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>> No.12889689
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>> No.12889707

So is anyone a participant in fragrance stuff anywhere else on the net? I've purchased stuff from /r/fragdecants and I've lurked around reddit/fragrantica/basenotes for info but haven't gone much into the forums for now.

I don't want to become a fragrance "hobbyist", I feel like those guys have no other hobbies and those with 300 bottles in their collection are just fragrance neckbeards.

Basically, I'm asking is there anywhere that's worthwhile to participate or should I just lurk and gather info for myself?

>> No.12889718
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Use the Basenotes scent of the day tool to track and share your autism.


>> No.12889750

I throw up the odd review here and there on fragrantica and basenotes. Only occasionally with frags I really like, though. Other than that, not much.

>> No.12889773
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Just blind bought a 2oz of this stuff for $30. I've smelled the original MiB and enjoyed it. What do you guys think?

>> No.12889822

I haven't tried Versace Pour Homme but its supposed to be very similar to Allure Homme Sport which I have tried awhile ago. I don't think Dylan Blue is similar to it, it is certainly closer to BdC with a bunch of ambroxan underneath

>> No.12889867
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Just got my Gallagher delivery. Amongst Waves really is the king of fresh-melon fragrances. Fantastic longevity and sillage.

He included samples of Tobacco Silk and Tulip Silk. I'll check those out in the next day or two and report back.

>> No.12890101
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>> No.12890157

I would have blind bought this by now if it wasn't for the god awful name + presentation

>> No.12890374
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>> No.12890548

what didn't you like about it?

>> No.12890883

Anyone got azzaro chrome united? It's on sale here pretty cheap.

>> No.12891053
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What fragrance would fit with c o m f y c o r e?

>> No.12891104
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So this arrived.

I also have CDNI.

Never smelt aventus.

I'll start off with saying I have a fairly shit sense of smell.
Now saying that, I prefer IPII. CDNI is definitely stronger and projects further but the 'smoke' component is far too nauseating for me.

IPII smells less harsh at the start (but who really judges fragrances on what they smell like in the first 30 seconds). IPII has less of a 'smoke' smell.

I say 'smoke' cause I dont think it actually smells like smoke

>IPII is less 'smokey' and doesnt project as far
>CDNI is more 'smokey' and nauseating (to me)

I wouldnt wear CDNI but I would IPII
I doubt many people wear aventus or anything similar in aus.

>> No.12891230

Is Spicebomb Extreme better than Spicebomb

>> No.12891232
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My shipment of Eros is coming in today. I'm so excited.

>> No.12891282

So, I have to go meet with my condo board tomorrow. I'm trying to do some renovations and they're being difficult a refusing to let me, despite the fact that there's nothing in their bylaws saying I can't do what I'm trying to do.

I need an idea of a frag I can wear to smell powerful. A little psychological warfare. Make them think they'd be better off just giving me what I want. I was thinking maybe something very "rich" smelling. I have options, I could go with Roja Enigma, Jubilation XXV.

Thoughts? Any ideas for fragrances that might make someone think I'm a guy they don't want to say no to? I don't mean like making them think I'm sone sort of badass or anything autistic like that, I mean like smelling like a powerful man. A boss, a high-powered lawyer, someone that'd just be a headache for them to deal with, y'know?

They don't really know me and it is a pretty high-end building, so as far as they know, I could well be a billionaire or some shit.

>> No.12891297
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Spraying less than 6 times for most fragrances is stupid.

What's the point of wearing a fragrance if people will only be able to smell you in a really close distance such as when hugging you?

You gotta be a fucking cloudman, people need to smell you.

6 sprays and beyond is Chad's way of wearing a fragrance.
Any less than that you're just wasting your money

>> No.12891304

I like the chocolate and sweetness of A* Men, the patchouli not so much.
For a designer price point, is there anything that fits the bill that isn't Lynx/Axe tier?

>> No.12891321

The virgin fragrance vs. the Chad miasma

>> No.12891328

2 completely different smells to them. Not relatable besides by name

>> No.12891332

A*men pure tonka?

>> No.12891341

answer me fragfam

>> No.12891354

Gucci pour Homme II?

>> No.12891421

Will give it a try. Thank you

>> No.12891427

Burberry Brit perhaps?

>> No.12891508

amouage reflection man

>> No.12891541

manly scent. I think it's better than acqua di gio profumo

go for it if you're the kind of guy who wears leather, has an ass like chin and can grow a full beard

>> No.12891551
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>ass like chin

>> No.12891586

Why does everyone judge frags based on the first 30 seconds of spraying? That's not how you're going to smell throughout the day after applying it.

Do any of these youtube reviewers properly judge frags?

>> No.12891604

I can't tell if I'm going to like it in 30 seconds, but I can tell if I'm not going to like it.

>> No.12891782

If it doesn't have a good opening, it's not worth wearing. Why should I have to wait hours for a scent to get good?

>> No.12891793

15-30 mins

>> No.12891802

I have Reflection, actually, but I kind of think it might be a little too soft and subtle for this occasion.

>> No.12891828

well, you don't want to smell like a tryhard, right?

>> No.12891841

True, I just don't know if Reflection gives the impression I want. It's a great clean scent, but it's not really a "power" fragrance, y'know? Like, Jubilation smells like what I'd imagine a sultan would smell like.

>> No.12891859

That shit never gets good, period. Give it up, shill.

>> No.12891953

>thinking there are shills in these threads

M8, we're like 20 spergs and the odd normie who wanders in and usually never comes back. I assure you, we are not even remotely on anyone's radar to the point that they'd bother paying people to hawk their smelly water here.

>> No.12892064

I'd say go for a frag that has a prominent ingredient that most people think "power/expensive" when they smell it, the people you're meeting with might differ anyway but it's more likely if you go with the popular vote. Although the image may not just be there prominent accord but how it blends with the other accords too.

Loud fragrances can make people think of "power" but sometimes not necessarily "refined" based on how it's blended. Bottom line id say find a frag that has a prominent note that most people think of "power/wealth" when they smell it, but is also blended well. Instead of spraying in one place I'd say it's best to do a couple on the collarbone and each wrist depending on the concentration. If you have to gesture a lot or move around they will definitely be able to smell it without being overwhelmed. Getting the right balance will come across that a frag that can project to an obnoxious degree.

>> No.12892068

Fuck AC
*across better than a frag

>> No.12892071

You're not fooling anyone, Daniel.

>> No.12892080
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Layering these tonight (M on the collarbone, BaV on each wrist)
The contrast in subtlety is lovely.
What frags do you guys like to layer?

>> No.12892144

the favorite thing to smell for girls will be fresh fragrances up through their 20s and into their 30s. a lot of dark and sweet fragrances are nice to smell but that's where it stops. if you're going out with girls or to meet girls the best fragrance will always be something fresh no matter what. wear a luxury niche fresh scent or something if you have to. just don't be surprised when nobody cares about your $800 xerjoff oud tobacco piss juice while they're loving some $50 mass pleaser from sephora

>> No.12892160

Ok, I'm leaning towards Enigma. I really need this to go well. I don't know what these dickheads' problem is, but I bought this unit after reading their bylaws and bringing in a contractor to make sure nothing I wanted to do would be a problem, and now they're basically saying I can't do anything at all with the unit other than putting in new flooring, which makes this unit not livable for me. If I can't get them to stop being dicks about this, I'm gonna have to sell this unit and probably take a 20k loss or so, if not more.

>> No.12892226

What are you trying to do?

>> No.12892239

Open the kitchen up and put in an island and new cabinets, replace the flooring, expand the bathroom about a foot and put in a new bathtub, shower, and toilet. Nothing too crazy. Certainly nothing I'd have thought would be a problem.

Main thing is, I cook and bartender and need a lot of space and storage in the kitchen and as-is, if I can't change things, I won't have space for all my kitchen stuff.

>> No.12892811
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>> No.12892854

stupid question, how do i learn scents?

>> No.12892890

Start with linear incenses or oils, learn what you like and what you want to smell like.

>> No.12892901

MFK sample pack just hit lads....gonna meme it up this weekend

aqua universalis forte, aqua vitae forte, masculin pluriel and grand soir. hopefully at least a couple will be good

>> No.12892920

I smell like stale farts but I dress good
When you keep a certain distance between yourself and other it should be fine

>> No.12893048


also for anyone who has tested/owns any MFK: my nose gets anosmic to stuff and i can't tell if i've over sprayed and am choking other people close to me. is MFK very strong? how many sprays should be good for the aqua fortes

>> No.12893105

Never worn frags before, decided to find a scent last week. I have now sampled 8, all just designer stuff available at sephora.
Versace Eros
Dior Sauvage
Acqua di Gio
YSL La Nuit de l'Homme
YSL l'Homme
Versace Pour Homme
Bleu de Chanel
Jimmy Choo Man

Sauvage is my favorite, I like the very clean scent.
Versace Pour Homme might be the worst. Maybe I just dont react to it well, it gave me a headache, and the smell was just very sharp, cheap, and generic.
Bleu is pretty good, dont like the sharp top notes, but after the first half hour I liked it.
Acqua di Gio is pretty good; again, sharp and generic.
l'homme was decent, just not my style, a little mature.
la nuit smelled like cheap rubber, again, not my style.
Eros smells good but is too sweet for my liking.
Jimmy Choo was cheap generic garbage.

I ordered a sample of Dsquared Rocky Mountain Wood, couldn't find it locally. I like the sound of it - I live in CO and am outdoorsy, I think I will like something very foresty, I love jasmine also.

I really am just looking for something that is unique, but still has mass appeal. I want it to be wintery. Something young, yet sophisticated. Deep/warm, yet fresh/clean. Can all this be satisfied? Suggestions please!!!

>> No.12893229

if you live in canada ill sell you my 200ml sauvage bottle

>> No.12893307

I would recommend PdM Layton

>> No.12893361

his post says he lives in colorado. L2read bruv

>> No.12893437


>> No.12893661

I love The One edp so fucking much

>> No.12893663


>> No.12893842

As far as I can tell though isn't the performance fucking shit?


>> No.12893864

Performance is fine, sillage is lacking.

>> No.12893889

The EDP has a better performance than the EDT, of course, BUT I still find that the EDP's performance is spotty sometimes.

Sometimes it lasts hours, sometimes it lasts as long as the EDT. It's still a better choice over the EDT, but it's weird with its performance, in my experience.

>> No.12893936

This general is getting stagnant

Post a fragrance you've had experience with and make a short review.

I think Kiehl's musk is pretty underrated. It's a fantastic scent for cold weather. It smells like a luxurious wood cabin spa up in the mountains. It's too musty and warm for summer but if you live in a cold climate it's pretty top tier.

>> No.12893937
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forgot my picture

>> No.12893950

are these NOS? they look like they should be in a museum

>> No.12894044
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>Post a fragrance you've had experience with and make a short review.

Old Guerlain Dry-Down: The Scent

I love it.

>> No.12894110

Amouage Beach Hut. I wound up picking up a bottle at the duty free at Schipol on the way back from Amsterdam.

I think it's one of Amouage's best scents in years. The name might mislead a few people, I think it should be called "Desert Hut", honestly. It is not an aquatic at all, rather it's a very green scent with very heavy, fresh, slightly sweet mint mixed with patchouli and myrrh, and then various dry woods that become very apparent in the drydown. It does smell like an old, weathered hut that nature has reclaimed. It's very interesting, very classy, and just smells good.

Great scent for anyone who likes green, woody scents, and one of the best mint notes I've ever experienced.

>> No.12894113

So do you, Dr. Jones!

>> No.12894121

normie shit
but smells a bit like honey on my skin

>> No.12894127
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>> No.12894138

Andrea Maacks Coal.

Full of Iso Super E. Poor performance and sillage, but god, it's so lovely. Somehow niche and mainstream appeal at the same time, definitely not challenging. Perfect for work but also for a stiff white shirt. Male or female, to be honest.

>> No.12894150
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>when you're feeling shitty and you spray yourself with a nice comforting scent and you instantly feel fine

>> No.12894176
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Anybody here wears Prada Amber Intense?

>> No.12894241 [DELETED] 

I'll play (especially since CdG gets mentioned in almost if not every /frag/ thread).

Blue Santal - Comme des Garçons:
At the start after buying a decant of this, it seemed to open nicely then dry down into your average generic fresh woody fragrance available anywhere. And that's what it is, a fresh (cool) woody fragrance.

I got my decant it in the winter and it didn't do much for me (felt overly cool). Then in the summer I wore it and it felt overly fresh. It wasn't until a dark cool Fall night that it recently clicked. Don't get me wrong it's still a fresh sandalwood scent, but I could more easily detect the more delicate notes pine, juniper, and peppery spice behind all that fresh sandalwood. I'm glad I wore it on that night I saw that girl, because otherwise it would've probably gotten a dislike from me and some criticism.

>> No.12894243
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(Repost with pic)
I'll play (especially since CdG gets mentioned in almost if not every /frag/ thread).

Blue Santal - Comme des Garçons:
At the start after buying a decant of this, it seemed to open nicely then dry down into your average generic fresh woody fragrance available anywhere. And that's what it is, a fresh (cool) woody fragrance.

I got my decant it in the winter and it didn't do much for me (felt overly cool). Then in the summer I wore it and it felt overly fresh. It wasn't until a dark cool Fall night that it recently clicked. Don't get me wrong it's still a fresh sandalwood scent, but I could more easily detect the more delicate notes pine, juniper, and peppery spice behind all that fresh sandalwood. I'm glad I wore it on that night I saw that girl, because otherwise it would've probably gotten a dislike from me and some criticism.

>> No.12894253


I myself wouldn't spend $100+ a full bottle of this. I'm not a fan of fresh fragrances and I expected it to be more natural which disappointed me, but it's not quite all the way at the synthetic end of the spectrum (like your average mall fragrance). I'd put it somewhere in the middle. I'd say it's easily wearable and is suitable for all times of day and all seasons (even though a specific time worked for me).

I'd recommend it for someone who likes fresh/woody fragrances and wants something interesting to separate them from the pack, but not a zany /niche/ tier fragrance that's inaccessible. I could see a lot of anons liking this one based on stuff posted in these threads.

>> No.12894346

sounds nice, but mature. am I right in that assumption?

>> No.12894354

isnt it great?

>> No.12894355

sounds up my ally, eh >>12893105

>> No.12894366 [DELETED] 

Just started expirementing with fragrances the past couple weeks but I feel this. Its a confidence boost for me. A couple spritz of something clean after a nice shower is like the cherry on top, I feel so fresh.

>> No.12894447


>> No.12894491

I've got enough samples of stuff suited to colder weather already.
Should I have more bottles of spring/summer suited frags than autumn/winter ones if I want more of a rotation?
Just asking for input here. Was looking at Azzaro Pour homme L'eau, as I could make it work as a year round office scent what with offices and such never being cold enough that freshies struggle to project

>> No.12894501

Depends where you live, I guess? Colder regions vs warmer ones.

>> No.12894571

I live in England so it can get a bit cold in January/February time

>> No.12894752

Heh anon I didn't see your post. Nice coincidence.

I'm very unfamiliar with the most popular designer frags so I can't say based on your experience trying them. There might better/other recommendations but it does seem up your alley.

It is unique in that it's different from the ones you listed but I still wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone new or someone who likes popular designer frags because it has that trademark freshness. I'm not sure all your criteria can be satisfied, but it's definitely wintery (it's cold), young, and fresh. But not very sophisticated/deep/warm. It's quite a linear fragrance and it's a bit simplistic. If you're looking to add warmth to the mix maybe look for a fragrance with amber? Maybe something like Diptyque Tam Dao (I've never tried it though).

I'd still recommend trying to find a sample/decant to try on your skin. There are also two other fragrances in the CdG 'Blue Invasion' line.

>> No.12894758

Oh right, forgot to mention that if you're already spending $75-100 on whatever popular fragrance off the shelf, you might as well get something interesting/different than the rest of the crowd.

>> No.12894824

Well now i have 3.4 oz of true tobacco vanille and 1.7 ounces of russian copy, which are basically exactly the same.
Should i sell little splits of the stuff?

>> No.12894868
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>not wearing the GOAT everyday cologne

>> No.12894873

Can't find a sample online :( how similar is it to VPH? or is the eau extreme not similar at all

>> No.12894883

Not as similar as the regular Allure Homme Sport is. Eau Extreme smells like original but with a much richer, creamier tonka note that's balanced out by mint and mandarin. Despite the heavy tonka it's amazing in the heat.

>> No.12894941

Definitely my thoughts. Thanks for the /adv/ and recs, I will seek out some samples.

>> No.12894966

I just ate 3 pounds of ravioli. Am I gonna die?

Also, what's the best Ormande Jayne scent?

>> No.12894980

Blanche is better

>> No.12895044
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Who ya got lads?

>> No.12895070

no, EB is the worst in the line

>> No.12895075

How does VUI smell compared to DHI? Do you find it's actually better?

>> No.12895086
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Dior homme. Never hear around it here but amazing scent. Really strong opening, full of iris but gets this woody dry down. Performance was okay, somewhere around 6 strong hours and then a dry down i can still pick up after the fact.

That being said I'm not sure what vetiver smells like still, so what should i test that's purely vetiver?

>> No.12895087

Get Prada L'homme

>> No.12895088

Antaeus if it's not too warm where you are.

>> No.12895109

I don't own either I have just tried samples. I really like both but I think VUI just explodes off my skin

>> No.12895121

I literally just want female attention and don't give two shits about artistry or whatever. Is there anything better than Dior Sauvage for that right now?

>> No.12895124
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I almost bought Ormonde Man but bought Philosykos instead

I fucking regret it. fuck!

>> No.12895128

Secretions Magnifique.

>> No.12895130

second this

>> No.12895137

>Haha get it, because it smells bad xD

>> No.12895189

Not him but VUI is overpowering vanilla to my nose. I barely get any leather at all. A friend commented that it smells like baby powder, and I honestly agree.

DHI isn't very wearable either but it's more chocolatey, and I prefer it.

>> No.12895282

I'm looking for some good home fragrances/candles. I've been looking at candles by Norden and Ethics Supply Co. I like the nature inspired themes, I just wish I could smell one in a store instead of have to order and wait. I'm interested because there seem like so few options that aren't overly floral (read feminine) or overly masculine ("gunpowder and tobacco")

Anyone have some recommendations?

>> No.12895291

>Gucci pour Hommay II

Also Coromandel.

>> No.12895294

I've heard good things about Diptyque, maybe give them a try?

>> No.12895297

I read that as
>has an ass like a chin
and had to think about that for a second.

>> No.12895364

unless you go to a specialty fragrance shop i don't think any place sells dior homme parfum in the us. you have to get it online

is it a meme or is it the GOAT? night time/winter only?

>> No.12895374
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Here's my collection, thinking of buying either Guerlain l'hommr l'eau boisee, cdg wonderwood or Dior Sausage parfum. Any thoughts?

>> No.12895377

Depends on the store I guess but I've got a tonne of great candles really cheap at tk maxx/tj maxx for like £2 including some really good oud and ocean fragrance candles

>> No.12895411

>elizabeth arden green tea in the back
Interesting choice for a male. Regarding Sauvage, it's literally one of the best scents I have ever experienced in my entire life. It's almost universally loved. I sell a lot of perfumes/colognes and anything Sauvage flies off of the shelf. Impossible to keep in stock for more than two weeks.

>> No.12895433

Is that the new sauvage, I like it but I don't think I'd really want to own it.
https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Christian-Dior/Eau-Sauvage-Parfum-14811.html however sounds amazing

>> No.12895436

I ordered a bunch of samples from theperfumedcourt last sunday. My cards been charged but I haven't gotten a peep out of them regarding when my samples will be shipping or anything for that matter what gives

>> No.12895445

once fancy nigga right here

>> No.12895449

No, the original one. I'm not familiar with this new bottle/formula.

>> No.12895457
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>> No.12895466
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Fixed your shitty pic.

>> No.12895491

did you just assume my gender.

>> No.12895504


It's not a sillage monster, but it's pretty powerful at close range.

Anyone who doesn't like it is standing too close anyway. Fuck 'em.

>> No.12895516

they ship faster than luckyscent so a week maybe? if youre in canada that is

>> No.12895524
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>> No.12895526
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Creed's Green and Tweed or Silver Mountain for the winter?

>> No.12895561
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>Dior Sausage

>> No.12895582

what's the difference between projection and sillage?

>> No.12895595

It's kind of nebulous, but projection is how far a fragrance radiates off your skin, and sillage is how heavily it hangs in the air when you walk past someone.

Generally fragrances with strong projection will have strong sillage too, but there are some exceptions. ASHEE has exceptional sillage but average projection.

>> No.12895611
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Gonna blind cop this along with PV Intense Noir, though I've never smelled La Nuit. The name and branding are dumb, but PV itself isn't especially imaginative either.

Good take on the two fragrances. Insurrection Pure II is the CK fragrances version of Aventus.

Mancera Cedrat Boise is a lovely sweet and smokeless Aventus alternative. Mancera substitutes suede for Aventus' birch and uses citrus in place of pineapple, then further emphasizes the cassis and vanilla relative to the Creed. I find CB to be more versatile than Aventus, equally well suited to casual summer days out and cozy winter nights. Its projection and longevity are suitable to its niche position, though its price is sub-Chanel at around $95/4oz. Really one of my favorite values.

>> No.12895637
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If you wear a lot of wool in your wardrobe get GIT

If not Silver Mountain

>> No.12895673

PV Noir Intense gets a lot of hate but I love it, extremely smokey. Let us know how Suave is, I am close to blind buying that myself.

>> No.12895676

so what'd you go with and was it a success?

>> No.12895811
File: 50 KB, 650x650, Royal-Copenhagen-by-Royal-Copenhagen-Mens-8-ounce-Cologne-L959090JJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can anyone here recommend a fragrance brand that carries a scent similar/identical to a bay rum scent?

my dad passed away a few weeks ago, and he wore it everywhere, when i was a kid and i sat on his lap to when he gave me away at my wedding, i miss the smell but i have no idea what brand he used, i asked the family but they have no clue, any help would be greatly appreciated.

pic related is also what my husband wears just to add some content to the thread , it smells like baby powder to me

>> No.12895934
File: 116 KB, 400x290, Haiti-co-impact-sourcing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do black people tend to appreciate the smell of vetiver?

>> No.12896059

Went with Enigma, and I'm not sure yet. I dressed well, I implied that I might be forced to take legal action, since none of the information they gave us upon request suggested that we wouldn't be able to do this, and thus if I'm forced to sell at a loss, they might be liable. They didn't seem happy to hear that. Threat of legal action is anathema tompetty bureaucrats.

I'll get their decision within a few days. I think they just thought if they buried their heads long enough, I'd give up and go away. They will be disappointed.

>> No.12896064

I prefer the flanker, Dior Chorizo. It has these nice smoky, spicy notes that the original lacks.

>> No.12896125

explain why does SIlvermountain smell better if no wool?

>> No.12896129
File: 225 KB, 580x300, tweed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally makes you smell like a tweed wearing university professor adventurer. If you're wearing something it doesn't fit.

>> No.12896130

*something else

>> No.12896131

Is there a reason why GIT smells like fabric softener?

does silver mountain also smell like this?

>> No.12896190

So urine basically

>> No.12896192


On my skin it lasts a ton. Like 12+ hours. Projection is not that amazing, but I love scents closer to the skin anyway.

I just can't stop smelling it. Smells so wamr and inviting.

>> No.12896213
File: 41 KB, 692x600, o.48390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this a week ago, when I sampled it I was instantly reminded of Dior Homme which is one of my favorites. Starts of with a hint of freshness then throughout the day stays constantly in that woody floral range. The best way I can describe the scent is if you were walking down a forested path in the days between summer and fall. The musk is noticeable but doesn't overpower the other tones. Would recommend for most seasons.

>> No.12896219
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 836m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, there's already a frag for that.

>> No.12896226

go through your dad's colognes and smell them

>> No.12896307

I got a sample of smw like 2 weeks ago, first time up close it smellt a like fermented fruits I guess that's what people call the ink/metallic or black currant note. Other than that I get some clean fresh not too citrusy stuff. After a few times wearing the fermented stuff toned down a lot so my opinion went from meh to pretty nice.

Would not pay creed prices but have been contemplating buying rasasi Al wisam day. Apparently the ink/metal is toned down even more and has added rose. Anyone got it and can comment on it?

>> No.12896557

Can anyone recommend a cologne for work that not fruity smell. I work in retail particular a grocery store.

>> No.12896569

invasion barbare

>> No.12896644
File: 18 KB, 500x444, 23231608_496065397418021_2123770089887335430_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Is Not A Blue Bottle 1.3, pretty damn good

Only need to try 1.2 now

If people knew more about it I would call it TINABB instead of typing the whole fucking thing

>> No.12896667

wait it's not that good. lazy sunday morning and de profundis do it better

>> No.12896694

already tried it, nothing there,

>> No.12896780
File: 29 KB, 375x500, 375x500.11413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? I thought about buying rocky mountain wood but this is turning out to have this nice dark smell to it.

>> No.12896819

Me again.

Finally copped a sample of the famous Encre Noire meme :^)

5mL for $9.99 shipped to my door. I could've bought the 100mL full bottle for $45 to my door but I figured I'd try before I get stuck with a full bottle. Plus a with frag like this and my usage, 5mL will last me a decent time.

>> No.12896829

Is john varvatos any good?

>> No.12896831

You really have to like violet. It is too floral for me.

>> No.12896834

Great fragrances, poor longevity. Dark Rebel is a goody.

>> No.12896839

Awesome, I was given Dark Rebel as a gift and thought it smelt pretty good but really know nothing about scents. Should I keep this or is there anything I could trade this in for that you'd recommend for a similar price?

>> No.12896845

>dress prep-core
>looks sad or angry all the time
Any recommendation? Preferably something that is subtle and not too strong for office wear.

>> No.12896889

>Apparently the ink/metal is toned down even more and has added rose
this is exactly what al wisam day is. It's quite nice

>> No.12896906
File: 2.07 MB, 750x1334, image-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how you always get 35% off at fragrancenet:

-Go to Google shopping
-Search for a common fragrance
-Find result from fragnet
-Click thru

Boom, 35 percent off coupon will be at the top of the screen, replacing the 30 or 25 you would get by navigating directly to the vendor site.

You're welcome, family.

>> No.12896978

Has anyone tried Malin & Goetz Cannabis EDP? It got released recently but I can't find samples anywhere.

>> No.12897016
File: 3 KB, 125x124, 1495773773442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For pic related, is fragrancenet still better than fragrancebuy, which is a canadian site?

>> No.12897039
File: 24 KB, 600x500, 19757997_10209752988487786_1437378830_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is everyone's favourite winter/fall frags?

Recently only getting into this stuff and I'm thinking Midnight in Paris for nightwear and Givenchy Pi for day wear

>> No.12897079

My shipment of Eros came in. Fragrancenet included a hundred dollar voucher from nakedwines. Since I don't drink wine nor live in yurop I'll post the voucher code and password.
C: FGN1017

>> No.12897086

didnt work senpai

>> No.12897095

Then they fucking suck. I think you have to use nakedwines leiwjfasnffnasnfsnif com/FGN1017

>> No.12897098

whoops, i mean /FNET1711

>> No.12897104

Oh right, have to use us.nakedwines

>> No.12897124

saad maan. it wont work because im in the uk. I'll just send it to my mate who lives in the US

>> No.12897183

MFK has the GOAT sample program. free international shipping and it's $14 for any four samples

>> No.12897193

Dior homme Intense and rasasi La Yuqawam

>> No.12897311

No, because fragrancebuy has comparable prices, but is in CAD. Also, cheaper shipping and no customs/duties. Fragrancenet does carry some stuff fragrancebuy doesn't have, of course, but if both sites carry something, fragrancebuy will always be cheaper for us leafs.

>> No.12897325

just recently got au masculin intense and its pretty fantastic for the price

>> No.12897413

it's actually pretty good, gonna try 1.2 tomorrow

>> No.12897432

fa what are ur thoughts on versace pour homme? been recommended to get it

>> No.12897440

how about you ask us for recs instead of your pleb friends

>> No.12897480
File: 925 KB, 2016x1512, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frag newb here. My haul for today. Blind bought Cuba Prestige from Ross because it was only $8 and it seemed to have decent reviews. Haven't tested it yet.

Samples came in from scent split. Spicebomb and Spicebomb Extreme. Kind of a ripoff because I could've gotten a bigger sample of Spicebomb from Sephora for free, but they didn't have Extreme so whatever. Gave Spicebomb a quick smell while I was at Sephora. Don't have an opinion on it yet. Haven't tried Extreme yet.

Smelled tons of frags at Sephora.

Tom Ford Noir Extreme: Interesting scent. Smells like a handsome silver fox with a beard wearing a black suit. I thought all I smelled was tobacco then found out later it doesn't have any tobacco in it. I must have a retarded nose. Anyway, the dry down is very sexy. Made me think of lying in bed with a woman.

John Varvatos Vintage: Really liked this at first, but then the "vintage" smell starts to set in. Still nice to me but I get why many don't like it.

Versace Dylan Blue: This some strong shit. I might've sprayed too much on this one little spot on my arm. I don't get why people like it. It's very incensey. Maybe it's just not for me. I'll test it out more later anyway since I grabbed a sample of it.

Armani Code Profumo: God, I fuckin love it. This might become my signature scent. It makes me think of a real nice warm hug. Like a giant teddy bear you just wanna hug. Since I'm a big bearded guy, I think this will work in my favor.

Everything else either didn't stand out to me or I just don't have a solid opinion on it yet.

>> No.12897519

What stores in the US sell small glass atomizers? I don't want to have to order some online and wait.

>> No.12897613

I've been looking for musk and animalic fragrances. As far as musk goes, I've been looking at Kiehl's musk, but I'm on the fence since the reviews are meh and some of the flower notes suggest to me that musk might not figure as prominently into Kiehl's musk as I had hoped. Thoughts, suggestions?

For reference I wear Antaeus daily and love it, does that even count as animalic?

>> No.12897757
File: 577 KB, 540x540, 1496621423555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy fragrance
>pull it up on fragrantica
>record yourself reading off the description and notes while waving the bottle around
>upload to youtube
>make tons of ad revenue

it's that easy, huh?

>> No.12897768

If you are attractive, then yes.

>> No.12897779

ok what do you recommend for a newbie?

>> No.12897804

grand soir might be the GOAT. i wanna spray this on my balls

>> No.12897950

I tried it the other day and threw the sample out immediately. To qualify, I dont think it reacted on my skin well, but is was very....... astringent? idk.
Not at all unique. You can find a similar scent that is better very easily.

>> No.12897999


>> No.12898092

Meanwhile his pleb chad friends are smashing tons of puss with their axe/polo and you can't even get a girl to talk to you despite your $2k collection of niche frags.

>> No.12898095

wow i got owned :(

>ok what do you recommend for a newbie?
no such thing as "newbie" .. you like or you dont like. no such thing as starter fragrances. say what you want. or post an image of what you want.

>> No.12898099

Not the same guy but what frag smells like Christmas? I have Spicebomb and love it, is there anything else with a similar mood? I have my eye on Replica By The Fireplace but I can't find it at a store to smell it. I might just order a sample.

>> No.12898136

demeter christmas tree

>> No.12898151

Burberry London

>> No.12898291

Eros vs Acqua di gio vs Prada carbon
Can’t make up my mind which I prefer more , which would be the most versatile and which would be with the most silage?

>> No.12898300

I haven't tried carbon

but between eros and adg, I'd go with eros

>> No.12898473

Just gotta use 6+ sprays of whatever, bruh. Get the Chad miasma going.

>> No.12898488
File: 133 KB, 900x900, 248322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this scent but turned off by how obnoxious paco rabanne branding and image is.

What else should a look at? I like the "pleasant bastard" smell

>> No.12898605

Acqua di Gio? If you like the sea notes try that?

>> No.12898673

I bought my first perfume blindly, Dior Fahrenheit and not knowing how it smells. 200ml even.

Here's hoping I'd like it when it arrives.

>> No.12898686

First off, Fahrenheit is a very controversial scent, people tend to love it or hate it, and it's definitely not a safe blind buy. Second, why the fuck would you blind buy a 200ml bottle of something you've never smelled before?

>> No.12898696

Because I'm dumb. Was an impulse buy.

>> No.12898709

you better live in a cold climate at least

>> No.12898712


dont't listen to the plebs. you got the most avant-garde fragrance possible

>> No.12898719

Well, I hope you like it, and at very least, I hope you didn't pay a lot for it. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad scent at all, a lot of people really like it, but it's really not for everyone. I'd definitely have gone for something safer, but it might wind up being a decent buy.

>> No.12898720

The almond and vanilla notes in givenchy pi remind me of christmas

>> No.12898759

completely clueless about fragrances, where do I start

>> No.12898762

youtube reviewers

jeremy fragrance
big beard business
brooklyn fragrance lover

>> No.12898767

don't let them hype you up into blind buying shit though, unless it's cheap. always sample first to see if you'll personally like it

>> No.12898916
File: 35 KB, 375x500, zebra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got experience with rasasi zebra pour lui?

>> No.12898945

It's not bad. It's an Aventus-like, but with citrus in the opening rather than pineapple. Doesn't smell harsh or synthetic, pretty smooth, actually. Longevity isn't amazing, though.

Nice stuff, price isn't bad. Only thing is, it's apparently discontinued, so it may not be easy to find for too long.

>> No.12898952
File: 2.06 MB, 2880x1800, 1510287590901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Is Not A Blue Bottles 1.2 ... what does this smell like? It's like a sweet, non-boozy wine smell.

>> No.12898975

>Longevity isn't amazing
How bad we talking? Reviews are all over the place, some say it's really good others say it's really bad.

>> No.12899040

I'd say maybe 6 hours or so. Not terrible, but not good. For the price, though, it's not too bad.

>> No.12899312

Dior Homme Sport 2012 or 2017?

>> No.12899496

vph is a good s/s frag and ive had hot girls compliment me on it, which is more than i can say for any other frag ive worn

>> No.12899610
File: 59 KB, 375x500, 375x500.16657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went into a store and smelt this.

Can someone tell me why Versace Eros is so popular? It doesn't really smell that special

>> No.12899638

Decent price, lasts long, doesn't smell obnoxious and stands out in clubs. Good casual scent too.

>> No.12899659
File: 91 KB, 1200x1200, ideal-cologne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I gey for liking this?

>> No.12899674

Any thoughts on L'Eau d'Issey pour homme for a beta manlet freshman in college?

>> No.12899685

I didn't like it - try it, it smells ultra generic

>> No.12899701
File: 14 KB, 320x180, 1508817045948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will do

>> No.12899783

Does /frag/ like adg profumo?

I used to have it but sold it, from what I can remember it smells dated and too much citrus for me. Also I get hints of urine in high heat.

>> No.12899967
File: 462 KB, 1440x1080, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my poor mans frag collection is growing. am i /frag/ yet?

>> No.12899982

Tested more frags today.

la nuit de lhomme intense: smells like a pretty boy 20 year old. not for me.

allure homme extreme: CLEANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!! the best clean scent i've smelled yet. i love it.

D&G the one: boring generic

>> No.12900029

I haven't tried 2017 but I really like 2012

>> No.12900161

im a poor man myself and spent all my money on frags, try again

>> No.12900273

is it recommended wearing daily?

>> No.12900291

What's the maximum age you can be to wear this?

Is this the best cologne to get jailbait?

>> No.12900296

>Is this the best cologne to get jailbait?
>this creepy guy again

also what gave you the impression eros was immature. it's a frag for 20-30 somethings

>> No.12900297

Honestly with Eros as long as you're attractive you can wear it up until you look like an old man

>> No.12900316
File: 6 KB, 150x157, maybe i guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I'm new to this. Currently I have some Oud Minerale by TF which I like fine, but that fits with warmer weather I feel. Now that it's getting colder, I want something that is perhaps a bit warmer and more masculine. I've tried Tuscan Leather and Oud Wood and those are just too I guess deep for me? They just come on too strong for me I think, I'm wanting something slightly more subtle, but still with that masculinity to it. Any recs?

>> No.12900346
File: 79 KB, 614x1024, 6278fd84caba318bcbdc696843029f6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What frag would pic related be wearing?

>> No.12900389

I wanna smell like a camp site with a fire. I need to attract some lumberjack bitches.

>> No.12900390

Polar outdoor stuff literally makes a campfire cologne for this purpose.

>> No.12900392

Good shit. Thanks.

>> No.12900394


>> No.12900395

Just nutted. I appreciate this.

>> No.12900426

acqua di gio

>> No.12900430
File: 132 KB, 600x514, a09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mate Oud Mineral is my favorite Tom Ford and I hate Oud Wood, couldnt give you recs based on just that though

>> No.12900436

One my favorite cold weather scents in Eau des Baux. I think they may have reformulated it slightly recently because the top notes are different to my older buys but it still dries down in the same manner. It's always smelt like a herby Tobacco Vanille to me.

>> No.12900458

Yeah I like Oud Minerale for warm weather, it has a nice freshness to it.

I'll check it out, looks like it might be what I'm looking for

>> No.12900713

Has there ever been a critical fragrance review in human history that doesn't have the word synthetic in it? Jesus Christ sifting through fragrance reviews and opinions online is a fucking nightmare. "Synthetic synthetic synthetic synthetic synthetic."

>> No.12900782

I agree. I often find many reviews quite synthetic for this reason.

>> No.12900794
File: 123 KB, 500x630, o.13938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They might have a change of heart once they go out and poach their own sandalwood and oakmoss and serve on a whaling ship to loot a big chunk of whale shit.

>> No.12900891

>likes eau extreme
>thinks d&g the one is generic

>> No.12900893

keep it up buying decants, don't buy full bottles or it becomes an expensive habit

>> No.12900916

>the virgin destitute vs. the Chad spendthrift

I literally bathe in Roja Haute Luxe. I store it in a hot, sunny, humid room because I'm too busy smashing bitches to have learned how to store my frags correctly.

>> No.12900968

Thoughts on Jo Malone frags? My girl just bought one and I'm curious what the frag nerd world thinks of them, I did some searching and the results aren't very good so far.

>> No.12900989

My stepmother said there was one she liked from the whole line, and all the others smelled like salad dressing to her.

>> No.12901041

It might actually be kinda cool to travel around the world and gather ingredients to have someone make you an "ultimate" fragrance. Comb beaches for ambergris, go find obscure florals, woods, and resins in forests and jungles, it'd be an adventure.

>> No.12901050

I've been debating getting a sample of Pure Malt for some time now, but I have around a dozen samples and want to bide my time using and reconsidering the ones I have already. Should I take the plunge?

>> No.12901054

>Should I take the plunge
for a sample or a bottle you mean

>> No.12901058

Anyone could find suppliers of this stuff online if they looked hard enough. Then learn to blend it into something they like. Will be expensive in the short run but long term probably better than being overcharged by practically every single fragrance producer, and since you aren't making it commercial, fuck IFRA :D CITES too depending what stuff you wanna get and might have to ask around for.

>> No.12901074

Who gives a shit what the frag nerd world thinks? It's literally the worst niche interest because the majority of these faggots have forgotten that fragrances are meant to compliment you. Does it smell nice on her? Does it stay on her? Do you enjoy smelling it on her? Who gives a fuck then?

>> No.12901076


>> No.12901077

I read somewhere that Chanel owns the only sandalwood plantation in the world in India.

The rest of the houses must be getting by on their reserves or hiring poachers.

Middle Eastern houses like Areej le Doré don't follow IFRA.

>> No.12901100

Well, I mean the point would be to go find the stuff yourself. Go on a grand adventure, the end result would only be a bonus, really.

Interesting. I guess I'd either have to not use sandalwood or pull some ninja shit and sneak in and try to grab me some sandalwood and hopefully not get shot. I guess there probably must be some wild sandalwood around somewhere as well.

>> No.12901103

Have you smelled the non intense version? How does it compare?

>> No.12901104

I've been using rocky mountain wood for years, still getting compliments on it. 10/10 would recommend.

>> No.12901112

Exactly anon I read they're for mothers who want safe and accessible frags.

I hate the frag nerd world too. I wasn't really asking what nerds into avant-garde shit (like me) think about it, just what people who know about that house think because I just heard of it. I just read that they have shit longevity and she spent a lot (they seem overpriced) so I want to look out for her without coming across as autistic. There are hundreds of interesting fragrances out there, and dropping a lot of money on something not worth it must be a shit feeling. I did tell her about decants/splits though.

I want something nice to smell on her, but it was already purchased and on the way so I have no clue how to come across here. "Hey anonita, I was autistically searching up the fragrance you bought and it looks like it has shit longevity, did you test it out first?"

>> No.12901114

I forgot to add, even though I've read about shit longevity I personally like light scents/skin scents so maybe it's a good thing.

>> No.12901185

Should a manlet go with YSL l'homme or Dior Sport 2012? Are they acceptably to use all year round?

>> No.12901278
File: 34 KB, 800x800, F2D_800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on CK Obsession for Men?
(The advertisements got me pretty interested, why am I so easily manipulated by images?)

>> No.12901294
File: 134 KB, 550x710, 01d4763255a3bbe301e58a4b2a23c746--calvin-klein-one-calvin-klein-obsession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12901296

Well, again, my stepmother actually didn't like them with the exception of one scent. My overall impression is also that they're overpriced.

>> No.12901336

How do you like Cuba Prestige, how about longevity?

>> No.12901395

i haven't tried it yet. blind bought it not knowing anything about it because it was $8.

>> No.12901405
File: 250 KB, 1600x1200, samples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sample haul from the Macy's fragrance gala today. I thought I'd make out better, but whatever. It's not too bad for $10. Kinda bummed I only got these wipes or whatever these are of the good stuff.

>> No.12901407

>buying a $9 sample
>taking the plunge
Jesus Christ anon, if you have to be so thrifty that you can't afford a decant then you might wanna find a cheaper hobby.

>> No.12901591

Why is Tom Ford tobacco vanille so fucking expensive?
Doesn't it cost him like $15-20 a bottle?

>> No.12901599
File: 66 KB, 590x295, a_GhmXhhI93raDUrPgdgDA-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you recommend an aging balding gopnik?

>> No.12901604

john varvatos dark rebel

>> No.12901618 [DELETED] 

>john varvatos

cheap pleb trash

i am pseudo gopnik, but not really

>> No.12901622
File: 1.71 MB, 2048x1360, 2014-Chrysler-300C-John-Varvatos-Limited-Edition-with-designer-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this

>> No.12901635

JPG Le Male

>> No.12901638

this is why i dont bother with cologne faggotry

reeks of homos and muds

>> No.12901642
File: 146 KB, 675x900, 07fc47bad0fc950e297ae7ea2d0409d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12901643

My fingers reek of your mum, m8.

>> No.12901647

Leaders Number One.

>> No.12901649
File: 39 KB, 665x574, 1496366335055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to store to try out frags
>smell something i like
>come home and look it up on fragrantica
>everyone hates it
this has happened like 3 times now

>> No.12901650
File: 2.51 MB, 500x500, 1478204748965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he posted it again

>> No.12901714

fragrantica is gey, try basenotes

>> No.12901835
File: 128 KB, 237x218, 1501067579391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Young me loved bleu edp but to me now it smells really synthetic because of how sharp the citrus is. Idk if i wanna buy it anymore as a year round scent. How do you all feel about it?

>> No.12901846

Smells like the 80s.

>> No.12901902

Love DH
More easily found scents would be
Guerlain Vetiver
Grey Vetiver
Encre Noire (but I'm not sure I've ever seen this in a store)
Vétiver Extraordinaire

Vetiver can range from grassy to earthy, and these span the range.

>> No.12901929
File: 35 KB, 450x450, 450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be the most popular one. Cheap enough to blind buy for a sniff.

>> No.12901947

Probably most cosmetic stores, but you'll be paying way too much vs. online.

>> No.12901951

It counts and is a personal favorite as well.

>> No.12901963

There's a new scent out called Obsessed by CK which smells pretty good.

Though, it's quite different in its notes. I think Dark Obsession is better than Obsession.

>> No.12901964

How does castoreum compare to civetone? I've been looking at Kouros since it's got civetone, but everybody online says it smells like piss.

>> No.12901973

Oh, and
Kouros (silver shoulders and before only)
Aoud Cuir d'Arabie
Méharées / Musc Ravageur
Opium (original, not pour Homme)
Bal à Versailles
Muscs Koublaï Khän

>> No.12901982
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>> No.12901992

Pretty much only wear this on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Get decent performance out of it.

>> No.12901994

I would go with DHS and yes

>> No.12901999

The OP

>> No.12902019

Not that I've compared the pure molecules to each other, but based on my experience: civet is brighter, sharper. Castoreum is muskier, richer.

>> No.12902029

>$14 for any four samples
>only 24 of 38 frags avail for samples
Dang, really wanted Absolue Pour le Soir

>> No.12902056

someone said Fat Electrician smelled like an android, and I guess it kinda does except a really bland android, not a complex war android

>> No.12902194

Today Nordstrom/Sephora sample haul... still ISO my first frag.
John Varvados
Mont Blac Legend
Versace Dylan Blue
Hugo Boss The Scent Intense
Yves Saint Laurent Ultime
Spice Bomb Intense
Prada L'Homme

>> No.12902234

do glass sample spray vials have any positives over plastic ones. i want to buy them in bulk off amazon

>> No.12902235

How long should USPS take to ship from the US to EU? Last update was November 5, saying "In Transit to Destination"

>> No.12902281

What, frog poster kun?

>> No.12902307

Cheers. Target seems to be one of the few (online) retailers that still sells the version of Kouros with the silver shoulders. Is Target a trusted fragrance retailer, or should I expect a counterfeit fragrance?

>before only

Before what? Older versions that had different shoulders?

>> No.12902352

I'd think Target was a big enough retailer that they'd get their supply from official channels. Not sure how you know they have the silver shoulders bottles, but hope it's not from their picture. They are probably just using an old pic.

There was a bad reformulation when they went from the silver to the white shouldered bottles in 2008, but it had been reformulated several times since its debut in 1981, each one slightly worse than the last, hence the "older Kouros is better Kouros" attitude.


>> No.12902363

What scent? Your stepmother is patrician. I'll try to talk to her about it but if she's in love with it and tried it out and the performance works I'll let go. It's interesting that this company was once independent and then got bought out and now she started a new independent company. Pretty savvy move.

You're either trying patrician frags (unlikely) or you have an untrained nose. I find people love everything accessible/mainstream on fragrantica. But then I go to basenotes and see the same frag is full of negative reviews. I'm curious what you looked up. We're here to help anon :)

>> No.12902459

I think she liked Mimosa and Cardamom. She does actually like a lot of niche stuff.

>> No.12902469

Calzada pecan

>> No.12902529
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What do you think of this stuff? Looking for leather, something I could wear in the colder months.

>> No.12902690
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Went and had a smell of this
>versace eros

on initial spray it is super sweet.

Wasn't as sweet later on. quite unique compared to normie fragrances.

I guess teenage girls must really have a sweet tooth to like this.

>> No.12902701

Yeah, I'm always surprised that Eros doesn't have more clones, given its popularity

>> No.12902703

isn't 1 million meant to smell quite similar?

>> No.12902709

It has a similar vibe but it's definitely not a clone

>> No.12902712

Is eros wearable in the australian summer during the day?

>> No.12902713

No, and if you did try it I would advise only 1 spray at most

Remember, fresh = warm weather, sweet = cold weather

>> No.12902718

Makes me think of memories I've never had of Arcades

Like a room full of retro videogames and you play them

>> No.12902731
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>> No.12902740

I would say yes if you go easy on it. It does have those heavy vanilla and tonka notes, but it also has that fresh citrus and mint thing going. If you're light on the trigger, I'd say it'd be fine.

>> No.12902748

Got a free sample of Obsessed in today. I tried both the womans and the mens. The mens is terrible! This really unattractive sweet smell. It gets more acceptable after two hours has passed for me.
The womans is much better than the mens, fresh but also boring.

>> No.12902786

John Varvatos is like YSL la nuit de l'homme, but less rubbery. I like it a lot more, but its not my style. I smell vanilla and leather.
YVS Ultime is quite feminine, too feminine for my wearing. The rose is very powerful. Sillage and Longevity seem strong

>> No.12902822

recommendations for some somewhat affordable somewhat mainstream fresh fragrances?

>> No.12902825
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What frag would Daario wear?
What about my queen Dany?

>> No.12902830
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>> No.12902834

actually smelt this one, wasnt a fan. appreciate the suggestion though

anything different?

>> No.12902837


>> No.12902840

isnt that meme tier at this point?

>> No.12902847
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You're looking for mainstream stuff right? Don't forget that a lot of men don't wear frags at all in the US.

>> No.12902850

paco rabanne invictus and huge boss the scent intense were some of them. i'm still kind of new to the frag world so i get if people might hate these because it's "been done 1000 times before" or whatever. it's all new to me.

>> No.12902854

Try d&g pour homme if we are talking cheap frags. Wonderful scent.

>> No.12902855

yes but shit is popular for a reason. I love the scent idgaf. and like >>12902847 said, even the most popular frag is only worn by a small percentage of the population

>> No.12902856

mainstream as in, its available in department stores and its not some niche fragrance I need to try and hunt down.

Also in Aus, but guys dont really wear fragrances here either.

>> No.12902866
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Wore CDNI for the first time today. It lives up to the hype. 2 and a half sprays and I got whiffs coming off me all day long. Sometimes they're lemony, sometimes they're smokey, sometimes they're sweet and musky. I work in a humid environment and I swear the humidity makes it project off the skin like a beast. I finally got a compliment near the end of my shift like 6 hours after spraying it.

If you get it, don't be in a small enclosed space when you spray it. It'll choke the shit out of you.

>> No.12902876

2 and a half sprays!?

reported to Geneva convention

>> No.12902884
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Alrighty, I am the anon that suggested ADG profumo and D and G light blue. Try light blue, it's a nice citrusy fresh frag that performs well in the heat.
I also own pic related, it's like a fresh oriental frag that's great for spring/fall. It smells like tea and spices. It's very nice.

>> No.12902889

If I want to train my nose to memorize and smell the different components of fragrances, what should I buy? Essential oils?

>> No.12902898

i did 3 but one was on my shirt which was covered by another shirt so i counted it as half a spray.

>> No.12902933

CDNI is strong as fuck. even 1 is almost too much

>> No.12902935

What other frags smell like Gucci PH2?

I want it but its not available in my area.

>> No.12902953
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New thread:

>> No.12903108

Tuscan Leather
and prolly Campfire
she doesnt wear campfire, she just fucking smells like one because she also fucks her dragons

>> No.12903723

Yeah I don't know them well but they're pretty generic fragrances. If you're going to get into frags your nose will be more trained and educated. I remember when I first smelled stuff I really dug aquatic/barbershop style scents but now that my nose is more experienced I can't stand them.

Some people just go in and grab whatever smells good to them (which is usually your average designer stuff) and they hang on to a bottle forever. There's nothing wrong with that if you just want something to smell good and don't want to dive in to the autistic side.