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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 960x640, rick-owens-ramones-sneakers-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12883776 No.12883776 [Reply] [Original]

Where do i buy these for cheap

>> No.12883855

I wish I was a mod so I can delete dumb posts like this. Also sage

>> No.12883858 [DELETED] 

fuck off nigger

>> No.12883865


>> No.12883981

God those are hideous

>> No.12884204


drkshdw canvas ones go for about $375 on sale.

>> No.12884338

just fyi announcing a sage is against the rules

>> No.12884402

reps or save up my guy

>> No.12884413
File: 53 KB, 167x300, Bugs_Bunny_Pose-167x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask this slick motherfucker

>> No.12884429


>> No.12885423

just search for black and white clown shoes on ebay

>> No.12885425

I know it's against the rules. It's the risk O take to get my point across.


>> No.12885428

Grailed or on sale.

>> No.12885429


/thread, /thread & /thread

>> No.12885433
File: 367 KB, 800x611, fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These shoes are similar, and actually way better quality:


>> No.12885434
File: 83 KB, 640x560, fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hoodie is also way, WAY higher quality than the R.O. merchandise made in Malaysia:


>> No.12885437 [DELETED] 

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>> No.12885864


>> No.12885940


>> No.12885954


>> No.12887521


>> No.12887542

Taobao has a couple decent quality canvas pairs, not sure about leather.

>> No.12887565

I wonder what kind of '''person''' buys fakes. I am curious to see what someone with no dignity or self respect really looks like.

>> No.12887695

>spending $900 less on an unbranded shoe that's practically the same thing as the branded one
>lacking dignity or self respect


>> No.12887704

>not understanding that you simply aren't the target market
>continuing to slavishly fiend for aspirational products priced far beyond your price range
>faking the funk in the first degree
>living a lie and attempting to justify that

>> No.12887709

maybe some people buy styles because they like the look???
I like some off-white shirts
it DOES NOT mean that i buy into hype beast culture
it DOES NOT mean that i want to look rich
it DOES NOT mean i want to impress others with my big wallet
it means i like the shirt man

>> No.12887711

so then you pay full price
just because you like it doesnt mean you are entitled to having it
just fuck off to reddit already you rep apologist

>> No.12887712

i can afford both buddy :^)

>> No.12887715

fuck yourself i just like chinese culture

>> No.12887723

if you don't what to look rich/buy into hypebeast culture/impress others with how much money you don't have what on earth do you find appealing about off white
good post

>> No.12888122
File: 522 KB, 1000x1413, large_OMCB009F176190329901_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these pants.
Won't buy it cause hypebeast culture and price tho
with that said i would gladly buy a replica from weixiao without the branding

>> No.12888261

I really wouldn't advise to buying fakes, These are going to be cheap ( for what they usually normally go for) in a few weeks so I would wait. I'll be seeing them go for 200$-350$

>> No.12888275

so is this:

shut up you fucking nigger