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/fa/ - Fashion

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12891034 No.12891034 [Reply] [Original]

i dont have the time to autistically read articles on fashion etc anymore. how do you guys keep up with it all? tumblr? instagram?

>> No.12891037

uniqlo newsletter

>> No.12891060

also follow your favourite brands on ig

>> No.12891247

>dont have the time to autistically read articles

>> No.12891268

most of the retards here are teens that live off there parents. They dont work and sit on 4chan

>> No.12891320

Just browse your favorite brands

>> No.12891323

>"keeping up" with "fashion"


>> No.12891337

If you are 19 years late you are 1 year early.

>> No.12891429

I never followed trends or something like this. I have my favorite designers and I just look at their collections/runways seeing what stuff I like.

>> No.12891434


>> No.12891546

Grow up and stick with what you like

>> No.12891705

Literally this. It's the easiest thing to scroll through your feed on insta on the train/bus. You can even follow the blogs on ig, they'll post about all their articles and if one looks good you can read it from their profile.

>> No.12891767
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The trick is to not give a fuck what the latest micro trend is

Learn silhouette
Learn colour theory
Learn what suits you
Learn semiotics of dress
Learn fabric types
Learn functionality of dress
>Wear whatever the fuck you want

You should only keep abreast of "fashion" to learn of new breakthroughs and experiments in design and materials, otherwise you should know what is popular to avoid it unless you want to be a normie, or to know what new clothing symbolises - for example, an undercut, Khakis and Polos will get you beat up by a gang of peaceful protesters in a shitlib area

>> No.12891871

All you have to do is learn what looks good.

This guy is right. The only maintenance you have to do once you understand what you like and what looks good is occasionally checking stores to see if something new came out that you like.

>> No.12891877

I just look for things I like and inspo I enjoy
"Keeping up" makes it seem like you're following vidya games or something

>> No.12891883

>have good aesthetic sense
>wear what you like

simple but nigh impossible for most people

>> No.12891928

I am an antifa capitan, I beat up 8 white people this week for wearing Fred Perry. Stay out of my neighbor, nazi.

>> No.12892199

And I'm Ahmed. I beat white gays and rape white bitches regulary. Stay out of my sharia zone, kafir.

>> No.12892331

you should spend less time on /pol/, other than that decent answer

>> No.12892440
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that post was not very offensive

>> No.12892454

You should stop being a bugman. There were literally dozens of apolitical people beat up for wearing khakis + white polo + regular undercut after Charlottesville

>> No.12892467

Pay attention, really. Keep a finger on the pulse and assimilate the global cultural moment passively. Don't blindly follow trends or the flavor of the current moment, just pay attention. Think about how your ideals fit into it, where there's a place for your look and what you need to adapt, evolve or change. Understanding the basics of color combinations, silhouettes and proportions is important, ofc.

If you're really awesome, though? You don't keep up with fashion, it keeps up with you.

>> No.12892503

They don't look like republicans.

>> No.12892543

I casually browse once in a while to see what the latest memewear is, or I just look at what my younger friends and coworkers are wearing.
There's no need to obsessively follow fashion because even in the 21st century it doesn't change on much more than a quarterly basis.

>> No.12892578

>is conservative
>claims to know fashion
not possible. i know a lie when i see one

>> No.12892584

True, none of them are so fat they need a mobility scooter.

>> No.12892593
File: 72 KB, 400x525, IMG_4717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to conserve white identity and culture, which includes the long tradition of pursuit of beauty and aesthetics as a way to elevate the human experience, inspire a better life and celebrate the Aryan form

Whites have always aimed to be /fa/ as fuck, and up until the last 50 or so years just about every white would have been called conservative or racist by modern standards

>> No.12892617
File: 74 KB, 487x580, IMG_9042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, to clarify, I don't pay much attention to the luminaries of the modern fashion "trendsetters" since most stylists and designers are faggots, leftists, or gross women. Just like every field of design everything has become politicised, the final straw for me was the blatant (and self admitted) trend of glorifying black hoodrat culture, glorifying literally dressing like a (liberated, progressive) prostitute (I see real prostitutes walking around Berlin dressed like Kendal Jenner) and promoting an amorphous brown Mixed race Kylie Jenner appearance to 9 year old blonde girls. The vocal mainstream of "fashion" is throughoughly pozzed with Progressivism and they strangle and witch hunt any designer with opposing views, it's become a macabre and depressing world with an extreme amount of meaningless hedonism and leftist critical theory.

Also they're sexualising young girls and it's getting to the point that even I have a problem with it

>> No.12893698

>have good aesthetic sense
this is the problem. aesthetic sense is developed over time

>> No.12893731

No one into trendy brands here has finished high school, is doing well in college or has a job that isn't in the service industry. You'd be surprised how much time that leaves.

>> No.12893879

Style is forever.

>> No.12893896
File: 227 KB, 1920x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to conserve white identity and culture

lol this guy watches anime and plays crusader kings ii and jerks off to malnourished german children in the wehrmacht and now hes the steward of white culture haha

please post a fit so i can laugh at your pasty skinnyfat fucking face

>> No.12893976
File: 27 KB, 605x767, 3457396F-0015-4AD0-BD8D-A70DAB033D8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, don't project your sexual proclivities onto me

>> No.12894020

Cite cases?

Also, why do retards have such a large hard ons for those other retards spewing white supremacists crap. I mean, if a punch legitimizes them, then so be it. Keep the dialectics on rolling. First as tragedy, then as farce.

>> No.12894024

I punched that guy too, if his look is that goddamn basic it's pretentious as fucc.

>> No.12894026


>> No.12894032

I'd advise to not stand too close to thr edge. But it seems like you've already fallen, deep.

>> No.12894033
File: 49 KB, 497x285, IMG_3841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Video of a guy getting pulled off his bike for being blonde and wearing a white shirt near mulattoes and bugmen

Also you fail to understand the white working class. They just want to be left alone and not have to deal with Somalis. Do you dislike black nationalists or Tibetan nationalists too?

>> No.12895248

as an aside, are there any ways to develop an understanding of sillhouette/formal fashion aside from just looking at shows?
I feel like I'm missing a lot of what's going on, but without critical scaffolding, I don't know how to improve (and am stagnating)

>> No.12895290
File: 93 KB, 570x566, BILL-CLINTON-AL-GORE-SHORTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non hype beast here

I will let you in on a secret. Whatever "fashion" you are wearing when you are 21 is the same fashion you will be wearing when you are 31.
You reach a certain point and stop buying the trending shit and stick with what you have. The only reason these bands/celebs are wearing the retarded shit you see today is because they are paid to wear it.