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File: 19 KB, 480x270, hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12885091 No.12885091 [Reply] [Original]

Are mullets making a comeback?

>> No.12885098

God, I hope so.

>> No.12885102

no whhere the fuck did u get that from ?

>> No.12885126
File: 20 KB, 431x472, Yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12885132


>tv show set in the 80s
>oh jeez idk

>> No.12885134


>> No.12885137

yes I'm actually going to cut a mullet myself and leave it for a few days since i need a haircut anyways. if i like it ill keep it, if not ill just go to the barber and cut the rest of it off

>> No.12885142

You all have to admit that nigga looks pretty fucking cool on the show

>> No.12885154

That character is supposed to be a generic one dimensional 5th generation rocker, also known as "eighties metalhead". It's certainly true that in places like Santa Cruz, California and San Jose, California mullets have never really gone away, but they're long gone from most other places, with the possible exception of remote midwestern or hillbilly backwaters. And there's no reason to believe a shitty television series made by hacks trying to ape the techniques of John Hughes and Steven Spielberg is going to bring back mullets, although people DO fantasize and daydream about television characters they're sexually drawn to, so only time will tell. I wouldn't bet on it, though

>> No.12885788

yes, certainly where im from, all the artists have been sporting them since early 2015.

>> No.12885792

Indeed he dose

>> No.12885806
File: 11 KB, 236x260, 7ba9664efa07d852ef25543640a69ae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as a mullet? I'm growing from a buzzcut and thinking of trying this

>> No.12885816

everyone seems to be creaming their pants over the aesthetic of the show so who knows

>> No.12886087

Idk, I think it needs to be a little bit longer on the back

>> No.12886120

Yes, in the style of having hair that looks like long, flowing hair, but is cut short on the topsides to be more manageable, while still appearing to have long/flowing hair

>> No.12886804

Hopefully not because they look like shit.

>> No.12886856

thats just long hair

>> No.12887737

no thats a mullet

>> No.12887795

Mullets that look like long hair are coming back. So kinda yes and kinda no