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File: 445 KB, 1280x819, thinspo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12886744 No.12886744 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>12876404

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hydrated


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Ask all your thinspo and weight-related questions here.

Please be kind to people and don't just call them a fatass or something - help them change it. It doesn't make you look worse if they also look good.

Feel free to post:
>current stats: height, weight, gender, age
>highest weight
>goal weight
>preferred method of losing weight
>aesthetic you're going for

Also try post thinspo pics, post your goal bodies(fictional or real), recipes and tips etc. to help and encourage each other.

>> No.12886747

5 10 123lbs m 25
highest weight: 140
goal weight: 110
lifting, starving myself, meth
12 year old girl

>> No.12886776
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have a thin day everyone

>> No.12886786
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Reposting from the old thread -
How will I know when I'm /thin/ enough?

>> No.12886787
File: 425 KB, 980x652, 1448317669429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

176cm 55kg m21
Highest weight 63ish
Goal weight 52
Eating less + hard labour
Thin man

>> No.12886788
File: 89 KB, 1044x873, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are really doing meth?

>> No.12886794

ya but not super regularly

>> No.12886800

no such thing

>> No.12886811

You must be a genius

>> No.12886821

how do i reward myself for making good progress? i'm thinking about getting a pizza but i don't know if it's a good idea

>> No.12886823

>not doing meth on irregular times of the day throughout the month so you don't get addicted

>> No.12886824

You mind posting a pic of your "meth kit" - or whatever you call the meth + what you use to smoke it? Just curious what that all looks like

>> No.12886825

6'2, 142Ibs, m, 20
about 180, 190 maybe
not eating
Cute artsy boy (no homo though. Just want a skinny qt artist girl)

>> No.12886827

cook some low calorie snacks/cookies
or do somehing not related to food at all

>> No.12886828
File: 56 KB, 708x379, Charlotte Casiraghi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who BMI /20/ here?

>> No.12886829

you're fat

>> No.12886836

True but rude. Let's be nice to each other.

>> No.12886837
File: 11 KB, 290x293, 1488855006203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/21/ here

>> No.12886848

Whats your bmi

>> No.12886851

Well, I want to remain a functional human being.

>> No.12886853

>about 118 pounds
>everybody tells me to gain weight, but I'm okay with it

>> No.12886857

last time i checked it was 17.5 i think

>> No.12886861
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>falling for this obvious bait
This thread's off to a good start

>> No.12886878
File: 1.30 MB, 1080x1066, IMG_20171103_143618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way to know how much you can lose by fasting? i'm planning to fast for 3-4 days (5'2, 116lbs)

>> No.12886885

whenever i fasted i would lose like a pound a day but i don't like doing it since i would gain all the weight back fast

>> No.12886893
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>> No.12886918
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>> No.12886926
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Gotta eat some meat nigga, you gon get raped

>> No.12886928

only meat i eat is black PENIS! in my MOUTH!

>> No.12886935

You lose lots of water weight fasting, but fat goes too. When you start eating again the water will come back so it will seem like you gained back a bunch of weight, but, really you just didn't lose as much as the scale says during the fast.

>> No.12886949
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>> No.12887031

i can't do the whole iifym thing. As soon as I have a donut or something shitty, even if it doesn't put me over my calorie limit, I spiral downwards and turn the day into a cheat day and binge on everything in the pantry

i hope i remember this the next time I want to have a cookie or some shit


this is the second day it's happened in the past week.

best to go cold turkey folks

>> No.12887064

When you look in the mirror and feel "okay," or when you're mostly sized out of all clothes.

>> No.12887084

I never really feel "ok" when I look in the mirror though, and I've been very thin.I'd say I'm sized out of half my clothes since shirts and sweaters fit a really wide range of sizes.

A part of me wants to get skinny enough that my period stops, it's a weird wish though and I don't want osteoporosis.

>> No.12887089

Mirin the asian's forearms

>> No.12887095


>> No.12887099
File: 100 KB, 880x587, 104-Outlier-StrongDungarees-fold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current stats: height, weight, gender, age

>highest weight

>goal weight

>preferred method of losing weight
Calorie deficit, working out

>> No.12887108
File: 78 KB, 500x749, tumblr_npxyev5OJ71qcvru5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you retarded lmao

>> No.12887110

I meant sized out of clothes at the store. But yeah, I'm not happy with how I look either, but I am mostly "okay." I don't think I will ever be happy with it, but I am thin enough, I guess.

Wanting your period to stop is scary. I have a BMI under 16 and I still get mine.

>> No.12887113

Ikr. My forearms 'nearly' look like this.

>> No.12887128 [DELETED] 

Mine last stopped at 15.5-15 so that's not that low.

I don't think I could ever size out of all clothing in stores though because my hips are way too wide :(
Probably around BMI of 14 I might get to a point where pants are too tight.

>> No.12887138

Mine last stopped at 15.5-15 so that's not that low.

I don't think I could ever size out of all clothing in stores though because my hips are way too wide :(
I have a pair of pants I bought that are too tight to try and fit into and it never ended up happening. Maybe they'll fit around a BMI 14.

>> No.12887170
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>> No.12887176

cut your hair :(

>> No.12887183

how do you like your coffee /thinspo/

>> No.12887184
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, 1489646440031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'7", 144 lbs, male, 19
>Highest weight
>Goal weight
Fasting, keto, and LEGAL AND KID-FRIENDLY amphetamines, unlike some people. Also cocaine.
slim qt

>> No.12887191

Black 90% of the time, soy lattes as a meal replacement or snack.

>> No.12887194

Sad af

>> No.12887198


>> No.12887203

i have since this pic

>> No.12887205

whole milk no sugar

>> No.12887206
File: 150 KB, 602x1024, tumblr_mtc3evEDK41sieibzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black. Used to have lattes back in the day when I was still a mealcuck.

Stabbing yourself for fun isn't effay

>> No.12887216

uhh its called heroin chic

>> No.12887297
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>> No.12887316
File: 686 KB, 1250x1450, __izumi_reina_musaigen_no_phantom_world_drawn_by_bonkiru__da715641bac5a4d9fec72fc0291f0524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called being a trashy dumbass when you have a pipe you can smoke it out of instead so you don't burn out your veins and fuck up your vascular system

>> No.12887345
File: 375 KB, 689x720, 1441951180982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is a 18-21yo teenbro
holy fuck......

>> No.12887365


>> No.12887396

Mine stopped at 17.5 (6 ft, 124 lbs) which isn't that low

>> No.12887410

115 at 5'6 and i still want to lose

male too ;____;

yeh once you get a foot in the door of cheating you just figure "might as well" and feel bad about it later

easier to just abstain

drugs are efay :3

inefficient use of h though

>> No.12887418

why would you deliberately try to be a skeleton

>> No.12887425
File: 117 KB, 500x721, valter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the most effay body you could have

>> No.12887433

what is effay
do you mean effeminate
are you guys fags

>> No.12887439
File: 46 KB, 400x500, tumblr_mmi01fSqRC1spn9qgo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effay is fashionable.

>> No.12887451

girl on the right looks like lil peep

>> No.12887471


stop replying to troll x(

>> No.12887485

i'm just trying to understand this
and I honest to god thought effay was an acronym for effeminate at first

>> No.12887511

I just got under 20 today for the first time in my life
Feels pretty good but I'm still fat

>> No.12887609

what food should I avoid at all costs? rice? bread?

>> No.12887616
File: 991 KB, 2560x1440, 20171105_204922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just binged on a box of these fml

>> No.12887638


>> No.12887647

I don't know about "all costs" but refined sugars don't have a place in your diet. Bread and rice you for sure should keep to an absolute minimum, but if you are within your macros you'll be fine.

>> No.12887672

What the fuck is that

>> No.12887674

garlic cheddar knot from papa johns

>> No.12887734

how do you guys measure your bmi

>> No.12887767

there are fucking calculators online wtf

>> No.12887770
File: 145 KB, 1080x829, Screenshot_20171105-220901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucked

>> No.12887778

I have issues with portion control and maintaining regiments in basically every aspect of my life.

I spiraled severely after ending my veganism which had overtime become a diet of hot chips and ciders.

Today I water fasted to try and rebalance. I'm going to try tomorrow as well but if not at least eating minimally.

>> No.12887782

What are your main issues with portion control? I'd like offer advice but I'd need some more information to understand what you're dealing with.

>> No.12887788

>2 knots
>220 calories

How much is in a box?

>> No.12887789
File: 4 KB, 184x184, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 or more

>> No.12887828

well i had 7 since someone else ate one but i ate the rest. kinda doubt i'll gain from it though

>> No.12887863

So I wasn't raised with the idea that there are certain times you do and don't eat and that if something runs out you could always make more or buy more.

Anytime I have a regiment I fail because parameters, I get allergic reactions and still eat things because I like them :-(

>> No.12887880

I’ve gained a bit if weight, should I fast today?

>> No.12887883


>> No.12887904

Explain for an idiot why to avoid rice and bread? Is it just inefficient nutrients or will it actually make me fatter? 8(

>> No.12887954

After you're done eating a meal, get your self away from wherever you keep your food and start doing something else to take your mind off eating. Right after you eat is when you are most acceptable to snacking.

>> No.12888036

>Is it just inefficient nutrients
Yes, also not that filling and highly glycemic.

>> No.12888060

I find rice to be really filling. I also tend to eat a bunch of it. Is this why I'm still fat?

>> No.12888085

I love rice though. Can I have a diet based on rice?

>> No.12888121
File: 338 KB, 1400x1400, buddy-magnolia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6', male, 230lbs,16

>Highest weight

>Goal weight

Skipping meals, keto

Normal Human

>> No.12888250

god wish I was 20 bmi

>> No.12888256

Any tips/workouts on how to get my arms thinner?

>> No.12888325

when I used to drink coffee it, was with milk and sugar. how do I get used to the taste of black coffee?

>> No.12888328

A little salt makes black coffee taste nicer i think.

>> No.12888340

i prefer the first pic 2bh

>> No.12888343

I've heard of that, might try that tomorrow morning

>> No.12888409

does anyone have the imgur of model diet?

>> No.12888415

Why do you have to drink it black? If you lay off the sugar (or use a substitute) there's not that many calories in coffee with milk, especially if you compare it to eating something.

>> No.12888432

Very cute <3

>> No.12888438

5'11", 169 lbs, M, 19
Highest weight 185
Calorie deficit + cardio and calisthenics
Going for ottermode

>> No.12888443

>tfw no bf to fuck me in the ass until I can't walk

>> No.12888460


If you use good quality beans and brew it properly black coffee tastes amazing but instant coffee or like Dunkin donuts tastes awful black

If you are drinking good quality coffee black and are trying to get used it just sip it and try to taste the flavors

>> No.12888461
File: 9 KB, 460x460, a6bEj3N_460s_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's your BMI?

>> No.12888483

Take amount of calories needed to retain your weight and since we know around 4k kcalories are one pound, you can simply do the math

>> No.12888495
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>> No.12888527

Good progress actually

>> No.12888545

Massage or high quality body care products.

>> No.12888555
File: 88 KB, 657x527, yjjrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to be a 17


>> No.12888566

I actually like black Dunkin coffee lel

>> No.12888575


>> No.12888591

Hang in there, anon. I was at 22 just a few months ago. You'll make it.

>> No.12888601


>> No.12888605
File: 27 KB, 645x730, 50caa3e089eacec2be5ad93a2f95b0b7a63c1803541e8013ab3866f7cac53a0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally how

>> No.12888610

>Charlotte Casiraghi
those god damn forearms indeed, probably a climber, the haircut check out

>> No.12888628


>> No.12888631

I'm ashamed to say but I am in the overweight category

>> No.12888635
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>period is one week late
There we go again with 'Is it the malnutrition or am I pregnant?'

>> No.12888648
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>tfw virgin so it's always the first

>> No.12888719

oh, wow. what happened?

>> No.12888900
File: 61 KB, 636x640, 1445947489436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt effay thinspo gf

why live?

>> No.12888913

what ive eaten so far today (8:39 am PST):

>coffee (0)
>slice of toast with cream cheese (<150)
>one package of instant oat meal (130)

i really want another slice of toast. will giving in to my lack of self control make me a fatty

>> No.12888954

If i eat one or two apple a day ?

>> No.12888958
File: 159 KB, 500x707, 1468074883140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exactly are you asking?

>> No.12888960

Have another cup of coffee

>> No.12888962

How many calories do you burn in a day? Do ypu take long walks? Your body at no effort given burns atleast 1.4k calories a day. So eat that peice of toast, or better yet some fruit since it will fill you more. At this point you are going to get sick.

>> No.12888968

Nah but have some sweet tea instead to avoid feeling bad about eating another toast later

>> No.12888970

if he eats one or two apples a day

>> No.12888980

I used to bike and skate a lot and have developed muscular calves and now when i try fits they sometimes interrupt the flow.

so long story short: my calves are too big, how do I make them more "skinny" i don't care about muscles anymore

>> No.12888988

they look like aliens in this pic

>> No.12889005

Scretching helps I heard

>> No.12889017

I work at a place where there is always food out to feed people.

I can't leave it and I'd say 1/3 of my responsibilities are related to insuring clients having food.

>> No.12889067
File: 23 KB, 631x408, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started off 18 months ago at 31... just END my shitty existence

>> No.12889077
File: 62 KB, 500x598, tumblr_op723wc2fi1tkbmqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its okay anon, keep up the good work!

>> No.12889208
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, 1487549342835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been stuck in 20 for a while, want to go down to 18 by february

>> No.12889221

5'6 here as well.
We're all gonna make it!

>> No.12889235

But you're doing great! <3

>> No.12889246

I fell for the vegan meme after being vegetarian for years. It helped a bit but I was mostly. Eating junk food. I recently have been trying to just eat a whole food plant based diet and I've been feeling great so far. Just cut shit off like refined processed stuff

>> No.12889252
File: 22 KB, 500x415, 8f736f5854aba47712940eb5eae05f33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf eating a meal without wanting to binge afterwards feels fantastic

>> No.12889258

Lipo first, then lose the rest by drinking caffeine in the morning. Drink a boost for lunch
Drink lots of liquid, stay away from juice or coke. Drink Diet Coke, when you crave food.

>> No.12889262

better start running fatty

>> No.12889277

Teach me your ways

>> No.12889417

Just learn to cook simple stuff, atm i am mostly cooking asian food, there's a lot of peppers and spices happening and mexican food also. I like spicy food so this little food adventure is a blast. I've been losing a decent amount of weight this past year by just eating, i could lose a lot more if i was physically active. thankfully i like winter sports so i can keep fit during the cold season

>> No.12889451

5'3", 101 lbs, born female
>goal weight

Tips on losing weight when your parents are the ones feeding you/checking on you.

>> No.12889457

>your parents are the ones feeding you
Stop being underage

>> No.12889467

Don't be at home at dinner times.

>> No.12889487

>went from 22 to 29 in a couple of months from heavy drinking every day
Now at 25 and losing it fairly quickly.

>> No.12889489

>tfw let myself go for a couple months and gained 7 lbs

Why is fasting so hard at first? I remember being able to live off of one meal a day for months at a time ffs

>> No.12889524

Hi are you the transman

>> No.12889529

Here's a tip: Let them feed you because you're clinically underweight.

>> No.12889538

If so

>Get on T
>Get on /fit/
>Get on dem gainz

Becoming frail is not the best way to go about making yourself look masculine

>> No.12889543

Pre-t it is. Tits and curves are fat.

>> No.12889552

Stay strong to my Aus anons, it's melbourne cup race day with snack trays and booze around every corner.

I'm doing my first 2-day fast so wish me luck.

>> No.12889778

36 lmao

>> No.12889790

whos the qtp2t azn boi

>> No.12889841

>stop eating
>gums receed from malnutrition
>i now have a wider smile and the areas previously covered by gums are very white

good shit

>> No.12889854

Good bait. Post proof.

>> No.12889883

Way too strong to the point where its actually disgusting and a fucking ton of sugar to make it drinkable. I know its garbage but im way too addicted to caffeine to stop drinking it.

>> No.12889994
File: 644 KB, 2576x1932, IMG_3828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>120 6 months ago
>112 2 months ago
>105 yesterday

I have changed nothing about my diet. Blood test came back with borderline thyroid a few months ago after a physical along with anemia but I never followed up. Most normal people would go to dr but I'm loving this. How far can I ride the possibly dying train

>> No.12889998

don't ride the possibly dying train any longer unless you're like under 5'3 or something

>> No.12890000

be my gf pls

>> No.12890007

>not riding the train all the way to the final destination

>> No.12890016


>> No.12890038


>> No.12890135


>> No.12890359

I'm 20.3 bmi


I'm the definition of skinnyfat, I look skinny but I've got a ton of stomach fat. Do I just keep losing? Can I achieve low bodyfat through diet alone with little to no excercise?
Already lost 30 pounds but I look the same in the mirror I feel.

>> No.12890379

>Can I achieve low bodyfat through diet alone with little to no excercise?

no, unless "diet" means "starve"

you have to do strength training. See, the issue isn't the body fat, it's that you have such little muscle that the fat is more obvious. with more muscls, but same body fat, a person will look radically different. Don't worry about "bulking" either, that takes years, not weeks/months

t. person who's in exact same boat as you

we'll all gonna make it brehs

>> No.12890418

i dont understand why so many of u are opposed to exercising

>> No.12890468

This exercising is more fun than just sitting around and starving. Running actually became a hobby of mine. Now its easy to stay skinny. I actually eat more than I did before so I don't lose too much because I started building up some muscle, not /fit/ amount of muscle though, just started incorporating some pushups/situps/pullups along with stretching.

>> No.12890541

I went from 22 to 19 in a few months by cutting out everything except the drinking

>> No.12890701

I was drinking more than my tdee worth of alcohol on most days, i also get gluttonous when i drink so was eating a lot too.

>> No.12890725

Had 431 calories total today, should I have dinner?

>> No.12890964

are there any nice male thinspo Instagram accounts?

>> No.12890966

>tfw 6'6 and 145 lbs

>> No.12890968

64 kg, 185 cm, male
141 lbs, 6'1" for amerifats

>> No.12891008
File: 2 KB, 226x167, not vethy thin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus far not very /thinspo/, but certainly not landwhale either.

>> No.12891010
File: 57 KB, 540x405, o4er3msLEB1voerr0o1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12891016

I understand your groupings but I'd say true thinspo starts well below 18.5 and anything 18-20 is normie thin. Everything else is average or fat

>> No.12891023

Yeah, I wasn't completely sure how to group them so I just went with the standard. I guess I could fix it.

>> No.12891030
File: 4 KB, 226x167, not vethy thin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12891043

194cm, 71kg, male

>> No.12891048


>> No.12891051 [DELETED] 
File: 2.47 MB, 1600x1071, e5adbe53beeaca70faed0af2bc55778162aa0caafffccac17be550bbbfee563d (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else think this picture is super /fa/?
wish my country was like this, everyone is some level of chubby, bloated or obese

>> No.12891068

How do I stop these fucking cravings before I lose my will to stay strong?

>> No.12891122

eat foods high in carbs

>> No.12891125
File: 299 KB, 800x1100, 55ED69D1-7DE5-42CF-A634-EFB348141A01-294-00000033DE8173DD_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have terrible day
>decide to binge on fruit
>total intake for today goes from 530 to 770


>> No.12891131

You can easily fix that by going for a short run, or a longer walk

>> No.12891139

I try to find out what I am craving and then choose the lowest calorie option to satisfy it
When I crave sweetness, I make sweet tea, have fruit if I really can't control myself but mostly I eat 0cal sweetnerdrops
When I crave salt I make broth
Carbs are the hardest for me so that's where I really try my best to hold back and not have even a slice of bread bc I know it will result in a binge on an entire loaf

>> No.12891141

I am about to go on one now and enjoy the winter weather

>> No.12891144
File: 45 KB, 672x700, 1509159763630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upset over eating 770 calories
>I literally can't eat less than 1900

>> No.12891151


Soon I will be able to crack into the 16s

>> No.12891152


>> No.12891154

Just eat (a small portion of) the thing and make up for it somewhere else.

>> No.12891161

I am just deep into restricting at this point
What really helped to reduce (even completly kill) my appetite is intermittent fasting and having a filling meal before bed, also some protein and a fruit to avoid feeling dizzy when I got something more to do that day
Also I actually don't set a calorie limit at all because numbers put me under pressure which leads to binges. I just eat as little as I can.
Hoped I helped a little

>> No.12891163

Thanks. I do IF but when I eat lunch then I get starving after. It's a mess.

>> No.12891167

Skip lunch, instead have coffee and sweet tea

>> No.12891168
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Can't. Father is watching.

>> No.12891183
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i wish i had a gag reflex so i could puke

>> No.12891194

5'4", 110 lb, male

So I not really sure where else to ask this, I just feel this is the best place. But where the FUCK do I (not even trying to be thin) get a pants waist smaller than 28. Am I just gonna be forced to get all my 28s tailored?

Oh and pro tip: the best way to lose weight is to be stingy about spending money on food and taking adderall

>> No.12891198

Don't ever purge, it does more harm then it does good. If you've binged then fast the day after.

>> No.12891200

I'm sorry

>> No.12891204

I need to just get some self control. Lots of thin people eat two meals per day, I don't know whats wrong with me. I have been keeping the carbs to a minimum which helps a bit but not as much as I'd like.

>> No.12891210

Does adderall suppress hunger?

>> No.12891212

Oh yeah. Just watch out for the comedown.

>> No.12891216

keeping carbs to a minimum is probably why you are constantly hungry. Why are you restricting them so much

>> No.12891221

Because I heard they make you hungry by spiking insulin levels. And that they convert into sugar.

>> No.12891222

Eat carbs like vegetables, beans and even low calorie rice if you find some (I was lucky enough to find one that has 104cals in 100g uncooked)
That way you'll be full and less hungry, especially when your body gets used to and fills up on small portions

>> No.12891225

Eat the right carbs like >>12891222 says.
It will satiate your hunger for a longer time. Potatoes are also a decent option

>> No.12891316
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think I'm 18 by now
feels swell

>> No.12891318

I've been lurking these threads for about a year now, and I've been too lazy to try anything. I recently just said fuck it, and now I'm doing this
>water fast for five days
>go on 1.5 hour runs daily
>after five days, only eat small amounts of fruits/vegetables and slowly build up to small meals in about the span of a month
>daily calorie intake after said month will be 700ish-1200
My stats: 6ft tall, 200lbs. My goal is 140-150ish.
I hope all of you guys get where you want to be, I'm making my way to being thin, on day two of five c:

>> No.12891322

same. 48kg and still not hitting any plateaus or managing to maintain although i eat like, 1400 daily. period missing since forever, also shaky hands, but that's it.
what height are you?

>> No.12891333

Anyone else get random bruises? Is this from not eating enough?

>> No.12891372
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my guess the skin on my hand dried up. i use lotion dunno if it helps. also like to hear about this.

>> No.12891375

yeah, you lose enough of the protective layer of fat underneath the skin and you will bruise easier.

>> No.12891396

I think you might be going too hard. 90% of the time when people go too radical they quit. Also make sure you dont lose weight so fast that you end up with loose flabby skin. Make a reasonable plan and stick to it.

>> No.12891411

how much electrolytes do i have to get while fasting? like how much salt in a glass of water or something like that
i'm gonna start fasting from tomorrow

>> No.12891415

What is it for guys?

>> No.12891418

18.2 here

>> No.12891433

You can starve yourself. I am 2 years older than you and gain all my calories from drinking, about 1400 a day. Thats 6 to 7 beers. In less than a year I got into spooky mode. 142 Ibs right now at 6'2.

>> No.12891443

26.4 here. Just here to look at the pretty girls and dick girls.

>> No.12891456

ive been at like 19.8 my whole life because i never feel the need to overeat

i don't keep maintaining that bmi in mind ever

what's it like

>> No.12891499
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Skinnyfat guy going to gym for the first time in 3 hours and i'm nervous as hell, still don't know what to do. What's a good workout for just generally thin/twink body?

Stats: 5ft 6, 119 pounds/54 kgs, bmi is 19.2

>> No.12891526

Well you are heading for Korsakoff's mode. You need to supplement at least b-1 and also look at your choices and change your life. But at least supplement b-1 to avoid brain damage.

>> No.12891542

>literally dying is thinspo

fuck yeah man so hot

>> No.12891574

I'd suggest going to /fit/ and asking there, just don't mention your height or use the term twink what ever you do.

>> No.12891585

>just don't mention your height or use the term twink what ever you do.

this is why I don't ask /fit/ anything. Also, their advice would be to press one hundred pounds and eat twenty steaks because that's what 'real' men do. I asked /thinspo/ because I want to be thin, not stronk

I think i'm just gonna go on machines anyway until I decide what to do/get a personal trainer

>> No.12891592

Nobody gives a fuck at the gym. You're the only one putting that pressure on yourself. Don't be scared, get familiar with the gym and the machines at first no need to start a work out right away. Try doing a bit of cardio first as a warm-up. Decide later if a full body work out is more suitable for you or divide it by group muscle per day. You can find a lot of work out programs online depending on your goals.

>> No.12891608

Iirc, <16 is literally dying tier. 16-18.5 is fine if you get enough nutrients.

>> No.12891626

Get a book or look for a guide on YouTube. Form is important to staying safe. Do deadlift, squat, bench press, hang clean, overhead press and pull ups. Yes these are the lifts big guys do. No you will not get big without eating more so don't worry. These excercises will help with bone health and general tone. Lift only twice a week. Otherwise focus on aerobic activities like running cycling or swimming. You can do these 5-7 days a week but get a guide to starting from nothing because it is very easy to over train at first. Don't over train. Pain is not gain. Pain will mean you are going to have to stop and heal and you will lose all your progress.

>> No.12891630

I think you're being very closed minded about not going on /fit/. If you are really considering going to the gym you need to look at the /fit/ sticky. It has good advice on what to eat (including maintaining or losing weight that doesn't go full HURR DURR PROTEIN), workouts, body type, and more. Don't be ignorant just because most of the people there are bulking. Mire importantly, don't be afraid to start a thread about any questions you might have.

>> No.12891648


thanks for advice guys. I'm gonna start off with machines then branch out into free weights over the weeks/months I think.

>> No.12891662

also today just start with 30-45 minutes of light pace (not out of breath) jogging. Consistency is key do not over do it.

>> No.12891686


>> No.12891700

It's a stimulant, so yes.

>> No.12891813

21,4 ugh... Really want to try and get just below 20, have lost about 3 kg the last month, so at least making some small progress.

>> No.12891989
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>plateau at 140 lbs for a long-ass time
>cut down from one meal a day to one or two meals a week
>finally under 140 after the first week

Holy shit fasting is amazing. I'll never be a mealcuck again.

>> No.12891990

Black tea or chai tea?

Leaning towards chai

>> No.12891998

fucking 29 REEEEEEEEE

>> No.12892020

Bad anon. No cookies for you.

>> No.12892029

lmao faggot

>> No.12892035

Chai is bretty good, but mint is where it's at.

>> No.12892053
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>> No.12892057

how do i convince my mom 500 cal is enough
pls help me get my slim thighs

>> No.12892106

Possible anemia

>> No.12892108
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Please help skinny friends. I have two weeks to lose 15-20 lbs for my friend's wedding. I'm a brides maid and wanna be aesthetic on her special day for pictures and shit.

What is the best possible diet plan? I was thinking eating 500-800 cals a day and maybe a water fast. Pls help

(Pic related is not me, just some motivation)

>> No.12892119
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BMI is a dumb way to measure things. The ranges on this chart are "normie thin" for dudes. "/thinspo/-tier" is an additional 10-20 lbs below the bottom of your range. You'll know you've made it when family members and random passerbys comment on your thinness. Make sure to post anonymous black&white photos of your tummy and smoke cigarettes to complete the look.

>> No.12892123

Starvation, colonic

>> No.12892128

At least I am heartened to observe that lots of females are getting pilled and becoming aesthetic before they hit the wall. Sometimes it's a shame that the age for posting isn't 16 instead of 18.

>> No.12892131

>10 lbs a week
Can't be done, sorry. Eat 500 a day and buy some shapewear.

>> No.12892147

Fuckkkk, thanks guys.
I'm 5'3 120 right now. I was hoping to be around 100 lbs by the wedding for top tier aesthetics but it's probably not happening. I'll settle for any amount of weight loss though so I'll go for 500 a day and see how it goes.

>> No.12892179

>being this delusional
it's game over, considering your mentality also

>> No.12892184

anon that was two days ago. since then i haven't binged, haven't gained any weight either.

>> No.12892192

>top tier aesthetics
you're an ugly person with an ugly mentality and ugly personality so I wouldn't worry about that. consider working on some intelligence gains for brains aesthetics

>> No.12892194

That's going to be very difficult.
You could do a water fast , together with light exercise like walking, for maybe a week? And then breaking it with vegetables and fruit for a week so you don't look worn out on her big day.
As the anon said, shapewear is good. Drinking a lot of water/tea is good.

>> No.12892227

Eat my ass you ugly cunt. Why are you offended by rapid weight loss on a fucking fashion board?
Thank you very much :D I think that would be a great idea, thank you

>> No.12892231

i've fallen off the wagon, lowest was 19.3

>> No.12892234

seething brainlet exposed for the hollow shell she is LOL that chip on your shoulder prob weighs a good 20-30lbs LMAO

>> No.12892238

when are you supposed to make out?
had the first date (i think it was a date) today and she looked like she wanted me to make a move,
did i play it too safe?

>> No.12892240

i think she had a /thinspo/ lifestyle not too long ago and now is trying to gain some weight. she is still /thinspo/ as far as I can see tho

>> No.12892251

fuck off idiot

>> No.12892259

why are you so rude

>> No.12892262

people with subhuman IQ shouldn't be allowed to use computers. isn't there some manual work you could be doing to benefit humankind?

>> No.12892268

Losing weight has been pretty easy, now I'm having trouble maintaining where I am

>> No.12892273

whats the problem

>> No.12892277

back to /pol/ with you

>> No.12892305

I'm pretty sure you can make out on the first date

>> No.12892317
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I'm not for this being a tumblr hug-box but damn, if anyone's retard is showing through it's yours.

>> No.12892330

What's your TDEE? What do you eat?

>> No.12892351

If you're seriously asking an anonymous weeb imageboard if you played it too safe, you played it too safe. The fact that you don't even know whether or not it was a date doesn't help your case.

It sounds like you're a neurotic person, so an obvious corny line at the end of the night like "So, wanna make out?" will let you know if she really is interested and can be said in confidence with ironic detachment. For god's sake, do not overthink this. Do not try to plot out every possible outcome ahead of time. I know your instinct will be to 'scriptwrite' her entire side of the story. Avoid this habit at all costs.

Nothing can happen till you swing the bat.

>> No.12892374

>If you're seriously asking an anonymous weeb imageboard
Who else would I ask this?
I'm trying to not overthink it and I do not consider myself neurotic. If anything I'm too detached and tend to push away people. This is my first serious and conscious attempt at approaching a girl, every other experience I've was kind of pushed on me by my social environment and didn't end well.

>> No.12892377

I've had*

>> No.12892415

pls teach how to keto
where should i start?
i know about the bacon and eggs meme, but is there any filling snack beside those?

>> No.12892424

>"For best weight loss results make sure to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the Day"

^Mealcucks unironically believe shit like this

Good on you for breaking free and joining the Chad-fasters

>> No.12892427

Oh fuck, just looked it up and that spooked me a little. Anyways, got any tips for getting b-1?

>> No.12892433

Thanks for the chart! Yeah, my family is bitching at me already and so are most others, but on the streets I just get strange looks.

>> No.12892442


Still not drinking nettle tea for it's weight loss benefits and appetite suppression effect

>> No.12892449

Where do I get nettle tea?

>> No.12892450

I've dropped 30 pounds so I'm trying to get back to 2010 from 1510 and it's a lot harder to put the extra calories in than it was to cut them. I think it was mostly cutting out a lot of sugars from my diet, now I have to fill in more real food

>> No.12892451

Damn, your fasting intake is my TDEE.

>> No.12892465

unsure how to interpret

at 5'6 another 10 pounds below the 18.4 bmi i'm at now would have me at 16~

do i have to be dying to be /thinspo/?

>> No.12892469

Does drinking tea and coffee make you a mealcuck?

>> No.12892472

>do i have to be dying to be /thinspo/?
thinspo is rebranded proana so yes

>> No.12892481

>Anonymous 11/05/17(Sun)23:00:46 No.12887203▶
>i have since this pic
21.3 :@

>> No.12892511

Like >>12892472 said, /thinspo/ is medically underweight. It can look good on the runway and in artsy photo shoots, but dudes always look better when they're in the 'normie thin' category and work out regularly. Ottermode is more sustainable in the long run, looks better most of the time, and usually ends up qualifying for thinspo anyways.

The worst-case scenario is becoming a skinnyfat blob of disgusting asexuality due to half-assing both dieting and exercising. Pick your path and stay with it.

>> No.12892544

Take multivitamins and you should be good for a while

>> No.12892546

In Germany I can get it pretty much anywhere where there's tea to buy, it's a common staple here and it's mostly used as a weight loss aid.

Maybe it's harder to find in other countries, I'm not really sure about that

>> No.12892562

I'd say drinking tea and coffee is fine during a fast (unsweetened or with artificial sweetener for obvious reasons), but there are some water fast purists who will go turbo autism mode when you consume anything but water, claiming it will break the fast.
Many also believe staying under 50cals per day is enough to not break a fast, leaving some wiggle room for milk in your coffee or something.
It mostly comes down to preference I guess, you do you and all :)

>> No.12892574

wut do you do when you can feel it starting to spiral? i thought i had things in control but i don't think i am anymore lol

>> No.12892577

Same here (but I used to be 33)

>> No.12892585

Caffeine is supposed to be an appetite suppressant, but it can have the opposite effect on some people. It's worthwhile to try going without tea/coffee for a while to see if it makes fasting easier or more difficult for you.

>> No.12892586
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alright u skellies, i take ur challenge. looking in the mirror i realized that i am very clearly skinny fat, and have decided to start doing something about it. My plan is to first start restricting my diet so my body can adjust to the lowered intake, and then in 2 months start doing cardio to gain muscle tone. in my day one i have only eaten 2 eggs, 1 head of broccoli and a banana and drank about 144 oz of water. my biggest issue is stress eating, since I am taking 19 credit hours and eating carbs through out studying helps me focus and stay energized. any tips for this journey ?

>> No.12892602

Drink coffee, chew gum, don't give up completely even if you mess up. Might be better to eat more than what you ate today at first, and decrease it bit by bit.

>> No.12892607

How many of you have tried intermittent fasting? What results did you get from it? How much did you lose? How long did you do it for? How many calories do you ear per day? How to stop feeling hungry/weak when fasting? Thinking of trying it, thanks

>> No.12892608

yea, i ate really well yesterday so today wasnt so bad so its gonna suck tmmr. i might try 2 small meals a day and cut to one

>> No.12892623

Build muscle first. It's very difficult to exercise while losing weight at the same time. Big-name actors are the only people that can reliably do it, but they are helped by dedicated trainers and the fact that their livelihood depends on whatever body transition they need to make for a role. Go to /fit/, do whatever beginner stuff they recommend, and stick to it for a few months. Wait until after the end of a semester to change directions and start losing weight.

Cutting really sucks until you get a week or two into it. Even then, it's easy to fall off the wagon. The important part is being able to recover after a stumble, which is more difficult to do when you are focused on schoolwork. Keep a food journal to avoid underestimating your caloric intake. I prefer to handwrite it in a notebook, but a lot of people use apps like myfitnesspal.

>> No.12892627

>tfw 27.75" waist
>tfw a man

I still feel like my hips/waist are a bit chubby


>> No.12892652

It's tough to have much chub at all when you're at sub-30" waist levels. You are logically thin by nearly ever metric available, even if you emotionally don't feel like you are. Invest some time in a hobby and stop thinking about your figure for awhile.

>> No.12892670
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Not that guy but when I was doing keto I had beef jerky or some other related meat-snack and low-carb nuts like peanuts in case I got hungry throughout the day. Usually had a protein shake in the morning that kept me full for most of the day though. Tea is also quite filling, and I had plenty of that.

I did. I lost around 35 lbs in around 9 months I think. But I mostly combined it with a keto diet so idk which method contributed the most to the progress. I never counted calories, just the carbs. Tried to stay under 30-40g a day.

It's really hard at first but your body will adjust. For the first week, you don't stop feeling hungry during fast days. The only thing you can do is try to ignore it and stay hydrated. Like I said, tea really helps. Week 2 is much easier, and afterwards you won't be noticeably hungry until your designated eating time.

Good luck fampai

Only if it has milk or sugar in it.

>> No.12892685

Is nettle tea made from dry leaves? It definitely isn't sold in my area but nettles are common enough that i could harvest them.

>> No.12892688

Did 16:8 for like four weeks but gave up because my schedule got fucked. Lost about 9 pounds during that time. Was hard at first but my body adjusted after about a week and a half.

>> No.12892720

>skinnyfat blob of disgusting asexuality due to half-assing both dieting and exercising
It's like you looked into my soul

>> No.12892735

You still haven't updated the software of your phone? Smart move desu.

>> No.12892797

You can even use the fresh leaves, thats actually the way my grandmother does it when she's weeding nettles from her garden!

This might me helpful:

>> No.12892939

17.5 BMI
Literally do nothing, eat average 2-3 meals a day. I don't look like a skeleton somehow.

>> No.12892984


>> No.12893005

Honestly your diet is so extreme that literally any change to it aside from changing the amount off beer is likely to improve your situation. However there are supplements and brown rice spinach and fish are all good sources.

>> No.12893062


>> No.12893398

>two weeks
>15-20 lbs
i would really counsel you against this.
for your consideration: this is a thread where people consider meth a valid weight loss tool and still youre being told that your goal is dangerous/unrealistic.
if you look anything like the girl in the "before" panel of your inspiration photo, two weeks of dieting and a few days of fasting will have you looking pretty great. im sure you could break my heart.

but to be clear,
trying to lose that much weight in the time given is patently stupid. its not your bodys fault that you couldnt plan properly, but i guess theres just no saving you little neurotic girls from yourselves.

>> No.12893472
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I've been doing intermittent fasting unintentionally for the past 2 years.
Probably one reason I managed to stay underweight even though I have large meals.
I'm 6'4, 155lbs, but I typically eat 600 calories at about 3pm, 1000 calories at dinner, and then a dessert of around 400 calories.
Keeps me at a 500 calorie deficit, and I do body weight workouts with cardio to tone up.
I don't understand why people in these threads feel the need to go to such extremes.
I'm BMI of 19.1 and basically eat as much as I can

>> No.12893493

I'm 6'0", 58kg. Male. How do I increase muscle / reduce fat, without accidentally putting on too much muscle.
My chest especially needs work to make clothes fit better, but regular lifting will make me thicc

>> No.12893495

It's summer so I have black cold brew

>> No.12893496

It's hard to lose fat and increase muscle at the same time.
If you are a complete beginner your chances are better. Eat at a slight caloric deficit, 250-500 calories, and make sure you are getting a proper amount of protein and carbs so that your body isn't using them as energy.

>> No.12893498
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forgot, to increase muscle just go to /fit/ and get a beginners routine, or conversely just do bodyweight sort of stuff.
Pic related is the routine I'm going to start

>> No.12893507

>dumbbell flies
>not barbell flies
Never gonna make it

>> No.12893510

Thought on swimming?

>> No.12893515

I might use this workout. What do the colours mean? Do you do all of the same colour in one day, or 1 of each colour per day

>> No.12893525

Good question. Not 100% sure, I would think you can do each colour set for 1 day. Or just do all the workouts at once 3-4 days a week

>> No.12893593

Supreme taste good sir

>> No.12893643

thanks fellow anon, I make it myself.
currently trying grinder's crema blend. bit weak but it's smooth af.
gonna try grinding the beans twice and using more per cup

>> No.12893821

I haven't quit yet, I guess I'll just report back daily if I'm going too hard

>> No.12894012

Good luck

>> No.12894687

>1.5 hour runs daily