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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 478 KB, 1200x900, dupont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12876810 No.12876810 [Reply] [Original]

>not living in a walkable, dense city
you're not /fa/ sorry

>> No.12876816

We just bike here

>> No.12876820

bikeability and walkability predict one another

>> No.12876824

Not in Scandinavia

>> No.12876827

but I do also its bussable

>> No.12876829

Do you actually live there? What about outlying suburbs. Weather is also important. Sunnier drier climates are more favorable than wetter and colder ones.

>> No.12876831

>not trainable

>> No.12876834
File: 651 KB, 500x373, 1475868308331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that street but a similar one. the outlying suburbs are garbage, but why would you go to the suburbs?

Also snowy winters are /fa/ as fuck

>> No.12876838

Meh it's mice central after midnight. Even the hoes standing outside start to look like Chuck E. Cheese.

>> No.12876857

do you mean snow or DuPont circle?

>> No.12876862

The city. In the suburbs you just see cute white tails and cotton tails at night.

>> No.12876869
File: 156 KB, 500x238, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless you're in a very old rural town, anywhere outside the city is a hellscape of depressing stripmalls and frigid highways

just so unaesthetic

>> No.12876875

Some places like LA are pretty much that.

>> No.12876879

tfw you wish you lived in a liberal artsy new york suburb like williamsburg but too expensive

>> No.12876899

>tfw come from Philadelphia and now living in boring LA urban spral suburbs

Feels strange. LA has good weather and a nice, big freeway system, but it can get so damn hot, expensive and inconvenient when you must travel far

Might just convert a minivan to a camper van and roadtrip to Philadelphia to live rent/free...

>> No.12876906

Astoria is the next best thing. Surprisingly cheap rent there.

>> No.12876914

Right, LA is a terrible, ugly city

>> No.12876919

Philadelphia is a top 5 city in the country. Why the fuck would you move to a hellscape like LA?


>> No.12876925

the Bronx is cheap as fuck and just as dense/close to manhattan

>> No.12877015

>in Scandinavia

>> No.12877211

>any burgerland city
Ameritards are so delusional it's hilarious

>> No.12877359

>not planable

>> No.12877455

Currently living in Rogers Park, Chicago. I wanna move somewhere in the west in the next few years but I might have to sacrifice living in an effay neighborhood in the process. It's a tradeoff, though, because in Colorado, Washington, or Oregon I can get /out/.

Any suggestions?

>> No.12877564
File: 99 KB, 1000x1182, worlds-population-condensed-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new world sucks for walking around /fa/ streets looking /fa/.

Even shitty poorfag cities like Lisbon or Budapest are still a billion places better than the vast majority of American grid "cities". Fucking hell, there are cities that have got great big highways just plowing right through them.

I've lived in Paris and for all its faults, at least you will never need to drive here.

>> No.12877570

Currently looking at somewhere around Rodgers Park/Ravenwood.
Would you recommend Rogers over somewhere like Uptown? I'm trying to get into Ravenwood it's just fucking expensive.

>> No.12877595
File: 3.75 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved here with family when I was 7 in 2004. I despised living here for years but I realized that the mature thing to do is appreciate what I have, plan ahead and leave on good terms. Hence the vanlife thing. I'd convert a toyota sienna into an RV once my honda lease is up

>> No.12877604


goddamn this looks comfy

this is my ideal "working from home, having a nice coffee and getting blown for lunch" type of place

>> No.12877608

But you have to live in the bronx lol

>> No.12877609

America is wide and long. It makes it terrible. Europe is narrow and long with a lot of water and mountains.

>> No.12877621

Fuck off. You probably fantasize about living like the sex and the city show. You faggot

>> No.12877627

How is it terrible that it's wide and long?
>a lot of water and mountains
And the US doesn't have those, right? fuck off Eurocuck

>> No.12877628
File: 3.62 MB, 4048x3036, Livingroomkitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know too much about Uptown, but Roger's Park is pretty affordable... for now. A lot of people I know are seeing their rents go up. For better or for worse, we're probably the next neighborhood to get gentrified.

>> No.12877634
File: 2.94 MB, 4048x3036, Bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add that pic related is my place. $860/month for a studio with a divided off kitchen/dining area.

Lisbon isn't exactly a "shitty poorfag city." Suburbs like Amadora are pretty poor and shitty by Western European standards, but the city center (Baixa, Mouraria, Alfama) are expensive as hell.

I live in Chicago right now and as far as livability goes, I'd take virtually any city I've been to in Europe over this, even Andorra la Vella.

>> No.12877637

imagine walking out of your front door and being met with a dirty busy sidewalk, cars up one anothers ass for 5 miles and filthy crowds. no thanks if I have to live in a city my view better be of the clouds.

>> No.12877640

This anon gets it. Living in a city is only great if you're wealthy. It's not /effay/ but a small town beats it 9/10 for me.

Plus no blacks

>> No.12877643

City living isn't /fa/. Living out in the countryside, middle of the woods, is the most effay place to live.

>> No.12877645
File: 152 KB, 1795x1796, France_1800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natural borders give the country a shape. The long wide nature means that most of the country is flat and easy to march across. California, for example, has pretty natural borders. Kansas does not.

>> No.12877646
File: 177 KB, 1028x621, 04-Tivoli-theater-bowling-alley-Downers-Grove-IL-1024x617_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pre-WWII suburbs are usually alright. They're at least decently walkable, have public transit to the city/other burbs, and an urbanized downtown.

>> No.12877659

I wish i lived in a bikeable city, but i usually sweat a lot when exercising so i probably would have to get an electric bike.

>> No.12877679

If you go at a leisurely pace and it's not a super hot day, you shouldn't sweat too much.

Helmet hair is a real problem for me, though. You're an idiot not to wear one in a US city.

>> No.12877687
File: 1.43 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What city is this
Definitely get an electric bike, I own one and it's an amazing way to commute short distances or run errands. Don't get ripped off though, don't pay more than 700

>> No.12877840

>$860/month for a studio
Jesus Chicago is expensive. You can get a nice 2BR apartment for cheaper than that here in Ohio, but then you'd have to live in Ohio

>> No.12877843


>> No.12877862

dat dere aurelios

currently in nw suburbs and it kinda sucks. It seems I little cooler more south but I'm also looking to buy a house and there is literally nothing in my range that has an updated interior. Every room is just vomit in the form of carpet, wallpaper and paint.

>> No.12877871

>$860 month for a studio
What the fuck, I live north of Denver in a nice suburb and if I wanted a studio it would be minimum $1000 or even $1200 with the current market

>> No.12877946
File: 2.45 MB, 2784x1856, Copenhagen Wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are definitely better looking electric bikes than that one.
The Copenhagen Wheel is the best solution i've seen, you can pick any bike and add an electric rear wheel.


>> No.12877950

>living in a congested, cramped, overpriced shithole

enjoy your shitskins, schizophrenia, and huge rent

>> No.12877953

I would get a fixie but it doesn't suit my environment. With this one, it folds up small enough so that I can put it in my Civic and has thick tires for off road and better grip. Am the same person that lives in LA suburbs

>> No.12877960

Already do, but those townhouses cost $3 million. That's an issue with "living" there.

>> No.12877975
File: 1.24 MB, 1500x844, farm 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think the rural/wilderness aesthetic is pretty /fa/

>> No.12877980
File: 678 KB, 675x1200, farm 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12877993

OP must be retarded
>dense and walkable
>then posts about snowy winters
Make up your fucking mind you ape

>> No.12878112

pls leave.

>> No.12878120
File: 150 KB, 1500x1004, P1240581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For one, that's a horrible looking bike, and second, unless you're biking a huge hill every day getting a electric bike is such a loser choice.
How about just getting a decent normal bike an helping your manboobs diminish a little?
You probably fantasize about those longboards with a motor too. Not /fa/.

>> No.12878121

Why get an electric bike in the first place when you can buy a Vespa?

>> No.12878123

>no fun allowed

>> No.12878126
File: 2.16 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a moped the other day for my urban sprawl city, hope I can flip it when it's registered + it becomes warm again

>> No.12878231

You can add the electric rear wheel to any bike you want, including that one.
Also a lot of people are already in good shape and don't really need that much exercise, making the electric bike a better choice.

>> No.12878241

Americans can't into bikes

>> No.12878248
File: 27 KB, 800x600, 145_3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look like a Moroccan immigrant?
Vespas became shitskin/blonde girl calling her father daddy tier ages ago.

Only actual retro scooters like Peugeot Rapido or Gilera Citta are /fa/

>> No.12878259

Aren't there like a handful of cities in the USA that are somewhat walkable and most lack actual bike infrastructure?

Meanwhile in Europe any place that qualifies as /fa/ is way too expensive and most posters living there end up living in some dystopian highrise district on the edge of town.

>> No.12878396

I live in skokie

>> No.12878483


> also a lot of people are already in good shape

dude no, especially not americans

>> No.12878517

>Also a lot of people are already in good shape and don't really need that much exercise, making the electric bike a better choice.
Ehhh??? If you're already in good shape you should know that biking in moderate speed is really really not that hard. You can literally do 40 km a day and not break a sweat.

>> No.12878521

why is Lisbon shitty? it offers much more than any other european capital, prove me wrong. and thus consistently winning awards.

>> No.12878530

>tfw comfy lake cabin for $500 /mo in Midwest
>everyone dresses like shit

It's a cultural thing here. People are terrified of showing wealth so they dress like slobs. IDK if it's a guilt trip for having money or what but the culture is church based so I'm assuming a lot of them are.

Funny enough the wealthy people here drive 80K trucks but still wear Walmart velcro shoes

I will never understand

>> No.12878543

they just don't care

>> No.12878554


Tfw student living in the Gold Coast. 900/month for 110 square feet, feels claustrophobic man.

>> No.12878580


Everyone cares about how they look it's human nature. They care they just know that if they all dress like peasants then they don't have to feel bad which is why anyone who dresses well in the Midwest gets called European

>> No.12878609

Only if you save enough money to travel often or live in the continental US where shipping from a bunch of major retailers is free

Riding a bike is slightly more difficult than walking and so much faster. After about a week of your regular commute, you'll get used to it.

>you're an idiot not to wear one in a US city
True. Some drivers in NA just don't know how to drive around cyclists. Drivers in Toronto would treat bike lanes like turn lanes and yell at cyclists for driving on the road, even when they're not going much faster than 20kph. I had two 'major' accidents that just resulted from drivers not looking for cyclists.

You can easily commute 20km each way on a daily basis and not need an electric bike. I understand why people who are older might like them, but you probably don't need one right now

What do you mean when you say walkable? Because most big cities have enough different areas (even trendy areas) that require you to take transit or bike to get from place to place

>> No.12878653

>Thinking $860 a month is expensive
That's pretty cheap anon. Even here in Philly that price is hard to find

>> No.12878791

that's pretty cheap. in DC you pay 1000 at least

>> No.12878802

>electric bike
don't do ti

>> No.12878809

walkable as in you don't need a car. Errands can be accomplished on foot, and moving between areas of the city is easy with mass transit or biking

>> No.12878811

person who lives in the suburbs of Indianapolis detected

>> No.12878815

>grew up near San Francisco
>literally across the street from a highway
>don't give a shit about highways running through cities

Sounds like a you problem and/or Stockholm syndrome

Highways are nice though because the public transportation sucks ass in pretty much all of America

>> No.12878817

West-coast cities that are /fa/ and walkable:

San Francisco

that's literally it

>> No.12878821

I have money to move to New York but I don’t have a full time job how am I supposed to get an apartment in Brooklyn if I can’t even show my W2? I’m trying to move literally ASAP lol, idk what to do any of y’all have experience? I’m 20 btw:-)

>> No.12878822

get a job lined up

>> No.12878825

>shitty poorfag
oh boy

>> No.12878831

yeah i can do that plus I mostly just sell designer clothes in my free time that I get from Japan, I’m trying to move all that shit in the city at like Round 2 for my hype shit etc so making money not even a problem. Seems like it’s just all the decent places need u to have all these w2 bullshit fuckin forms

>> No.12878855

just bike slowly

>> No.12878858

Looks like a puch

>> No.12878864

>tfw grew up on 10,000 acres in rural Nebraska
It’s nice being able to walk for miles without seeing anyone, no people, no signs of humanity. Only drawback is the 60 minute drive into a tiny town, 5 hour drive to the nearest major city, which is barely 1 million people.

Moved to Boston for university and urban life makes me want to fucking die

>> No.12878994

Someone gimme a list of some walkable but not shit expensive cities to move to in the near future. I'm getting my PhD in the south but want to teach somewhere like y'all are describing. The closest I've seen to this 'walkable city' concept down here is probably Charleston but I'm not a billionaire.

>> No.12879091


>> No.12879216

there is a metro as well a couple of them.

>> No.12879371

I wish the US wasn't so cager focused
I want a fucking rail system comparable to Japan
I want a fucking proper sense or urban design/planning not focused on cars and their infrastructure
I want a fucking proper sense of aesthetics and practicality in having walk able cities and towns

>> No.12879532

Monterrey, Olympia, and Ashland are /fa/ cities that are smaller>>12878817

>> No.12879663


Correct. There was this anon on here a while back and lived on the edge of Glacier National Park in Montana. The house was nice, no neighbours, and views of the mountains. He owned the place and he was like 30.

If you live in a major NA or european city and you wanna be downtown, you will likely never own your own home/condo. You have to deal with shitty neighbours and noise all the time.

>> No.12879697

Basically this. If you wear anything other than straight leg jeans and wal mart shoes out here, youre a faggot.

If you wear techwear or drive a sports car in the midwest people will actually think you're gay. Its stupid, but at least there arent any wiggers out here.

>> No.12879709

Same desu. Lived in a rural part of Ontario for 12 years. Moved to Montreal, Qc for uni (s/o to mcgill peeps) and everything here is expensive, the noise never stops, everyone here wears 1000 dollar jackets, and I hate my neighbours.

I just wanna go home.

>> No.12880044

Why shouldn't i get an electric bike? I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone.

>> No.12880274

>bars on the windows

>> No.12880484

because getting exercise is good for you, biking helps wake you up on the way to work, and electric bikes are expensive (and dorky). like the other anon said, just go slowly if you really dont want to sweat.

As long as you don't reek, it doesn't matter. i work at a really big company with very high-end clients and like half my team bikes to work, freshens up in the shower, throws on their suit, and goes off to meetings, talks with clients etc.

>> No.12880505

>snowy winters are /fa/ as fuck
not when you live in Canada and it goes down to -25F so you can't wear anything effay and your nose runs like a fire hydrant and the mucus freezes on your face.

>> No.12880520

If only it were a puch. I live on the West Coast and the few around here are costly or beat the fuck up. This one's a peugeot, french

>> No.12880529

Forget what the other guy says, look into electric bikes, the extra boost is great for when you're in a rush + don't want to sweat, not to mention it's a viable, low-maintenance transportation vehicle

I'm the guy that posted the moped and electric bike, they both do wonders even in the burbs

>> No.12880532
File: 3.18 MB, 5883x3913, DSC_0291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DC native here. We have snowy winters, they just suck.

>> No.12880537

This. I live in Montreal which is a "walkable, dense city" but in the winter the sidewalks freeze over and it's a struggle trying to get anywhere without ice skates

>> No.12880539

this is dc?

>> No.12880544

It wouldn't be. The big windows and baseboard electric heater would ensure that room stayed quite cold.

>> No.12880547

hOW do I get into swampcore. Or is it bogcore?

>> No.12880548
File: 114 KB, 640x348, target-parking-lot-oregon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

america can be a really odd looking place in the areas that are highly developed. it can be comfy sometimes in a really dark sort of way. i hate how every place looks the exact same though, the endless shopping centers. george carlin had a good bit on it:

>> No.12880564

I live in a middle sized American town, probably around 90k people, bordered closely by other towns of similar size. It all looks like your picture, except for the Capitol city which is a bit nicer. I figured that big cities in other places would be much different, but I visited LA and it's the same shit as my home town, except on way bigger scale. It's the same in Portland and other major cities. It's all the same shit everywhere.

>> No.12880584
File: 941 KB, 983x533, anywhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i've visited hollywood a few times and it looked really ugly. this is a town near where i live. it could be any area in the usa, all blends together

>> No.12880592

i like in an half european half yankee city
where do i rank

>> No.12880627

LA is weird because parts of it look fine, great even. Urban sprawl is pretty fucking awful though.

>> No.12880650


>> No.12880667

this is my hometown..

>> No.12880670

I literally had to do a double take cause I thought this was my city for a second

>> No.12880685

small town > big city

>> No.12880725

it's not easy to be /fa/ in really cold weather but it's also not impossible. as long as you don't go full 'i dont give a fuck i just wanna be warm'-core of wearing sweatpants, a ushanka, a 5000-fill parka and timbs every day for 5 months, there are tons of ways to look good. scarfs and toques and hats give you tons of options, as well as the obvious working a parka into your silhouette.

the only advice i can give is don't fuck around with boots, having cold toes is the worst shit ever.

>> No.12880730

>posting that faggot George Carlin

>> No.12880754

socialist scum

>> No.12880832

You can get one and you can be /fa/, not both (unless you're 50 + old).

>> No.12880874

Post fit and bike

>> No.12880880
File: 284 KB, 930x620, vanmoof electrified s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to whom?
I don't really take any advice from /fa/ i just browse for inspiration and make my own decisions, there is nothing wrong with adding a rear electric wheel like this >>12877946

Eventually it will be possible to put the motor and batteries inside the frame of slimmer bikes without compromising aesthetics, like this VanMoof does.


>> No.12881977

nah fuck off you marxist
the market is ready for it but both corps and gov't are pushing against
we need proper free markets

>> No.12882711


>> No.12883488

Have you ever seen a map of California? No, I mean really. Or do you perhaps mean a different California I've never heard of? Most California's borders are just straight lines through the middle of nowhere.

>> No.12884008

normies get off my board

>> No.12884024

I live in Olympia. Which part is fa? I’m terribly confused.

We got evergreeners hippies fat tattooed green haired feminist trans lesbians. A lot of homeless in downtown.

Our club scene has no variety

Local brewery’s are nice. 3 Magnets, fishtail

We have access to fresh local farmers market food which is nice

Certain restaurants/people are great but I’d hardly consider our city /fa/

>> No.12884033

op is right i feel like a goof when i work from home and go run errands in some big lemaire coat

>> No.12884607

The northern border yes, the Sierra Nevada provide a pretty solid border as does the southern desert. It's not a perfect example but France also does not follow its nature borders either.

>> No.12884713
File: 149 KB, 960x540, 72q7y274y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rural ireland can be p comfy from time to time

>> No.12884775

really nice

>> No.12884794

is it true that irish girls have huge asses?

>> No.12884813

No they’re whi- oh wait

>> No.12884844

Downers Grove, Westmont, Glenn Ellyn, Wheaton, etc. are all good. Basically most burbs along the tracks in DuPage county are nice. Geneva looks really cozy but it's kinda out in the boonies.

Where are you studying? I'm at Loyola so I can get >>12877628 in Roger's Park for 860. Fuck living alone, though.

>> No.12884878

Yo I'm in Skokie too what the fuck is up

>> No.12885010

hate it when i see one of those

>> No.12885140

that looks pretty damn nice compared to where i'm from in texas

>> No.12885294

I'm really confused by this map. Could someone please help me

>> No.12885890

proper city planning should divide clearly between what is urban and what is country

all population centers should be centralised.

>> No.12886211

Then set aside a couple grand to recarpet and paint. Shit ain't difficult dude.

>> No.12886779

Sounds like you've got stockholm syndrome m8. It's disgusting to have a huge highway just plowing through the center of your city. You seriously don't think this?

>> No.12886791

This. The joy of living in a city is having walkable (or metro) access to all the services and entertainment you could possibly need. There's literally no point in living in a city if you've still got to get in a car and drive 30 minutes to get what you want.

The great thing about America for me is its landscape and boundless wilderness. The countryside ofcourse isn't /fa/ at all. It's the city where fashion really lives.

>> No.12888151

Well the Dan Ryan in Chicago makes it way easier to get from the south side to the north side, because otherwise, one would be riding buses or driving through plenty of stop signs and traffic lights, and that would take forever.

Dan Ryan doesn't look that bad. It further gives Chicago a distinct look.

>> No.12888174

>I want a fucking rail system comparable to Japan
this has nothing to do with cars

>> No.12889317
File: 84 KB, 960x401, citta gilera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12889517

Uptown is cheaper than Rogers Park but more dangerous. It's gentrifying fast but you're liable to get robbed there, although it's nothing like the really bad neighborhoods of Chicago. Rogers Park is significantly further away from downtown so if you're commuting you could have some trouble there.

>> No.12889932

>>$860/month for a studio
>Jesus Chicago is expensive.
christ how poor are you? I pay 1030 a month without utilities for a 1 bath/bedroom apt. in a big college town

>> No.12890050

And you're getting robbed.

>> No.12891189

Walking/living in a dense city and getting asked to bum a cigarette every 20 steps. I don't even smoke cigarettes

>> No.12892174

capitalism is supposed to be about choice you mongoloid, such as the choice not to feed middle eastern shitholes by sitting in traffic in a plastic cage burning money and oil

>> No.12892183

what are you confused by?

>> No.12892190

I would if the government didn't start bussing blacks into my dads public schools around the 1970s forcing his parents to move him to the suburbs so he wouldn't get stabbed by angry nogs

>> No.12892197

Aay tio tu bandera me da asco

>> No.12892202

i went to the nethelands and italy and got so fucking jelly of their streets like wtf you can actually walk through them and it's a pleasant experience

>> No.12892213

I feel the same when I visit a state like Vermont or Maine and there's not a stinky spook for miles

>> No.12892250

The entirety of the worlds population if it was spread throughout the United States in the same density of the given state.

> i.e.
6.9 Billion people would fit in the dark purple area if they were as concentrated as the population in New York.
6.9 Billion people would fir in the orange area if they were as spread out as they are in Houston.

Confused me as well anon, had to do a double take

>> No.12892494
File: 1.65 MB, 3200x2400, 1484334042320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever been to Europe? I feel like those people defending American can't possibly have visited Europe.

Not that I'm bashing America btw. I think there's so much great about the country. I just believe that Europe has it beat hands-down for cosy walkable cities.