find her attractive besides her mouth an teeth and she does looks great with her mouth closed, but even i would give her a pass based on her online personality.

>> No.12905763

I said much the same thing when Spacey ran Weinstein off the news.

Judging by these webm's she won't have to worry about Finn calling because it looks like he's going to go another way.

>> No.12905778

>but fun can’t come at the cost of constant mass shootings and a gun culture that promotes inner city violence.

1) Mass shootings are hardly constant
2) Fun might not come at the cost of shootings, but rights do
3) "Gun culture" doesn't promote inner city violence, nigger culture does. This point alone is enough to make me think you're baiting.

>> No.12906032

You do not have the spirit of a free man. If you live in a first world nation please emigrate to a brown nation where the citizens give approximately as many fucks about freedom as you do.
You are a slave and a coward.

>> No.12906087

>Mass shootings are hardly constant

>> No.12906762

>telling others they should go to a brown nation and that they're not free

>> No.12907558

Is Ali a meme?

>> No.12907576
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That's because you probably were an ugly af child and jumped at every bit of female attention. Finn gets a lot of attention because he's a movie star, the lady is more about twice his age, seems like something out of Stranger Things.

>> No.12907611
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there is probably close to 500 millions guns what are you gonna do about it? there is nothing that can be done now there are so many and people wouldn't want to give them in, they tried to get people to register their guns in NY but very small percentage did

Guns should be in the hand of citizens to be able to fight tyrannical governments, that is the most important point

>> No.12907719
File: 1.04 MB, 1242x1600, CA0EE965-A1A3-4F0C-9649-D81E4B094E59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finn is more of a model than her

>> No.12907720

lookism??? is that you?

>> No.12907728
File: 3.92 MB, 1242x2208, A4A3D5B2-6091-463E-A607-623D3A4031C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finn deserves his own thread

>> No.12907734

he's already like 5'8 tall

>> No.12907737

I wonder how many male Hollywood producers have molested him so far.

>> No.12907742

Your mom deserves my dick down her throat.

>> No.12907748

dick your mom if you want dick

>> No.12907757

His agent was caught in a sexual harassment scandal, he quite the agency after the news, so he was smart to avoid this kind of stuff

>> No.12907774
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>> No.12907792
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>> No.12907833


>> No.12907838

I think I might've been molested when I was a child. How do you define it?

>> No.12907843

fattie pls go

>> No.12907849
File: 83 KB, 1158x585, 13308278_1055177167886008_8406140145226688310_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stranger things is just twin peaks for normies desu

>> No.12907850

/pol fuck off

>> No.12907889
File: 920 KB, 1552x2024, F849C18F-870D-4909-BE1F-C1A855054E6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 where to cop pants

>> No.12907956

holy fuck her ass is a ruin.

so flat it falls in on itself

>> No.12907967

where to cop pants?
jk I already know :^))

>> No.12908152

I'm so sick of hearing about these fucking faggy ass Stranger Things actors. The show is garbage and so are they.
>le 56% face

>> No.12908290

mass shootings here are "constant" like refugee rapes in europe are "constant"

>> No.12908358

mass shootings are very common in the states. relative to civilised europe its night and fucking day. absurd

>> No.12908388

>you don't stick your dick in crazy.

I leave /fa/ and come back and this is what they are teaching the nubs now...

>> No.12908436

fucking with and fucking crazy people is entertaining, adds excitement and drama to life

>> No.12908600

but seriously, where to cop pants?

>> No.12908791

Implying that kid has no money
Dumb ass

>> No.12908844
File: 87 KB, 300x291, 1500324505944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a time machine so I could go back to when I was a teenager and fuck older girls.

Fucking hell.

>> No.12908895

wew he's a cutie

>> No.12909080

>tfw too ugly to have been molested as a child

>> No.12909086

It would be nice to get that /ss/ action but realistically you're in a better position to fuck girls of all ages now.
Not many girls are into that shit and even if you got your quantum leap you might not find one.

>> No.12909088

Are you that depraved of human affection and intimacy that you wish you were psychologically traumatized? I hope you can escape the black hole porn and desensitization has done to you.

>> No.12909092

it was a joke

I'm a 21 KV and never had a girl show any interest

>> No.12909113


>> No.12909115

kissless virgin

>> No.12909122

Fuck you this is art

>> No.12909124

When you're a legit wizard trading the scars from that for the scars from losing your v-card ahead of schedule sound pretty good.

>> No.12909398

More finnspiration please

>> No.12909546

less playy dressup FInnie!!!!:)

>> No.12909551
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How do you call this look?

>> No.12909630

stranger fits

>> No.12909641

el frogger

>> No.12909668

Twin Peaks was for normies too anon. Don't you remember?

>> No.12909945

But now it isn't. We'll be allowed to enjoy stranger things in like 25 years

>> No.12910001

who's russian?

>> No.12910015

all pedos should be killed

>> No.12910305
File: 86 KB, 877x877, 64F29464-A10D-4CE5-815C-C99FFDEAF3CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to cop jacket?

>> No.12910326

She's being ironic dumbass

>> No.12910366

imagine being European

>> No.12910527

imagine being african

>> No.12910612
File: 157 KB, 1080x1921, 16909697_1609044525825478_5366802257599791104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes she is, you can tell by excessive use of heart emojis and by her talking positively manner about her dad

>> No.12911061

Just make one you lazy fuck.

>> No.12911209
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>> No.12911226

Lucky bastard

>> No.12912057

He'll be really handsome when he's older

But maybe I'm biased, I like 'em Jewish

>> No.12912085
File: 260 KB, 934x1400, 030CD1B9-E846-4EB1-A02E-C70BD140679C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he’s only a portion jewish and catholic

>> No.12912087
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>> No.12912100

He looks absurdly jewish though

>> No.12912118

Have you seen a Jewish person?
>curly hair = jewish

>> No.12912127

Hm, yes? What kind of point are you trying to make? That they're really diverse looking or something? Like I know. They don't all have the same face.
Everyone who looks like Finn and have his kind of features just so happen to be Jewish

>> No.12912140

Yeah those features... dark hair, white skin...
Plenty of people who have these features aren’t jewish though, just like finn

>> No.12912149

Dark curly hair, white skin, the cheekbones, the nose, the lips

Like, how beautiful features are features beautiful people of all races have, but they have it in a way that is still kind of distinctive of their group?

I have no idea if he actually IS jewish btw, just that he sure looks like it

>> No.12912157

He’s German and Irish, you can tell from his name
t. Someone who knows someone so called finn and looks kind a like him

>> No.12912161

No chance of a Jew ever sourcing from Germany right

>> No.12912215
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>> No.12912357
File: 99 KB, 720x893, 008f1d0831a1d640652403114a3b43c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fit looks great

>> No.12912573

They hold their value well and sometimes go up in value. Collecting things is essentially keeping your money in a bank not owned by jews. They're a great thing to pass down to your kids when you die too, like old automobiles.

>> No.12912783

That hair style is great.

>> No.12912804

the real question is should Louis CKs career be destroyed for literally asking for consent to jack it in front of people?

>> No.12912829

he's literally a freak

>> No.12912834

Is that supposed to be an answer?

>> No.12913979


>> No.12913996
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>> No.12914002


>> No.12914113

Lol honestly, cant believe we're the only ones thinking this. Even some of my cuck friends keep saying shit like "hes being attacked by a predator, regardless that its a woman blah blah"

I was jerking it every day at 14. Shit i still do now. No way he didnt go check out some of her modeling after his PR rep told him about it.

Besides, she didnt say "im gonna go fuck a kid" she just said once he turns 18. Its really not that hard to predict what someone looks like in 4 years. What a dumb news story

>> No.12914686

Why are models so fucking stupid? I thought Zoolander was over the top, but damn...

>> No.12914688

post more ali

>> No.12915984

what the fuck lmao

>> No.12916499

he was talking about micheal retard

>> No.12916509

Finn is jewish though and how can you say those features aren't jewish, look up ashkenazi jews and you'll see those same features

>> No.12916528

>implying that any of the scandals involve a woman offender

>> No.12916665

Finn, if you're reading this, hmu in 4 years. I'm qt boi and I'd be better for you than some old woman who will be 31, it's pretty much like fucking your grandma

>> No.12916668
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For what purpose

>> No.12916671

Well the thing is that he's not actually jewish

>> No.12916679
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>> No.12916682

Gov't is already tyrannical but control mainstream thought via the media so the armed public will never do anything about it because they dont particularly want to. Anyone who did would be considered a terrorist by the masses.

Americans are either complicit or peacefully defiant(whiny). ie. You're fucked.

>> No.12916693

Molestation victims are mostly <14 years. Most would probably rather be virgins at 20 than not at 10.

>> No.12916706
File: 1.64 MB, 2248x3000, 5140709C-D1FF-4A6B-8FF0-75DE7DFD12FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12916716

molestation doesn't always mean penetration

>> No.12916723

>what are female pedophiles

>> No.12916739

She expressed interest in sleeping with an 18 year old four years from now. I don't really understand how anyone above the age of 13 actually thinks this is a big deal. People are acting like she actually tried fucking this kid. The virtue signaling has reached critical mass.

>> No.12916752

No, she expressed interest in someone below the age of 18, as they are right now. The four years was only due to legality.

Public castration and what not.

>> No.12916756

I was thinking the same thing. Looks like she sucked someones poopy hole.

>> No.12916761

yep same

>> No.12917060
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>> No.12917256

I have literally Finn's hair at the age of 21, what do I do to not look like a 14 year old without getting a meme undercut?

>> No.12917775


fuck, same. I'm just gonna grow it and comb one side.

>> No.12917940

is he fucking wearing CROCS

>> No.12918690

fuck off Ali

>> No.12918954

>She expressed interest in sleeping with an 18 year old four years from now
Try being a 27yo man and doing the same publicly. "Cute 14yo girl, I want to fuck her but I have to wait 4 years". Not even in a circle of close friends would that get a pass.

>> No.12918957

>While at the airport, Finn Wolfhard was approached by a TMZ cameraman, who asked him what he thought about Ali Michael's comments. Despite looking visibly uncomfortable, Finn responded, "That was gross" and added "That's good that she apologized...That's weird."

Confirmed gay.

>> No.12919009
File: 217 KB, 640x415, sadie-sink-jg-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh it's all in the way you say it. There's video of the current u.s. president telling an 8 year old girl that he'll be dating her in 10 years and half the country's population didn't or doesn't give a fuck.

I liked Sadie Sink, the actress who played Max, I think she's gorgeous and would absolutely date her next year (16 is the age of consent in my state) and I'm well into adult hood.

It's not that strange of a thing to say to a teen, It can be tactless or tacky, but not inappropriate. Not as much as the media and social media is making this out to be. It's a common behavior done by both genders.

>> No.12919014
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>> No.12919041

The kid just looks like a poofter.

>> No.12919046

I fucking love black hair + white skin combo
Shame that black hair is usually a shitskin trait

>> No.12919173

who the fuck says poofer anymore?

>> No.12919187

>He said he didn't want to bang someone as old as his mom in a public interview in front of his whole family means he's gay
You must be fucking retarded

>> No.12919202

>as old as his mom
If she had him at 13, yeah.

I can tell you're either a girl or a homo because banging an older 10/10 chick is every 14yo boy's dream

He's either gay or forced to say that by parents/manager

>> No.12919205

You're a straight up creep then. I'm 25 and there are teenage girls I find attractive but I'd never hit on one or out that publicly

>> No.12919214

If the kid was saying this on his own and not because his people advised him to say it he is a little queerboi.
You might not want to fuck the 27 year old but you would not say something like that because all your mates would give you shit for being a fag.

>> No.12919248


It's not creepy, I don't go around hitting on teenage girls. I actually turned down a date with one not too long ago fyi. She and her friend cat called at me, I was amused enough to stop and chat for a bit she was18 and cute but not my type.

I'm not the scandalized by sex, and I think 16 is old enough for consent, the majority of people at that age know exactly who they want and don't want to date and or have sex with.

>> No.12919756

nice blogpost kid

>> No.12920140
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t. ugly white boy

>> No.12920203

Nope it's because we treat women like they are children anyway.

>> No.12920239

Because he's in Stranger things and obsessing over him is another way to portray themselves as trendy "geeks" that binge watch whatever is popular on tumblr.

>> No.12920262

>wearing a graduation cap
>booking photo
anon are you fucking retarded? only 1 of the three smiling is potentially a booking photo. the other is a faculty photo and a picture from graduation

>> No.12920266

*oops meant to also write that there are other photos where they are smiling but its put up against their booking photo where they are not smiling and that another is at the beach

>> No.12920317

can someone explain why finn just starts massaging that guy

>> No.12920821

nigga gay

>> No.12921322

You know in the show the character he plays is asked if he likes a girl and he says "what? no, ew, gross."

It might be a little in-joke that they had him say it was gross for her to say that to him.

>> No.12921471


Real life is hard and gay and and it's filled normies and chads!